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I was having an OCD compulsion and was gonna break out the tarot deck when my cat came up and got on my lap so I can't get up.
Good kitty.
Trying to be Christian? Many such cases. Just throw it away.
No, just trying to fight the OCD. Irs like a demon. "Oh you're anxious? If you do X you'll be less anxious." but it's not true. It alway lies. The relief you feel is like a temporary hit from a drug and every time you give in it feeds it more.
It is like a demon. You should throw those cards away. Trust me. I have the exact same problem.
Even if I do, I could use online tarot card generators. I understand removing temptation, but I need to build resilience, too. I need to build up the strength to say no, and kitty is helping.
Building up strength is good in theory, but I would say the first step to resisting temptation is avoiding it.
Do whatever works for you. You can do it, anon.
Correct. It's just hard with the OCD-demon because it will attach itself to something else and you can't throw away everything.
Even tonight it's only acting up because I have been under stress and today's the first day I haven't had correspondence with the stress source. It's like it's looking for problems.
When I was younger I thought the "voice" was psychic powers, but I know now even when it's correct, it's wrong about how to handle problems.
Interesting, you've clearly taken the time to know yourself in the context of this struggle.
Good luck, there is no version of this world where victory is impossible.
Thank you anon and other poster.
I'm gonna give cat a treat and get some sleep.
I fucking love tarot readers. I don't get anxiety if I can't get a reading but I do get frustrated because I find them to be so useful.

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