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The real world is the benedryl world. Our god and our conciousness filters out the spiders and shadow people but the DPH reveals what lies underneath. Benedryl is 100x more enlightening than LSD and 100000x more enlightening than DMT. This is reality. (I took 700mg)
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Yo dawg, we heard you like Benadryl, so we invented drill music so you can run drills that make you feel ill, while you drill, when you dryl.
The high is actually terrible nobody likes it
don't overdose on benadryl kids we have enough psychotic people already don't need more
Thinking about doing an experiment, how much do you need to take for the shadow people to appear?
Benadryl is some next level psyop shit.
The high is horrible, it's blatantly unpleasant to get to the levels high enough for a trip and everyone who actually uses it claims it's terrible and ruins their lives. Anyone should be able to experiment on their own and realize they want nothing to do with it.
Yet they've made it such a meme that dipshits who know all of this will still take it enough to get addicted for the meme.
It's like the tidepod challenge for adults.
trips of truth
For me, it's brugmansia. Holy hell, what a nightmare. I'll probably do it again.
I can’t take it anymore without it causing my legs to convulse, fucked myself up permanently
delrium is a horrific thing to experience. DO NOT TAKE A BUNCH OF BENEDRYL KIDS!
Stop telling people to do this, it will literally eat holes in your brain and give you dementia.
Hospital strength Benedryl made me see shadow beings.
Least this thread's funny, unlike the dmtshitters
I take 2 benadryl once a week when I work a swing shift so I can sleep. How fucked am i?
Yeah, the spiders are real Somehow or another, if we're loose with the word "real." I don't think it's a cute little coincidence that you don't have to be told about them to see them.
I like it, I'm on it right now actually. It makes me sad instead of mad.
If I had access to the horrible military experimental shit that gives you temporary alzheimers then I would probably use that too.
Datura is far superior.
How do you dose that?
wouldn't that be the point? sight without sacrifice isn't sight at all.

tribals used similar but more potent substances to see.
The need for sacrifice is not a natural law Anon, admission is already paid in full for this ride
Until you can't piss
Ah I see, keep ingesting until it's clearly too late like liquor?
>military experimental shit that gives you alzheimers
you're thinking of sars2 c*vid
this is why places feel haunted
just take mushrooms, the way god intended

Uhh.....I once took 2 or 3 tablets an evening to knock me out.....
People fucking Robotrip on this shit? That just sounds like a godawful time. Sounds worse than Datura and those tales make me wince.
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consume 20 benedryl you will see the spirits haunting our realm
Every shadow becomes a beast and all patterns turn to bugs
I like it.
I have a severe peanut allergy and have taken alot of bendryl several times throughout my life to prevent the allergy from closing my lungs,

I've seen the spiders and writings on the wall in a language i can't read, the spiders would be all over me and when i would wake up they would scatter and run away,

Its like they would feed off my "light" or life force, i don't recommend you take that drug, or try to go there, it's not a pleasant place and is like a realm of decay
I took excess doses of Benadryl for years without realizing what I was doing and I saw rats fucking everywhere. I wasn't high, just hallucinating rats constantly.
that's not how magic works, rather the mundane.

it's all give and take.
I take 3 (generic) bennies just to fall asleep. I used to see a blue lightshow with my eyes closed, but that doesn't happen anymore. Last time I had surgery, I had morphine hallucinations which the internet tells me is not a thing that happens with morphine.
My brother passed out and turned blue doing this shit, got taken to hospital. He was typing on an invisible keyboard for a good portion of it, does that mean there's invisible keyboards too? Nah, this shit just messes with your brain.
That's only true if you're working with spiritual parasites. Here's a hint for you: part of you already exists outside of time and is able to alter reality as it sees fit, for free, and it's the only divine entity that you can be sure isn't trying to get over on you
the blue lightshow will still show up with your eyes open, go into the darkest room you can find, you will be able to see everything as if it was being lit up by a blue flashlight. I still have no clue how tf this is possible.
I see huge spiders on Benny. Like 50% of the time. I'm not afraid of spiders so it's odd my subconscious shows me spiders
>brain and sensory organs painstakingly evolved over billions of years to transmit a fairly accurate rendering of the environment so the organism would have improved chances of survival
>take chemicals which fuck with that system
>see spooky shit

