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What’s the name of the scientist character to the left of Number Six?
Yep, you just got Mandelad. I got all I needed, thread's over.
Care for some elaboration? What was his name before the time break?
Gaius what?
balthazor or something? balther? i don't know about the last name.. it's been awhile since i saw it.
>Yep, you just got Mandelad
Sounds like your timeline got merged into the sacred timeline. Sorry you had to find out this way.
Yeah I would’ve sworn on my life it was Balthazar because I remember it being polysyllabic and thinking it was a Bible reference, but no, now it’s supposedly Baltar, which sounds totally wrong to me
I watched how many hours of this shit and was just hallucinating a thematically-meaningful extra syllable the whole time?
who the hell is number 6
OP here, before being Mandelad she was originally Number F. Algebra was so much more confusing in that timeline, so I'm actually glad to be out of there.
the whole show is actually about baltars journey of self. He had to almost wipe out his entire species for spiritual growth. What an ascendant being. This show is a masterpiece and they are going to ruin it with the remake remake
Fuck this show, last few seasons were absolute slop.
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Steve Irwin was Jesus and the banquet of the bride groom was in Australia.
1. The Berenstain Bears Anomaly

Many remember the children's book series as "Berenstein" Bears, not "Berenstain". This discrepancy has led to theories about parallel universes merging.

2. Nelson Mandela's Death

The namesake of the effect. Many people remember Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, despite his actual death in 2013.

3. "Luke, I am your father"

This famous Star Wars quote is actually "No, I am your father". Yet, the misquote persists in collective memory.

4. The Monopoly Man's Monocle

Many people vividly remember the Monopoly mascot, Rich Uncle Pennybags, wearing a monocle. In reality, he never had one.

5. "Mirror, mirror on the wall"

In Disney's Snow White, the actual line is "Magic mirror on the wall", not "Mirror, mirror" as commonly remembered.
6. The Curious Case of Curious George's Tail

Many remember the monkey having a tail, but he never did in this reality.

7. Fruit of the Loom Logo Cornucopia Disappearance

The missing cornucopia in the clothing brand's logo.

8. The Volkswagen Logo Anomaly

The separation (or lack thereof) between the V and W in the logo.

9. C-3PO's Silver Leg Conundrum

The Star Wars droid's leg color inconsistency across realities.

10. The Flintstones/Flinstones Spelling Fluctuation

Alternate spellings of the cartoon family's name across timelines.

11. Kit-Kat Hyphen Disappearance

The missing hyphen in the chocolate bar's name.

12. Febreze/Febreeze Spelling Alteration

The air freshener brand's name spelling inconsistency.

13. Looney Tunes/Toons Title Fluctuation

The cartoon series' name alternating between "Tunes" and "Toons".

14. The Statue of Liberty's Location Shift

Memories of the statue being on Ellis Island vs. Liberty Island.

15. The Tinkerbell Disney Intro Vanishing Act

Collective memory of Tinkerbell dotting the 'i' in Disney's opening credits.
The Mad max Gyrocopter pilot had baked bean brown teeth. Now they're more white than dark brown. And did anyone mention Dolly from James Bond who's braces somehow disappeared?
The Dolly one is the most embarrassing, since it's people who misremember her boyfriend Jaws' teeth. Their theme was tiny girl-giant dude, not them both having metal in their mouths.
16. Paranormal thread

Many people remember genuine paranormal content on /x/. In reality it was always gay and retarded.

Baltar is on the right. They lie to us about where left and right are in pictures and art. So in that picture, Adama is on the far left, and Roslin is on the far right.
it’s Gaius Baltar
based nevershifter.
My personal Mandela effect is that Ed Sheeran died back around 2016 or so I think. It was genuinely a shock to me a few years back when I realized he was alive

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