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Are twin flames real? or is it just a cope for people with insecure attachment?
I used to think that they're real but as it turns out i just get attached easily. I considered at least 4 people as my twin flame
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I used to think it was bullshit but then I had the "twin flame experience". Met a girl, incredible chemistry, fell deeply in love, tons of synchronicities, incredible rush of energy, like I was a kid again, then she ghosted me and I fell into the worst depression of my life because of it. It's been about a year since then and I still can't get her out of my head even though I desperately want to. Just want to move on with my life but it feels impossible desu. I wish I never met her.
Well that answers your question then anon. But if twin flames happen to be real then she definitely wasn't yours, there's no need to dwell on the past. I don't have any advice on how to move on faster but as time passes those feelings will go away. I wish nothing but the best for you anon. Godspeed
Not real... you have meaningful connections in life and certain people that you are energetically destined to interact with but the external twin flame is bullshit.

People with poor attachment or lonely new agers tend to resonate with the concept strongly.

However the real twin flame is within. It is your divine connection to yourself. It represent the anima and animus basically.
Disregard bitches, accrue spiritual power. If it was supposed to be, it would simply be.
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99% of people you hear talking about they found their twin flame are in denial and retards trying go glamourize their toxic relationships and rejections. Real twin flames are those people you see who only ever loved each other, never break up and are a perfect union/team until they die. However social media is selling the twin flame thing as some cope for people who are being rejected or heartbroken or experience toxic stuff as a cope... to feel special. It's a bullshit lie and cope. They basically came up with this idea that there is a runner and chaser in these twin relationships to explain rejection and toxic shit. Just go to a twin flame community, open the subreddit for all I care and 99% of posts are like:


- This married woman is my twin, but she doesn't realize it yet. I feel something so special between us. I know she will leave her husband for me.

- Why is the twin flame journey so painful? I know he is my twin but he doesn't seem to care.
Weaponized Oneitis is one hell of a drug
trips of truth
If a sweet and sincere young anon ever has the misfortune of acquiring a oneitis, he will experience hell on earth
I think it's real I'm still pissed about seeing a spider
what projecting the anima does to a mf
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Apparently you can use this twin flame energy to become a cult leader and get a bunch of people to simp for you. Funny how that works.
They are real, but likely not incarnated at the same time, instead they act as the angelic guide.
the latter. it's sad how many people completely fuck their lives and mental health over this retarded concept
real, but not binary-given or fated. i guess this is dependent on a free will perspective; i think you can meet someone (probably when you're both younger) and have the real potential to be each other's TF.
but one of you could fuck it up, or warring fate could override your will.
maybe you blackout and cheat on them because you didn't deal with your inner demons, and you're left wandering the earth having once known the Garden.

but, this is probably just a mid/unattractive guy phenomenon. a hard 9 or 10 isn't going to be longing for long.

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