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File: IMG_0247.jpg (89 KB, 1024x1024)
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Finally back
This worldline is the same as the old one anon. The biggest difference is that cornucopia. Out of the frying pan into the frying pan. Welcome back.
Pretty sure this isn't a time warp Mandela, it's basically a prank.
From what I've been able to sleuth: the cornucopia existed in logos on bootleg Fruit of the Loom products approximately 20-25 years ago, but never official products.
The actual company used this little known fact to trigger people online and drum up brand awareness(same way the Wendy's Twitter did by shit talking a few years back) and just pretend the logo never existed rather than explain the reality of the situation.

Not to say that there are no real Mandella Effects, but I'm pretty sure this one's more mundane in nature.
No. My dad had a fruit of the loom shirt when I was a kid. It had the cornucopia, in fact I distinctly remember learning the word 'cornucopia' because I asked my brother what the thing on the label was. I found that exact shirt. No cornucopia.
Your dad kept a cheap underwear t-shirt for decades? Because afaik the biggest problem with verifying this shit is how Fruit of the Loom products are inherently cheap and disposable.
I'm from an eastern European shithole and we were poor as shit. That was considered quality shit for us. And it has a custom print from my dad's job so it had some sentimental value too I guess
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Noice now try this on
Come on dude. I don’t think even you believe that stealing pile of bullshit
I learned the word "cornucopia" by listening to Falling in Reverse's Raised By The Wolves back in 2015 as a young lad

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