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This persecution of pagan gods is recorded within the tarot, clearly showing the old pagan antler headed deities being subjugated by the new Christian depiction of the devil. Lucifers depiction as a horned creature with goat legs was an invention of medieval Christians and all its features were simply adopted from the pagan god of nature Pan. In my opinion the true demonic force was the Medieval Christianity which sought to cut off our connection to nature and demonize all the old gods. We have forgotten were we come from and today we fear and despise the things which our ancestors revered.

Earliest known depiction of lucifer portrayed as a blue angelic figure on the right. This predates the demonization of pagan deities

9th Century Christian Manuscript depicting Cerunnos as the ruler of the underworld

This rabbit hole doesn't end here. Look into it yourself and you will easily find how all pagan traditions and ideas were adopted and perverted by Christianity. Modern Christianity is a mix of ancient Judaism and Paganism and the Devil is the other Christian God
Based and transhumanist pilled
It's the other way around, your anti-christian bias won't allow you to realize that however. You came to the correct conclusion in the wrong way.
Based, too bad this thread will be shitted up by larping keyboard krusaders.
Have you read the, babylon mystery religion, by ralph woodrow? Good info in that book, although the authors personal commentaries are always annoying to read. Like, too fanatical and hateful of other religions, but at least his criticism of the then whore of babylon, catholic rome, is very well justified
Now, i say then, because now the whore of babylon is america, and babylon is rael
>Extremely common opinion of average /x/ occultist retard that you already believe and know
>"Wow based. You have all the beliefs I already hold and are aware of the readily available extremely easily accessed information that I am aware of."
Uhh. I ate falafel for my dinner and now I can’t stop farting but I don’t need a shit. What’s up with that?
based retard asking for people to shit his thread up
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>untranslated hebrew bible
>The Verb *yahway (Anne Marie Kitz)
>mesha stele
>The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts (Mark S. Smith)
i hope this thread becomes an /x/ general OP but it seems nobody has the time for this
This is one topic where I agree with the schizo christians. i just agree with them in a way that they don't like.
Some demons are alright
Christiany was just a continuation of the old gods (the old gatekeeper god in particular) which pissed off rome, so they decided claim christianity as their own and to slaughter everyone who taught the original version.
I need to make a copypasta from how often I need to explain this, but I’ll give you the super short answer

>Abrahamic religion has such an extreme aversion to tolerating the worship of other Gods because the founding deity of that religion is Cronus, a Titan that was dethroned after a long war against the pantheon of Gods led by Zeus, King of Heaven. Jews and Romans worship Cronus and perverted the message of Jesus Christ, who was quite obviously an incarnation of Dionysus.
this ^^

The statement "I am a jealous god" implies that A) there are other gods, and B) those gods have qualities worth being jealous of. With these two things in mind why wouldn't you be Pagan? My god isn't jealous of anyone or anything, and jealousy is not a quality anyone should admire or respect.
So do you have an actual argument, or is "popular thing bad" just an axiomatic truth to you?
cernunnos <3
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Blessings of the Horned One be upon you anon
Demons are varying degrees of evil, but none should be interacted with. For your own good.
My actual argument is that Christians discuss the occult with people who aren't Christians from the Christian perspective, and you just bitch and moan. If you don't like it, don't reply. If you want to engage, do. Your opinions are not uniquely exempt from criticism on an anonymous internet forum with hands off moderation.
>communicates poorly
>seethes when he is misunderstood
okay retard
I didn't communicate that at first, I was just mocking you. That's my actual opinion.
nta but if you have to tell someone you're mocking them then you've already failed.
Faggy thing to say
Maybe you should just talk normal, no one can understand what you're even trying to say.
Improve your reading comprehension skills
>no i'm not bad at communicating, you're bad at being communicated to!
That's.... not how it works at all. Anon are you on the spectrum? Serious question
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Yeah man, it’s all twisted.
Passive aggressive faggot
demon are literally derived from the word daemon which means spirit or demigod.
notoriously the cacodaemons from pandora's box and Eris's womb. They exist in multitudes and were known to exist in both material and immaterial forms.
Yeah you should only be able to behead children in a synagogue and rape children in a church!
The only real human sacrifice was that practiced by christians. Every thing else was propaganda made up by the christian authority.
It's a mix of deified real people and abstract spiritual concepts/principles and elementals/spirits/ancestor veneration/worship.
I think all gods are vampiric thought forms who feed off our worship and attention. To some this may be ok but for those who are trying to build up their personal energy it could be problematic.
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Tane (the god form of you and I) approves of this thread

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