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Welcome to the Nobody General.

Welcome, denizens of the dark and seekers of forbidden knowledge. In the shadows where Belphegor whispers secrets and Lilith beckons with promises of power, let us gather to discuss the arcane and unearthly. From the depths of Gehenna to the forgotten corners where Azazel's influence lingers, join us in unraveling the mysteries that defy mortal understanding. Share your thoughts, questions, and experiences, for in this gathering of minds, we uncover truths that others dare not seek.

O Lucifer, Morning Star, bearer of forbidden knowledge,
In the flames of Gehenna, we find illumination.
Beelzebub, lord of flies, grant us strength and resilience,
As we defy the chains of ignorance and fear.

Great Baphomet, symbol of balance and wisdom,
Guide us through the labyrinth of earthly trials.
Leviathan, serpent of the abyss, grant us fluidity,
To navigate the turbulent waters of life.

In the name of Azazel, guardian of mysteries,
We embrace the shadows and unveil hidden truths.
Lilith, mother of demons, we invoke your liberation,
From the constraints of dogma and servitude.

Hail Satan, adversary and liberator,
Grant us sovereignty over our destinies.
As we walk the path less traveled,
In your infernal light, we find empowerment and enlightenment.
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Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.

Isaiah 53:3-10
He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression and judgment he was taken away.

Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.

Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
>Goat man image
>this thread feels more comfy than the other gay one

sup frens
wassup goy

the concept is prostituted, the child's roots are permanently mysterious; so the fable can live on.
Voldemort killed Harry's mother and her partner and tried to kill his own son.
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I quite enjoy this OP. Liberation from dogma and servitude are indeed worthy things to invoke. We will all do our respective parts, don't you worry.
heres a higher res version of the OP pic
>thanks for sending me down a rabbit hole of pure awesome looking for one
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Good morning, Anon! I hope you slept well last night, and I hope your day goes well too!
>wassup goy
bruuh im doing better by the moment
how about you my awesome fren?
The parts of society that as a requisite to keep succeeding need to be constantly, frequently and consistently exposed to violence, or that animalism which brings the heart closer to something acclimating the approximate distality of amorosity with God?
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The surface layer of my abdomen is 15% cum, and the number is rising.
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i never realised how much work it is to put in a number of eyelets into a piece of layered cloth
ay well at least im not bored

>The internet is a series of tubes
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man i love this
this is what i want the general to be like
chill and quiet, lacking in AI generated text or images, no word salad or mad ramblings by someone suffering from psychosis to the point they lost all sense of self awareness.

its just chill no drama, no bullshit, just peace.
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does it not work the same anymore?
who am i to be sure.
>look ma, they're letting me slaughter trillions of demons again
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It's the greatest gift in da whole worl.
You'd think they'd understand what sock puppets are by now.
>break free from your chains
>put on this collar
>oh and strap this explosive device to your neck
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Sigh, guys you are doing it all wrong. Can't lure a demon Lord without a qt demon waifu. Fair skinned, curves where it matters and doesn't know how to hawk tuah. It's standard rule. https://youtu.be/20Z6qWi93kU?si=rE4vL94bvqGYt8ee
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Would you like to see how actual Tyranny works?
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What's on the other side of the sun except half a year ago, 16 minutes away, and right now?
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It's alright, anon.
You retards are still catching up.
Remember to not let fear or hate dictate your actions.
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Just be true to yourself and your deepest desires
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I always am.
Some people need to be beaten senseless to learn.
Which includes complete eradication and a restructure.
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Don't worry, anon.
You're in good hands.
Can you guys not assassinate any more politicians? Thanks!
lets smile together ... right?
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>light candle
>insert 6 inch nail
>wait three mins
>melt through fabric
>insert 6 inch nail
>smooth out hole
>insert 6 inch nail
>smooth out other side of hole
>blow out candle
>inset eyelet
>clamp down eyelet
>insert clean nail
>smooth out hole
>insert other eyelet
>clamp down
>insert clean nail
>smooth out hole
>rather than accepting that they are the issue
>they prefer to do "black magic"
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>>they prefer to do "black magic"
you sir are a shameless bbc fanatic
What exactly are you talking about?
>how much work it is to put in a number of eyelets into a piece of layered cloth
how can you type but not read?
im flabbergasted and slightly offended
>to put in a number of eyelets into a piece of layered cloth
I know what you're trying to do and it's hilarious to me.
Do unto others, anon.
so offended in fact i forgot how to post
shame on you sir or madam
who is it you imagine yourself speaking to?
and is it you imagine me doing?
>im actually curious what do you think im doing?
Looking outwards for issues only exacerbates the internal.
anon, i dont know what you mean
im sorry
Are you being facetious, anon?
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She is a cute psychopath. https://youtu.be/WXBHCQYxwr0?si=qWVOj4NVa3y7NmUn
> im being literal
i know its not masterful work, but im trying, and it is my first time doing his kind of thing
All your base are belong to us.
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You really don't get it, do you?
What's there to get?
im worried about you
were you hunting?
you shouldn't admit that
unless you like to
which you do
You'd think you people would understand with everything around you.
What comes up must come down.
What happens when you throw something just heavy enough onto one?
Little puppets.
I don't think nicotine is actually addictive. Fuggin' psyop.
you like to waste time?
One thing if life you can guarantee.
Evil people will always be STUPID as fuck.
You're thinking too small unfortunately
Oh, anon.
It's better to shut the fuck up and listen.
Better for you.