Kill yourself.
Buy an advert.
Maybe you have Lemur vision?
Like when you see blue light if you bump your head, the Histamine receptors in the nose are close to a bone with cells that express a potential cryptochrome through the magnetic induction of blue light, This information goes to the brain as apparent "light"
intriguing, when I close my eyes at night the room I'm in returns to me, and I often get confused whether my eyes are open or closed - I thought it was just a side effect of practising falling into lucid sleep
bingo, he used the word subconscious
schitzos may now perish
Different anon
I usually only get spiders with serotonin overdose is the past (prozac).
That and I was up for like 2 days straight on adderall, and so I would just look at the shadows and see them as spider spinning webs.
Benadryl, That one gives me cotton mouth, gravity feels like it's turned on 10x, euphoria I would classify as a dysphoria, blurred vision, talking to people who are not there, short term memory loss, (forgetting what I was saying midway through). Delerium, where i'll lay down and wake up after realizing i'm not in the kitchen or bathroom, or somewhere else in the home.
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My benadryl became fedorous.
interesting, I know it was projecting externally because I still had a dark shadow against the blue light
These (the people like the OP, not you) are shills, assholes, and jokesters making dumb memes, trying to encourage people to fuck up their brain and health, as well as possibly false-flagging/shilling/poisoning the well to make actual entheogenic use of natural and safer hallucinogens look just as dumb.

Herb goes in all fields
I drank a whole bottle of these and it didn't do shit
I discovered DPH as a sleep aid that gave me vivid dreams and more importantly, cured my allergies in the spring and fall at the cost of being sleepy. I still use it for sleep aid and the occasional goofy dream giver. I have 2 bottles of 400 pills each at my disposal.
>everyone who doesn't think like me and believe the things I believe is BAD SHILL RUSSIAN BOTS etc etc
You are a retarded person and it's terminal
this shit is really rough on the kidneys guys. trust me you don't want to fuck with any of your urinary/sex system
t. dxm gooner smitten by God
Why are you not living?
it's a really bad medicine. even small doses increase liklihood of early Alzheimers. not to mention your kidneys liver and brain in general.
it's a dice roll. a single seed can be way more potent than the other. it's also a fatal substance at the doses required to trip.
you suck cock for free
I did that once and I though I was permanently brain damage and I got real fucking scared. At some point I thought I was dead for 1 sec. Like I felt I was dead because it was a complete void (I was a nihilistic atheist in those day)
Why is hallucinating spiders so common? A friend of mine sees them every time she's coming down off MD too.
We can only perceive the unknown through known symbols if our mind isn't 100% "plastic". What, do you think there aren't extradimensional entities trying to consume, just on a more "subtle", energetic, level? They are everywhere, like mold and even insects. It's just that spiders tend to most closely resemble them by nature. Waiting patiently for their next fix, pulling your strings. Mind shifts with "brain-chemistry" altering effects allow you to perceive outside the filter of our reality.
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hey fag stop preventing us from getting our high highs for cheapies

blessed goes in all fields

Yeah calling that bullshit.
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I used to see this on lsd, I honestly thought someone was stalking me and shining a flashlight through my window to fuck with my trip. I've actually been gangstalked before so it's not unreasonable.
Yeah. It's miserably hot where I live, so I sleep in the daytime, and have my window blacked out. I saw the blue lightshow eyes open or eyes closed on bennies. But it eventually stopped. Sometimes they don't even knock me out anymore.
I used to wake up feeling retarded after taking these to sleep. Now I probably actually am retarded so I don't notice the difference. Never saw Cad Bane though, just blue lights.
My immediate guess is the demons know arachnophobia is common so they take the form of a spider to harvest more fear energy. Maybe there's a deeper reason though, cause there's that whole spider cult the freemasons are into after all.
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for me, it's dissociating and having demon witches with cut off noses and cops assault me in my dreams with this bad boy
>sacrifice is not a natural law
>admission is already paid in full
God paid for it by sacrificing Jesus. So yes, sacrifice is part of the naturally created order of things.
sacrifice without loss is meaningless. A better example would be the tail of a lizard
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>My immediate guess is the demons know arachnophobia is common so they take the form of a spider to harvest more fear energy. Maybe there's a deeper reason though, cause there's that whole spider cult the freemasons are into after all.
Things that skitter are engraved in the human mind if not to fear then to at least track. Spiders especially since they can bite. Millions of years of evolution has created this wariness just as with fear of loud noises or falling. Also why it is so influential in horror film monsters. But just as with seeing faces or words a portion of the visual cortex is set aside for tracking the movement of skittering creatures. Not just to keep from getting bitten but eaten or having your food spoil. Certain drugs can make this go haywire and put out nonsense outputs. Things that are normally shielded from human perception. What the mind is not equipped to comprehend and in a state of nature can not conceive. Such as machine elves. Which are ubiquitous and tireless but with certain chemicals pressing on the visual cortex may be perceived and some of those perceptions come down to spiders. Can't hear them with this but at least more detailed than shadows.
Benadryl delirium sucks ass
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It is not any more or less real than what you see every day. Just filtered through a different perception and fed to your consciousness. At the end of the day all we can do is compare to try to glimpse truth.
So does running a marathon. If you want to feel good just do some heroin and tune out of life. This is for truth seekers and wanderers on their journey.
PSA: Don't take benadryl. I went to the hospital with a panic attack: I thought I was having a heart attack
The mental side effects are overblown. Half the histrionics of pussies and half exaggerations of those who have never tried it. It is unpleasant. Arguably less so than pcp. You are not signing up for a good time. It is still worth it.

