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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:
•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
•Traders should respect that a traded read will be granted, as per an agreement of trade. Free readers have the option of picking their queries.
•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38390284
virginity be mine
you will neeeeeeeever do this to a girl, only to freshly baked /div/ threads.
Will I find someone who will love me more than d does?
9oc yeeee
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You know what’s interesting, and I’m sure the pagtards will doge pile on me for saying this, but the reason ragnar was able to receive power from the runes was because their runes were based on Phoenician letters which was based on ancient Hebrew, which was the language God designed.

It’s clear ragnar did rearrange the runes and that’s why there is difference between the Hebrew letters and the runes even though they are clearly from the same peoples. Ragnar knew the use of words and the power vibration in specific combinations have so he knew how to rearrange them specifically giving himself the power.

Ragnar was a lost isrealite.
I know this will be hard for many of you anons. But go look at the similarities.
Should i stick with him though?
without reading - yo if he makes u feel shitty gtfo. find someone who loves you and makes you feel good about yourself
He's been a pretty nice guy so far... ty
Will I cross paths with A again?
Three of Wands Rx, Three of Swords, Seven of Cups, The Moon, Five of Swords Rx, The Star

There doesn't seem to be anything you can do at the moment other than wait for better opportunities to help. M seems to be on their own for the time being. However, with the star, it does look like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just give it some time, and things should eventually work out.

Sorry this isn't as detailed as the last one. There wasn't much else to say from the spread. I can still do another one if needed.

What does this spread say about the protections conditions specifically.
Trading occult
Will give a detailed read for an occult read.
Did she see it before I deleted it?
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Air query
Next gf and how to meet?
magician rx

Could you do an occult read for me? I can trade if needed.
Does that mean yes? I'm hoping the answer is no, if tgat affects it
Will I get with e before I leave?
Hey Darling would you like to trade?
Will I get my hands on some ozempic?
Will give a detailed read for an occult read.
I will try for you if you like
Mine is how will it be next time I see j?
I'm >>38396310 I was told I'm safe for now, but what else do I need to know about the situation I'm in.

Starting yours.
How and/or when will i meet my next gf?
The magician reversed
9 of pents reversed
The world reversed
The high priestess reversed
So you probably initiated a kind of spiritual awakening in you and now you are having to stay strong with these "tests"
Your soul
The hermit reversed 7 of swords reversed
Still yours but yeah in danger
Can you tell me more ?
What did you do?
Three of Cups Rx, Five of Swords, The Hierophant Rx, The Magician, Judgement Rx, Queen of Swords Rx. Page of Wands Rx, Page of Swords

It will likely go very poorly. It looks like there will be a complete lack of synergy between the two of you from the start. There will likely be communication troubles, and difficulty finding common ground. However, towards the end it seems that there will be a chance for the two of you to find said common ground, and start communicating properly. Overall, there will likely be a lot of misunderstandings, arguments, and similar issues. Likely from one of you not willing to see things from the other's side, and sticking to their guns beyond any reasonable measure. If you can get over this though, you could end it off on a high note, and possibly have a better next encounter.
Thank you :)
I simply had an intrusive thought about giving my soul to random spirits, and felt a bad feeling creep up. The only other thing I did was ask Michael and Jesus for help for the first time in a long time.

What else can you tell me about this situation? Those reversed cards don't look good.
I'll read for a little while
This is just for practice
I should also note that the thought lasted for less than half a second, and was more getting things mixed up rather than an intentional thought.
You're not in a good place rn are you?
These cards seem to be telling me that you're not a very strong individual you need to work on that so you won't get taken advantaged of
Next gf when
They will help, if you feel like you need it pray to them. Don't get into things you shouldn't get into...
I've been faced with a pretty long string of betrayals lately. This was the last thing I needed.

Can you tell me how strong my protections/conditions are, and how easy it will be to get through this with my soul remaining as my own? I can trade again if needed.
Hey just curious what does my audience think of my musical performances?
Trading this. Will give a detailed read.
>Can you tell me how strong my protections/conditions are, and how easy it will be to get through this with my soul remaining as my own? I can trade again if needed.
General please, thank you very much.
Im not at that kind of level but from my own experience stay strong and you will be rewarded but it is very difficult I went through a time where I had murderous intrusive thoughts and it was very unsettling. It gets better though but know that you are a good person and do the right thing.
Should i try to do some tarot or no?
Knight of cups
4 of swords
5 of wands reversed
5 of swords
When you offer your cup you'll get a gf might not be the best relationship though
Is A seeing another man in a romantic sense that I am unaware of?
How will CC react if I give her my number on Sunday at the store?

also pinging

love life reading please for near future.
There is no trying, you either do or you don't
9 of cups
10 of wands
9 of swords
The high priestess reversed
They think they are really good , they think you work too hard though and are concerned about your mental health....
Maybe the last part is your friends and family
Trading this >>38396942
> pinging
Stop annoying people
Dumass stop breathing so hard and reading too deep into things
7 of wands
The empress reversed
Page of wands
The moon
Yeah, like anything else you will have to work at it. You need to work on your confidence as well. It could open other doors for you as well, esotericly.
No, but she is considering her options...
Can i get a gsoc 2025 internship or should i focus on other things ?
She will think you are ambitious and action oriented and also a bit emotional
and it will give her clarity
Am I doing anything wrong?
Gotcha thanks, would you like to trade by any chance?
You're gunna have to take a leap of faith and just get the ball rolling like asking someone out nothing will fall into your lap
6 of wands reversed
The fool
4 of swords reversed
The hanged man reversed
How many days before I can walk normally?
My query is how will j feel about me after korea?
Sure, can I get you initial?