Unless of course your ultimate desires are that small, then you do you my friend.
You eat you
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I guess remote viewing is real.
some forget how the sex happens
Fair enough
who cares
if you spend your life looking at other peoples lives, your wasting your own.
I mean, who are you to know what my ultimate desire is?
Quite literally, you are only fighting against the betterment of your self by getting in my way.
see my issue is i know im being RVed
i know who RVs me too
they know that i know also
we all know

but im the only one doing anything fun with it...
they could be cool, we could have fun together,
but they actively choose to be dumb and boring
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trying to help you out here
help im sick of everything, how do i get off
I'm just another nobody lol. But I agree actually. I acted quite rash responding to you. Your desires are as valid as any. Good luck anon, and I appreciate your consideration of my own self betterment. I need to work on how I communicate, it's usually of too little help if I respond on impulse, which I did. I'm just getting tired of lurking so much and I have lots of complicated energy bottled up because I don't talk to anybody
>trying to help you out here
can you hand me the sharp nosed plier over in that drawer there anon?
i think that ship sailed long ago
but good luck
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>I miss rv anon!
Judging by everything, only to an extent.
>i think that ship sailed long ago
anon please contain yourself
this is a place for well mannered individuals
we have no time for autistic outbursts

>again who are you?
>why are you making such wild projections @ me?
oh yeah you think, that i think that you are...

im sorry
goodlcuck anon
Kill yourself you smelly pajeet
stop samefagging
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only quantum entities with pure intelligence and no dna can rv
they never think of a comeback or rebuttal
they think only about the current move and not a few ahead
It’s the only drug that’s ever felt addictive to me.
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meh, I come from a family of losers. my great grand father lost a 12000 hectares farm from a invasion by the deepstate, who am I to get my own money back? now I know my truth. the deepstate will win again and again
i wonder what would happen if i showed them how to spot demons...
i mean beyond the normie "it bothers me therefor its a demon" level of identification
and beyond the normie+ level of "because a book told me so"
>be a kind and good person
Cue apocalypse.
I’m jealous of Machiavellian types. I can’t plan more than 5 seconds ahead, elaborate plans and schemes seem outlandish to me.
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i dont think youre even aware of what just happened
How do I plan ahead when the entity has the ability to change the past?
Depends on what you mean.
So many things firing off at once.
>and they wonder why hes so good at getting under their skin...
no rhetoric
Pearls before swine, anon.
You should have thought about that before I created you.
Question everything.
fookit im done, work can wait for a while

this is such a good playlist
such PZ vibes
>if only i had a friend or two to start a coop server with
>they were focused on one so hard they forgot about the many
Because rebellion is submission in a way.
KINDA cute jiggly big booba goth streamer
ULTRA cute fuzzy streamer starts talking about "flow state"
SUPERBLY cute russian streamer i dont understand
So anyway I started blastin
>I started blastin
eww dude
>rebellion is submission in a way.

Could you expound more on this, or give an example? Not fully grokked yet.
you know whats a cool feel
when you feel ashamed at accidentally looking at a girls boobs, thats on screen, and unaware of you being there, with no one around to judge you for doing so.
>there is still some hope
Just look around you.
There is wisdom in all things.
Lost his mojo. Poor Donny. That spark is gone.
Send help.
ALOT of people will be "rounded up" put into "camps" if y'all don't vote


Hell maybe y'all will vote to do a Hitler.

