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File: Psi_wheel.jpg (10 KB, 220x165)
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how can i level up my telekinesis? i've already mastered the psi wheel
Remember blowing on the psi wheel doesnt count. I found that out recently. You have to put the psi wheel inside a sealed jar and then do it. Even though the glass would reflect some of the energies I guess...
Move a car using telekinesis and record faggot
It wont! If it passes through your house and body then it will pass through glass
Tell me more about your practice.
So? Even masters dont give up their daily practice. If anything they intensify
But good for you, anon. Wish i had that power
Try masturbating without your hands.
>i've already mastered the psi wheel
Move on to other objects. Empty cans, unopened cans, pencils, jars, balls, and so on. Get heavier and heavier objects that don't work on simple air currents.

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