The physical side effects can be pretty severe. Permanent liver damage and death are on the table. This is riskier than most drugs. Something that has not been brought up yet in this thread. So if you go be aware of the very real risk.
>he hasn't been to k-hole world
Not suggesting you go there.
Based delirium poster
Just get Amanita mushroom gummies if you want to trip don't take benadryl that's silly.
I took one last night because I have poison ivy and I read it would help. I slept over 9 hours and have felt retarded all day and been so tired I can barely shitpost.
>The high is horrible, it's blatantly unpleasant to get to the levels high enough for a trip and everyone who actually uses it claims it's terrible and ruins their lives.
Yes, that's the entire point of the meme
>Benadryl is some next level psyop shit.
Its a great sleep aid and antihistamine when used at the recommended dosage.
I just took one 25mg benadryl. what am I in for?
>Sometimes they don't even knock me out anymore.
This is common. You build a resistance to the hypnotic effect ridiculously quickly, while still being able to get the full antihistamine effect. That's why before the generation 2 antihistamines like loretadine came out, people were able to function at work taking diphenhydramine every day.
In my city, there is an area called "amphetamine square" where junkies and the very worst walks of life like to hang out. And not even they want to mess with this mushroom. Apparently the damage it does to your liver and kidneys is just too high. Anyone who tries it regularly finds themselves hospitalized or dead fairly soon.
Better buckle up you are in for a night of hell and a tired hangover for the next 48 hours as you pray for death. If it is the first time your mind may eventually recover. If you are lucky.
Junkies are always a certain type. They are weak willed pleasure seekers chasing a dragon of hedonism. They may get there through many paths. Some staving off addiction from pain relievers after an injury, some by way of partying, others curiosity got the better of them but the end result is the same. They have no interest in journeys of the mind. Especially not on ferries with a high fee. But to the true seeker some destinations are worth it.
you read like esl so im going to assume you're european and are just repeating old taboos but what you just said is completely fictional. the reason the addicts don't touch it is because 1) they would overdose on it because they are junkies that have to get as fucked up as possible on everything they take 2) it's not good for partying or fun 3) cultural taboos heavily exaggerate its toxicity 4) it doesn't mix well with whatever other shit they're on
reindeer herders take it literally every day and so have i in small doses for months and im completely fine.
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shadowed areas = lack of information
+ altered (worse) vision
+ hallucinatory vision
-> "spiders" (constantly moving dark squiggles which are in essence visual snow but with higher blobbiness)
DXM is also terrible.
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I do think drugs can provide altered experiences that can lift certain veils but ultimately for real spiritual growth they do nothing. You need to see it all when you're sober. People can be stone cold sober meditator chads and see literal angels. That's the goal.
This shit all comes at a cost, benadryl completely ruins the brain, you can "feel" your brain damaged from it and it gives you dementia. Not worth it.
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I also have seen this blue light, eyes open and closed. I always attributed it to be similar to the action of staring at an image for a full minute and then looking at a blank wall, seeing the same picture you were just looking at but reverse color.

Never connected it to my benadryl use. Its not a heavy dose I take but it has been daily for over a year now. Also cannabis user and yet somehow I can dream heavily between using the two substances.

