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What are the spiritual/paranormal implications of taking ketamine? Does it provide supernatural powers?
you become schizophrenic just like if you fuck around with large doses of anything mind altering
imbues your soul with the spiritual energy of a sedated horse
ketamine has always been one of my favourites to take because of its truly strange introspective qualities. I believe it brings out things in you that come straight to the surface. it can be quite scary and comes in waves and, with mine, a lot of religious connections. many a freak out on the stuff. as I said, it is scary to go deeper each time, but you learn to like the pain and confusion. it strips away the very fabric of the human condition and leaves your brain open so much so that you can see with your eyes closed and feel without touching. for me I can feel energy wells around me that have weight, and it feels like I can understand what's happening at the time and maybe I am, but when it comes down to it it's unexplainable. I have been 100% convinced through my k use that I have had contact with God, or more likely the devil. i don't think k is very godly, which is strange because when I am on it, I become more spiritual and actively seek christ. there are also the time dilation effects of it and timeline shifting feelings of the drug. many times I have come back from a trip and "reloaded" slowly back into this timeline, as if I saw my life flash before my eyes and then my conciousnes kicked back in and loaded me frame by frame back to EXACTLY where I left off and then the simulation runs from the moment of realisation. there is also another effect I have noticed where I seem to be able to actually see literal microscopic organisms in the jelly of my eyes floating and moving around. it feels quite shamanic to me in that it removes ourselves to be able to find the other, which we realise is just that. taking ketamine for me is almost like being in a mental arena, trying to get to grips and keep your sole consciousness as the one true observer of your only reality stable because that is what is it. that is what it made me realise anyway.
Is ketamine mind altering? I thought tranquilizers were just intense depressants.
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Nothing. It's just an anesthetic substance that knocks you tf out if you take it. I do not like it. Here's a litte story of mine:
>Be me
>New years eve party 2017
>Friends of friends bring super strong S-Ketamine
>I rail a line as fat and long as my pinky finger
>Soon, confusion sets in, feeling incredibly nauseous for the entirety of the experience
>Rember seeing four scenes of four different places in my friends appartment all at once, similiar to playing multiplayer with splitscreen on a vidyaconsole
Would not say it's spiritual or paranormal. It's just fucking drugs.
If you do K you do feel this zen like emptiness, you can start having convos with spirits at this point.
It unfortunately really fucks your bladder up, which I wish someone would have told me when I was a student.
You have seen 4 timelines at once.

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