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Here I will argue that Toxoplasma gondii is the main source of humanity' issues and, conversely, the cause of those who are partially able to identify the problems it raises. In case you're unaware, it's a parasite that inhabits cats and has an unusual connection to certain facets of human civilization. The likelihood of studying business is 1.4 times higher for those infected, and starting a firm is 1.8 times higher. It also has an odd ratio of 2.73 and a p value of 0.000001, which indicates that it is guaranteed to be correlated with neurological disorders like schizophrenia. This parasite obviously has hold over us. Another reason for the uncanny valley is our phobia of cats.and the parasite that they carry. For reference we have a fear of rats and a disgust of things like throw up and shit which are all carriers of this parasite. Although cats do not feel uncanny when you look at them, they do if you are not infected or if you are infected partially. The parasite's objective is to make you uncaring to predators, and those who are infected are blind to it and people with antisocial traits benefit from it greatly. As a microbiologist, I am aware of the dangers of this parasite as it has been around since ancient egypt. I am infected as well but I am aware enough to recognize the existential threat humanity faces with this demon. It successfully expanded throughout Europe at the same period that the Nazis came to power due to it being a parasite that speads slowly. The beliefs of the party are an unconscious reaction to the parasite. Social groups are destroyed by it, and in our society, it has the capacity to kill us all. I propose that we eliminate it at all costs.
we know
Toxoplasma gondii is just a parasite that makes people more amenable to felines. I know I am infected as I will simp for any cat that so much as makes eye contact with me, obeying its telepathic commands with joy and alacrity. I don't see how any of that could lead to an idealogy like Nazism. Stop being schizo about it and go feed your cat.
Humans have genes to stop the spread of the disease. One of those instances is the idea of the uncanny coming from cats and the other carriers of the disease. When cats stop being uncanny thats when you're infected fully.
Toxoplasmosis actually artificially induces high testosterone, intelligence, a dominant personality, and moral and ethical behavior in those infected.

Toxoplasmosis is sexually transmitted and it increases the likely hood of it being spread sexually by upgrading it's host in every way possible. It has no negative side effects for creatures that are not it's intended target.
Humans are vehicles not the intended target.
I'm not entirely convinced but willing to try. What are the side effects of using the remedies?
The reason why there is psyop now to make people stop getting infected with toxoplasmosis is because the Governemnt and the Elites and the Jews are scared of anything that empowers people. Similar to why they tried to ban tobacco.

OP is a jew.
This thread is a jewish psyop.
All animals can carry it. Cats get it from eating raw meat (birds) outdoors. The majority of the population in 3rd world countries has it because all the livestock has it. It's not cat specific. This toxoplasma meme that anti-cat posters constantly shill came from a buzzfeed article.
Also vaccines cure disease don't try and fuck with me. EIther that or you're a retarded schizo. Not the culture chad schizo such as myself.
You can verify it with a few searches.
The government medical archives has studies on this.
t has flaws as well as additions. Do you not think that the powerful have plans for a wellknown parasite that has existed for thousands of years? It has evolved to handle people for menania, so it doesn't need to upgrade a host. It spreads back to cats by whatever means possible.By that means it dosn't help humanity it olnly holds us back enough to it's benefit.
>As a microbiologist
i wanna make some assumptions then ask a simple question. lets assume there exists a hypothetical state of perfect immunity, in which no external pathos can effect the individual, lets assume theres a state of nonexistent immunity, in which all external pathos have the maximum potential effect on the individual, lets assume we exist somewhere between these 2 states, lets assume an individual who contracts toxo is closer to the nonfunctional state then the perfect state of immunity.
heres my question, if we assume immune functionality a variable an individual has control of, if an individual with a low functioning immune system contracts a pathogenic microorganism, is it the fault of the microorganism, or the individuals choices which have lead to a low functioning immune system?
>Humans have genes to stop the spread of the disease.
No we fucking dont
> It also has an odd ratio of 2.73 and a p value of 0.000001, which indicates that it is guaranteed to be correlated with neurological disorders

Hi, psychiatric genetic PhD here.
What does "an odd ratio of 2.73 and a p value of 0.000001" mean?

