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My friend sent me a pic of a guy she saw I'm the who looked exactly like me, except without tattoos and wearing religious garb. It basically confirmed my belief that I'm the evil twin...
Anyway there was an anon who talked about how activating the philosophers stone creates a doppelganger, anyone know anything about that?
Post any info or experiences you've had with doppelgangers itt
If you see your Doppleganger IRL you need to kill them so they don't replace you.
Phenotypes are a thing.
>there was an anon who talked about how activating the philosopher's stone creates a doppelganger
Do you have the link?
Dopplegangers are real, but they are not human. My loved ones are being replaced by doppelgangers one by one. First it was my childhood best friend and her dad. Then my mom, my cousin, and now I'm afraid I could be next. My greatest fear is meeting myself while alone. If you ever meet yourself on the road, anon, KILL HIM.
>My loved ones are being replaced by doppelgangers one by one
How're you able to tell?
Signs someone has been replaced by a doppleganger:

1) They start ghosting you and other friends and family for no discernable reason. They do this because, though doppelgangers are excellent mimics and extraordinarily intuitive when it comes to reading people and social situations, they are not mind readers. There will always be things about their victims that they will never know and the longer they stick around with their victim's loved ones, the more likely they will slip up.

2) Extreme hedonism. If someone you know suddenly becomes a drug addict or alcoholic (but has no history of substance abuse) then it could be a doppleganger. Sexual promiscuity and extreme weight gain are also signs you should be aware of. For some reason, dopplegangers seem especially vulnerable to the temptations of the flesh. Of course, plenty of normal people are too... but if it seems out of character for the person in question, a doppleganger is strongly indicated.

3) Adult onset psychopathy. By human standards, the doppleganger is a psychopath. It has no conscience -- or at least no genuine regard for the rules of human society. It's very existence is founded upon murder since it has to kill its victim in order to take their place. Human psychopaths are usually born and the few who are made that way are finished long before they reach maturity. So if someone you know suddenly starts displaying some or all of the hallmarks of antisocial personality disorder, it is almost certainly because they have fallen victim to one if these monsters.

More to come...
Signs someone has been replaced by a doppleganger (continued):

4) Physical changes. Dopplegangers are vain creatures. What you see as an endearingly large nose or cute elf ears will be perceived by the doppleganger as an intolerable deformity. For this reason they will prefer to prey on beautiful people all other things being equal. But since beauty is only one of the qualities that excites their envy (more on this later), average looking and even ugos are not safe. If your friend or family member suddenly looks like they've taken 10 years off their face, had a rhinoplasty, or had a mole removed then you should investigate further. If it turns out they really did get plastic surgery, good for them, but if something like this literally happens overnight then you have firm grounds for suspicion...

5) Compulsive lying. Psychopaths have no qualms when it comes to lying if they have something to gain from it, but dopplegangers will lie just for the sake of it. This isn't really that baffling once you recognize that their entire existence is based on the monumental lie of being human. It seems that these demons take a perverse psychological pleasure in the mere fact of having pulled the wool over someone's eyes -- any practical gain that might follow from the deceit is mere icing on the cake as far as the doppleganger is concerned. So if someone you know starts lying for no apparent reason, this is a pretty good indicator that they've been replaced.

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What kind of person does the doppleganger target?

I believe that, underlying all its lies and machinations and deceit, the doppleganger is motivated (and perhaps animated) by a single passion: envy. Dopplegangers are monsters, but they are unique in that they KNOW they are monsters. They are evil, and yet they understand what GOODNESS is. This insight into their own irredeemable vileness is what drives them to kill. They HATE us because of what we are: images of God. And so they will target the best among us: the virtuous, the kind, the beautiful, and the wise. For those reason, evil people almost never fall victim to dopplegangers. But beyond this one criteria, there are are more practical considerations.

They will prey upon loners. The less people a potential victim knows, the easier they will be to replace. When an extroverted socialite undergoes a radical personality change and starts ghosting her friends, it attracts attention and provokes gossip. But who will even notice if a loner starts acting out of character? No one, except perhaps the few people, if anyone, the loner interacts with. And even then, the very reserve of the victim will simplify the doppleganger's masquerade.

Money. The motive behind replacing a wealthy person is obvious.

They prefer female victims. I don't know why this is, but this seems to be the case. Maybe some anons can help me with this one.

More to come...
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