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Why are there so many threads about wanting to become werewolves? What causes this desire?
Autism, being a furry, misanthropy.
>>38399000 (checked)
Yeah, but why werewolves and not werebears, werejaguars, wererabbits, etc?
Isolated autistic weirdos feel a connection with wolves because they romanticize their social ostracization as being "lone wolves." Ironically, wolves are extremely social creatures. Wolves are also intelligent and visually appealing. Most animals are ugly or weird looking in a certain way, bears are fat, dopey looking, and have those droopy lips. Big cats are rounded and sort of sleek, with dull short skulls. Wolves look cool. They're angular and sharp. People like things to look a certain way, and wolves just happen to look that way. Other animals come close, but wolves are the ones that go all the way. That's my opinion, anyway.
not every human enjoys the current rules and life imposed on them. as the population keeps exploding and everyone's crowded in cities so big nobody cares about anyone really. compare life to what it was 100 years ago, none of this is natural or healthy and even back then it was bad. why wolves, well humans grew together with wolves for an incredibly long time and represent the opposite of domestication
Actually it’s because being a werewolf is based
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Awoooo wurwulves of Londi
gf has weird kink and i roll with it
I'm not sure to what degrees the similarity exists but channeling animal spirits and animism was common in ancient times. In modern reckoning it could be the thoughtform or idea of werewolves that cause us to be drawn to this egregore, a product of our society that is alienated from the unknown and forms their perception of such things from crappy Hollywood movies.
I have an autistic niece. For years she larped being a wolf. My guess it's just people that don't feel like they fit into society or don't want to fit into society, so they create this delusional thinking that they can be something else. Kind of like the whole "trans" thing. No one can just accept being who they are anymore because to them, reality is too painful and feels like a curse.

Media and the internet has accelerated that for sure.
Because its sick af
I want to be a Werehoney badger :3
Third one for me, I hate everything about being human
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They crave the Koryos.
When I was young I was bored and frustrated and didn't have a way to deal with any of my problems. Fantasy was my life, and I was desperate to make it real.

I'm not saying everyone is in this position, but some are.
They want to be restored to their true form they once had in a past life duh.
That's my actual reason for wanting to be a werewolf
Pretty much

And keep in mind, being a were-creature is not something desirable. It's more akin to a curse, where your skin and body slowly morphs over time with the waxing of the moon, and you "lose yourself", and run off into the woods to find prey and possibly end up dying due to hypothermia.

The transformation leaves MASSIVE stretch marks, and I hear the pain feels equivalent to full-body herpes. Shit sucks.

Those dog-men encounters in the Great Lakes region are were-creatures (wolves mostly, I think).
Furries are disgusting.
I figure I'll end up close to one at some point, if I do thing proper.
What you mean by that?
Cumherz dregon gelfwen.
If I understand correctly, shapeshifting cults seem to be common amongst shamanic types of various cultures. If I intuit and research correctly into a shamanic practice and spend the correct amount of time attuning to and practicing what I discover, shifting will then come along the way, not because the shifting itself is a goal, but because it is a technique that seems likely to be learned along the way to what I'm really looking for.
i know a few wolves from seeing, none of them got any "stretchmarks" as you describe it.
They are also not "loosing themself" and have to hunt for prey.

But theres pretty evil and pedophile wolves hiding among all the good and normal wolves.
good take
My take is that our society is too Apollonian and the soul yearns for some cathartic Dionysian mischief, which werewolves embody in popular culture.
Because I want to become the spirit of the forest.
Checked and Based
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furries blaspheme the harjaz
Been there bro, tried the exact same thing. From what I know, the only remaining ways to "shapeshift" in the modern day is mentally. Any physical transformation information is either hidden or lost.
Hidden or lost is also what I figure, but I figure it'll come natural if I've intuited properly or learned from the correct person, entity, or deity along the way. It's not a requirement though, like I said, just a side-tech, though a neat one to have.
I prefer Bioarmor. That way your shapeshifted form doesn't need to have a brain.
Like think of EVA or genocyber, they lived inside the robots/animals, not being them, it's like being a fetus controlling a monster in a dream that has senses, but no head or even visible body.
My main goal in ny practices was shapeshifting, and while I have the mental stuff down, I've sadly never seen any proof of physical. A lot of stories I know of that involve shamanic techniques and shapeshifting seem to be the practitioner possessing an animal, and that seems the most realistic.

