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File: norse tattoo design.png (173 KB, 487x962)
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Are tattoos a one way ticket to hell?
Using Norse runes to write English words is so cringe omg

At least translate it to Norwegian or Danish or Icelandic or something, fuck
What is that symbol called up top?
Obviously not
This is DOG, dog.
Only if ur a woman are tattoos the ticket to hell (cool wine aunt)
It's disgusting
In the Bible there are things that carry penalties, like the 10 commandments. And others you shouldn't do if you know what's good for you, but no penalty is ever specified. It may be that consequences of doing it are the penalty. Eat pork, wind up with some intestinal worms or something. But even with no penalty, you're essentially saying, piss off I know better than you. I doubt God takes that without issuing a bitch slap of some kind.
Is getting a tattoo really the same as acting like you know better than God if he never specified it was bad? Afaik only the talmud refers to them so only Jews should care.
Kike god has no power over anything

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