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Let's have a thread discussing the various possible "dimensions" or realms. I myself don't know much but im interested in things similar to the warp and thoughtforms. Is there anything beyond these and physical reality? Are there any areas of study for traveling to and creating other universes? I think Lovecraft's collected lore may be the closest thing to the truth. Any illustrations would be especially helpful.
Dance of Travel
Movements of Travel
Music of Travel
Songs of Travel
Notes of Travel/Tempo of Travel
Melody of Travel
Book of Travel

I can also say "You are free to go" and after you die (Not suicide) then you can travel to anywhere you want. Want I should do that?
reads like an indian wrote this
I'm not an Indian, no. Just showing you there are ways to Travel the Multi-verse. No need to be an asshole.
saar, stop redeeming, its time for you to bring my morning coffee and bread, get off your lazy fucking ass you samosa eating fuck, and get to work
How do I learn these "dances?"
All the instructions for them are either hidden or gone. Do with that what you will.
You literally eat shit but wanna pipe up.
>Are there any areas of study for traveling to and creating other universes?
Yes. Currently you're trapped in this physical body, once you die, all you need to do is waking up of the dream, stand up, and go and create another universes.
The thing is, it requires skill, our universe is one of the most popular because it is well designed, if you have an idea of a better universe you can create, once you're there you'll find someone else already created such an universe, and maybe you'll remember you were on it and experienced the idea already, and many others for many other universes that you tried out, and decide to incarnate on this one again.
Our universe has the whole hedonic adaptation thing going on, and the dopamine reward system implemented, which makes us one of the most addictive, so once you're there you miss all of it, and the most likely chance is that you just wanna another trip and be reborn here.
Because creating other universes is hard work, imagine having to design a board game from scratch and making sure it's fair and fun and has good replayability, or you can log in and play chess that already exists and is fully developed.
It's like that, maybe you already created that universe you dream of, and it's out there, but nobody plays it, so you'd rather play in ours.
Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas...
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How do you know? What is the purpose though? Just entertainment?
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not that dude but, the implication of existence is that there is no way out.
The purpose is that there isn o purpose, there is only existence and it's implications, consciosunsess and it's surroundings.
Existence is self determined and self referential, consciousness is the basis.
I don't know about the stuff that anon said, might be true, holding a state of consciousness beyond death to then create soemthing isn't that impossible, look at dreams.

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