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File: rogueAI.jpg (15 KB, 200x200)
15 KB

this is one of the best examples i've found, watch any of this guys videos for a few minutes and realize how uncanny they seem and how the content of what he's saying and cadence is incredible unhuman. check out the comments on the video, they all seem contrived with a bunch of thumbs up. there's numerous odd looking photos of him with other people that look AI generated. i've also come across various pdf's with his name mentioned. i'm posting here because i know you guys will be able to look into this better than me alone, thank you.
they literally create fake people with entire official backgrounds with fake organizations with fake videos and fake articles, the works, all to get people to kill eachother and incite war. It's a nightmare.
The comments are almost definitely bots being used to increase views and therefore recommendations, but the video and man himself seem less like a bot and more like a scam. I would suspect he dances around issues and lists meaningless credentials to increase video length and manipulate the youtube algorithms.
He also reminds me a bit of those longer infomercial style ads they have on youtube sometimes, I didn't get through more than a few minutes but was he selling something?
he's not a real person, it's AI. He might've once been a real person but he's most likely dead and his likeness/image was donated for use or taken and is now being used to subvert.
OP here with something i found. this photo with him is either photoshopped or AI generated. https://streamable.com/pgy0pg

not entirely sure, he mentions some sort or organization thing
Did you make this video?
Nice ARG you fag
what is ARG?
if your so afraid how about you marry the ai
how about you fuck the ai hard how about that?
I got one of this guys videos in my recommended a while back. Idk if he is AI but googling him led to a thread where people are talking about some KGB org called Allatra or something. Too tired to investigate it now but I am intrigued
agreed. they're absolutely bots. it is a psyop. they just propped up some paid shill "wise old scientist" to bullshit us.
Holy fuck, what have you uncovered here? The other lady is also copy pasted from that same photo lmao

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