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are just a bunch of depressed teenagers wanting to bang draco from harry potter? It has 120k
+ members, so surely there is something to it; teenagers mistaking lucid dreaming?
>are just a bunch of depressed teenagers wanting to bang draco from harry potter?
Yes, also tiktok.
Why do you make this thread three times a week?
i need it to be real, my time is the current reality has it a all roads lead to nowhere, dead end if you will. No i'm not starving or homeless, but i'm desperately lonely, and only live for booz
because, yet to receive any real answer; why do you frequent this board so much to know the frequency of a post?
need this so i can just look at other timelines
It's roleplaying for people who hate their lives
Hope this clears it
sure, guess i fit right in then. my problem is i dont understand whats wrong with me, im an average looking 6' male, with a decent "wage cuck" but decent job. guess im just meant to be alone
You have had your real answer many times
It sounds like you don’t want a real answer
It’s not hard to see the same posts again and again. It’s not surprising you need to ask the same shit so often given this level of incompetence.
You will get the same answers every time.
nigga, you gay.
for fictional characters.. maybe, but in IRL.. not a chance
>sounds like
back to plebbit with you, neckbeard boy
bump. I know I CAN shift...i just don't know the HOW.
Also I suggest to really really shift, reminding yourself how life would be like if you "were in your DR, but can't turn back". so, maybe you would be terrified, or starving, or worse if you were in DR at any given moment -and you wouldn't be back "here"- it's a thought experiment +meditation, depending on whether you choose a dangerous adventure, going back to the past (so, no internets for you) etc
every time you meet a relative or friend ,say to yourself you wouldn't be seeing him for years when you shift, because maybe you shifted to a widely different epoch, or country, etc

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