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So I read this article and did a remote viewing of planet X myself. I made contact with the aliens inside and I figured I'd share what I learned from them here. Read the article I linked and watch:
if you want more information on the history and connection between humans and these aliens inside planet X.

They agreed to speak with me and decided to use me to get information to see if we are hostile or not. They've been stuck where they are and don't know anything about earth besides what they know from afar. I don't think their arrival is imminent. If anything I think it will probably be thousands or millions of years after we are all dead. But they're adamant they need to know now.

They are very suspicious and hostile. But at the same time half of them want to help us. The ones who don't like us view us as a threat to them. They actually think we are allied with lizard aliens who are allied with elites. They don't care that the majority of humanity is not allies with the lizard aliens because our leaders are.
>I gave them the names of leaders and countries most likely to not be hostile.
>They respect that we have multiple nations that each decide different things. But they don't believe we have normal people not being represented by their leader. To them it isn't possible. Like I said I think it's their modified DNA to be a perfect and fair society
>Very analytical people too. They refused to take my word on anything and wanted proof for any information I gave.

What do you think? Would you accept these aliens as immigrants if they came to your country?

I personally think they have more to worry about from the horny men here on Earth than they do a deadly threat. Their description is 15-17 foot red headed pale skinned humans. Since the muscle mommy fetish is so popular and they literally have 15-17 foot red headed women deciding if they should come here.

>They care about our leaders opinions and want to know which leaders of which countries would be their allies and allow them to be on our planet.
>Their spaceship that is planet X is on a uncontrolled path to pass close by Earth.
>They think it can't just pass by without hostility from us because it will fill our sky and be impossible to hide as it passes.
>if you combine the article with the info in the video you will find the spaceship is a weapon made by martians who used it as a planet destroying weapon. It created the asteroid belt by blowing up a planet they were at war with that was the asteroid belt.
>This other planet's people were slowly suffocating them by stripping away Mars's atmosphere through nuclear weapons
>The planet destroying weapon/spaceship was damaged by the explosion when they blew up the asteroid belt planet and now it's steering is hard to control
>This means they can't stop it's path that will pass close by Earth
>Modern aliens on planet x have the option to fly a small ship from the big ship to earth as it passes by in the future.
>But they can't stop the big ship's movement and don't want to stay on earth.
>They have a divided faction with half who want to go and help us and the other half who view us as a threat

>I learned from them they use nanobot technology to clean and remove microorganisms and waste like microscopic cleaners
>They view planet life as extremely wasteful and dirty. To them every single microscopic crumb has to be recycled and their environment is excessively sterile and clean.
>They think their personal nanobots will keep them safe on earth.
>They think we are collectively evil because they firmly believe in leadership.
>they thought all the trouble like pollution on our planet was a collective decision
>they won't give a clear answer why, but they have to all decide to go to earth or attack us together
>The only ones who stay behind will be the necessary crew to keep the ship stable and to repopulate it Incase the ones on Earth all die from diseases or humans in a war
>I think they have been genetically modified by their ancestors because their ancient people had a few that were masters of gene engineering. Why wouldn't descendants of a ship crew be extremely obsessed with order?
4/? ( i misjudged the length)
>It seems to be their genetic modification was to be very democratic
>their non violent ones find any form of violence horrible. The warrior ones find violence sometimes necessary in a honorable way like times of war.
>They view us as barbarians which I think is something to be proud of since we've been the ones kicking ass and surviving on hostile Earth.
>they're really god damn judgemental and I even pointed out to them they are hypocrites and just like us
>They threatened me and wanted to disconnect our psychic link if I expressed pride in humanity's accomplishments or gave information they didn't care about like how we normal people wanted help
>They didn't cut off connection because I was able to find information on what happened to the ancient martians who weren't on their ship. The ones who came to earth to escape the dying Mars.
>the legend of the red haired cannibal giants in North America really horrified their peaceful people
>I tried to ask if the ones who came to earth and mixed with humans were cannibals for a reason
>they wouldn't admit or deny if they became barbarians and ate people because we were hybrids made from their DNA. Being hybrids we would have a piece of their lost planet's unique life form. So any specific nutrition they could only get on their lot planet would be inside us
>Our ancient creators made it so we had more efficient bodies that just created the necessary vital nutrition only found on their planet and rarely on earth.
>They did tell me the ones on Earth didn't know their access to their planet or the planet x ship would be lost and the vital resources found on both lost as well
>>The modern ones don't have the same problem
>To me this explains why God damn every alien seems to end up eating humans. An efficiently made body would hold more nutrition.
>They don't like that I take pride in that by the way. Fuckers seem to hate pride in any form. Very snooty fucks
We aren't on our own, we are secured. That is not a risk.
>I asked them about grey aliens and if the theory is true that they are time traveling descendants of humans.
They say it is true. The grays look different because they are genetically modified rapidly evolved humans who were adapted to life in space and potentially, other planets
>The greys moved to another far away planet
>The greys use pods controlled by AI to make their offspring and cannot reproduce normally.
>They had some traits added and others removed to make them better workers
>This includes psychology modifications
>Humans in the far future who stayed on Earth refuse to let them get close to Earth.
>They fire weapons at them every time they approach Earth
>The grays we see went back in time before these defenses were put in place to study us and their origin
>they forgot which parts of them were added tech and which parts are natural organic parts
>They don't even know how their own tech for making new offspring works so they can't change their offspring to be different without information about us.
>Greys have to change their DNA because their cloning process is imperfect
>They've already taken some human DNA from our time and added it to their own with their pods to make half breeds with better DNA