And my Q is just what clarity will CC see after this?
My initial is N if you need it
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How did I do during the interview earlier? Am I making it into the program?
Thank you very much
Definitely a possibility but even if you don't get it you need to get out more and live life to the fullest
Sorry I couldn't get a direct yes or no answer
Okay my initial is B
10 of cups revesed
The hierophant
King of cups
The devil on the back of the deck
She will know you like her sexually and romantically.
She will give you a chance
Yw :)
Tree Woman Letter

Are you a woman by any chance? Just need to make sure before I interpret this
Are you walking away from someone?
Yeah i am
That's alright . I do need to get out more. Thanks
If that's the case then J would like to talk to you more and grow together with you. Interestingly the Ring is at the bottom so either you're already in a relationship, or maybe you're planning on confessing and getting into one?
Perhaps in 3 months... stay patient and stay strong
We are a situationship sort of relationship
We will both split up then im getting a nose job in korea lol so dunno how he will feel about it
Ty for the feedback :)
This is my last one I'll practice more tomorrow
Judging by the cards it gave me seems he'd react pretty positively to it honestly
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Thank u
Interview you did okay and there's a good possibility you will make it
Sorry I think things are still being decided at the moment good luck!
Cool tysm :)
you too, good night
Thx, appreciate it
3 months is ridiculous. 3 days more like it. Lower back gave out b/c last few days went overboard on the salt and didn't get enough potassium.
Will I see b soon?
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Name, gender(s), question
must post favorite tarot deck as fee or a spooky picture
Will I have a boyfriend this year? starting
Kabbalistic Tarot GOM
28/female with initial L

Advice I need to know the most/ would help me the most for the rest of this year? Thanks
Will I get the boba job?
Knight of pents, two of cups, queen of cups

this week, 9 of sword, strength rx
next week, knight of wands hermit chariot
this month, knight of wands, knight of pent

You will certainly see them again this month they are invested and committed to you, this week is full of stress and they are completely drained of their strength, next week high likelihood you will see each other again
G's feelings for me?
Haven't seen him for a really long time
Ty hope youre right
Trading this >>38396942

Will give a detailed read.
The deck that Coffinhead uses

Q: That tingling feeling I get there, is there a paranormal reason for it?
Rugal male
How do I acquire funds from my audience?
Forgot rider waite
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Did I make the right choice choosing C over A?
8 of wands, 6 of pentacles rx, 9 pentacles rx
work or career wise you may encounter issues where your superiors may feel you are undisciplined or aren't satisfied with your work. don't accept help from others as outside help may go against you. Focus on doing things yourself and be prepared to take on a heavier workload

ace of wands rx, king of wands, 3 of swords
likely not querent, :(

male? female?
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I have too many favourite tarot deck here’s the best oracle deck that I love
28 female
Bree Tanner
Not the prev anon
What’s my love life like
Will give a detailed read for an occult read.
kinght of cups, ace of cups, 8 of wands
nah, more mental, anxiety, excitement etc

you can make bands, be a little shady and play more towards their kindness and goodwill, but do so in a balance, strategic sort of way. Not saying go out lying about having cancer, but play on their emotions and show that you're cool but helpless, if that makes sense? people want more vibes outta you

What's my next sexual encounter like?
You skipped me?
G is female
This is actually really sick, gonna add it to my cart thanks querent.
Im reading this as you asking me about your general love life but if its not what you meant let me know
empress rx, 4 cups, knight wands rx
sometimes you have trouble connecting emotionally to the right person because you struggle with self love, this leads you to pick people who might not be the best for you over people who are good for you, kind like self sabotage. patience for issues in relationships isnt your strong suit so you find yourself frustrated at times

chill, dropped your tag
>ace of wands rx, king of wands, 3 of swords

2swords wheel fortune, knight wands rx
all over the place and divided, G believes that ever happens is that you two argue or always have issues and theres no room to develop a bond, yet at the same time she thinks youre her destiny
also pulled out 3 wands looks like they still want to work out whatever problems you two might have
the tower rx, 7 of pentacles, queen of wands, 9 of cups revesed
lame, traumatic, and tiring
lots of very attractive people but you will likely get tired and and be left unsatisfied almost every time. make sure you be extra safe though, the tower rx is a little concerning to me
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> first
Can I ask for a follow up?
What’s my next relationship gonna be like?
I’ll trade for it if you want
Will give a detailed read for an occult read.
nah ur good
8 of swords, 8 of cups, 4 of wands rx. 5 of wands rx
not good, querent. You'll be blinded by love and will face alot of toxicity, borderline abuse from this person. They may promise marriage, a life, a family, but he will break your heart. you stay with him because you think he can change and i don't know how long it will take for him to.
i pulled further cards for clarification page of swords, 9 of swords :(
Jokes on you
I like it rough
… thank you
kek, sounds about right. thanks
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How does my bf feel about me next time we meet?
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How will I decide where to go to grad school in the fall?
It’s about university, not people. My bad
Q? Mine is please describe my next job , I’m currently unemployed
Will give a detailed read for an occult read.
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Is D (f) still mad? Will she try to hurt me if we reconnect?
I'm mike, male.
Okay what does j feel for me next we meet?
Page of cups
The star
Five of cups
Something you have been wanting to do you will get your wish but then you will get kind of bored of it
Trading, 24m R need to know if I will get a settlement offer after being dragged through all this legal Bs for the past three years
This one >>38396942
I only ask because none of the banishing I've tried works, and the spirits leave me alone.
Any chance im pregnant rn?
My Q is if I'll move out of where I currently am before the year is out
*The spirits don't leave me alone
Can you rephrase? You’re asking how they’ll feel about you by the end of your next meeting or encounter ?
They never leave any of us alone. That's our spirit ual connexion
Six of swords, I think that's a yes. Personally I believe all the mortgages are about to be foreclosed upon and as a result renters will be scattered to the winds, endemic heroin use, tent cities, riverside shanties etc
Page of swords knight of pent rx queen of cups rx empress rx
Mind retract his loyalty or commitment to you, you might appear too needy or there is some emotional disturbance, he’d only want to have small talk with you and light conversation. He or you might be sexually disappointed or insecure
Thank you :)
Trading occult
>Hermit as gen energy
>page of wands, 8 of swords
>devil, 9 of cups rev
>8 of cups, empress
No anon you won't, at least not any time soon.
More work needs to be done. I suggest you hire a higher quality legal advisor or something since you and whomever is supporting you here don't have the know how or competence to get a legal settlement.
This case will continue to drag and put a hole in your ability to live freely. Whomever you're up against isn't satisfied with the hell they put you through yet and want for more.
Your best bet to end things now would be to give them what they want to leave you alone even if you leave dissatisfied at least you'll be free.
Thank god I'm not American then
What do I have to do to get out of my current "technical" situation? or rather, will I?
Trading angelic
Trading lewd
Will mc be dtf after we meet?