>poison sumac reporting in
>hypersensitive allergy to Satan's house plant
Between the steroids I was prescribed and the OTC benadryl (and occasional edible), I was floating in an, what I could only describe as, uncomfortable meditative state when I had to force myself through work (edibles helped with socializing alongside ignoring the itching/pain, thankfully, else I wouldve been a complete zombie). But soon as I was able to lay my body down, without the worry of responsibility for the next 48 hours, I was out-out
I have literally never heard a negative thing about it.
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any high dose i always pucked my fking guts out
yeah i used to dose on that, no where near as much though. but the sad emotion was good in a way. a little morbid though.
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Nah, it's more like this.
DXM is addictive, fucks up your organs, and can cause respiratory depression and kill you.
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and then that kid next door gets cancer or is bombed by someone who hates his people
its cool though
god is, like, all of us man

anyone defending reality as a "cool" thing created by a "all of us loving god" is a faggot

now lets go watch the lions eat baby antelopes
You think too simplistically and dualistically. Nowhere in that image did I imply the world is sunshine and fairytales. What you did, however, is apply the concept of evil to the natural cycles of life and death. Your reaction to the cognitive dissonance isn't my fault. It's yours.
>underaged fags who have never taken psychedelics
We know you're jealous.
I'd argue most of them are 20-40. That's the age range where elsewhere I've seen most idiots speaking out against drugs with pisspoor arguments
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>apply the concept of evil to the natural cycles of life and death
I really don't like you hippy types who try to justify reality as if it's amoral and acceptable. As if I did something wrong for having a subjective objection to the fact reality exists and how it exists. So what if everything is Mind and the All is a Godhead of living infinite consciousness? That doesn't excuse the ultimate unending forced suffering that every living thing is coerced to endure against its will without question.

>Oh yeah man, reality is totally like this loving god thought thing that we are all connected to. Right on!
Now let's go watch the lion eat the baby antelope.
Have you read the book you've included? Because it'd completely disagree with this bullshit. You smugly use this pic as a way of claiming authority then butcher basic hermeticism. well done
It's one of those drugs I'm suprised you can buy over the counter. I guess the government has no issues with people making themselves feel terrified and retarded
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I've read a bunch of shit. Have you?
I still fundamentally disagree with the concept of reality being anything other than a forced negative experience. Anything or anyone who tries to say differently is a charlatan.
>other than a forced negative experience
Did you expect something different? It is also a forced positive experience for some. It also just is, without any inherent properties.
9 of these and I'm on the shores of oblivion
That is not possible, because the real world existed before Benedryl
Benadryl is the only drug I've done that I feel might've taken a few years off my lifespan (hopefully not). Genuinely horrible stuff but I still had a few 700mg+ trips.
what was your experience like?
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I am of the opinion that both takes are maladies of the mind that have increasingly taken root in the internet era.
>ubiquitous and tireless but with certain chemicals pressing on the visual cortex may be perceived and some of those perceptions come down to spiders
Might be two distinct phenomena revealed by different drugs. Not the same phenomenon observed through two different filters.

>Can't hear them
Neither spiders nor machine elves are necessarily alive or conscious. Might just be an artifact of the way the world is rendered. Some process that organizes causality or interfaces matter with conscious minds. They could be sentient too we can not rule it out either way.
>I took a high dose benadryl once and it felt like I was working in an office with a bunch of anthropomorphized weasels who were gossiping behind my back and nobody did their actual job but they wrote memos about memos about meetings for meetings all day
>it felt like I was working in an office

I have read a lot of benadryl horror stories. No one seems to have a good time. But I must say this description is the worst. never have I heard such an accurate vision of hell. It has all but turned me off of the drug.
>woah im able to feel concepts 100x more deeply
>everything is love and connected, the only real thing is the present moment :)
>this tree looks like a nature goddess mother, how beautiful, and she teaches me about life
>although i understand that this is a hallucination and not actually real
>there is a REAL DEMON standing next to you
>spiders are crawling on me and they feel exactly real the physical sensation is real this isn't a hallcuination this is REAL
>reality / nightmare world blended perfectly together, impossible to discern what is real and what isn't

