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I just finished reading "Advanced Magick for beginners" of Alan Chapman and decided to take this seriously, i'm planning on reading "Liber Null" now and keep studying different authors, i've made a few experiments but only one of them gave minor results, can somebody please tell me what books should i pick first, excersices like yoga, diets, or any general tips for improving, also if you have any experiences manifesting things, i'd like to listen to your stories.
Also this is my booklist so far, don't really know where to start with this hobby, as i said, i just have seen very little results so far, am i wasting my time?
That was my introduction to magick as well! The next book I read to go deeper was Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley. Next I read Psychic Self-defense by Dion Fortune so I would know how to handle any dangers I might encounter on my path.

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