I'm open to any suggestions about shapeshifting though
If you have any real info, I'm gw21212@proton.me
I don't have anything right now, I'm in all likelihood, far less learned than you, but if I stumble into something, I'll let you know.
My tip, work on mainly animal magic. That's what I've done. I dont know what your full goals are, but there is an incredible amount to be learned there.
I'll definitely look into it, it makes sense to me.
It makes me extremely hard
someone please explain why
I imagine they want a greater sense of power and virility by being a more wild, stronger, animal than a human. I imagine they want that power of being an untamed powerful beast, and the personal power over that to be able to transform back and forth, like harnessing a superpower which is probably part of the desire also.
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I want to be a werehyena.
Hyenas are super underrated, if I was given the chance I'd totally be one
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Yeah, they are very cute animals.
There used to be a guy that claimed to be a werehyena years ago, wonder where he is
My mom claims humans have an innate urge to go back to the water before our deaths
I love when you're petting an animal and they lean towards you with that curious and happy face. Very cute.
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fond memories of a life long past
and to their present awareness, unreachable or not accepted.
Why are they so cute?
Bro, have you ever made the transformation?
No wonder ancient peoples scoured the landscape for chemicals that could shortcut you to that existence. I've only touched the edge and it's more thrilling than any high. Pure power, awareness minutes ahead of pathetic human perception, and that hunting urge. Run through the forest and tell me you can refuse, you're lying.
>wanting to become werewolves?
I don't want to be a werewolf. I want to watch OTHERS become werewolves, specifically women (or men turning into female werewolves).

>What causes this desire?
No idea. It's not just wolves though. I'm a fan of TF in general, so women turning into animals of any kind can be pretty interesting. The fear and panic they have as they watch their humanity slowly slip away can be pretty fun. It's not just animal transformation, either. Turning into men (and vice versa) / other women / futa, size change, age alteration, extra body parts or just mutation in general is all pretty interesting.
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They're furfags and have sexual fantasies about being gangbanged by wolves.
I wish there was more TF media about people turning into cool animals and enjoying it, theres to much weird psychopath shit
>As a boy he was well pleased with his first name, noting that it came from the old German ‘Athalwolf’ — a compound of Athal (‘noble’) and Wolfa (‘wolf’). And ‘noble wolf’ he sought to remain. At the start of his political career he chose ‘Herr Wolf’ as his pseudonym. His favourite dogs were alsations — in German Wolfshunde. One of [his dog] Blondi’s pups, born toward the end of the war, he called ‘Wolf’ and would allow no one else to touch or feed it. He named his headquarters in France Wolfsschlucht (Wolf’s Gulch). In the Ukraine his headquarters were Werewolf. As he explained to a servant, ‘I am the Wolf and this is my den.’ He called his SS ‘My pack of wolves.’ Later he would recall with exaltation how in the early days of the movement his Storm Troopers pounced upon the opposition ‘like wolves’ and were soon ‘covered with blood.’ … When he telephoned Winifred Wagner, he would say, ‘Conductor Wolf calling!’ The secretary he kept longer than any other (more than 20 years) was Johanna Wolf. She recalled that while Hitler addressed all other secretaries formally as ‘Frau’ or ‘Fräulein,’ he invariably called her ‘Wölfin’ (She-Wolf). One of his favourite tunes came from a Walt Disney movie. Often and absent-mindedly he whistled ‘Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?’
Robert G.L. Waite, The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler
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Sounds like Hitler was a furry. Goddamn.
Mental illness
Well, Jacob got vampire loli
that’s quite a rrat
>Wuotan's pack or warges
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Some of us just want to unlock our inner animal. It’s easier for some than for others.
Because werewolves are cool
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Wish I was a wereyeen, they're some of my favorite animals
That was like 9 years ago, how do you remember that?
Probably went full beast and is running wild
You know what, I hope he is
idk Anon do YOU remember anything from 9 years ago? was the past ever real?
So they can fuck dogs obviously. Any werewolve is gonna get bitches
i think i would look super cool and maybe get some superpowers
If you ever become a wizard I'll let you do transformation shit on me for cash
It's so extremely hot.
Imagine feeling your dick transform.
Imagine how the mental changes would feel
Do you know why the ancients have worn beast garments constantly over the decades? They're physical metaphors for their souls to take a different shape beyond human, usually for the purpose of enhancing focus and performance in hunting activities. The idea of being able to take many forms as opposed for just one has been an innate human desire for eons at this point.
>why do some people want to become mythical apex predators?
because power. Though werewolf fags don't let on much to the fact that it'd more than likely suck and be a terrifying experience. It's all cool until you start losing yourself. At least vampirefags are still conscious and aware.
When i was a kid at some point i thought i'd rather be an animal because being a human was too troublesome. Always being told what to do, not free from work or school. In the words of some forgotten author
>"A bird is born to fly, man is born to toil, dread and trouble. All his days are filled with trouble and hardship and at night his mind has no rest" then something about dying an even more wretched death.

