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In both of their religions you have to invoke the name of their God before slaughtering animals. I stay away from meat in general. Are there spiritual implications for eating other products like cut fruit that don’t have that practice?
Yes if the food was blessed you receive that blessing.

It is considered as a good deed in those various communities. So depending on your intention, it can be taken as an action of spending money towards a particular religious community, which binds you closer to that community.

An example: If you hate muzzies, but start eating halal food, you might grow more tolerance for them.
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All the negative loosh winds up in you if you eat something that suffered. I usually say a little private prayer where I acknowledge the animal I'm eating, apologize for whatever it went through and the state of the meat industry, and reaffirm that someday I'll find a way to provide my own humanely kept animals.
I avoid religiously slaughtered meat, because I can taste the suffering. Kosher seems to be far worse for me. It just tastes tortured. I hate that. Same reason why I try not to eat boiled shellfish. Unless it’s been killed before cooking. But few go through such a hassle.
Anon its literally the opposite of that, do you fucker revel in ignorance?

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