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I see a lot of talk about how we are trapped in the material world by evil entities who will try to trick you to come here. This is false. Malkuth is the Yin to Kether's Yang and it is as natural and as necessary as Kether. If we stop our own births and deaths, we threaten our immortality. He who refuses to incarnate in a vehicle will eventually stagnate and dissipate into nothing. Physical bodies are powerhouses that invigorate the energy bodies. They are food for the energy bodies. It is not the archons feeding off you (although energy parasites exist), it's YOU eating yourself, which is another meaning to Ouroboros.

We are bound to Malkuth by a hex; do note that carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. Malkuth is only a "prison" if you are here unwillingly. i.e NOT using your Will. If you come here with conscious intention it is not a prison.

As for those who believe in an external deity or the idea of a heaven or a paradise. All of those things are neuroses. After they die, because they believe so firmly in those ideas, they will indeed go to their "paradise" after death, which is just an illusory neurotic phantasm. There they will consort with the illusory God and paradise, trapped in a false paradigm, where they will eventually dissipate like those who reject Malkuth.

Simply, those who believe in external deities go to the lower astral where they can play pretend and then face eternal oblivion because of the spiderweb they created for themselves.

Immortality involves walking on a knife's edge.
>He who refuses to incarnate in a vehicle will eventually stagnate and dissipate into nothing
This is precisely what I want. Absolute non-existence. I'm so fucking TIRED.
Well, you can do that! No one's going to stop you.
no you fucking CAN'T you just wake up again trust me.
Infinite time passes in a blink and there you are again in another fucking flesh sac.
There truly is no end.
If all your energy bodies get destroyed there is no context or chain of incarnations, so whatever comes out of infinite chaos is brand spanking new that isn't so tired of everything.
Sadly that isn't really the case, well actually it's just the ship of theseus so it could be argued either way. Practically I argue that you just wake up again because experientially it's the same.
I can't even remember a dream, let alone a past life.
The ability to remember can be trained. You cannot remember what happens after death, but you can remember being in the meat suit.
yea no thanks bobo, i ain't coming back to this shithole,whether i wanted to or not i know better now. also why wipe my memory at incarnation?? fuck off
>Practically I argue that you just wake up again because experientially it's the same.
It's as much you as another person is you.

>i ain't coming back to this shithole
And where are you going to go in energyville? This is the only place to be, and all those who have advanced incarnate as quickly as possible.
i go wherever the fuck i want as its my right as a divine sovereign

>archons literally shilling voluntary reincarnation
Archons are your own neuroses. They are an energy cancer. You conflate a disease that infests your energy bodies with incarnation.
>Malkuth is only a "prison" if you are here unwillingly. i.e NOT using your Will. If you come here with conscious intention it is not a prison.

Obviously I am here unwillingly since I have no freedom to enact my will whatsoever. My mind gets raped every second of every day and I get abused, harassed, terrorized, threatened etc for literally anything I think or do. I can't play video games, eat food, watch tv/movies, masturbate, or even think thoughts in my literal mind without being abused for it by God's retarded tranny hivemind minions
On what evidentiary grounds do you make these astounding assertions?
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>Obviously I am here unwillingly since I have no freedom to enact my will whatsoever.
To someone who has resolved their neuroses, and has objectively seen beyond the horizons of their current incarnation, there are no real obstacles. Nothing stands before you. No matter how bad things get, relatively speaking.

The spirit within. If any of this is useful to you, good. If not, too bad.
practice prajnaparamita
>To someone who has resolved their neuroses
Do you mean "as someone"?
If so, that's the only thing worthwhile from this thread, tell us how you did it, be the master the anons need.
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Sigils, divination methods and ritual equipment are tools to stimulate and explore deeper parts of the mind, and to alter them in a way that destroys neuroses. The magical circle with sacred names symbolically separates one from the neurosis in question, which is pulled out of the deepest recesses of mind, triangulated, and bound to a fixed state, so that it does not slip away and merge itself with the invoker again. The neurosis, now excised from the subtle bodies with what is essentially surgical equipment, can now be destroyed.

All that energy that was otherwise maintaining the existence of false identities is freed. The body and the various subtle bodies are refined with the disintegration of neuroses.

A simple analogy for this is useless or malicious software hogging memory on a computer's RAM.
Quite possibly the most awakened OP post regarding this matter.
While I don't agree with everything on your post it does resonate with me. So for the sake of a true discussion I will assume everything you said is true.

>if you are here unwillingly. i.e NOT using your Will. If you come here with conscious intention it is not a prison
How would one start using their will and live with conscious intent.
How can we train our ability to remember so we don't forget ourselves when we change incarnations?
>How would one start using their will and live with conscious intent.
Yoga and magick. Begin a meditation practice for 20 minutes every day, and some simple magickal ritual like the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. Performing this daily for many months will start giving you a good foundation and slowly sweep away the kakodemons that have confined you to an animal like existence.
>The first step in Yoga is “Keep still.”
>The first step in Magick is “Travel beyond the world of the senses.”

>How can we train our ability to remember so we don't forget ourselves when we change incarnations?
Don't worry. You will remember your prior life before entering a new one after death. You just don't remember the period between death and birth. So you have the opportunity to make decisions due to this. Also now that you are privy to this information you will retain it after death.
>It is therefore of the very first importance to train the mind in every possible way, and to bind it to the Higher Principles by steady, by constant, by flaming Aspiration, fortified by the sternest discipline, and by continuously reformulated Oaths.
>There is one Oath more important than all the rest put together
>You swear to refuse all the “rewards,” to acquire your new vehicle without a moment's delay, so that you may carry on your work of helping Mankind with the minimum of interruption. Like all true Magical Oaths, it is certain of success.
This decision alone will give you an enormous amount of inertia and an advantage over others for your next incarnation. Think, how many people are aware of this information I have outlined?

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