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is it possible to utilize esoteric means to levitate/achieve flight without machines? not counting falling/gliding/bungee jumping like picrel. also discounting lucid dreaming
no, flying is just an extended jump. it is not real, nasa lied to you anon. take the longjumppill and one day you will understand the truth
Psychokinesis is proven to exist. It would just be a matter of using pk on your own body.
It's called lifting your bootstraps
Try it
Alternatively, instead of trying to generate large force to lift your body, you learn how to partially phase out of existence enough that your mass becomes minuscule and flight becomes a matter of catching a slight breeze.
Bees fly by vibrating to change their electromagnetic equilibrium against the air (which is what "gravity" actually is) Tibetan monks can do this and you can too, but you couldnt use it to actually fly somewhere. There are accounts of sami shamans going into a trance state and sending their spirit of our their body to fly somewhere and retrieve an object from far away. How you do this I have no idea.

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