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when will we see the new pope take the throne after francis?
After they open the gate between worlds, that's something that you have not seen yet.
when he dies? wat kind of retarded question is this?
no shit dude, i asked when you think that will happen
how the fuck would some shit head on 4chan know?
2033 when Jesus returns
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It should be me but they would have to do anything I want, worship me and also let me do whatever i want.
Also that cuck pussy shit called Christianity has either be reformed to be something cool with Jesus being a cool ubermensch warrior or its gonna be replaced by paganism.
And no, my problem with Christianity isn't that not that God is not a vengeful OT guy but that you have to be a cuck and he doesn't allow you to do whatever the fuck you want.
It's time for Pope Francis to step down.
The prophecy says the current pope is the final pope. What does that mean? We will find out soon enough.

>manlet hands typed this
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That's god damn right and my first divine commandment is to cut you tall folk down.
oh shit it's the dwarves
illuminati traitors have all the gold get them first
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>illuminati traitors have all the gold get them first
They do?
That's going into the book of grudges...

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