Your query?
Will I get laid this year? I had a chance, fumbled the bag
Are there any active readers in the thread?
You there? I'm gonna delete your reading.
Aq or trade

Will mc be down to fuck after we meet?

You deliver first
Reading on my relationship with M, things like how will it go, are they the right one for me and will we be happily married for life, that kind of deal.
fuck off tradecucker
Trading no occullt
>7 of swords rev, queen of wands rev
>Judgement, knight of swords
>9 of swords, 6 of swords
No, it'll be too soon. They're really not gonna be down for that this soon and might turn their tail and run. They might have trauma regarding similar situations in the past and that'll make them withdraw from the situation. You'd do well to slow down.
Sorry, Internet issues. Your read is here>>38398204
Awaiting mine
Did they are are they cheating on me?
What is the full moon bringing for me?
Go fuck yourself with a wooden pole you fucking twat.

10oC r, 2oC r, Hermit
We gotta be honest here if you keep screwing up or not getting the signals you won't get laid.

But you'll have more chances to wet the noodle so don't get discouraged. The cards say you're very likely to screw up not that you won't get laid.

Don't give up.
>10 of Wands, Star, Knight of Cups, 10 of Cups
Interesting change from wands to cups. Things will be good as long as you work for it together, a relationship is built by two after all.

Any objection?

Did they:
>6 of Wands Rx
> Queen of Cups Rx, Page of Pents, Knight of Cups
Are they:
>8 of Wands
>Hermit Rx, 10 of Cups, Sun
I don't really think they did or would want to cheat. Seems like they enjoy the relationship and how things are evolving.

Word of advice don't be negligent but don't be asphixiating, balance is key.

Does this answer your question?

>6 of Wands, Knight of Swords Rx, Fool Rx, Sun
Well, don't do any heavy workings or spells. I'd recommend a relaxed night with candles and some soul searching.

It will bring some emotional turmoil but this will be good for your whole welbeing too.

Don't fear the darkness that surrounds the moon, any objections?
can I ask?
what did that blonde girl with the braid think of me today?
Will trade a detailed read for an occult read.
Am I going to receive my manifestation this month?
Sure, you can but I never promise what can't be fulfilled.
>Emperor, Queen of Swords, Justice Rx, 5 of Cups Rx
A measured smile is exchanged between great monarchs, there's no ill intentions here but no warmth or flirting either.

A glint in the eye mean she's interested but she's not head over heels in this situationship.

It wasn't a striking or memorable encounter but it wasn't bad either, I serioualy think she had other things on her mind.

Does this answer you?

Have a good one 'erryone.
If I may ask,
How do women perceive of me, vibes, looks wise?
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Air query

So about the art commission, I said I wanted off, is the guy mad at me?
>10 of Wands, Star, Knight of Cups, 10 of Cups
Interesting change from wands to cups. Things will be good as long as you work for it together, a relationship is built by two after all.

Any objection?

No objections at all also very accurate reading, the first card captured the current situation dealing with a lot, then not mich time for the relationship due to that, lots of burnout causing the relationship to be a bit neglected.
The star with a lot if healing and improving going on too a lot of spiritual energy and dreams coming true.
The Knight of Cups definitely describes how romantic and loving we are I'm very much like that card, also feel that it captured how physic and intuitive how warm and emotionally in tune we are how passionate and deep too. I feel like that transition is currently happening from how things were with the wands. I definitely feel the 10 of Cups resonate a lot, I honestly feel as if all my desires came true and that we are both equallyin love and devoted to the each other sharing goals and everything the way we met was very spiritual and psychic too having dreams of each other and knowing things about each other before we met, I've had visions and feeling as if God and fate arranged us our love is very deep soul fulfilling and there is a lot of divine love overflowing not just within us and to each other but all of our loved ones too. Honestly resonated 100% Thank you so much, I'll keep in mind to continue to put effort for the both of us, especially with the first card I think we neglected things due to being so busy and so many problems coming up but we already started working on it.
big things for me in the next two weeks?

What will happen next time we talk?
Can I get an entire reading?
Trading no occult
Did they:
>6 of Wands Rx
> Queen of Cups Rx, Page of Pents, Knight of Cups
Are they:
>8 of Wands
>Hermit Rx, 10 of Cups, Sun
I don't really think they did or would want to cheat. Seems like they enjoy the relationship and how things are evolving.

Word of advice don't be negligent but don't be asphixiating, balance is key.

Does this answer your question?

Yeah it answers my question. Honestly I figured, yeah there really were no signs at all about cheating or even potentially doing so, frankly I didn't even think they did, were, or even would before asking. I was just curious to what a reading would say. Someone I know had mentioned what ifs and got me thinking so I figured why not check it could only confirm.

May I ask a question since I'm learning tarot, how did you conclude that by interpreting those cards if you don't mind explaining the symbolism that led to that conclusion.

Got it I'll keep that advice in mind. Thank you so much.

Could you please explain how you got that advice too if you don't mind.

I know I'm asking a lot lol but could you do a reading on for relationship advice what specifically to do to for the good of it. Not sure if you already did and that is where you got the advice if so my bad, also thank you so much for everything I really appreciate it may you have many blessings!

