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Nexpo has been shit ever since he started pretending to be a famous actor/film director.
Nobody has ever known who is him and those that claim to know him only do it to try to fit in or being those that know something others don't know.
learn english
Explain to me what nexpo is and why I should care
You have 30 seconds
Man ran out of good material ages ago (like every other paranormal/creepy youtuber did because - surprise - there's not a lot of actually interesting "unexplained" things to talk about for more than 5 minutes) and has to pretend to take ARGs, creepypastas and ANALog horror series seriously, let him have some fun.
I hate this faggot so much it's unreal
These "horror youtubers" are so fucking insufferable, as soon as they gain a sizeable audience they start taking themselves way too seriously and put filters on their voice to make it sound like Batman is fucking narrating some stupid twitter ARG, MamaMax is one of those faggots who started taking himself way too seriously and thought of himself as this vigilante who cares about children and shit
>analyzing horror games
Fake or not, I want crazy shit like lake city quiet pills.
They prey on human carrion, and shit it out for own bemusement.Guy got Vaunty....`sides Scare Theater`s better anyway

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