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Why do rich dorks like doing these silly rituals? This is so goofy looking lmao
Because they wouldn't be rich without them
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The leading (non boomer schizo) theory is that it's a way to ritually break taboos to sepearate themselves from mainstream society and inspire solidarity between the in-group. If you, for example, go to a private island and rape/murder a child accompanied with occult rituals and then dont face the social consequences you would in the real world it creates a bond with the people you do it with. It also desensitizes you to these things as well as inspires psychopathic behavior as you and your group see yourself as apart from society and not beholden to its rules. It also fosters an in-group/out-group psychology that's reinforced with ritual and makes organizing easier and makes turning on the group less likely.

Classic cult shit, really. It's not really about the ritual, but it's effect. This has arguably always been the intention, although maybe not as consciously in earlier times
Because it fucking works but the price is substantial if you're not a psychopathic twat. The mental toll on your conscience is unbearable after a few rituals. If you truly have no empathy at all, then it'll be all fine and dandy.
No, the cost is their eternal life; they go to Hell when they die.
But ive never seen poor folks do the same
At least not on the same scale or level of organization. That speaks of their devotion
Look at them geezers, they seem like a tight crew with well established hierarchy and everyone well aware of their place
Mason and the Illuminate where in origin "legal, political clubs", but then they start doing some coup of etat shit, so they had to use the "self ridiculous" strategy of cover up.

>""""do you really think our silly club with costumes and weird rituals is trying to destroy your country from inside??? with international banks money???? what are you, an schitzo?!?"""

Its just works, is like when Alex jones mix legitimate conspiracies with aliens and shit
>It's not really about the ritual, but its effect.

This, in a nutshell.

Liturgical denominations such as Greek Orthodox and pre-Vatican II Catholicism employ ritual in much the same way, that is to alter consciousness to make participants more receptive to spiritual workings.

There are far more rituals out there that are rather 'wholesome' as opposed to the 'sinister' happenings that /x/ anons routinely associate with the concept. Even within the lodge system, most group ritual is employed to create heightened levels of awareness in the initiate(s).
>goofy looking
That's the modern Golden Dawn in the picture. It's not your MySpace mirror selfie. Humble down and stop sounding like a wannabe tough guy.
I think that speaks more to your social standing and relatively sheltered experience rather than to broader trends. There are all sorts of rites and orders that primarily attract the economically disadvantaged. And traditionally, in the west, lodges were open to men and women across the economic spectrum, in theory if not always in practice (given that initiates needed to be referred by members in good standing).

But Santeria, Voodoo, black virgin cults, etc. very much are practiced among the so-called poor
There is a grain of truth in OP, though. The lodge system historically has mirrored the class system of its native culture, and tends to dismiss indigenous traditions as mere 'low magic' as compared to the 'high magic' that has dominated western culture for two centuries. But these categories are largely a byproduct of a colonial mindset, and if there were another hundred years such distinctions would fall once again into irrelevance.
Golden dawn. Anybody can read and practice this. Don't have to be rich or affluent, OP.
>But Santeria, Voodoo, black virgin cults, etc. very much are practiced among the so-called poor
I know that, nigger. And those nigger cults have brought nothing but poverty, both on the spiritual and the material, to the countries where they are practiced at large
Even i think ive seem more babalawos and olorishas than you irl. Never met one who was more than just some, how do you say this in english, pinche naco alucín, an illiterate piece of garbage hick. Even the rich santeros, and most are, are just that, rich classless materialistic fucks. Pretentious as fuck, they all know more than the other. And theyre all drunks and smokers, so their religion doesnt even regulate their behaviour
I dont think you've ever seen a vodun priest, a bizango or galipote. Ugly people. Very dirty. The kind of dirty that wont go away no matter how much they bathe
No, nigger, i meant the poor people at large dont practice true religion on the same level of discipline as niggers and their nigger religions
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Middle class at most and mostly, but I don’t think anyone there is rich. Most occult orders operate out of a shed. Golden Dawn and OTO especially, since worldly wealth isn’t the point of these magical orders most practitioners aren’t rich but aren’t doing badly either, they tend to be comfortable or are fucked (as the great work leads you to being fucked in life before things get better) financially to an insane degree but only temporarily as a rite of passage for messing with magick.