When will that one thing come back?
Wow not a single comment. What a boring bunch.
Yes it's the case with your original claim. You can also look into the sabaean script that led to the languages of the highlands of Ethiopia.

The lost tribes are the Europeans and Habesha peoples of East African.
Odds and I will cum in her pussy
>Wow not a single comment
Maybe because its naive and lame.
Or… maybe it’s above your head?
This thread is about runes, that is about runes.

Explain more?
aq will it go?
Sabaean does appear to match also. Thank you for giving me a good response anon. More to add to my research.
Habesha appears similar to native Americans in looks. (tribe of menassah that went over the wall early) I wonder which tribe they are.
Yep and the Habesha peoples trace their lineages to the Levant, as the descendants of the Natufians.
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Yep that’s where all the Phoenicians started at before they became the Nordics and the Greeks and the Saxons and the Germans and English.

I had no idea a tribe went down south though.
Do you see love for me soon?
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Any love this year?

Any love for me soon?
AQ: Does she wants to be my gf?

Am I gonna be fine with my decision?
Thank you. Looks like not so much.
How should I think about this?
Will I have a chance of dishonorable act?
Like a taken girl lures me? But I refuse?
I would refuse btw.
Then I just continue to search?
You fucking cheater piece of shit
Is he cheating on me? Something tells me he is
Any romance by years end?
Mine is: Is it worth fighting for my relationship, and just let this bad wave go?
>3 of pentacles
>king of swords
>10 of pentacles
>7 of wands
Absolutely it's worth the fight. You two gotta sit down and have a talk. No feelings or desires, just pure truth and logic about what you two expect from one another, what your boundries are etc. Your partner will cooperate cuz that 20 of pentacles shows you tow built something together that can actually last the test this situation is putting you through. You might struggle at times to let this go and will likely experience other situations on such a level in the future but the cards show this relationship to be something sturdy and mutually beneficial. It'd be a shame to give up
10 of Swords Rx, 2 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles
I'd say yes, but it will require some kind of self improvement and managing your life routine and expectations on your end.

Thanks for your reading, I will do exactly that. Communication has been an uphill battle especially on her end, but I don't think I'm ready to give it up especially since we both have feelings for each other.
Nice - by yourself?
There's a reason why Ethiopia and that highlands there are seen as enchanted. There's a lot of occult knowledge there. There's a reason why the Germans approached Ethiopia and were willing to arm them to the fullest extent during their war against the Italians in the 1930s.

There's so much that people don't know about that land and the people there. It's essentially the last warrior culture. Where do you think Tolkien got the name Gondor from?
do they prefer j over me
ur q?

mine: What is my life's purpose here?
When do I get a fucking break?

Don’t get mad but mine is: next job offer? What about you?
general for the rest of the month?
Not mad. Don't get mad at this one: 3 month love general

Mine is: is he telling me the truth?
>Fool r
>PoS r
>PoP r
>Hiero r
>3oW r

No they don't prefer J over you. Although J is an option to them they will pick you over J because you are not as harsh or immature. J has too many issues that they cannot deal with.
Ok three months is a long time and many things can change then but we will find out what comes up.
>6 of wands r, king of swords r, 8 of wands
damn there's a lot of shit going on here anon, I'm sorry. the 8 of wands suggests that there's going to be a positive change soon and it'll move forward pretty swiftly
Can we trade?
The world, the fool, 8 of wands, 6 of wands, 8 of pentacles

Seems like there's plans to travel either by this month of the begining of next month it will do you good to travel might meet people that you may end up making meaningful connections with. You should try making some space to relax the cards are telling you to go on a holiday. Also there might be a job opportunity in the future for you not sure if it's a promotion or what but it's something very significant that will change you it may start manifesting by the ending of this month. This opportunity will cause you to get certified or take some classes, it will be something that will help with your career, there's not much on the love department to be honest but you will feel very happy and content doesn't seem like love is a priority in your life at the moment. The world may also signify a conclusion to something maybe you're closing a cycle and well it will finally reach that conclusion and it will be good for you if you're waiting for a deal to be done congrats you're getting what you want out of that as well. Good things around this month and the next to be honest. Yeah don't let those opportunities slip by!
I'm down
King of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles
10 of Cups
Yes they’re telling you the truth, I think you may have been suspicious due to them coming off as sleazy or too flowery with their words but that’s just their personality, they’re trustworthy.

king wands reverse, devil, 3 swords reverse, 8 wands

Hm, your next job offer will be something that you have an attachment to, it'll be offered by some male figure in your life who hasn't quite got their head squared away. If you take this job offer it will be a big relief but also there will be more opportunities that present themselves too. Take this lightly but potential specific job could be mechanics or even welding.
WIll i GET a JOB soon?
You have no idea how accurate you are right now in regards to his personality. I hope he is telling the truth, I would be really bummed if he is lying. Thank you for the reading

Next gf? If you're not comfortable with next gf queries a general for the upcoming 30 days will be enough
And your query?
Good to know I was accurate, trade again?
I'm cool with next gf and many people have praised me for being accurate with their next gf/bf I'd say I'm 80% accurate there, starting.

Will he put in the effort in our relationship or am I always going to be the one carrying it?
Sure, what's your Q?
Mine: Will he actually propose?
You were spot on about the traveling but I am indeed traveling at the end of the month, could you clarify what this career opportunity is, especially what area it involves? I’m a neet atm and I can’t think of any area I’d be working in
What does D think/feel about me?
Male asking about female
Queen of swords, queen of pentacles, ace of wands, ace of pentacles, 6 of cups

Okay she is someone that knows what she wants and may come of as cold sometimes but she is very generous with a heart gold deep down, she is someone who is just and wants you to be just as well, pretty loyal and straight to the point, might be blunt at times but as I said she is very kind and generous. Might come off from old money or a very prestigious family, parents will be very stern and may come off as snooty when you meet them for the first time, she will make you feel at home and might even make you feel young again.

