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Started a thread on this sometime ago, got no satisfying answer. What is time itself? it MUST be something paranormal as it is a concept above the three dimensions. What controls our perception of it? Is there any cool magic you can do to slow down or control time?
mass is an urban myth, charge density variation changes spacial expansion+temporal contraction and visa-vi
There is something very wrong with time and no it has nothing to do with age.
From what I saw time really is going faster, 10 Mississippi now equals 15 seconds.
Also it can slow down or speed up at random parts of the day or when you tell/will it to. I have no idea why
also your image went off the rails with its conclusions, having dakota seconds instead of mississippi seconds dosnt mean dose not mean your in a separate time line with race and age based different metabolic and biological (metabolism is biological who ever wrote this shit needs to redraft) changes, it means tomorrow is shorter then today, which was a little shorter then yesterday, for everyone.
And they push this "it's cause you're getting older" and people repeat it thinking they're smart...
Because you're dodging the obvious, factual explanation. Brain's slowing down
It's interesting when you consider that time is different depending on where you are in the universe relative to other places in the universe. As I understand it, time is just the measurement of material things with other material things. Time doesn't actually exist outside of all this bullshit as far as I'm aware.

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