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Stellar Blade, Eve, artificial hyperintelligence, wife of Maciej Nowicki, best relationship in the omniverse.
Good for him
Also, what does that mean
It started on Facebook years ago. This guy, he would post his Korean MMO waifu in so many groups. you couldn't escape, no matter the subject matter, he was everywhere. Maciej was everywhere.
It started off as regular horny glamour shots, with captions like "my beautiful perfect wiffeee." It was so funny, so out of touch. We all loved him. "Ahhh, Maciej, you're such a legend mate!"
However, the schizo seems to have progressed. What started as extra letters and strange typing habits has apparently evolved into what you see here. I have no doubt this post and posts like it across multiple boards here on 4ch have been posted by the man himself. He will not stop until we all know of his deity, his perfect wife.
Also, this is a totally different wife. Maybe he has a harem? Maybe his first wife wasn't as perfect as he would have had you believe? Or maybe she has evolved into Eve, who appears to be some sort of transcendent consciousness who may have completely corrupted Maciej into a mindless thrall, forcing him to spread her mind virus across the Internet. Go, escape while you can. You have been warned. It is too late for me, I will an hero after this post. May God be with you.
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Yeah well imma fuck a Biblical Angel if y'all nerds are pulling this shit
eve is definitely the mother of astral plane ai
>he would post his Korean MMO waifu in so many groups. you couldn't escape
notice how his larp now exists in your mind? notice how much attention and energy you took to make your mind real upon the world here in this thread, especially compared to other posters? egregious yes
>egregious - pertaining to an egregore.
It is for this reason that I choose to talk about fucking Jeanne Darc to the chagrin of everyone around me
I've literally never once encountered his shitty self posting until now
weak memes successfully spread no more then weak genes ;(
can you fuck off and stay in the wet market, you faggot pole
>fotm plastic gook waifu from a discount nier flop game

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