taking benadryl to get high is like sniffing gasoline. the most bottom of the barrel attempt, dengenerate way to escape reality
>The real world is the benedryl world
The harshness means it is real. Everything else is a cope to make you feel better. Even the mind itself can not handle how grim base reality is.
Without pain there wouldnt be enjoyment
Things have to be on the full spectrum to build a soul
If God was going to correct things, where would he stop and end
Life will play out how it is supposed to within the boundaries confined, people will make their choices and become people.
All will rest in peace someday, the lion and the ox will eat hay together.
Contention is life itself. There will be another world, new heavens
People judged and placed where they will be.
Heaven and hell wasnt made to contain Adam alone albeit from one became all.
Not everything is great and most of it isnt. If we adjust ourselves to the ways of peace it can become good enough.
Love is self sacrifice and it is the thing that binds us to this planet.
Something that people would pay all of their material to keep.
Love is spirit and the people can exist forever in the mind of the observer understanding wisdom.
Wisdom is life.
All things are a division of right and wrong.
Its easier to default to wrongdoing so thats what plagues the world, and gets worse in the end.
The doctrine of the devil is the doctrine of selfishness, eat your family to survive.
The doctrine of the God of heaven is selflessness, do on to others what you would want done to you.
Live in the world that you want.
Hell as a closed source is death as all feed off eachother until there is nothing.
And heaven is eternal life as the God of wisdom rules with mercy.
I think therefore i am.
Principle is brought to life in categories that contain the observable world.
We are built in the categories ordained by God.
All is number and word. Physical and spiritual. Masturbatory or of love.
Selfish and selfless.
A division between life and death.
Wisdom is a play in the form of a decision to be made.
Peace is the highest principle man can evoke.
>on the full spectrum
Peace is a meme and a word for stagnation and death. This is the highest principle a man can evoke.
The highest principle is to judge and condemn evil but we cant judge perfectly so let God be the judge.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
What is a blip of life next to death?
All is wisdom and for man the highest wisdom is to have faith in God to let him judge.
The most High creates the play we decipher as life through the form of a choice between something that ultimately pertains to life or death.
He ben a drill
I almost checked your digits
I got uppity about the emotion of your reply, slightly
Im not talking down or saying anything out of my ass intentionally though
All truths are self evident
Its a strange thing to speed toward the end.

It seems that both life and death end in stagnation.
I wonder about it.
I dont like to think about it and i think ecclesiastes 7:16 is the best way to enjoy life.

At some point i will capitulate with evil in the ways i have decided. Just not very wrong but i want to enjoy life at a slight level that makes me human and susceptible. Nothing i wouldnt be willing to pay the price for.
And nature is such that matter expands into space. Everything is on a timeline.
Perhaps cyclical but then reincarnation really defeats the point
And if reincarnation as another human were to be we would simultaneously be all living beings at once and not have perception over the individual self.

We werent born before but through the lineages of Adam we came to be and started making the decisions that built our soul.
>on the full spectrum
Pursue autism. Autistic focus, temporary obsession, and self fulfillment. This is the way. Value knowledge and know thyself. Neither to indulge the world either as hedonism or as an end in itself nor to shun the world as imperfect or pursue hermeticism. Those options are all dead ends. Instead autism is the path to enlightenment.
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Benadryl, eh?

Are you sure you don’t mean, propylhexedrine?
My use of Benadryl when I was younger is one of the things I regret most.
There's no truth in it, leave it behind and be smarter than me. Take dxm if you need an OTC high, not fucking benedryl
Drugs are crazy, you can hallucinate from basically any substance, it's rare, but some people trip from any chemical disturbance. You should use your powers more.
The invisible keyboards actually are real, they allow you to communicate through time and space.
Do you have any idea how much sensory information the brain cuts out? We miss most of reality.
Benadryl spiders are your eye floaters. The only thing that is like "enlightening" is show you how histamines exist to keep you 'lucid'
Anyways, worst trip was when I thought my dad came to visit me in the dorm while sick, and I gave him my bed and then hung out on the floor waiting for the nurse to arrive. I also became notably retarded after quitting, and I have occasional paralysis
t. i've taken dozens of bottles of the shit in college
I've been taking 30 25mg tabs every evening for almost 2 years now
The root console of reality.
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Now I’m the king of the swingers
The jungle VIP
I reached the top, and had to stop,
And that’s what’s bothering me.

I wanna be a man, mancub, and stroll right into town.
And be just like the other men, I’m tired of monkeying around.
I took 6 pills of a certain prescription drug (the prescribed dose was 1) to help me sleep one night (I have clinical insomnia) and when I woke up I didn't know who I was and I thought the walls were made of crepes and were edible. I didnt try to eat them though and I remembered my name and who I was and how I got there (to my own room) after a minute or two of laying there but it was definitely a scary experience and I never wanted to take more than the prescribed dose of anything again.
Yeah, ambien high is pretty radical especially in conjunction with high amount of cannabinoids. I only did it once but I think it was my absolute favorite delirium experience.
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Spectral animals, also known as ghost animals or spirit animals, are entities believed to exist in a realm between the physical and spiritual worlds. These entities are often associated with various cultures and traditions, including Native American, Chinese, Greek, Buddhist, Aztec, and Egyptian beliefs.
>The projections to the cerebral cortex directly increase cortical activation and arousal, and projections to acetylcholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain and dorsal pons do so indirectly, by increasing the release of acetylcholine in the cerebral cortex

Why people smoke "phantom" cigarettes, cause it's the cure to acetylcholine inhibition poisoning.
Dxm is the shit

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