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File: NiceRead.jpg (82 KB, 400x500)
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Honest 1v1. Or are you gonna run and cry to mama?
Where would I need to run to better call out to myself, dear? You do have *such* an overactive imagination...
Are you asking for someone to debate you on flat earth or something?
What momma don't know wont hurt her.
Are you gonna free me completely or are you too scared of my tendency prone to violence? I know the TVA would love it if I brought you to the Island.
Okay yeah you obviously didn't find my spoiler site for Flatland. https://www.reddit.com/r/Frontlands/
Flatland = Frontlands
I wish you would tell me about 4Dlower and 4D higher so I can start my transition to 5D.
Key Features:

Satire: Abbott uses Flatland to critique the Victorian social structure, poking fun at the rigid class system and gender roles.
Dimensional Exploration: The novella introduces the concept of higher dimensions, allowing readers to grasp the idea of spaces beyond the familiar three dimensions.
Mathematical Underpinnings: Abbott’s work draws from mathematical concepts, such as geometry and topology, to create a believable and engaging two-dimensional world.

Enduring Contribution: Flatland’s examination of dimensions has had a lasting impact on the development of mathematical and scientific thought.
Adaptations: The novella has been adapted into various forms, including short films, feature films, and even a stage play, demonstrating its continued relevance and appeal.
By exploring Flatland, readers gain insight into both the societal commentary and the mathematical concepts that underpin Abbott’s masterpiece.
Oh yeah don't forget about Mr. Y.
The End of Mr. Y
Plot Summary

The novel follows Ariel Manto, a PhD student researching the 19th-century writer Thomas Lumas. Ariel discovers a rare copy of Lumas’ novel, “The End of Mr. Y”, in a second-hand bookstore. The book is rumored to be cursed, as everyone who has read it has died shortly afterwards. Despite the ominous warning, Ariel becomes obsessed with the novel and its themes of consciousness, death, and the interconnectedness of all things.

As Ariel delves deeper into the book, she finds a recipe for a mysterious elixir that allows her to enter the Troposphere, a realm where she can access the thoughts and experiences of others. Her journey becomes a quest to uncover the secrets of the novel and the Troposphere, while also navigating her own troubled life and relationships.


The blurring of boundaries between reality and fiction
The power of consciousness and the interconnectedness of all things
The search for meaning and understanding in a complex and often incomprehensible world
The tension between science and faith, and the limits of human knowledge
Style and Influences

The novel combines elements of literary fiction, science fiction, and philosophical inquiry
Scarlett Thomas’ writing style is characterized by its accessibility and clarity, making complex ideas and theories accessible to a wide range of readers
Influences include the works of Mary Shelley, Jorge Luis Borges, and Thomas Pynchon, as well as philosophical and scientific theories from thinkers such as Derrida, Heidegger, Einstein, and Hawking

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