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Last night I had a dream in which I learned to levitate myself using my mind. This was an extremely vivid dream and the feeling of using the levitation unlike anything I’ve experienced while awake. I don’t know how to tap into this power however and am wondering if anyone here has any advice
>I don’t know how to tap into this power however and am wondering if anyone here has any advice
just use your mind like you did in the dream?
>extremely vivid
OP, I've had multiple dreams like this, starting with simple elementary school dreams of being able to push my feet off the ground and defy gravity all the way to dreams of Dragon Ball Z chi-blasting my way into outer space and back.
Some of the dreams, I realized how exactly the levitating WORKED and then I woke up...incredibly furious that it no longer worked.
I gave up trying to figure this shit out by the time I was 16 and still have the odd levitation dream or so as a middle-aged man.
I don't know if it's actually possible, but I would love for it to be real and have a real working mechanismand method to achieve it, in any form.
That’s the thing lol I don’t know how to use my mind like I did in the dream. It was kind of a surging feeling going thru my entire head, I could feel the power going through my mind and was incredibly aware of my entire consciousness
Yes it was a huge letdown to not be able to do it when I woke up.

You have let go of your earthly desires and attachments like Zaheer did in season 3 of Legend of Korra. The earth cannot grasp or hold onto someone who is empty.
Is this like legit or some weird anime shit I don’t get

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