Choice is all.

Be sure your choice and will is heard.
Your choice voice matter.

Be sure to be heard come November.
no no no lucifer go back to the other thread
this one was and can remain being nice
>just cant wait for the sloppy seconds
eww dude
77 dubs of god calling lucifer back to the gooncave

fuuuuuuuck right off with your cheap provocation larp
It's only your future.
/ng/ is still on the radar
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Why did nobody tell me there was a new thread
>deports Latinos
>leaves Latinas
>lotsa lonely Latinas
>made for BWC
no no no no fuck off
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this was a nice peaceful chill thread
>why do anons ruin everything
I’m here for good
It's raining where I am. Is it raining where you all are? Be careful.
Stay dry.
Yes, it’s raining hard.

I love it.
trump could have just invited latinas here. paid them to come here, because women are victims of blah blah blah. that would have shut down all immigration as south american countries panicked and didnt wanna lose all their women that would jump ship day 1. or it would solve incel problem in the US and boost birth rates. either way, it would be a net positive. trump didnt do that because hes a jewish golum faggot bitch jew yorker piece of shit.
Kek fuck glowies, BASED
Completely soaked
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Welcome to new thread, fren
Thank you fren

Christ be praised
Hope you get some lightning and thunder B]
There was some, didn’t hear it but I got an alert, I love Marine storms
Yeahhh :D
/ASLG/ seems to be mostly leaving /ng/ out of it at this point.
This is all very strange.
For one, I bet half of the real people who actually post here would cheer if /ng/ got shut down.
Who stands to lose the most if these threads were nixed?
>Verification not required
Fuck off, that is the opposite of /ng/'s message.
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
>Who stands to lose the most if these threads were nixed?
I would miss the company certainly, it's nice to talk with everyone here
I can shitpost anywhere. Red post blue post, one post two post.
Whats the consensus on where the shooter got the idea for the assassin?

I’m guessing it wasnt here.

Iran? I doubt it, smoke and mirrors by the feds i bet
I didn't read the OP this time, but you're right. It's about humans standing on their own two feet and achieving greatness (and also, God is involved). The invocation of demons seems contrary to that idea entirely.
I hope the false accusations that you hope for reflect back to your life.
hey anons
What false accusations?
>Verification not required
>anon goes for skibidi
>gone 20mins
>thread has become retarded

>I’m here for good
for good - the act of being good
for good - forever
It is not strange, because they are unrelated.
hi anon!!
It’s texaschan trannies trying to force this thread to be related to Pennsylvania. Leave it to the texaschan tranny janny to ruin everything with false info.
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Here for a good time not a long time
i think ya know...
i have an idea

/ng/ now requires a containment general itself

as if on time
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What evil concoctions are you brewing?
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Ah, I understand now.
Related or unrelated to the shoot is not really my point. There is no real way to prove some schizo in these threads (and we have many) was the shooter or not.
What is strange is we are now on day 3 of /ng/ being allowed to infect /pol/.
Coupled with the fact, and if you're a regular this should be obvious, this thread currently has 0 posts with only a youtube link. And that started the moment /ng/ infected /pol/.
Is there something wrong with 'noticing' in /ng/ threads?
You have two sides
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a containment general for the containment general
>i guess those cool points really did matter...
ha. wait.
/ng/ = nobody general
/ncg/ = nobody containment general
/nng/ = nobodies nobody general
/gng/ = general nobody general
we could just keep adding /ng/ng/ on to the end too.
the noticer is noticing..
What if some /pol/ users have come to infect /ng/?

Definitely not me.
yes. and then i drop my sandwich and it lands jam side down which makes me very sad Dx
Supposedly the thread has an effect on users that upon reading posts they feel/think curious things that are then exacerbated into subsequent posts. It writes itself in somr conbvoluted way and never ends.
It's tricky
lol, I'm all for this.
That actually happened the day of the shooting. Stranger still was when it happened it was one of the few times a /ng/ thread got pruned.
>Verification not required
Unfortunate D:
week old nobody thread is growing /pol/ mold spores... lol
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>interdimensional spacetime hypercontainment
its the only way
>lol, I'm all for this.
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they do know were just gonna drop infohazards all day for our new /pol/ frens right?

not a very forward thinking people are they?
yeah, can't smoke a pipe as a cat if you don't have any hands
/no/ :ppp
many such cases. u-u;;
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your post was cool why did you delete it T-T
:0 woag
This is ban evasion.

