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Never forget the highest truth of all: You're living in the material world
form is emptiness
emptiness is form.
see, they point at form twice.
I just took 3 deep breaths

Felt good anon

Might go for round 2

Thirty spokes share the hub of a wheel yet it is its center that makes it useful. You can mould clay into a vessel yet it is its emptiness that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows from the walls of a house but the ultimate use of the house
will depend on that part where nothing exists.

Therefore, something is shaped into what is but its usefulness comes from what is not.
You are the material and once you pass, new beings sprout from your old material body and become the new material life. This process continues in perpetuity until entropy ends it. Enjoy your flash in a bottle.

In short, the soul is eternal.
>"Ishvara Parama Krsna/Sat Cit Ananda Vigraha/Anadir Adir Govinda/Sarva Karana Karanam"

The highest Truth of all is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." - Philip K. Dick
>the soul is eternal

To the contrary, such a conclusion is realized when one surrenders ego to their true nature/self. Ego tells us we're only worth what we have in the material world.
Material or not, there's no evidence to suggest your consciousness carries on other than ego. To believe you're an undying spirit trapped in a dying body is the epitome of ego, this is regardless of class, status, riches or anything related outside the paradigm of life and death.
Nah, the spokes are useful as well because they stop the wheel from breaking apart under pressure.

The clay walls of the vessel are also useful, moreso than the empty space. If you have empty space and no clay you can't fill it with water it just spills out into everywhere else. That's useless. Therefore the clay is more useful because you literally need it for the vessel to be of any use.

Same with the house, yeah sure you occupy the empty space but the walls and roof keep the wind away, protect you from the rain, prevent rodents, predators, attackers from getting at you and protect all your stuff from the outside world.

What a bullshit, meaningless, pretentious word salad that attempts to sound profound but truly says nothing of worth at all.
Yes we are living in the material world
And I am a material girl
My latest realization was that this "truth" and "wonders" can coexist
Yeah, all that stuff is just cope for people who don't want to accept that you have this life here and now, and if you fuck it up you don't get another chance (as far as we can tell). Thinking you're some immortal, god-like, metaphysical being that can defy death in some way by carrying on your "essence" is exactly as you said, the epitome of ego. I used to buy into all that shit too until I realised its just copium
Yeah well, that’s your opinion, man.
>My latest realization was that this "truth" and "wonders" can coexist
Maybe, for our sake i do sincerely hope there's more to this than what is observed but I've yet to see anything beyond this material plane. I do recognize there are things beyond our current comprehension of reality that lead to unexplained phenomenons but that's really all that is, something we cant accurately explain with our current knowledge.
It's really hard to shortly explain in words, but basically taoism

Go with the flow, live in the moment, learn to focus, all the stuff you've heard before.

When you really start to open your mind about that philosophy, you start to gain a new appreciation for life, especially things you'd consider small and insignificant before.

Just be humble and authentic basically. People respect that
>Heaven is a place on earth
Nobody tells me where to live.
Blue Eisenhower November
Only some get to experience it, and it's certainly not merit based
Truth is, Dawkins and Dennett were right
Dawkins changed his mind the minute he actually had to meet the faggots who came to his book signings.
Meditation is a scam.
>actually no we're not gene machines
he seems pretty insistent about that
Freaks me out seeing people take their hallucinations seriously like that

>Material or not, there's no evidence to suggest your consciousness carries on other than ego.

Requiring material evidence is a product of the ego. By surrendering the ego to align with your true nature/self, you will experience truth, which is felt, not intellectualized. Conventional language and argument is an insult to experience after all as it can only capture in limited terms a fraction of it.

>To believe you're an undying spirit trapped in a dying body is the epitome of ego, this is regardless of class, status, riches or anything related outside the paradigm of life and death.

Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub yet it is the center hole that makes it useful. Shape clay into a vessel yet it is the space within that makes it useful. Cut doors and windows for a room yet it is the holes which make it useful. Therefore profit comes from what is there, usefulness from what is not there.

>Yeah, all that stuff is just cope for people who don't want to accept that you have this life here and now, and if you fuck it up you don't get another chance (as far as we can tell).

The five colours blind the eye. The five tones deafen the ear. The five flavours dull the taste. Racing and hunting madden the mind. Precious things lead one astray. Therefore the sage is guided by what he feels and not by what he sees.
He lets go of that and chooses this.

