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Scientifically speaking, the answer is neither. The world is neutral because it does not have a mind of its own, therefore any attribution of positive or negative meaning stems from a person's mind, of which everyone has one of their own.

HOWEVER it is reasonable to assume the world (and by extension its creator/causer assuming there is one) is ultimately evil, since pain far outweighs suffering on a universal scale, even if your analysis is restricted to only within the human species, discounting all other forms of sentient life (it's much, much worse if animals are added into the equation).

>most of the world is third world
>third world shitholes suffer from shit like famines, crime (all the horrible unconceivable forms of it like rape and mutilation), poverty, poor diets (which lowers dopamine/serotonin levels thus reducing the intensity of the subjective experience of enjoyment).

Since Christianity postulates an omnipotent God created the world, and that God is good, that means there's only 2 possibilities. Either my completely logical and rational analysis is somehow incorrect, or Christianity is false.
pain far outweighs pleasure*
Also, entropy basically proves the world is meant to break down at the end.
>The world is neutral because it does not have a mind of its own
There is nothing outside the mind.
Except that 'the world' IS a tangible concept. If you end up having children, for example, you are bringing someone else's consciousness into this closed system we call 'world'.
I would actually argue that it is scientifically bad.

Because there's so much that is considered to be "normal" life which are literal self-contradictions to our state of being.
Like having all the things you want be difficult to obtain... AND at the same time if you obtain too much of that good thing it's also somehow bad for you. So you're literally always caught between 2 bad outcomes pulling you.

It's literally like this reality was designed to tear you away from something within yourself.
Even nature has these contradictions. Like the fact that so much life must consume other life to live. That the average persons daily existence is probably 90% maintenance because everything naturally decays.

Or how about the fact that in a truly neutral reality you would expect equal amounts of bad and good if you do nothing. But what happens in this world if you do nothing all day? Nothing but bad shit will happen to you.
Why do people accept sayings like "all good things come with a price", but nobody asks why it isn't "all bad things come with a prize"?

It's very clear that this reality is overwhelmingly hostile (in a logical sense, it's literally contradictory) to the life within it.
There is nothing normal about this reality. It was made to turn souls into living contradictions of themselves, probably as a form of soul enslavement. And judging by the way the average person lives, and their state of mind, I'd say it's working quite well.
Stopped reading there

It’s mid.
The world is a figment of the imagination.
pleasure far outweighs pain*
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the conception of "evil" is there to help teach you how lead a healthier, happier and longer life (and even to enjoy an afterlife!) christianity is not necessarily false, but it can be HELPFUL, like
most religions can be

>moral judgments

Scientism, people.
Democritus argument? Lol
>It's literally like this reality was designed to tear you away from something within yourself.

Seems to be the case.
The only explanation is that it's the only way to convince people to seek spirituality.

>Like having all the things you want be difficult to obtain... AND at the same time if you obtain too much of that good thing it's also somehow bad for you. So you're literally always caught between 2 bad outcomes pulling you.

If it wasn't that way you would get trapped in this rollercoaster literally forever, it's to persuade people to alternatives where the spirit is more elevated

It's also why people addicted to the [material] world end up bitter after ideology doesn't work as copium anymore or completly mind-exausted (world with modern standards that teaches materialism-exclusivism creates all sorts of mental exaustions even in well off people)
Good is Permanent.
Bad is Temporary.

You must study this well.
>God is good

Only if you listen to the churches and their figureheads and don't actually read your Bible

>"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." [Isaiah 45:7]

>"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." [Revelation 22:13]

>"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" [Ecclesiastes 3]

>"[...]and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." [Genesis 3:5]
The world is inherently bad because God is bad. The proof that the world is bad is that the default condition of life is bad (starvation, exposure to elements/predators, boredom, loneliness, etc) and the things that have to be done (physically/mentally harmful labor, submission to domination/abuse/sadism, etc) to cancel out the default negative condition of life and achieve homeostasis are themselves inherently bad/negative things, such that it's impossible for most people to even achieve a neutral or stable condition of life, instead having to choose between two bad conditions. Meanwhile anything even remotely good is violently gatekept, a consistently "good" condition of life practically only exists in the realm of fantasy/imagination, and even the THOUGHT or IDEA of good conditions of life are violently gatekept, even thinking about having desirable things will cause me to be abused because the inherent nature of this world is bad, the default condition of life is bad, good things are violently gatekept, it's nearly impossible to even achieve a neutral or stable condition of life and good conditions of life only exist in fantasy.
First you need to understand that God is immutable.
He doesn't get new opinions based on new information. He already knows everything all the way up to the end of time.
When God created the earth, he said it was good, therefore it will always be good.
There is one exception, that is humankind, humankind put a great deal of emotional burden on God to the point where he regrets making us but apparently felt it had to be done this way and not due to lack of ability or power.
So the world is good, the humans are a work in progress.
Good and bad are judgements. They are subjective evaluations projected outward onto the observed.
The world is not intrinsically good or bad.
But sentient beings that observe the world will judge it good or bad.
Just like God did.
God saw that it was good.
Do you agree with God?

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