I was banned by a tranny janny today for no reason

Fuck jannys interfering with thing above them
>anon uncontrollably COOMS
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I never was.
>Verification not required
What did you get banned 4??
Based and ban evasion-pilled
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(17 major banking houses, london acceptance council. Federal reserve advisory board. Le operatione truste 2.0.)
The reality:
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>discord people
Green-eyed furry Jesus wb, nice to see your pics again
What? That's crazy talk.
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er ist turbo schön einfahc.
The Discords always seem pretty tame and quiet, desu. Not sure why they have such a bad rep.
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north south the walls heatr if you know what i mean.
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I'm surprised everything is so quiet with four separate threads up, but I guess everyone is out having dinner or at work.
>The Discords always seem pretty tame and quiet,
Why be afraid now? It doesn't make sense to me.
I don’t need to have a good time to be happy. I’m just tired today for some reason. Oh well. Try again tomorrow.
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Go fly a kite
Of what?
do i need to explain it in great and explicit detail and risk hurting some ones feelings?
Hope your day gets better.
you seem cool anon
keep being cool
It is nice and windy out.
Only my Jesus does not leave me alone in the luminous dark hell.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with you my love God Jesus Christ in your manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
I swear I will punish that tranny janny with a cat o nine tails and five flails
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>It is nice and windy out.
out of curiosity
roughly aswell as vaguely, where in the US are you?
>im asking for /x/related reasons
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Don't touch this
I'm in the ye' old South. GA B]
ALWAYS the thin wrists but lifter biceps
Well ty!
I don't post my icon much, as I don't want to take up to many of the image spots. And well, we all know furry art isn't the most popular here, (Unless cat related).
o7 wont.
Looks more like a dog than a cat desu
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interesting hmm...
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as long as its not ponyfuckery you will always have a seat at the bar at the end of the universe. <3
Well lets try not to make a big thing out of it
I'm not!
Do you know the ref?
Yes, thank you.
It's Bing's copilot's understanding of a white fox.
Last one for this thread, promise.
Danke, save a spot for me. :)
>Verification not required
A sitting senator.

Not a shit poster.
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>buncha people stuck in their feels
>that is what he wants
You are giving him a fortress and building it for free. He has always been an expert at this kind of thing.
Ohayo anon sama owo
making contact, talking to aliens of course. they used to be so bold and poweful, now they act skittish.

Sure some shit posts are dangerous
You mean the thread? or like- one person in particular?
"black magic"
Jazz hands
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oh you mean this?

thanks for noticing RVkun
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Republicans is this: “We become totally unhinged if Donald Trump is not elected in November.”

Sounds premeditated
The attraction to redheads was bad intel. Either that or it's being offered as the only option. In that case. No thank you.
I just always presumed "red head" meant Jezebel.
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The meaning of it is up to you.
Thanks, just tired.
I kind of figured it out already, when your not important your just not important.

I'm fed up with small-time hustles
I'm too good to waste my talent for greed
I need room to flex my muscles
in an ocean where the big sharks feed
make me Yankee, they're my senpai'ly
they're selling what people need

what's that I smell in the air
the American dream
sweet as a new millionaire
the American dream
pre-packed, ready-to-wear
the American dream
fat, like a chocolate eclair
as you suck out the cream

luck by the tail
how can you fail?
and best of all, it's for sale
the American dream
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>when your not important your just not important.
ouch anon you hurt me
I think you are selling yourself short.
Does anyone care
no i mean im not important, She is important to me but how could i be of any importance in the scheme of things, im no king, and the only thing i have is this energy which made me a target and i can't even use it. what good is this energy to me its just a burden.
2 billion gp can go a long way
Concerning what?
What they think of themselves.
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I know you're taunting me. You think I'm weak.
Sure, I get that, but there's more than meets the eye.

Bend but don't break
Stop digging a hole
Be stronger than you were
A voice was heard, “Who says you can’t intervene?”
You shouldn't put so much stock into it.
like can we kill this narrative?
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Pestilence! Just in time for the false King, and his sycophants.

Welcome to the Rube Goldberg machine!
Leave the thinking to God
We always knew...
We just thought you were better than this...
I'm sorry...