Plenty of people are poor as fuck and are interested, I mean I am and I am a member of a lodge, but you have lodge fees getting in the way so they just do it solo. But not every lodge is expensive or anything the OTO is like £30 to get in and £15 as a monthly fee, so it can be accessible. That and poorer areas already tend to have their own folk magical traditional in many places around the world, so they don’t need to do lodge golden dawn magic when they have what their grandma taught them and the materials can be quite expensive anyway compared to the folk recipes. I mean the average voodoo practitioner isn’t coming from a rich background, the difference a golden dawn magician and the goth girl vegan Wiccan from school is that the Golden Dawn magician tends to have access to materials that allow the rituals to be fancy, voodoo practitioners have to make do with whatever they have thus it’s less fancy etc., In the olden days yeah the Golden Dawn was quite upper class, but the upper class being interested in the Golden Dawn was a fad and that’s because of how exclusive high magick used to be due to the materials involved, the levels of education needed and the books etc, Now anybody can do it the rich don’t really care anymore, they don’t need it and if they do it they’ll find themselves most likely becoming poorer and loosing everything since the spiritual nature of the Great Work will force them to loose their materialism.
Another reason why is that the Golden Dawn etc. is quite intellectual, as in it’s based in higher learning, philosophy, classic literature etc.

All those things appeal more to people with a university background, not to say that one can’t be working class and not go to university and still be highly intellectual and into all those things, but it’s easier for middle class people to be introduced to these things in a way that will actually make them interested in those topics. Working class people may not have access to such information, and in working class culture there is a lot of shame in pursuing these things because you are going against societal norms and expectations. Which is why people interested in Golden Dawn magic do tend to still be quite middle class, sadly. However magic is still heavily practiced in poorer cultures, it’s just that the Golden Dawn is fancier in its rituals because it can be; folk magicians never had the access to the large amounts of material that the Golden Dawn had, folk magicians never had access to the recourses to create these fancy magical weapons and robes that the Golden Dawn had, folk magicians never had the privacy and the time to work these rituals like the Golden Dawn had. It’s not a preference for the rich, I am sure that if poorer magicians could work rituals as fancy and complex as the Golden Dawn they would, but their magic was about survival and they had to more often think of daily life and intense situations than spirituality so their magick reflected that. And we have so many examples of folk magicians taking from high magick (and vice versa) when they could, they wanted to pursue the these higher forms of magick, but they couldn’t do it the same as rich magicians because their positions in life demanded a different sort of magic to accommodate. Even today, you see some random guy in Uganda practising and taking interest in Golden Dawn magic and then mixing it with his folk traditions.

Yeah I admit that was an understatement, it WAS upper class. But even at that time, high magic was becoming more accessible to lower class people slowly after the Golden Dawn died. Kenneth Grant was from a working class background, also was Austin Osman Spare and Isreal Regardie (I think)
Yeah anyway.

I think the take away is that it’s the same reason why richer people tend to like the classics and philosophy: more access to education, and a culture which encourages it. People who tend to get into high magic tend to do so by being interested in psychology and philosophy.
Like I said, a colonialist mindset through and through. Thank you for articulating that point far better than I might have on my own. For all that you've claimed to experience its rather clear that you've seen very little.
It’s sad because the folk magical traditions in England got killed off so hard by the Industrial Revolution, the working class have been stripped of all sense of spirituality. It’s considered shameful to go beyond your place and to think anything above the material world, or to show interest in any intellectualism at all, because of the expectation of being ‘down to earth’. So you have to accept your lot in life as never being beyond the local pub, otherwise you get looked down upon. The working class have been spiritually and intellectually raped so hard in England, they have been brainwashed to chain themselves with this bullshit, the English had their true culture taken away from them by the rich and to the point where they think that they have to accept shit as what there always was and always will be. The Sun being a projection from the rich unto the poor as what they should be, wolf in sheep’s clothing and all that.

The irony of Marx’s rally against religion is that in England materialism is being used to trap the poor in their place
Sure retard.
Do I have to explain the Blue Buddhist Avicii Freezing Hells you're going to? You have an E-ticket! Oh, you don't believe in that! ~ Just as much as I don't believe in your Christcuck Hell!!
Your white guilt or whatever doesnt negate that osha, palo, vodun, candomble, macumba, all of that is just witchcraft for the materially motivated. Just because muh cowoniawism doesnt mean theyre not doing fucking blood sacrifices. Graverobbing for bones to use in necromancy is satanic, no matter how much oppressed brownie points you want
Marx speculations on the historical materialism can just be discarded wholesale, because he, a priori, rejects the spiritual element. Like any good seditious jew, they reject the spiritual of the gentile. But not theirs (eh, who knows, maybe he also criticized his chosen people religion) i dont care to read from marx
They know the truth. Once you get rich you get access to more information than just bible text or annunaki text lmao.
>colonialist mindset through and through
Wyt ppl dey de Devil!
What's the backstory on picrel?
Marx was antisemitic and was ashamed of his jewish ancestory. He was not involved in judaism as a religion or culture and would deride others for being too jewish.
He did not believe in "gentiles" or jewish supremacy.
Could you please elaborate on the more wholesome types of ritual?

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