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Is it normal for DMT Jesters to laugh at you when you're taking a shit? They kept laughing and telling me to eat it while I was tripping then they called me "no fun" because I kept saying no... Why were the DMT Jesters trying to convince me to eat my own shit?
Different Jesters have different sensibilities, but different people also attract different kinds of Jesters when they beacon the outer dimensions.
I would guess that you're relatively easy to fluster and thus attract Jesters who like low effort trolling.
Nigger those are fucking demons
I mean I wasn't quite embarrassed or anything I just sorta brushed them all off and kept shitting as they were chanting "eat it, eat it"
Maybe they just assumed they could trick you into eating it.
Was this your first time doing DMT and encountering Jesters? They might've thought you were an easy target.
I think a bigger question is why were you taking a shit while doing DMT?
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Why can DMT reveal earthly spirits of the aerial realm, but not heavenly spirits? What drug lets you converse with the Gods as an Oracle?

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