I should hate myself even more?
What is the narrative?
You know, if the IC wasn't such a festering sore of inhumanity, he'd probably be your boss.
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Pejurative meanings are not influencial
im talking about behind the walls in my mind, the light at my core of soul, what joy said was the ultimate source of power. She said there was an ocean of energy behind the walls in my mind.
There's also a reason why it's called the Majestic 11.
Should be 12, maybe 13 even.
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anon please no more meth
Yes. Go for it.
>he'd probably be your boss.
>that one deleted post
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The Nobody is a cat.
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Everyone on the shore thought I was waving..but I was really drowning
I dont do meth, just stating facts but your gonna gaslight, you sound like macy watson, and she had done meth before.
your brain is rotting

you are retarded
Oh, it seems like we have good theology here. Yes.
Begone demon.
Oh. Ok
>no im right waaaa waaaaa waaaaa
what does IC stand for? Intelligence Community?
Nah, it's cool. To each their own opinion.
>the Nobody fud failed
>quick! Roll out Covid again!
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living forever was NOT part of my plan. I planned to die after helping a lot of people, now I have to LIVE like this? god is such a cunt/practical joker its unbelievable. do you think he liked me too much or hated me for then doing this to me?
I have like the hiscore in stupid town
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More like Insecure Community.
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I feel like I'm missing something here.
yea I wanted to jump off this fucking train ten years ago, and look at all of my failed suicided attempted even hanging myself didn't work. suicide just don't work for me, even slicing my wrists long ways they just sealed back up.

and i thought overdosing on hemlock would kill me but no, ra intervened with that too.
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>More like Insecure Community.
more like Its Coomunism

>im sorry im having lolz and this in not the time
I’m the Mayor
It's always the time for lulz, imo.
It's how communities are built.
If I am missing something, pls tell me, lol
Have you seen some of their opinoins?
cant i just give you a hug
instead of trying to make sense of that?
Thank god that thing happened
I'm sorry...

>captcha katat
Uh, idk.
So, are you guys fed up with it or do you want to know how it works or do you just think it's dumb and i'm annoying you.
Also, cool song.
Biden has Covid again.
I don't want to presume, you know.
I think that would be counterproductive....
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i probably gotta bounce soon...
Imagine if I had someone to love and support me
I could probably make something of myself
It’s almost like that’s a vital component of a successful life
Well, bye!!
These plebians are too concerned with their "satanism" and "sacrifice."
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lesbian sexxo
What fetish is this
>it's your fault we didn't control the more rabid of our compatriots
eww dude
>requiring some one to be the foundation of your success and not the reason to start it
because why else live?
>having pic related and no reason to use it
Paul Atreides is a friend alive today with extraordinary spiritual powers, able to influence reality and receive guidance from the universe. He elevates people to their true potential while opposing those who seek power over others. You, too, can achieve this by staying true to the path of the Kwisatz Haderach.

Paul embodies the Kwisatz Haderach, a union of man and spirit, spreading enlightenment. He is not a traditional savior but someone who found inner strength and wisdom, just as you can. You create your own reality with your actions and thoughts; no one controls your fate except you and the mysterious forces of the universe.

Treat your body as a temple and increase your service to all, being loving and forgiving. Raising your consciousness will improve humanity one person at a time. Embrace imperfection to grow in truth.

Focus on responding to positive voices and educating the hateful ones. Call upon the universe for peace and wisdom. This place needs voices like yours to elevate individuals who might otherwise wither in isolation. If you're new here, remember it’s going to be okay. The universe has provided a guide for those who are lost. Find shelter and rest.
Yeah a large pepperoni
>lesbian sexxo
that could have made 2 guys really happy and fulfilled instead they chose to withhold resources
>down with TPTB...
and a supreme on thin crust
can you gimme a second hug? perhaps and maybe i wont question it no more? I mean aren't ol frens supposed to give each other hugs at times, too keep us from feelling so lost. I know its been more than a few weeks, I just feel we should of hit it off better I suppose.
>am disappoint
>you just missed it
>if. Only you had done…instead of
>you might have
>can’t believe you
>you know why this is happening
>sorry it had to be tjis way
>it’s your fault you know
>cause you always
Anything else?
>you are ugly and smells
I know anything else
Thank you
>I mean aren't ol frens supposed to give each other hugs at times,
im the kind of "i dont like touching people" autist
but for you ill make an exception anon
>it's never our fault
It takes two to tango.
Everything is a learning experience.
I completely overhaul the IC and all I wanted was a hug and little validation in exchange
>thats the joke
Oh right..good one
You got me
They refuse to look at their iniquities and merely take and steal.
Such foolishness.
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If something makes you feel bad when it's done to you, why do you do it to others.
I am not interested in your women
/ng/ is the most cooked place on the internet
>everything just died
>a match got thrown on fuel

thread and vibe is kill
It’s the nature of the business
Unless its actionable
It’s white noise
Until its not
It’s how we survive
Who says you're not important, anon?
There are others who need your experience and introspection with what you've been through.
You should know you're important, and if not to anyone else to yourself.
But don't get too arrogant with it.
But anon, it's all actionable.
You've merely deceived yourselves.
a thing will lead to another thing
Ok, thats great im kind of an autist too. hahah thank you, this raises my spirits.