Thing about animals is that they are indeed closer to nature, that is they are more in-line with the universe. Humans are unnatural and thus suffer more.I reckon wanting to be a werewolf is a return to nature but a supernatural one. It's all about transcending ourselves. The greatest subject is man vs the universe, nature. We can never be truly content.
Lions are cannibals
You know, I don't need to transform into a wolf to feel like an animal. I got a mamallian body with cannids
are you that anon who takes showers with the lights off and pretends to be a hippo in the rain?
No I own a bathtub
Probably has something to do with the fact that werewolves are the conventional pick and they have a lot of history and mythos surrounding them.
>What causes this desire?
Evil glamourization through mediums like Hollywood which gave the world shows like "teenager werewolf" where the main protagonist turns into a werewolf and he gets lots of chicks because of that!
>We can never be truly content.
Speak for yourself. I'm content with what I have and what I have is The Lord Jesus who conforts me. I'm in peace, I don't know trouble anymore. At night I sleep like a baby. And I feel like I want to sing and praise my Lord Jesus who is so good to me.
I want to be a werewolf because I feel like I was a wolf in past lives and because I’ve already done work to make my soul a wolf.

I embrace nature and an animalistic state, not in some edgelord way but because animals are more practical and live in a way that is much more free than humans.
I desire a simple life, with my only worry being bare bones survival not taxes or humans or gossip and rumors.

I’ve always been interested in the concept of werewolves too, and have spent a lot of years researching to build my practice. It just feels right, feels like what I’m called to be.
If I lose myself to it, it’s my own fault and what I want in the end.
You know its a sin to be in this thread or study the occult, right?
civilization is complicated and human beings are complex. life is filled with symbolism and deception and sometimes people just want to return to their most primal selves.
I've seen this sentiment posted multiple times on /x/ before, is this just one guy spamming this, or is it different people?
I've completley agree with this and I hope it's not just a schizo
I’m the femanon behind the thread with the white wolf picrel from earlier this month, I haven’t talked about it on this board before then
I think it’s a lot of people
those are some fancy names for contemporary actors.
Interesting. There has to be something behind that, right?
Considering the amount of Bronze Age wolf/bear/stag cults there were that claimed to be able to shapeshift or at least spiritually if not physically.. I think it might be apart of human nature.

I think it has a lot to do with combat too, most of these cults were warriors, and I’ve known some people that were practically berserker types (and had some rituals involving psychedelics) without even knowing about this stuff but were veterans or trying to become professional wrestlers or fighters. I think it really ties into that. Like being able to switch into a different mindset or altered state. People just used to change their spirit or form for it.