Another perspective of this reading is that she is probably someone you already know or you met at some point college, school or work. The other things apply she comes from money and is very ambitious as well. Like I said she is not going to be super romantic but she is going to make sure you're taken care of

She may have some German and Latin mix to her, pale skin and really dark hair, perhaps blue or honey brown eyes. She is going to be either super tall or really short. Might have issues with her weight, but she is someone in shape, probably worries too much about calories

Starting yours fren
Fortune Rx, 6 of Wands, 8 of Wands Rx, Knight of Cups, Empress Rx, Ace of Wands Rx
I tried to focus more on hiis end: Fortune, Queen of Pentacles Rx, Magician, World Rx, 6 of Swords, Hierophant

We can say for sure that things will change a lot in the relationship, not only the relationship itself, but both of you. I'm not seeing a lot of effort coming off him but I see an attempt to rekindle things. I might be wrong but I believe that later or sooner you'll say that enough is enough and you're going to feel less than inclined to carry the relationship on your shoulders causing the metal to cool down a bit. He will still feel like hee should be the one standing high but he isn't dumb and he's going to realize quite soon in the shift that he actually needs someone to put him on that pedestal leading him to be mellow and giving towards thing, but it's up to you whether you will accept him or not.
The second set of cards give me the same idea... Things will change and you will just call it a go and that will be the cataclysm to his change. I'm not sure how much he will actually work on things or if he will work on things or just give you enough to start believing and 'working' again, but his change will be noted by you. He will be hellbent in prolonging things but I can't also tell you for how long that will last.... maybe he will promise more commitment and serious things down the road.
Hey anon, can I trade a next gf Q with u too? Unless you're bored and want something else, that's OK too
Three month love general:

Queen of Wands Rx
Four of Wands Rx
Six of Pentacles

Three of Swords
Ten of Pentacles

Sun Rx
Knight of Cups

Look man I typically end up getting advice out of the cards for this type of thing. It's telling you to go outside more. Maybe connect with old friends more. A larger social circle could lead to more opportunities for meeting people. If you focus only on yourself then you could make much progress careers wise but it would be at the cost of relationships.

It would take work but keep going at it and you will find things. Be like the knight of cups. Go out there and make moves often!
if you have a throwaway and want to trade again: neonnovaagain@gmail.com
I need to run some errands now
Doesn't resonate. Already in a relationship thanks though
The Devil
Knight of Cups
Queen of Swords
They have negative romantic ideals about what marriage is, they see it as becoming trapped and the death of passion in a relationship, they fear the monotony and coldness they believe will come from it
8 of pentacles, 9 of wands, king of swords, 2 of pentacles, the world

You got both the world and 8 of pentacles again, this has me thinking that you may end up finding this job opportunity during a course or a class perhaps a professor will approach you to take on an internship that will turn in to job opportunity. If you're not taking any classes id advise you to take something in either technology or finances that's where your opportunity will be on. This could also be an opportunity to start a new business with a man who is very just probably older than you he might be a mentor and a great business partner, I am getting fatherly vibes from him he is definitely older for sure. Yeah this opportunity will be what you were seeking since there world is present here as well perhaps either this month or the next you this is the cycle that might be coming in to the conclusion of you getting that job or opportunity, but for sure it will manifest either this month or the next as long as you take some action

Thanks for the reading!

Sorry anon I'm about to head out
Will I get a job soon?
The boba job?
How will my trip go next month?

Was V flirting with me through the question they had asked?
The High Priestess (Rev)
The Moon
Eight of Cups

The reversed High Priestess points to disrupted intuition and possible hidden truths or misunderstandings. The Moon highlights confusion and the sway of the unconscious mind, while the Eight of Cups signifies a shift away from current emotional paths, indicating transition or letting go.

Looking deeper, the reversed High Priestess implies obscured clarity due to overthinking or lack of insight, possibly involving hidden motives or truths. The Moon adds complexity with illusions and shadows, suggesting unclear intentions or hidden agendas. It advises trusting feelings while remaining wary of potential deception. The Eight of Cups represents an emotional turning point, symbolizing moving away from unfulfilling situations.

Together, these cards depict an emotionally nuanced situation where definitive answers are elusive. They recommend careful introspection and thoughtful consideration of emotions. While romance might be on the horizon, the cards counsel patience and deeper understanding before making any decisions.
Ok interesting. Im curious where does the welding or mechanics part come from? Was it intuition? I don't see how you get that from the cards. Only wondering.
august gen? your qs?
Will I get the boba job?
Ds opinion of me?
Male asking about female
This was yours I realized I tagged the wrong person
Should i do Chore M today or tomorrow?
Queen of wands 10 of wands reversed
8 of cups 10 of swords
Looks like you will start off strong, but then something your invilved in probably work related will be too much for you and you will have to walk away from it.
Am I strong enough to attain what I desire to accomplish Or will my body fail me?
starting yours
then yours
Is the queen of cups that'll help me D, M or someone else?
I'm male
Are those rumors anything to worry about? People are falsely accusing me of being weird towards minors.
nine of swords
seven of coins rx
hermit rx
Looks like a no, sorry.
>Hermit rev, strenght, 10 of swords, 9 of swords rev
So it looks like in August you might do something not so wise, or be very isolated from others due to some painful event or unhealthy mindset you've been consumed by. Your goal for that month will be to recover from whatever that is. To seek out inner strenght and external support. You'll move away from stress and negative thoughts and build up your own confidence in spite of the pain and become a better person as a result.
I'm actually recovering from a painful event right now.
King of Wands Rx
Four of Cups
Five of Swords
They see as someone who isn't all too spontaneous or great , maybe too exacting and ruthless sometimes. But overall they don't seem to pay too much heed to you as they suspect you of something underhanded.
Can we trade for this please?
Will I ever find someone devoted to me as I am devoted to them, someone who I don't have to fight with others for? I'm tired bros

Will I ever talk with L again? Not romantic.
no you fucking pedophile kys
Who the fuck is that
Fml ty
4ow rx - not soon


10 oc and sun? you will. kino cards right here

7op - prob. just wait a lil
Will anyone buy my tarot readings soon?
damn I hope you're right I just want to feel loved without being afraid of being left behind. Thanks weeby, you're a doll
YouTuber who got falsely accused of rape. The person who is accusing me also has BPD, like his accuser. There is no basis in reality for these accusations and nobody they turn to their side is asking me first, and now even 4chan is deleting my posts defending myself. Is this just the fate of a popular creator? Get assigned an atrocity you never committed and be forced to wear it? Fuck me, man.
Can u read this one pretty please
World rx

I understand - When you find that person make sure you don't push 'em away too much. Genuine love is rare to come by and I really hope you find the one who can cherish your heart and keep it nice and safe. Godspeed anon <3
if ur doing readings could you tell me if everything will be ok?