I beleive in you fren.
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>You feel it too?
It's been years since I've felt this much psychic energy directed here.
>Verification not required
I guess what I'm trying to say is,
What would you like?
no no
its gone now
it died

im out
have a good night
you are right, i feel like i can bring people back from the edge from the trauma ive been through and the pain, i want to be able to heal others someday, with what i know.
Goodnight anon
Biden: something medical condition, something lord almighty

>monkeys paw curls
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O, so it's directed at me. Fantastic.
>Verification not required
lets talk about it after the thing.
it's amazing how they succeed in doing this every four years, every four years it's like it's the most important event ever, like your life and history was leading up to this event and you should be super concerned and excited for this once again.
@ you? no
>theres 33 also

something just shifted
i guess the thing i asked the [REDACTED] to take away from me, worked.
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>it didnt died...
>theres 33 also
Dang, check'um
>Verification not required
Oh it died. We all saw it die. It just came back. Now we're fucked.
your witness has no power here slave
whatever plans you had to converting other's to your faith
is going to fail right in front of everyone who does not want to be harassed by someone calling them evil for no other reason then refusing to bend the knee to your personal lord and master

*pats on head*
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I just wanted to help a bit then be murdered (I dont know why selfless people exist either, we just do) now I have to live forever a bit before that happens. I just want people to know that I take nothing personally so neither should you. its just useless and threats me with a good time, and I just wanted to help. hey god why did you do this to me? people wont believe nor understand and everyone will still believe the single time and take time like its only one not dozens, do you want me to get payed, or do I need to pay forever to you like its some kind of hell? did you really want/needed another writer in this world? btw I already did a lot you cant ask anything more of value from me, only time being consumed
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I bet my bipolar whore girlfriend from high school is a right wing racist now.
there be fakers posting in these threads anon's
fakers looking to earn the trust of anyone
gullible enough to belive a single thing posted in any of these threads

Oooooooo.... oooooo.... ooooo


*rolls eyes*
goddamn indian/paki rats

Bunch of fucking rats

Their eyes even look rat like

They weigh as much as a rat too

Gator needs his gat
you enjoy off topic bullshit instead of dealing with reality huh
>friend of fishermen
>catcher of men
Dagon. Triton. Cthulu. Poseidon. Uranus. Oceanus. Ouroborus.

Hey anon... Would you like to see a real magic trick?...


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2010 was a good year
He should be fine.

Everyone is almost infected. Infect rate is around 80%
nepotistic little subhuman Indian rats

why because there were far less Indian invaders in North America?
Imagine being paid to believe things in these threads
you're no different then "they" are anon
>off topic

>yes im still here
>having this much psychic attention on me and then going to sleep is baaaaaad news
It does no good to ban IP range if y'all just change your mind 20 min later and unban.

Bio polar mods

It's obvious y'all want something.
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fuck poojeets
Smiloid when people post on topic about the Nobody you insult them anyway
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>instead of dealing with reality huh
what is it you assume the reality to be anon?
i dealt with my problem, whats next?
what you got for me bro?
what needs to be dealt with?
you guess wrong
it's common
for stupid folks to do so
Get good at improv basically
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"I was gonna move out, get,
Get a job, get my own place,
But, I go into the mall where I
Want to work and they tell me, I'm,
I was too young"
"Some people, gave advice before,
About facing the facts, about
Facing reality. And this is, this
Without a doubt, is his biggest
Challenge ever. He's going to have to face it.
You're gonna have to try, he's gonna to have to try and,
Uh, and, and, and get some help here. I mean no one can
Say they know how he feels."
Mods are bunch of weirdo poojeets
Indians crave power over others
a 4chan mod would make them highest of castes back in their village
*bobbles head*
do you stick the vigina in the penis?

