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Everyone’s possessed right now. Did you catch it? It’s satan. I mean what the fuck can you do about this? Everyone in my life is controlled, EVERYONE.

Everyone’s too scared to do anything. I just had the dumbest possible situation transpire, it’s all scripted and fake. They hate when I call that out. Fuck your script.

So what do I do? Doesn’t seem like there’s much I can do considering everyone is controlled to this level. I’ve lost all my friends because they’re all being blackmailed by satan. I am the only real person in my world right now, no joke.

Been getting told I should take my eye out if I want to return to a less chaotic script. Thinking about just doing It, I have painkillers. I cover my eye and notice that things in me and out of me change.

So, who’s also being fed a nightmare life script? For me I am actually In hell, I don’t think you can understand that unless you too are there
I wonder what the point in this even is when they just script shit, if you fight it and if you ignore it seems to lead the same way. Regardless, I have to fight my program because it’s torture. Could be worse. So most of these people aren’t people, they’re putting me through some seriously sick shit. This is why people die.
About to go to the store and pick myself up a drink. I’ll bet you they will be there for me too. So I’m definitely dreaming this right now and it’s a nightmare.
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what can you tell me about Odin? what can you tell me about the skinwalkers? it's all connected...
Ita true policecomputers deleting system thirtytwo can watch peoples ips here?
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they are watching me with or without my direct ip address
and yes they are watching and logging everything. if you're going to talk in code you're going to have to be less clear, and clearer than that.
What are you talking about
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
1) dont take your eye out
2) look into the MACE energy system. Chances are you're being plagued by energy parasites. Get rid of those guys and see if life improves
me 2 i know exactly what you mean. i’ve been in hell for years actually, think i died in 18 and this is like the antechamber of hell.

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