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Does he do this periodically?

The Mayans say we are in the 5th world right now
Yes, so now we have to enjoy the gift, cause life is boring for a lot of people.
the adam eve story by chan thomas kind of backs that up. once you have read the book, cyclical cataclysms make a lot of sense.
He denounced the resurection of jesus christ and all he backs up all his claims with the talmud anon.......lmfao

He denounced the resurection of jesus christ and backs up all his claims with the talmud anon.......lmfao
So he's going off of the same knowledge as those whom are winning, based?
Who's that in the picture?
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>The Mayans say we are in the 5th world right now
holy shit just found this from matrix

(btw don't watch the video unless you've already seen the 4th movie, the video will spoil the fun)
Nords say this is like of 9 realms, in some folk myths 7.
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There’s no way you’re a human because matrix 4 sucked ass, and no one liked it, let alone recommends it.
Enlil is not a nice or cooperative god, he's too much like YHWH! I think he is YHWH!!
And the book was classified by the CIA. Heathenry does not disqualify him from possessing immense worldly knowledge
>matrix 4 sucked ass
it sucked ass to those who don't realise it's a commentary on real life. it sucked ass to those normies whom only compared it to previous movies.. "muh continuity".. "what's the plot? wtf it's so complex" "wtf i cannot understand this meta commentary.. neo is making his own matrix game?"

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