I think a lot of people also want to escape modern life. Without getting too Ted K on here, we live in horrible conditions and very far from the way of life and communities we were meant for. My desire to be a wolf really ties into both wanting to hunt and fight and have a simple life and family, but without the pains of modern life.
For me, wanting to be a wolf is more physical than anything. I want to hunt like you, but I also deal with some issues due to not having fur, or claws or a tail.
Adorable babies
Extended life with neat-unlimited regeneration from injuries can have it's benefits
I've fell into a trance like state while playing pvp games a few times
Everytime it happened I felt like a god of war, and I wish I could pull it out on command
It was like a flow, following a current, like I knew where enemies would be and what they would do before they did it, and I instantly knew the exact thing to do in every situation
I'm pretty shit at pvp games too, so maybe it was just a weird skill bump, but it didn't feel like it
Towards the end of it, it sort of started coming apart as I realized what was happening and started worrying it would end
I feel like it was just to show me what could be though, a glimpse of a potential future or maybe a past I knew in a previous time
I want to be like that again, to live it, I need to physically prepare myself and enlist
Seems that a lot of people share this burden. I used to until I got good at astral shifting and dreamwalking

Do the Viking berserker ritual if you want to chase that feeling
Ah yes that well documented ritual.
Aqueduct christian.
I have a bastardized version I can share that others I know have had success with
Pls share
What is the ritual! I want to know!
Also I'm not the rude anon here >>38434668 I want to clarify
people want to be wild ravenous beasts who cannibalize others like animals
its also a fetish thing
I don't have that desire now but I did for quite a while when I was a kid and early adult. I am very cowardly and am not really powerful. I have very little control in my life. Being a werewolf would let me vent some of that rage inside me. It would also let me change into something powerful so that I could feel confident. Also women aren't interested in me and they fuck dogs so being a werewolf would give me a better chance with women.
Because I was only taught of werewolf and my imagination wasn't good enough to think of something better. You can't expect much from an NPC like mysel.
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Also spooky checkd
Never been good at that sadly. I try to cope with not being a wolf by acting "wolf-like" in private lol
The desire to sniff butts can only be made reasonable by the convincing oneself that he is as much dog as he is man, thus, the werewolf spirit reins.
About to head to work, when I get there I’ll type out the ritual

Also, I’ve been considering making a tumblr or wordpress and sharing all my rituals and knowledge on this. I’m just afraid of them falling into the wrong hands or attracting unwanted attention.
Do we think it’s safe? I’ve been years obsessing over this to know what I know and want to share for others that feel called to this.
I'd reccomend wordpress, tumblr gives you more reach, and your posts will stay there forever, but it's a bitch for readers to browse.
+1 for wordpress, I'm interested in what you have
Typing up everything to post it and looking into Wordpress

Going to post it here first and it will be several parts, I will number and post back to back
Disclaimer, this is a bastardized amalgamation I’ve put together from years of research. It focuses on mainly European practices from the Bronze Age and modern practitioner testimonies.
I also mention poisoning oneself in here and I strongly advice against doing that and instead to do the modern version. Please don’t poison yourself and if you do I take no responsibility for it.

The first step I strongly suggest is to learn to astral project and dreamwalk as the animal you are seeking to be. This is geared around the berserker/ulfheðninn practice but can be applied to other animals too. Stag cults were common, but I’ve never met anyone that did that. I’ve also heard brief rumors of lynx shifting being practiced in modern day.

I also suggest working with the spirits of that animal and the gods. I work with Odin, Fenrir and Loki. You can also work with Cernunnos, Artio, Brigid and I’d wager a bet if one can become a Lynx that would be from Freya.
Obviously there are other gods and spirits to ask for aid and to call, these are just the ones I’ve seen named the most.
Spend time with nature too, learn to value the seasons and the cycle of death and rebirth. Become attune with it.

Also let it be known that a true berserker/ulfheðninn is possessed by Odin in battle. He grants them strength and endurance beyond any man.

This is where things get really bastardized, I see most people using this method to achieve something more akin to being a werewolf or other werecreature. Or to be able to enter an altered state for stronger astral projection. Basically instead of being possessed by Odin, just changing form or changing their soul to an animal.
This is an ability mentioned in a lot of religions for sure, I just know/have seen the most people that used a method inspired by Norse practice to achieve something else.

There’s a few other things to note.