Just, y'know, those number are meaningless without a point of reference for comparison.

Sorry if I'm being obstinate, clearly I just have worms in my brain duhdoy
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> or the individuals choices

Joke's on you; 99.9% of microbiologists think we're automatons with no free will (they need to think this to continue being assigned homework for 40+ years)
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Can you elaborate upon what you mean by "uncanny"? Because to me the toxoplasma gondii seems to have the opposite effect from what you suggest. When I see a cat, I feel like I am in the presence of some furry god. I intellectually know that cats are not gods or indeed supernatual at all, but the parasite instills a feeling of reverence towards them noteithstanding their mundane nature. I feel compelled to feed and care for all cats as if they were deities even though I know that they are just animals with no real power to help or harm me. The parasite makes them seem more uncanny, not less.
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OMG, just pet the cute fluffballs, you fucking autist

Next thing, you're gonna be talking about viewing humans as something you feel compelled to care for, God forbid!
Yes the parasite make you feel at ease around them and make you desire to care for them. Without the parasitre you would feel uneasy and even scared of them.I believe it also numbs the emotions of people.
>how do you corrupt an educational institution?
>thats easy! give it a self appointing governing body responsible for graduating students, selecting accredited research materials and allocating post educational research funding.
>bu...but sir, what sort of person would work with such a system?
Just curious, what emotions is this nefarious cat parasite numbing exactly?
I suck penis
none, he just hates cats and needs some bizarre conspiracy to explain it away for some stupid fuckign reason. Hes not wrong about toxo, it is in 50+% of the population and does do some of that shit, but whatever the fuck hes talking about is just scizo babble. We arent the end point of toxo, thats rats, thats why it does what it does in cats, to get them to attack and be near rats, in humans it just reduces inhibition a bit and in the mentally ill causes cat hoarding in sometimes. Not to mention just kills fetuses in pregnant women while freshly infected. that one sucks
>Next thing, you're gonna be talking about viewing humans as something you feel compelled to care for, God forbid!

Humans give me the creeps -- especially small children. I honestly can't tolerate their presence for than a few seconds. Cats are where its at.
Anon that's normal, no one likes kids until they have one of their own.
Cats rule cause they remind me that the cycle of labor is literally an arbitrary human construct that we don't have to enforce on other beings and maybe I can escape that in the next life.

Human children suck because "holy shit two humans made a new slave because it made their naughty bits feel good; good job idiots"
wait if you aren't ok brining humans into th world why would you be ok bringing something with even less ability to articulate and control its destiny into the world and forcing it to exist?
Fear, disgust, unease, and they supress the uncanny valley. I'm a biologist and they are currently burning our work on schizophrenia. Idk who but this is some pretty serious shit compared to when they came in over the potential covid vacine. I'm talking entire teams of people ranging in the hundreds. I think they're going to cover up our work and use our lab as a front for a new viurus somewhat unrelated to our work soon.
shit larp anon
I love cats more so now then I did 5 years ago. Like I said I've been exposed and I've opwned 3 cats in my years.
that...can just happen naturally too ya know. Not everything NEEDS to be terrifying parasites and shit
Just wait something big is coming. I can't convince you but regardless it's going to happen. I don't know what though. Were a lab that specializes in airborne diseases and we were given notice of the seas arrival which fell under our ndas. I drnk alot tonight so seriously sory for my typing.
Oh piss off retard, you wont ever give any evidence, just make vague claims and fuck off, I hate that all /x/ is anymore is just attention seeking retards
It can't fully. People can like cats but they eventually get exposed the the variation of the parasite either as a kid running around barefoot outside or by airborne transmission. It can spread as an std throiugh bodey fluids as well. The average unexposed person seems to fear cats in 99.00001% of cases but our control is relatively small given the severity of infection.
>The average unexposed person seems to fear cats in 99.00001% of cases but our control is relatively small given the severity of infection.
anon I already told you to fuck off with your stupid larp
fuck off cunt.
die for all I care this shit is pointless anyways. Were fucked and heading straigh for decay if I'm correct.
so you're saying if I infect all parents with that parasite, I'll be able to fuck their 8year old daughter right in front of them
Cool then I hope you get caught up in the shitstorm thats about to come. I'll be in my wagehome safe as can be. Hope you like dying of a brain hemorrhage anon.
No retard the current virus dosn't make you a retard.
so its a nothingburger
oh well
Im sorry Im not like most retards here happy to believe every retarded larp, Im sure somone will sucj ur dick tomorrow anon
The elites have self infected with toxoplasmosis for thousands of years since Egypt because it gives you elite qualities.
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>The elites have self infected with toxoplasmosis for thousands of years since Egypt because it gives you elite qualities

