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Is the key to only masturbate occasionally or just not to masturbate at all? I feel backed up, like as if a release would help my testicular health, but I also feel that could be entirely due to the lust in my mental.
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semen retention is a psyop to promote prostate cancer in the west. Don't fall for the
May I ask, how do you know this?
RIP anon, killed by the worldwide cabal of retainers
Theres a general for this. No bump. Also low quality garbage thread.
Yeah there is a general, but the general is just an echo chamber containment center. Also I wouldn't say my thread is low quality, that's just rude.
no, thats only if ur a degen who edges constantly or fantasizes so much to the point of blue balls promoting terrible inflammation. otherwise thats a psyop risk. look how much the same medias who promote that narrative promote the "healthy porn" narrative. subtly seeding it into your mind that its okay to embrace your hedonism, you're helping yourself. they will say you are heš˜¢ling yourself

if you feel "backed up", your body will naturally do what it finds necessary when you are asleep. its your choice; you can either stay on the path of purity or embrace the inverse. you know how it works. one of the biggest problems i made while retaining was not actually doing anything to ignite the dormant energy.

you have energy in reserves right now. kundalini, cristos, qi, whatever u want to call it. so u need to do something to start activating it like prana, yoga etc. look it up try some shit out before taking the pusssy route. thats wat i would do
You're adding nothing to the conversation. Your question could be answered in the general. Also, you already know the answer.
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>You're adding nothing to the conversation
just jerk off retard
Do what you want.
It makes no sense to both want to masturbate and want to retain.
If you wanna fap, fap.
If you wanna retain, retain.
You can't be wanting opposite things, that's the only bad path.
Oh, i'm calling you out and refusing to bump. And you know what you have to do.
The key, is to be a human being.

You will abstain. You will collapse. You will develop and redevelop.

Perpetuate Existence.

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