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akespeare said, "The eyes are the window to the soul," and Jesus said, "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light" (Matthew 6:22). Can anybody explain this phenomenon? I've noticed that when I'm not cooming and consumed by chaos, my eyes look very vibrant and happy, but when I fall into chaos, there's no light in them. Any insight would be much appreciated.
all you need to know anon is that brown eyed are not who they pretend to be. all brown eyes should be ignored and exterminated. they are all filth, vile creatures, a disgrace
TBED (Total Brown Eye Death)
Were sunglasses to hide ur eyes, dog
Its not just the vibrancy of the hue of your eyes but always the bagginess of the skin under the eye, the white bits that visible and the parts that arent, whether the skin around the eyes are darken or not, sunken in eyes vs bugged eye. There's loads of factors that can make someone look worn outside of color of the iris.
all you need to know anon is that blue eyed people are who they really are. all blue eyed people should be worshipped and loved. they are jewels, heroes, legends. TBEW (Total Blue Eye Worship)
grey/yellow > blue
>TBEW (Total Blue Eye Worship)
when you only look up to the sky all other eyes are ever below your gaze.
Elizabeth Dilling said that God gave humans, "looks," to warn us about certain people. Fags look faggy, meth heads look like meth addicts, prostitutes look like prostitutes, witches look witchy. You can't put your finger on exactly what it is, but a fag looks like a fag. Sanpaku eyes, crazy eyes, dead eyes... that's God warning us to stay away from that person, or at least be aware of the danger. It's a gift from God.
>You can't put your finger on exactly what it is, but a fag looks like a fag
if your physiognomy is this weak is best you speak only for yourself and not others.


or in my own words, if the cheek bone is notably wider then the brow ridge when viewing the face from the front, datniggabegay
why don't you respond to that first post little bitch
Imagine not having golden eyes.
Here's some food for thought. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, that spark and presence in your look is a sign of a healthy Shen. Shen is one of the three treasures in Taoism you cultivate to attain immortality.
Unlike Jing and Qi, your Shen is the only one that stands a chance to survive bodily death.
Why do you fags hate Jesus and God so much
You have ZERO spiritual discernment, materialist. You are as far away from understanding what OP is talking about as up is from down.

Just seek the Holy Spirit of God for the gift of the Discerning of Spirits.
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blatent manipulation of the text by new translations.. "if thine eye be single the whole body will fill with light" and the eye is the lamp. are both essene doctrines taught by christ to his watchers of light.

the single eye is meditation. the lamp is the pineal gland, a gland with a eye lens and photo receptor. the oil that fuels is the spiritual christos accumulated with retention. the light is inner illumination that comes with a whole host of biological proccesses. you knew this to some degree before you posted. now do the thing or not.
Bach had brown eyes, as well as other composers of great note like Mozart or Beethoven, so they invalidate your opinion.
A lot of decent ladies have brown eyes and hair i noticed.
>Can anybody explain this phenomenon?
jews are materialist
and a lot of sluts have blue eyes

I think it's as OP says, the "light" is what matters, not necessarily the color. I've noticed when I'm happier my eyes are severl shades lighter.

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