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Why was there so much esoteric stuff in this series?

They even referenced Crowley
The japanese are fascinated by european and western mysticism as a whole.

>They even referenced Crowley
That's nothing, the modern game references every mythos you could think of. You could make Lucifer battle Saturn and Athena battle Odin. You could make Ametarasu battle a loli dressed as a rabbit.
They even have Sophia as bossmonster.
The East never had a tradition of censoring other mythologies and religions as evil and Satanic so they tend to both see them as novelties and have a higher knowledge of them than Christian societies in the West.
Kazuki Takahashi in particular liked foreign mythos and studied it more, and the animation studios that adapted the manga decided to run with that when making the filler arcs and sequels(the Seal of Orichalcos shit wasn't in the manga).

That said most of the representations were pretty superficial, the Egyptian mythos was mostly homebrew shit with some real God names and symbols sprinkled in.
It is indeed very based for introducting kids to all sorts of esoteric stuff. Also interesting for me to learn that in the Japanese original, "being sent to the shadow realm" is literally just dying, and the characters threaten each others with guns & other deadly weapons.
Reading the manga as a kid after watching the dub about card games was wild. I'm pretty sure he set at least 2 dudes on fire and turned another three retarded in the first volume alone.
The EVEN referenced crowley? Oh my!
Tell me why the fuck is this board riddled with NLP bullshit threads?
the original yugioh manga was created as an horror manga, one of the many games was "yugioh card game " (wizards and monsters), which featured in fights against Kaiba -who had green hair-
the final battle in the manga isn't even duel monsters, it's a tabletop RPG against bakura. the W.W game was so popular the author decided to retcon the story and make the yugioh we all know.
>some stuff the anime censored: bandit keith played russian roulette, marik's tattoo are actually scarifications, the mute mime had killed his parents, pegasus stabs out his eye to get the millenium eye

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