>Thinking you're some immortal, god-like, metaphysical being that can defy death in some way by carrying on your "essence" is exactly as you said, the epitome of ego.

Look, it cannot be seen - it is beyond form. Listen, it cannot be heard - it is beyond sound. Grasp, it cannot be held - it is intangible. These three are indefinable. Therefore they are joined in one.

From above it is not bright. From below it is not dark. An unbroken thread beyond description. It returns to nothingness. The form of the formless, the image of the imageless. It is called indefinable and beyond imagination.

Stand before it and there is no beginning. Follow it and there is no end. Stay with the ancient Tao. Move with the present.

>I used to buy into all that shit too until I realised its just copium

Empty yourself of everything. Let the mind rest at peace. Fruits of the material world rise and fall while the Self watches their return. They grow and flourish and then return to the source. Returning to the source is stillness, which is the way of nature. The way of nature is unchanging.
Knowing constancy is insight. Not knowing constancy leads to disaster. Knowing constancy, the mind is open. With an open mind, you will be openhearted. Being openhearted, you will act royally. Being royal, you will attain the divine. Being divine, you will be at one with the Tao. Being at one with the Tao is eternal. And though the body dies, the Tao will never pass away.
This anon >>38387378 is correct. Just read up about Taoism/Daoism, and similar things. I personally believe in their theory on metaphysics as I can consciously control the qi I've gathered in meditation to increase my punching power drastically, and making jumping easier, on top of other things. I'd say when I punch with just muscular strength it's decently strong, but when I punch with qi it's 5x as powerful and leaves a strong stinging feeling. It's so strong I involuntarily whimper for a bit when I do it as it's just overpowering. But doing so is just a waste of the qi. The main thing I like doing with the qi is seeing the physical world in monochrome while meditating. It's also a waste, but it's fun. It's easiest to do in nature. Just having the qi stockpiled in the Dan Tien is a good way to ensure good health and heal old injuries as well. This is why using the qi for demonstrations isn't useful, at least not for where I'm at with my cultivation yet. The main goal is spiritual immortality btw, so it's pretty much the most worthwhile thing to focus on in this lifetime imo.

Are you okay? The verse is clearly referencing yin-yang. What we gain is something, yet it is by virtue of nothing that it can be put to use.
Nein, I am your dream jester for the evening.
I'm selling your thoughts to big media to make movies

>prevent rodents, predators, attackers from getting at you and protect all your stuff from the outside world.

Between birth and death, three in ten are following life. Three in ten are following death, and men just passing from birth to death also number three in ten. Why is this so? Because they live their lives on the gross level.

He who knows how to live can walk abroad without fear of rhinoceros or tiger.
He will not be wounded in battle, for in him rhinoceroses can find no place to thrust their horn, tigers can find no place to use their claws, and weapons no place to pierce. Why is this so? Because he has no place for death to enter.
Not if I shut the world out, then I can live wherever I want
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu - chapter 42

The Tao begot one.
One begot two.
Two begot three.
And three begot the ten thousand things.

The ten thousand things carry yin and embrace yang.
They achieve harmony by combining these forces.

Men hate to be "orphaned," "widowed," or "worthless,"
But this is how kings and lords describe themselves.

For one gains by losing
And loses by gaining.

What others teach, I also teach; that is:
"A violent man will die a violent death!"
This will be the essence of my teaching.

>Freaks me out

Imagine living in fear LOL

Taoism is beyond the pay grade of 4chan. Kudos though.
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>you need to retain semen!
>enlightenment is the way!
>jesus is the only god!
>this reply a psyop!
>"anon, we've come to gift you with..."
AGES universo parole. Zoll 多数 혀, 但 ال שפה

Well done

Those who know do not talk. Those who talk do not know. Keep your mouth closed. Guard your senses. Temper your sharpness. Simplify your problems. Mask your brightness. Be at one with the dust of the earth. This is primal union.

He who has achieved this state
Is unconcerned with friends and enemies, with good and harm, with honour and disgrace. This therefore is the highest state of man.
Just breathe deeply for a while don't pay some youtube slut to tell you that while wearing yoga pants
thanks apu i'll save it for taylor

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