Trading no occult

Next work?
judgment rx and hierophant!

Damn of course everything is going to be okay. here are your cards:

7os rx, strength and 4ow

Leave old shit behind you got the strength and 4ow. Safe to say everything will be absolutely lovely at the end of this journey. Back of deck is Sun. So yeah bro. All is well. You've got this
Hi darling will d and I last a while longer?
will i get the position?
thank u T_T
i’m really scared rn so this is reassuring i hope you’re right
Eyo weeb boi, care to draw a few cards for me for the period of aug 20 to 30
Kingoc rx - depends what "little longer" means to you. Seems like a no but it depends me thinks...

knight op rx

You're all good! Life can be scary but try not to get scared off by the thorns of the rose. Keep yourself safe fren <3

Why not company C?
should I go live in the woods in a few years to get away from pain?
Thank you!
How will I meet my next gf?
How will things go in my current job?
any love for me before the end of the year?
Can I ask
Is M meant to be my queen of cups or is it someone else?
Hi Darlingweeb, your reads have always been accurate for me. I was wondering if I (M) will ever meet L (F) and if so what the outcome will be.
I mean as friends
We are like fwb rn
Hello based AQ reader. I'd like to ask your permission for a query.
any messages for me?
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This is a coomer question and I apologize in advanced if its cringe. C is an escort I've seen a few times in the past and we actually stay in touch. Through Twitter I found out that she has an escort friend thats in the city I'll be visiting soon. I'm trying to play 4D chess here with C, but if I were to book her escort friend U, and C found out about it, how would that affect out "relationship?"
Emperor rx, ace op
Seems like a yes. It'll heal you but make sure you take care of the things that need to be taken care of before you leave

Seems to be like some sort of botanical garden / observation. She works there. Lots of butterflies, pretty flowers and greenery. I'm not sure what this is but seems like botanical garden desu

8oc rx, 8ow, queen op

It may make you want to leave at times due to the sheer amount of projects about to come in. Lots of climbing the social ladder in order to get what you want. Just take care of your mental health really

But wheel of fortune for next year ;)

Shit you not, Queen oC just fell out. Seems like a yes to me

8op, 9op rx, kingop

I wouldn't say soon but - through your work there may be an opportunity for both of you to get together. Seems like on her end she has a few financial, dependency issues. she may be the more immature one while you'll be her King op so to speak.

How does p feel about ti?
What does k think of h?
will it go ?
Do not envy what others have that you wish to have as you will obtain what you want at the exact time needed. Green, aceop, open gate.
Short scry for you

how does P feel about T? or feel about IT?

Ew. I just scryed and got grossed out / ech vibes.

It will
will this plan work
next gf and how to meet her please?
Does k love her?
Could I know if there's any women in my city that would like to date me?
Next sexual encounter?
will i get those?
will j love me?
Will g get me cute things?
2nd, T pls
>20 ohno no no what sorry, Ty? is it bad?/
how do I meet my next gf?
I want to run away forever to the woods, somewhere isolated. The shit feelings won't go away and I've tried everything. Thanks for confirming it's over for me.
outcome of doing X versus not doing it?

You'll meet her online somehow. Short black hair, lil gothy, glasses, shorter around 5'2-5'4, plump, insecure, emotional problems but very sweet. She will get attached quite quickly so be wary of that. Surprisingly she lives in your vicinity so I don't see distance being an issue. Also note that she likes punk rock bands - Pierce the Veil kind of music. SUPER INSECURE. Jesus. Like very insecure.

In a way but K is trying to move away from that feeling.

There are a few. I see a map with a few dots lit up on it. However, I'm being told you need to stop feeling so down on yourself.

ace os rx

chariot, fool rx
Once things start going yeah, but he won't show it much.

Damn. Justice rx came out but so did like 20 other cards. Very messy pull - feels like the feelings are very very messy. hot ass mess shit right there

wouldn't say bad but very ech. Made me shudder
does that mean k thinks h is gross?
Next job offer?
I wouldn't say it's over - Just more like you need a break and nature will do you good
>You'll meet her online somehow.
I had a feeling it would be online though I'm too insecure too, imagine that.
Thanks, now I'm curious and nervous where to look or what to do, but thank you.
At one of her hobbies she enjoys: got a few that flashed in my mind. Pottery, bookstore / library, arts and supplies craft store BUT it looks like the path you're traveling down, you'll end up walking past her pottery or arts and crafts class studio. cute

Doing x: aceoc rx
Not doing x: lovers
Would you mind taking this?
I fucking promise I’m not a pedophile and it’s literally just slander from someone who is mad I blocked them.
Can I also ask a question?
Will that cute girl from lectures and I start to hang out somehow?
What can I do?
Reversed ace of cups?
So what happens really?
I don't really do these things but thank you. Will she be the owner of the studio or is it just something she likes to do and how would I know it's her?
What kind of person is my next bf?
How do women perceive me, physically and vibes wise?
knight op rx, tower rx
uhh these are strange for a next job offer but definitely keep sending apps out. looks like the energy here is a bit confuzzled

Alright scryed for ya and I wouldn't say worried but there will be talk behind your back and you should gather as much proof refuting these claims if there is any at all. You need to make a stance about yourself otherwise these rumors will spread like wildfire - especially since they're about a very explosive topic

Yeah but don't be weird about it. take it slowly and make sure you don't say anything weird as she might have some sort of trigger that will make her flee fast. Start slowly chatting her up, and as the vibes start getting there ask her to hang out in a public place like a park or something. Don't dive into a very intimate location as that doesn't seem so bueno

strength rx with kingop hiding behind

He will but might need to coax him a little or be a little teasing about it. Don't straight up ask him for things or else he might be like ick.
how do T feel about B?

