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/x/ - Paranormal

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File: a1688476947_10-1.jpg (268 KB, 1200x1200)
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I can’t believe it’s not butter!
>be me
>browsing /x/
>decide to make the perfect paranormal post

Alright /x/philes, let's unpack the TRUTH:

>Skinwalkers are just interdimensional Bigfoots wearing human skin-suits
>The Mandela Effect is caused by CERN's reality-altering experiments
>Aliens built the pyramids as 5G mind control towers
>Sleep paralysis demons are just astral projecting /x/ users
>The Black Eyed Kids are time-traveling vampires from the future
>Mothman was trying to warn us about the impending apocalypse (happening next Tuesday btw)
>The government is run by shapeshifting reptilians from the hollow earth
>Ouija boards are just portals to the backrooms
>Chemtrails are actually fairy dust to keep us from seeing the flat earth's edge

WAKE UP SHEEPLE! It's all connected!

Pic related, it's the illuminati pyramid eye I saw in my toast this morning.

Anyone else experiencing heightened psychic abilities after drinking colloidal silver and staring at the sun?

t. totally not a glowie
Out of strength comes sweetness.
Bird :)

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