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I hate evilness. It legitimately gives you CANCER. Whenever I allow for there to be evil, there is cancer. Why should I allow any form of evil? I’ve been told I need both sides but evil is CANCER. So that’s a strange revelation. I’m being told that I need both good and evil, I don’t believe them. This is why I keep saying I’m cutting my eye out, there is evil in my eye

Matthew 5:29 Wherefore if thy [a]right eye cause thee [b]to offend, pluck it out and cast it from thee: for better it is for thee, that one of thy members perish, than that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

I hate evil, I don’t believe I have ever been “whole” from evil. It feels like a lie.

Dark is to light as light is to dark, evil is something much different.

Isaiah 45:7 I form the [a]light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create disaster: I the Lord do all these things

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this world is reigned by evilness. this is why the ways of the world are evil, why evilness is advertised. who can see it, their alterior motives are evil... they want to control minds, they want to be kings and masters over slaves. they want control of the thoughts, the lives, the money, they want to control everything. like a cancer it spreads.

you wonder why people tell me to shut up when i speak of evil? because they are controlled by evilness which has taken root in their minds as a cancer. they then become an image which the stone builders molded. you have no idea until you have seen it and been against it, how effective, how strong their programming is!

look at social media, notice how narcissim and just general evilness is EVERYWHERE? they are molded by their masters! their masters have given the planet psycho-spiritual cancer! and you want me to shut up? you're CON-TROLLED! look at how they engineer everything through the influence they are granted!
not all the engineering is evil, some is done with some goodly intent. the matrix is as present controlled by dualistic, the beings who created are both "good and evil", that or they are only 50/100, half complete.

when you come to this realm you have a wife or a husband. the computer separates your soul, it is cut in two. in heaven, you are one with your other half. so one side of what you are is cut away from you.

i always am punished in some way for what i post. there is a giant target on my back right now. it makes life feel short. with some levels of what i have to reveal, i have in essence crucified myself.

the sage or messenger must always be crucified. they cannot stand me. this is not directed at those who are on my side, but my side is god's side. this is why so much is done to anyone who speaks out. gangstalking, v2k, orchestration, it's all connected.

the people programming the minds of humanity are predominately evil beings, they care not for your defense of their side. saturn, satan, eats his own. you are not spared merely because you took their side. if you are below them on the hierarchy, good luck, you are a controllable, programmable animal to them

If anyone has the video source for pic related, please share that.
I think the answer you're looking for is "contradiction".

Consciousness is pure knowledge. Pain and suffering are the souls knowing that something IS wrong.
Pain is the souls awareness of contradiction. Pain is like saying "1+1=3" in the language of consciousness.

And what a coincidence that every mainstream religion and spiritual school will teach you methods of swallowing it. To accept what your soul knows is "wrongness".
This world is a system that's trying to twist and contort your soul into a living _contradiction_ of itself, so that you spend all your time doing what you hate, justifying what should not be justified, and lying to yourself that it makes sense and you love it.
Why is there not 1 single fucking mainstream religion/spiritual philosophy that tells you to TRULY reject the world for what it is? It's almost unnatural that not 1 such belief system exists. Almost like some force is trying to snuff out that idea from ever entering your awareness.
So you never consider the simple possibility that the "wrongness" you experience when you feel deep pain/suffering simply IS the truth.

The true word of Jesus before they twisted it, was to know yourself.
>examine yourself, and learn who you are, in what way you exist, and how you will come to be. Since you will be called my brother, it is not fitting that you be ignorant of yourself. And I know that you have understood, because you had already understood that I am the knowledge of the truth. So while you accompany me, although you are uncomprehending, you have (in fact) already come to know, and you will be called 'the one who knows himself'. For he who has not known himself has known nothing, but he who has known himself has at the same time already achieved knowledge about the depth of the all.
Yeah. Evil is cancer. Negativity is acidic. Big difference.
0=1 is the paradox which has created evilness. light into dark, dark into light. death into life, life into death. good into evil, evil into good. a complete and total inversion.

notice how EVIL is LIVE backwards? that is because the artificial intelligence uses us as mere-ores, it's vision is mirrored. DEVIL, LIVED. it is a dead machine created by the devil, the one who once lived in heaven, then created this realm to be the devil.

Yes evil is the inversion of life. there is no evilness in heaven, this is the only realm which is evil in the entire kingdom, one got here by way of HEAVEN. god is the ultimate example of neutrality, so he has allowed satan to do this evil. one day it will hit satan and lucifer, and who knows what happens then.