Does that vehicle need new spark plugs?
I gotta say I'll leave that up to you to interpret

Yeah it's not your hobbies but just her hobbies and what not. Seems like a fated crossing of paths if that makes sense. Like random bumping into that was meant to happen

Skateboarder vibes for sure. Keep hearing skateboards rolling across the street. Shaggy blonde-ish hair, cute brown eyes, freckles, hella nice teeth, lil higher than average height like 5'9'5'10, sweet but also moody asf.

You embody Page of Wands vibes.
Does R love her?
Next lover/gf
thank you, anything about what she looks like?
next gf/bf!?!
thank you for my message read :)
>make sure you don't say anything weird
I can be very awkward :D So I have a chance of doing that :D
Thats why I am keeping myself away from people and get closer slowly.
I hope she takes a step before me though.
Thank you.
Thank you!!
Second, thank you. not sure how to gather evidence without them striking first because I have no clue what they’re referring to. I haven’t spoken like that to minors since I was a minor myself. It’s just all so terrifying.

Can I ask for a follow-up on what the end result of this will be? I just want to live in peace.
Where should I move to?
query? should I kms this winter? i'm feeling it
what is his opinion of me?
Sorry to everyone I didn't get to - getting eepy

Might be back after nap

Will I ever be forced to work with Sb once more?
Last anon
Damn that's new one. Good I guess
What is my ex up to? Was that anonymous message from her? Will we be on good terms without reconciliation?
Oh no. I actually do not want that.
kritika. male. 7th house.
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you take relationships and dating wayyyyy too seriously
What will be the outcome of an attempted reality shift or trying to go back in my timeline?
What does short girl think about me?
How to I(male) deal with V(female), should I pursue her or wait for an oportunity?
starting yours
>Six of Swords R
>Three of Cups R
Opportunity? Looks like you are expecting / wishing an help or a push from your friends or her friends or expecting somehow you two gonna have some time together by chance.
While first card is saying go for it, the other two is almost mocking you about saying waiting for an opportunity.
Do I have unfinished business with O? Do I bother her?
thanks bro

4 of pentacles reversed, 7 of pentacles reversed, wheel of fortuned reversed

she sees you as kind and giving but in a low point in life, I don't think she wants to deal with that
Thank you.
NTA but trade?
Thanks DW, second last
Yeah, checks out
mine is did b tell everyone what I told them in confidence
Mine is a 30 day general
2nd thank you for the reading
seven of coins
ace of coins
nine of coins rx

No, the cards are giving the vibe that B feels absolutely no need whatsoever to share what you had shared with them. They do feel as if you could be handling your situation better and they wish they could give you a proper push in the right direction, however as things stand, the nine of coins rx gives me the vibe that you're psyching yourself out and may be a little bit too reliant on others opinions rn, for better or for worse, so you're just acting a bit sensitive and overthinking. If B mentioned anything to anyone, it was with enough discretion that nobody really knows what exactly it is, it's just that B feels a little frustrated with you and at a loss and that's the extent of what they've told to anybody.
there's gonna be some sort of delay in taking action or you might need to reassess your plans before moving forward with something
this one is kind of hard for me to interpret but there's gonna be a point during the month where you're going to have to give or receive assistance or benefits or something like that
be careful not to make impulsive decisions whether it's through actions or communication because it'll bite you in the ass
thanks anon
i think it makes sense
trade again?
Do I know my next girlfriend?
Q: What does B want to have a conversation about?
how do you read cards so thoroughly like that? like it feels like you know us when you don't. I want to be able to read like that :/
and yea I'm down what's your q?
mine is how will today go for me?
how does he feel about r?
Been doing it for years, lots of practice in this general, I know the cards inside and out, I always make sure to draw at least three and associate them with each other like a story. I'm glad I could be accurate for you :D!!

I'd like to know, where will these rumors go? People are saying really bad things about me. Life ruining things. What's gonna become of this? They have no evidence afaik but they're swaying a lot of people.

ten of wands
hierophant rx
three of swords rx

I think today may be a bit difficult at first, you're going to be feeling the stress from whatever it is you're trying to do. However, I think once you actually get into what it is that you're doing/communicate your issues, you'll realize what you were fighting just isn't really that hard at all. Hierophant rx makes me feel like that this was a deep rooted belief of yours that gets turned on it's head or something, like u believed something with your whole chest about what's stressing you out and today it's revealed that it's really not as bad as you thought it was and you just feel a huge weight get lifted off your shoulders, it's a real catharsis and in a way, that'll upset you too, you wasted all that emotional energy for nothing, but it'll still be better than the alternative.
>Do I know my next girlfriend?
2 The High Priestess. No, sorry. As in the card, the Priestess is unknowable.
:[ Thank you.
Can you help me out? What happens if I pay and buy the fucking thing? What if i dont? should i do it or not?
Fren, can you help me with this one? >>38399413
Hey donk would you be willing to trade? Something just happened with my close friend because of someone else and i want to know how they're handling each other at the moment.