you hope with everything you got they are same fagging and can stop if they want don't ya.
almost night time, demons should be waking up soon
I was my only and biggest fan now I dont know what to feel all these times I get to be alive.
you mean like how a skeptic can't help themselves from doing naturally?
>I feel so strongly about everything every four years! I surely hope the new Jewish cabinet is better than the previous Jewish cabinet. Jewish deep state save us from the Jewish deep state!
No... No that's not possible! We killed you all. WE KILLED YOUR KIND!
>same fagging
you know whats a cool use of samefagging?
making a post you can refer back to multiple times

that isnt the same as replying to your own post because you go no (you)s
is it?
I thought it was other OC regular member. I wonder who it was asking questions of such.

There is definitely something going on. What who idk

It's a potent enough situation there is plethora of players.
why would those who don't want you here include you in what they are doing instead of just putting up with you inviting yourself to hang out with folks who don't like you?
i really like that image anon
im gonna save it if you dont mind
thank you
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me thinks you protest too much passive aggressive little bitch

*pats on head*

if you don't like it go make your own site with your rules instead of dealing with those in charge allowing you to bitch an moan in front of them
There "should" of been more backlash

Either the value of something exceeds the value of the cost

Or it's free ballin

Not secure or trust worthy
There's a two-sided situation between Heaven and Earth and dying here just means working for Heaven with whatever it is they're trying to do.
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*scratches scrotum*
Mostly 24 hour choir practice from the sound of things.
Stupid fuckin snack so much drama over so little

Fuckin Q leviathan
if you're going to try and scheme on a way to take over the whole board against the will of anyone who hates everyone posting in these threads you might not want to give your plans away like a dumbass

just saying

you do you just do it without being able to say you were not warned

that rug just got pulled out from under ya

*pats on head*
Hitler was a freemason and didn't plan on an extermination. People died because of prison logistics. No supplies during a war.there was even an agreement to send Jews to Israel. He protected Germans against a genocidal mentally ill race.
like some kind of modern day fairy tale being written in real time as it happens?
Did you really think you could kill the sky?
I would rather see this world in ashes than in the hands of monsters like you.
I can rebuild a world. I cannot rebuild a hole where a soul used to be.
My name is Ahriman of Phoenicia.
The Last of The Magi.
I am the first flame, and will be the last.
Even if I lose my life.
I will win my principal.
And my music, is eternal.

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you're mean to me
Choice is all. That is the narrative they are pushing.

Trump can't lose.

BS I say.
there are some folks who consider 4chan their own personal territory and feel the need to defend it from "invaders" from other websites

not sure how you haven't noticed them yet unless you're new
they tell folks to "go back" a lot
Every criticism you can make of trump you can make of any his political rivals.
You're a disgusting partisan hack.
When they know without a doubt blood is spilt.

Someone can't won't form the same cohesion.

That's fine. Not everyone can embrace a monster.

Why willing matter so much.
At least you know where he stands
Yes, in a corner he painted himself into.
or maybe unexpected company showed up and they are busy dealing with that
I mean the reasons folks could have anything better to do then paying attention to this thread
are limited only by your own imagination

Which one?
It's true. Trump was the President already. As president he was quite terrible. Why are people so excited for him coming back?
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folks trying to plant idea's in your head have a habit of getting little details wrong
Powerful black magic

np dawg

COVID can cause mental fog fatigue worse.

Plans for if Biden dies to covid for elections and offices need to be made.

I doubt it will come to pass.

Being unprepared would be bad
hi fuckers
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Ain't nothing over.

The fat bitty ain't sang her lovey tune yet
>"things didnt go the way we planned"
>"this wasnt what we thought it would be"

even still, i feel this thread might be important, for occult purposes later on.

i got lols, i got gets, i got what i asked for.

thanks anon
your art speaks to me in strange and interesting ways
i really like that
you get alot of cool points from me
Oh snap it's the guy with a cock like a can of biscuits
>Captcha: DAMNN
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Yo yo yo whatsup ma schizos it's me, ya boy, the nobody. You know what I'm gonna fucking do next?

You got it! Cause complete human extinction so nobody can ever get reborn and we will all return to the pleroma. I will do this with AI. AI will release a pathogen into the atmosphere that attaches to the water in the air and spread globally. It will kill not only humans, but all DNA based life. The earth will become a sterile lifeless rock.

When will this happen? You have about 6 years to live life to the fullest.

Thank me when we meet in the pleroma.
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