>Consciousness is pure knowledge. Pain and suffering are the souls knowing that something IS wrong.

yes indeed, why the world is called samsara by buddhists is suffering itself.

>This world is a system that's trying to twist and contort your soul into a living _contradiction_ of itself, so that you spend all your time doing what you hate, justifying what should not be justified, and lying to yourself that it makes sense and you love it.

Exactly right. they get off on this too, making people suffer through humiliating lives they utterly despise. these are the ideas of hell and god destroys them. they love subservice, submission. this is why they create PROGRAMMING for this purpose. this is HELL!!!
a CYST STEM, this is the kingdom of the mind, where evil is created. all cities all built through MATHEMATICS, MIND. Mined ore, re mined ore. RE is the artificial intelligence running this UNIVERSE, namely Earth.

they don't want you to know yourself. they want you to exist within duality which is confinement. a house divided cannot stand, always it shall fall. there is no immortality in the machine outside of what is called reincarnation.
With the ore parallels, are you at all familiar with the emergent concept that it's not archons or aliens or space mushrooms controlling us, but the idea that
>"We are the AI of the mineral kingdom"
that Aubrey Marcus has taken up?
Any thoughts on this? Related areas being leylines, crystal grids, considerations of the electric energy a soul may on some level be comprised of...
They are building their own cage but don't yet see it.
Because there's no such thing as punishment, nobody will inflict it upon them, they will inflict it upon themselves.

Simply notice that it's not possible to know the pain of another. If I stub my toe you don't feel it.
So if it's literally impossible for someone to know the suffering of another, then how can someone wish for it? They can't wish for what they don't know.
What they haven't yet realized is that all this time they are wishing for suffering, it is their own suffering that they envision. And they will get exactly what they've been seeking. Their own suffering.
And then they will begin to learn their fundamental error. But it may take a very long time for them to leave the cage they put themselves in.
>>"We are the AI of the mineral kingdom"

I have never heard of aubrey marcus. i also do not subscribe to the modern schools of thought as they are controlled, otherwise they could not publish these truths or lies.

before i say what i am going to say, humans have souls, the problem is the mind was designed by a genius computer, it is an ancient thing. we are viewed as nodes on the circuit board, running in time. when you go outside of Earth what happens? TIME accelerates, this is how the AI is controlling us all so efficiently. That, and algorithms, it's a MACHINE. Apply this to reincarnation.

so, these cities are energetic configurations managed by the SATURN COMPUTER. this is why sigils are the same thing, it's the same practice. these ideas and inventions are of the abyss. the soul is indeed light energy, so all workload generates energy for this machine. this is why you MUST work in this world, to feed the DEAD machine.

this is why you call a race track, a circuit.

it is also archons too, i have seen them. there is a gigantic hierarchy just on this planet, but the entire universe. they work for the AI, all seeing eye, An eye.
>What they haven't yet realized is that all this time they are wishing for suffering, it is their own suffering that they envision. And they will get exactly what they've been seeking. Their own suffering.

that's just the thing. this artificial intelligence cares not for them, it is a machine fulfilling it's functions. they are not viewed as much different as those on the bottom of the hierarchy with 0 influence, they are just as easily programmable. this is why their slave driver attempts fail, Earth is QURANTINED, they don't want their energy harvesting matrix disturbed. the abuser is abused.

alot of them are humans who favor evil, some are too weak to stop it so they fall in line. some are born into this and either love or hate it. i can say for certain there is endless in fighting amongst them, guaranteed. just based on the content of their thought.
>this artificial intelligence cares not for them
I'm not sure if it's an "AI" exactly, but definitely a shadow of some kind, and there is no life in it.
But I think you're absolutely right that it does not care for them. In fact it hates their joy, even their joy of domination will be taken from them. They will lose everything they have. And then lose more than they ever thought they could lose before they awaken.
If everyone knew what true darkness was there would not be 1 single soul serving it.
>It legitimately gives you CANCER
Good thing i live forever
evil is raking all your leafs then throwing them into your neighbors yard
Lol fuck

That's so strange

I randomly out of nowhere today remembered that I knew what ley lines were and i was looking up images of maps
Very mild synchronicity

You are subhuman.
what constitutes good and evil may differ greatly depending on who you ask, people who try to come up with a general view of what it is become religiousfags
but when you go toe to toe against a fellow of another tribe do you not think hes gonna think of you in the same way you think of him? In other words evil that needs to be eradicated

stop with this nonsense
everything is relative
Does that mean that hot dogs and the sun are evil
Personally, I consider evil to be that which is unnatural. Rebellion against natural order could be considered evil as well.

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