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The streetlight is still on, but some of my spiders came back. So in a way, part of the magic worked.
I still want the light itself to die, though.

That's way it goes, isn't it? My concern was for my spiders, but the spiders are OK, even if the light is still on. Cause and effect were broken.
~̴̵̶̷̸̡̢̧̨̛̖̗̘̙̜̝̞̟̠̣̤̥̦̩̪̫̬̭̮̯̰̱̳̹̺̻̼͇͈͉͍͎̀́̂̃̄̆̇̈̉̊̋̌̍̎̏̐̑̒̓̔̽̾̿̀́͂̓̈́͆͊͋͌̕̚ how can I help you defeat the street lights? Did you know wizard hats are attributed to Odin's hat which made him invisible to men?
Not sure. I know we need it to be a rational reason for the light to go out. I'm hoping maybe it just fries itself. That's not too far from a rational thing that could happen. Maybe, like the spiders, the solution is for me to leave, in which case I'd need somewhere to move to that's equivalent to where I am now (I'd bring all my planters with the spiders).

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