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I had a dream last night all these young people are dying from the vax. Not like now just a few but massive numbers everyday.
tell us more
How much longer till that happens? Two weeks perhaps?
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Catch me if you can cunts
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I didn’t have any awareness of when.
When it’s been like 20 years and this still hasn’t happened are you guys still going to be saying it’s going to happen any day now
I didn’t say anything. I said I had a dream.
The vax was low effort theater, not a key part of the scheme. It lowered people's immunities a bit but not enough to make young people die off in significant numbers.
If another variant shows up a lot of middle aged people will probably start dying off because of it, but that's about it.
Unless it's saline, *something* unexpected will happen. The chances of you injecting mysterious, untested liquid and nothing happening is pretty slim.
I think i'm gonna have this dream also.
But yet, nothing had happened
it's a slow-motion apocalypse. the sheep don't even notice it 's happening.
>The chances of you injecting mysterious, untested liquid and nothing happening is pretty slim.
Nothing happening is unlikely, but pretty much everyone experienced mild to severe symptoms immediately following the prick so 'nothing's didn't happen.
The likelyhood of there also being extremely delayed longterm effects isn't necessarily that high, especially for people who were in good health when they got it.
you fuckers keep changing your story, how long beofre "it was a CIA psyop"?
To be fair almost anything could realistically be a CIA psyop.
The entire antivaxx movement could be a CIA psyop.
Will Smith getting cucked to a national audience could be a CIA psyop.
That thing where cats are afraid of cucumbers could be a CIA psyop.
Fuck me, the CIA has become gods for some people
They killed a president on live TV, half the country knows it was them, and they still got away with it scott free. That's pretty godlike if you ask me.
you do you retard, no better than the retards who turn Jews into demi-gods while hating them
And you keep pretending that dismissing theories offhandedly makes you intelligent if that's what makes you happy
>me during 2021 to early 2022
sato is the goat of ajin
>It dah CIA!
The only actual theory I referred to is CIA involvement in the JFK assassination which is basically accepted by the public at this point, literally everything else was a joke.
Do you actually think they had nothing to do with it?
>which is basically accepted by the public at this point
There is no narrative, having said that,

I had a dream that all these old people who did not fall into vax narrative getting healthy and vital and unusually divine!


>Do you actually think they had nothing to do with it?
given the fact that there is not actual evidence for the claim aside from them being evil, yes
There's also plenty of motive for them to have killed him, several holes in the official story they provided, and claims by Jack Ruby that the Warren Comission was doing shady shit to manipulate the narrative. Also the suspicious nature of Kack Ruby's death and his questionable motives for killing Lee Harvey Oswald.

There's also tons of schizos claiming to have been involved but those are probably bullshit.
Almost any modern conservative in the US(that isn't a politician) would say they think the CIA was involved.
I think few here appreciate just how based OP is, for once.
iv seen a few of those “time travler predictions” types and a common theme is that the population is drastically reduced. Also the world economic forum has made a few “predictions” peices and they also mention the population reducing. Iv seen and heard signs pointing to 2030 so stay prepared till then

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