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What makes someone special? What makes them stand out from a crowd? A 1 in 100?
Literally just being different. Ironically though WANTING to be special is very normal so most methods of deliberately trying to be special fail to stand out.

So having inherently different desires/sensibilities from the average person is the key aspect of a 'special' person. It gives them a different view of the world, one that normal people assume sees a higher truth than they're capable of realizing even if it's not necessarily any more true than theirs.
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do you think a special person has lots of opposition ?
Very true.
>>38388406 #
Depends on what they want and how they go about it.
2 special people can be completely different from each other.
A special person who prioritizes honesty will usually face far more opposition than one that doesn't though.
Having different motivations from the average person makes one harder to manipulate/read, and thus better at manipulating/reading others if they're willing to be dishonest.

This is why cult leaders face very little opposition in the early stages of their movement before they cause issues for the people in power, whereas people who do nothing but honestly declare their schizo beliefs will get shit on just for talking by large amounts of people who disagree with them.
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a sense of well being.
I like that Thom Yorke is on the right for no reason
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i like the way you put it. To add a more X spin on things. Every human has some aspect or desire or aesthetic within their imagination and psyche that isnt respected or reflected within the common interactions in society. Their True will as thelemites might say. Usually this is molded or crushed under the weight of civilization's needs but if they can grow into or protect it and integrate this into themselves they suddenly become special. They become that person with ideals or convictions, and behaviour that crushes the illusions that try to make one conform. This is a powerful aura.

That said, manchildren, schizoids, delusional ramblers and wacked out weirdos are all in this camp to some degree to varying levels of personal success and spiritual wellness. I personally believe that one who has "Succeeds in this process should be able to use this to the benefit of those around him. not detriment.
It's something hard to quantify. There was a baseball player for the Detroit Tigers in the 50's and 60's named Reno Bertoia. He's dead now I think but he was from my city. I'd heard of him, but had no idea what he looked like. He was playing golf at the course I was working at, he was wearing a Detroit Tiger baseball hat, which is not that uncommon. I saw him and knew immediately he was somebody. It was the hat that made me think of Reno Bertoia. I asked one of the older guys if that was him and he said yes. You can just tell, there's something about a person who is somebody.

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