I'm able to give you 2 reads if needed
thanks anon.
so sorry for taking long, I was just watching a really long hilarious tiktok lol!

oh yea seems like you're def being taken advantage of
but the magician shows that you have more control over the situation than you think, so you def have the power to influence them positively
seems like this card is just affirming that those rumors are really taking a toll on your emotional well-being
seems like conflicts will soon subside but there's still gonna be some residual tension or awkwardness
will P.L end up part of their creative scene or will they not pursue that?
also thanks anon, you're really good and I hope to be just as good as you some day
Could I become friends with N?
Thanks. It really is taking a toll on me, but afaik they really don't have proof of any sort, on top of the fact that their accusations literally don't ring any bells in my mind. I have DID so I forget things a lot, but I wouldn't forget something like THAT. If they come forward and try to make it more than just a rumor, I'll just have to stand my ground I suppose.
thank u too! you're better than you think you are anonsy, best of luck
five of wands rx
ten of wands rx
six of coins

I think so, yeah. First two cards made me feel unsure but then I pulled the six of coins and it solidified my theory from the first two in my mind: P.L will join them to make things easier creatively. Five of wands in my mind is a combat card of creative differences and ten of wands rx denotes a struggle that is becoming a little too difficult to manage on one's own and help needs to be sought out. That's where P.L comes in: they will offer that assistance to make things easier for everyone and whatever creative thing they're doing will become much smoother as a result.
Should I try reality shifting? I want a new game plus.
Anyone trading?
Not that anon, but my best advice is to treat a spread like a story and learn to read between the cards. Imagine that the cards are look footnotes, and you have to construct the story around them. Think of how they logically lead to each other. Look for common themes between the cards that connect them. Practice with queries that can be confirmed instantly. Practice practice practice, you’ll get good at anything if you practice enough.
AQ: Will big things happen this weekend?
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Your weekend looks boring
Hey, could you try this?
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Can someone read this please?
AQ please

Not sure if its my insecurity or me being needy but it feels like Charlotte is growing distant with me. What do the cards see about our relationship?
Depending on this I might read.

Is this Charlotte based in California?
how would kb (male) react to me just sending a text checking up on him?

I went on three dates this week. What ones would end up with long term potential?

Nope. Spain
Was she Spain or neutered?

Next vajayjay?
Is it worth paying BHB for a session?
60 day general
the moon rx
eight of swords
two of wands rx

No, not at all, not in the slightest. I think whatever this BHB is makes things seem a lot better than they actually are when they advertise. Which, is quite par for the course for many businesses, but with these guys it's to an extent that you will likely feel as if you were scammed and you'll feel like you got absolutely nothing out of it except for a lesson on how to waste money.
Pirncess wands, knight disk, aeon, completion
You'll meet someome and start dating them and will begin to merge your lives together
Thanks just as I thought he seems pretty useless
hahaha thank u, i already have a partner though laying in bed next to me, but i'll still take that spread as a positive and to mean my shitty situation will resolve itself soon
Hey anon would you be willing to trade?
Trading occult
Yours called out to me.

>2W, 10S rev, 3P
>AoW, PoC, 4P

I think the more concerning bit here is the fact that you two seem to be on different pages about what this relationship is. Well, better to say where it is right now. Your relationship is represented by 3C, meaning that it’s a fun thing. You two enjoy each other’s company, but it’s not quite serious yet. This much is obvious by looking at her line: AoW and PoC representing thoughts and feelings means she is into you, but it’s not a mature love. That’s not to say there isn’t potential for that, but it’s not quite at that point. You have a more serious mindset here, and it shows that you’re trying to promote this idea by integrating into other aspects of her life, trying to demonstrate that you two would be a good team. The issue is that she doesn’t likely notice these efforts, or at least doesn’t experience them emotionally. The reason for this is what I explained earlier about her feelings. You likely notice this as well, maybe like she says she appreciated something, but it felt like an empty response to you. That’s why you’re filled with this anxiety about the relationship and about her. You should start to feel her out to see how receptive she would be to something more serious, but be sure to feel it out instead of relying on a timeline you think reasonable. Oh, and if you’re actually somewhat serious already, just adjust all of these things such that the hypothetical more serious state in the spread is whatever would be next in your relationship.
I wish I had a queen of pents. Pents usally means sexo. God, I hope she'd be abusive, but like in a fun kinky way.

Air Query

Would the school/workshop thing be a good move?

and yes, I am drunk

Why am I so tired now?
because you're le tired. Now have a nap
Trading occult
Are all threats gone now?
Trading occult
Will d fuck me silly and cum in me?
Morbid curiosity,
You wouldn't happen to look like a more English version of jreg, or like him crossed with Jim Sturgess? I had a mental picture of a guy like that shaking the hand of a bald guy in a gray suit, but I think I'm just tired.
I know the name Jim Sturgess but I couldn't tell you why.
But the answer to your question is probably no?
You seem like a cool person tho. I too ask weird questions like this from time to time.
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Taking some reads
What can I do to have more gratitude?
Will I hear from T or K any time soon?
Hi Maya!
Q: Did I make the right choice choosing him?
How's my work life looking for the rest if this year?
what does my future look like if I stay in this career?
Does E have any regrets in doing things I explicitly told E not to do?
This please
Trading occult
Next work? Wondering what comes up.
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king of cups reversed
ace of swords
page of wands
Let go of the past hurt you had from your love life, you are lucky just moody.
Justice rev no
Yes because it will force you to grow no because it’s going to be uncomfortable.
Five of Wands
First one, you are correct that I have past love life hurt. Thank you.
Does that truck need new spark plugs?
Thought so. Thanks
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Four of pentacles
Nine of swords
Do not overspend, it’s going to be bad before it gets better. It’s worth it.
Queen of wands
Looks fruitful
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No more regards from this point forward I may trade
Will I be able to buy lots of new clothes by next month?
taking past/present/future reads, please provide your date of birth (year not required).
thank you
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Ask E
If you do
If you don’t
King of pents
Looks like you cant go wrong
8 of cups
Not something solid
Five of pents R
Get it checked by a mec
> I feel paranoid
I can’t in good conscience help you seek solace like this sit down and write about it then talk to someone irl
Should I try reality shifting?
jan 17
April 5

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