That is all. Believe or don't believe. I don't give a shit. All I know is the article said they were 15-17 foot red headed human like pale giants. The video from a completely different expert said ancient texts found that the giant Goliath had an 18 foot bed. The exact perfect size for a descendant of giants.
Another day
Another larp on /x/
at least try to make a little sense
noooooo you need to blindly accept my retarded larp!!!!!
im not watching your faggoty video go fuck yourself
Good read. I thought very deeply on this and it is interesting that something like this could very well be going on
interesting read, might very well be true

Sad in some ways, how greys live...

But then again, a prehistoric human might find watching 7 hours per day at shiny stone scary and depressive as well.

I wanna do more nature stuff Fuck this shit
>aliens are uptight fucks who don't intervene for the common man because their society is an ordered reflection of the will of the individual and the whole and they can't conceive that we're ruled by people who don't represent us or our interests
Y'know this is just fucking stupid enough to be true.
>greys are us from the future
This still seems farfetched. I get our understanding of time is limited, but there seems to be a pretty big no no that even if you could intervene in the past that doing so would irrevocably change the future and in ways that would invalidate the circumstances that led to you coming back to begin with.
Also the idea that a powerful and enlightened race would just allow future us to come back and fuck with past us seems dumb.

I dunno, fun read though. I genuinely do believe at this point that there's no intervention because of reasons like this, not some prime directive bullshit. They think we're dirty barbarians and that our leaders represent who we are.

Did you try and give them any examples of human decency and gentleness?
>Did you try and give them any examples of human decency and gentleness?

I did. They tried to look for flaws in everything and only accept examples they can see or others have described.
They adore plants in nature and music. Since they didn't ever learn our language I was able to show them what music lyrics meant through the temporary psychic link. They asked me to stare at a tree leaf because they were full of wonder, which was really cute. They had theorized about plants and animals but don't have any. Even domestication was need to them. Which was creepy because their ancestors made us before domestication.

Their morals of their pacifists are like a combination of the most extreme liberals and devout Christian grandmas. They won't discuss religion but their morals align with what Christians frown upon. Prudes don't even like sex. Probably because an explosion in population when your resources are limited to a spaceship is a huge no.

They're really concerned over our opinion of them while being unwilling to literally do anything to make us like them. The warriors just don't trust me personally. I like the warriors though. But they don't like that I like them because they are supposed to not enjoy being a warrior. When I tried to give examples of how we are good, they started to disconnect the psychic link. If I told them anything about us they tried to disconnect.

They were focused on learning their people's history who escaped here, our opinion of them if they showed up, and whether we are worth saving. While simultaneously I'm pretty sure half don't want to leave their shop because it's all they've known, it's order. I think the ones against leaving, the warriors are making excuses to not leave and that's why they keep looking at minor flaws in coming here. The pacificists are so full of worry for us and kindness they really want to convince them to help.
I don't like these aliens either.
They actually find your input interesting because they didn't believe me when I told them the Internet is chaos and mostly disagreement. They thought it was a place to gather peacefully discuss, decide on things, and share information. The warriors are now trying to argue we are more dangerous than they thought since we are beings of chaos. Peaceful ones think they are overreacting.

They decided to stick around with our psychic connection to use me to see how normal humans live to gather how moral we really are.
I should add it's annoying as hell because they are judgemental mental neet freaks who are terrified of germ. I've decided this was all a bad idea because I am absolutely not trained in how to cut off an unwanted psychic link.
My apartment is haunted and they were able to block the dark entity like fucking nothing when it came out at night like usual to harass me. I learned from them that entities that are not a human spirit, or demon, or angel, are like smart animals that make us feel fear to feed on the fear. They are native to another galaxy, the same one the lizard aliens came from. I never made the connection but it makes sense the lizards brought their native fauna here like a bunch of assholes. The planet x aliens don't know this next part, but I saw on "skin walker ranch" researchers watched on heat and energy sensitive cameras as dark entities crawled out of portals that popped into existence nearby alien activity. The researchers concluded a connection between the paranormal and aliens but didn't know what the hell was going on.
>I won't watch videos
>You have no proof

You are literally why we can't have nice things.
>just watch this 2 hour long video
>no I wont qrd
>why wont u participate reeeee???
People should respect each others time.
this is exactly how most first worlders view tribal nations in Africa. If you asked anyone for their unfiltered opinion they would likely say “oh they’re savages! They don’t even have the wheel!” Blah blah blah. This does unfortunately seem to be the most likely reason, despite how it makes all of us normal folk look. Also if you’ve been around the internet for a long time, and even beforehand, you would be more receptive of the darker truths regarding the nature of the grey beings most of the world commonly refers to as aliens
They're already here. They live among us.
Imagine knowing that a self ordained “perfect society” actually does have room for improvement and growth, through mere further extended thought, research, and data collection. It makes being a human truly valuable, and should humble those on what being a human being truly means. Especially given our innate creation myth(s) and our role in the grander scale of the universe

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