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/x/ - Paranormal

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soup /x/, i'm curious on what ya'll would choose to use for melee weaponry against any and all cryptids. Dogmen, crawlers; agressive bigfoots etc.

I have a European Longsword that i ussually take with me innawoods, but i feel like it wouldn't be too effective against some of the bigger foes like Dogmen or Bigfoots. I'd much prefer a polearm like the Bec De Corbin, or a Naginata/ The only issue i see with these is, you will probably get one good damaging swing in before it gets too close and the long weapon becomes too unwieldy. I just can't really decide on what would be the best option here; so i want to get other peoples thoughts on this.

Bonus points if you know of any runes/sigils/sacred symbols that you can carve into your weaponry to give it some extra bite against the supernatural.
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>me realizing werewolves is just anti-dogman propaganada
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I prefer a pure magic build myself
Not paranormal. This is just a summerfag power fantasy thread and you should melee your testicles with a hammer.
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I have one of these:

a prostate tickler?
>Bonus points if you know of any runes/sigils/sacred symbols that you can carve into your weaponry to give it some extra bite against the supernatural.
An engraving of Saint George would make sense.
bronze khopesh
You sound like you should just buy a knife and be quiet imo.
What's with all the violent kids spamming stupid low effort posts and wanting to get into fistfights on the internet lately? Is it really because it's summer vacation?
As if 75% of the catalog isn't irredeemable garbage at any random moment in time.
>The only issue i see with these is, you will probably get one good damaging swing in before it gets too close and the long weapon becomes too unwieldy.
Exactly right. You were correct with the first option of carrying a longsword (or even better, greatsword) around. Polearms depend on the other side not wanting to risk being stabbed, and that won't work on creatures that are intelligent, strong, fast and way bigger than you. Notice how both Geralt and Guts use swords and their combat styles revolve (heh) around spinning like crazy. Even bullets can be ineffective against methheads, so your poke on a bigfoot isn't going to do shit unless you stick it in the neck or something (good luck, it's 9 feet tall) and even if you get a good stab it'll still have enough adrenaline to just rip your gay spear in half and rthen tear your arms off. Yeah hitting it on the head with a halberd may be effective, but remember that they've got way better reflexes than you and you've got one chance.

Think about the mechanics of whirling a big sword around your head. It lets you deliver an extremely powerful strike on demand, if the bigfoot tries to approach you it's going to lose an arm at minimum. Even if you don't hack it off, it'll have a huge gash through their muscle without stitches or antiseptics to patch it up. I propose an offensive-defensive style, rather than a guard you slowly swing the sword over and around your head, jumping in and out of range and retreating while striking at the same time so you can return to the 'guard' position.

Though I think trying to fight werewolves and bigfeet is a bad idea. What did they ever do to you?
Id say Mace for bludgeoning, Rondel as a sidearm, and a battle axe, preferably one that has a spiked top for thrusting similar to some german style battle axes and a pickhead back for piercing. You would want to usually have the axe in your main hand and your mace either in your off hand or ready to go on your waist. Rondel is for precision hitting through tough stuff like plate, mail or anything armoured in general.

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