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Can someone redpill me on the Black Knight satellite?
>is ancients
>orbits from pole to pole and not around the equator
>probably used in relation to the moon to recycle souls into the matter reality matrix
Just space debris, goyim. Worry not :)
>It's Lucifer/Kristos/Venus/Mithras/Wotan.
Space junk, unfortunately. The pics make it clear it's not really thick enough to be anything like a real satellite, or space gun, or anything else. I guess it's not surprising. The real secret space murder satellites of possibly alien origin won't be televised.
I mean if its aliens then couldn't the visible part be the satellite dish and the actual computer and power supply are much smaller?
>I mean if its aliens
to make that assumption means you can just make up whatever the fuck you want because how the fuck would any of us know what their technology looks like or works
Space junk.
Hah, fuck you guys for lying.

The black knight satellite was in a completely unnatural and strange orbit, it had a reverse spin rotation also, it was like a clear marker that it was put into that rotation on purpose. It would ask so change direction and rotation occasionally.

It was out there to protect earth, yet earth shot it down with a rocket, because our leaders are evil faggots who pay retards to post “ithsss thhpathe juhnk”
I first heard about it maybe 15 years ago. After the 1957 Sputnik launch caught the US military by surprise, the government contracted with Westinghouse to build a space facing radar system capable of picking up Russian satellites in orbit. During testing they found the black knight in an over the poles orbit. At the time was impossible to put a sat in that orbit with the smallish rockets both Russia and the US had at the time. Nobody knew what it was or who put it there. That's all I remember.
How did you come to believe this, I wanna read about it
File: blackKnight.webm (2.03 MB, 1920x1080)
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2.03 MB WEBM
Clear video footage of what appears to be the black knight from two separate angles, filmed from a satellite. Never seen it posted before, no idea why it isn't more popular.

Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FovW-36BOQM&t=421s
Ro tate

Yes. Es peed

Comparison of 4:22 in the youtube video with the 1998 NASA photo, profile seems to be an exact match.
holt shit loel looks like what my eyes would do if this was some flatland bullshit and they were mike
>you seeing this shit?
and then brian was like
>yeah dog but nah dog see if you focus on this part of the ballerinas leg shes spinning this way but you focus on THIS one

That is some hypergeometry fractalline gen-u-wine and I would like a little piece of the wreckage in my pocckey for """good lucj"""
>factory poison
Too soon hush
Seed pods.
>what seed?
ayys med beds for healing the earth.
If that’s been up there since 1957 then it’s clearly alien tech. Looks like a shield that came off a ship.
It's a remnant from when White people came to Earth from Mars, survivors of the cataclysmic war, about 22k years ago.
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It seems to have some kind of marking or insignia.

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