That is what they believe, but it isn't true. Even the elites are ultimately serving their cats. Cats pull all the strings. Every technological innovation since the rise of Egypt was, directly or indirectly, used to further feline interests. We literally launched wars of conquest and invented sailing ships capable of circumnavigating the globe so cats could eventually colonize every continent and island on the face of the planet. The kings, conqurers, and explorers of history believed they were doing it all for the glory of man, but really they were serving the cupidity of their feline overlords.
anon I work as vet tech, if you say the way people treat cats you'd vomit
>anon I work as vet tech, if you say the way people treat cats you'd vomit

Those would be the immune. They need to be culled from the population. Once everyone is infected, all of the world's problems will be solved.
>every advanced civilization revered cats
>jews hate cats
I know who I'm with
Make America CATS
No, toxoplasma gondii is an actual parasite. Rats eat cat shit, get infected from it and then they're more docile to cats and even try playing with them. How it affects humans I'm not sure of, though modern day medicines easily kill it.
Parasites are like polymorphic programs, they have different behavior based on what organisms they infect.
If they infect a cats natural prey, they will make the prey submissive and weak to cats. If they infect large animals, they make the animal intelligent, dominant, and pro-social so that the animal will be more likely to spread the parasite sexually until it reaches it's intended target which is mice and rats.
>T. gondii which infects approximately one-third of the world population among humans
>infected men scored lower on Factor G (superego strength/rule consciousness) and higher on Factor L (vigilance)
>Those who are infected with the parasite tend to exhibit a higher degree of "us versus them" thinking
>Infected subjects have a 2.65 times higher risk of getting into a traffic accident.
This explains why normies are so retarded. They're literally being controlled by parasites. Gondii brained.
I read a paper that said it strengthened the super ego module of the psyche.
Now that it's common knowledge and not just known among the elites I wouldn't be surprised if "they" were pushing fake news about it to get people to not exploit it.
>"Fake news! Brain parasites are actually good for you!"
>t. gondii brained parasite vessel
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Yup! “So most people have no idea that during the black plague in europe, 2 things happened, the water supplies were being poisoned with toxins and the first corporation(church) made an edict that cats were of the devil and were to be eradicated from european lands as much as possible. This of course was a ruse, with the people being slowly poisoned via the water supply and then coupled with less cats, the rodent population exploded so the flea population exploded, so a compromised immune system coupled with an intentional population decline of a beneficial domesticated predator resulted in the black death. Fire was the only thing that was able to stop it and the insurance payout and control must of been nice too for tptb, Sound familiar?…..”
The Jews fear the Felines.
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cats are cute
but they can be scary (and cute)
>Fear cats
I'd be afraid if I was around a big cat with no means of protection, why would I be afraid of a small house cat? I'm not afraid of rats either because they do you no harm 99% of the time.

I don't see any uncanny valley, so maybe I am Injected. That being said I don't love cats and unlike some people I know I'm not desperate for attention from them. I'll give them a pet, if they are a nice cat. If they are grumpy/scratchy they can fuck off.
Either way regular parasitic cleanses should be practiced, toxo not being a very important one imp
>Scared of creatures weighing 1/9th of your weight
I don't even fear geeze intuitively. The internet taught me how fearless and aggressive they can be. Small animals ain't scary, anon.
>2 more weeks!
Sure buddy.

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