This is a practice related to being a warrior and in combat. This method works for shamans that are focused more on healing or spiritual work too, but you really, really need to do more of the astral and dream work for that.
I also truly think you need to be fit and able to handle a fight. I have never seen this work for someone that is lazy or unable to fight or defend themselves. I’ve known of former veterans that did this and had no idea it had religious or historical background, it was just something they did amongst themselves.
If you don’t know how to fight, learn. And even worse if you do not work out, start.
You must have a fire in you, you must be strong. Mentally and physically.
If you’re seeking the shaman side, you must be in tune with nature, animals and the universe, you must have a third eye open and an affinity for spiritual practice.

Work up to this if you think you are not ready. I can post other guides and information on that.

Also, historically this was only done by men. I am a woman that practices this but I was initiated in by someone reckless. It works for me, and I have no doubt that it’s the right thing for me. I think in modern day the gods care more about this being preserved then the gender of the person doing it.
I’d also wager that a lynx could be a more feminine take on this, and maybe that’s why I associate it with Freya, and have only seen modern rumors of it.
Unfortunately, most women don’t have that fiery fighting spirit, the drive to seek true spirituality, or the will to stare at the abyss until it stares back. The ones that do have these qualities I welcome to do this ritual and take this path.

Alright, with all that out of the way the ritual is pretty simple. Once you’ve achieved the above parts and feel ready here’s the ingredient list and steps.

Preferably find a pelt of the animal you are seeking or are spiritually. I see some people use coyote pelts out of respect for wolves being endangered or local laws, I think this is fine. Wear this during your ritual.

In Norse practice you would traditionally use fly agaric mushrooms and black hemlock. These are extremely poisonous. These can kill you.
One would prepare/ferment them under a new moon and drink them under the full moon for the ritual. One could also grind them into a paste with a binder like lard and rub it into their skin.
For obvious reasons I advice against this and offer an alternative.

Shrooms. Use shrooms. You can still ferment them, I know someone that did that. Less risk of you dying.

I know that Native American practices use peyote for rituals, perhaps you could use that too but I don’t know and haven’t spoken to anyone that used it.

Do this under a full moon, mainly the January Wolf Moon for those that seek to be wolves. I always feel more in tune with this stuff in winter. If you seek the Wild Hunt maybe do it around Yule when they ride.

Also don’t do this in extreme heat during the day, part of how this works is heating up your body. I strongly advise at night in the winter.

Take your concoction and meditate into an animal state. Have fun. I don’t know anyone that remembers this, just that they aren’t the same after.

This is meant to be done every so often to strengthen your connection with your animal state, overtime I have heard it can change your form but most people only need to do it a few times for what will be the full effect they receive.

I’ve personally seen someone enter a berserker rage where they got bigger, taller, and impossibly strong. This ritual is meant to get you able to switch into that state without substance.
That is part of why you need the physical work before you get into this.

Be safe and may Odin guide you if you take this path.

Fat losers think that if they transform into werewolves they wont become fat werewolves.
Thank you so much for this, actual advice on /x/ is so rare

Of course. I’ve spent years searching for this stuff, and it almost drove me to madness.
I use the analogy if “If you stare at The Abyss long enough, The Abyss stares back.” Because it really does.
I felt the day the universe shifted from hiding this from me, to suddenly it all clicking and meeting or interacting with people all of a sudden that do it. And suddenly it all working and feeling so natural.

I don’t believe in hiding knowledge, I don’t want more practices to be lost to time. The right people will find it, and the universe will keep it hidden from the wrong people.
This is great, thank you so much.
I look forward to the wordpress.
I do want to ask a question though if it's not too much.
So do you have to work with gods in order to do this?
It sounds like, from the description of the bastardized form, one doesn't necessarily have too, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't interpreting that wrong.
I love the gods but I do not necessarily wish to end up any more indebted to them than I may already be.
desire for repressed libidinal energy to be released.
I don’t think so necessarily, I think it helps if you do.
I’m not sure what kind of debt it really creates.
I know that for me this broke me from Samsara, I’m joining The Wild Hunt as a wolf (or werewolf) I die. I’m happy to spend eternity hunting as opposed to being reborn here again.

I think if you don’t want to work with gods seek out animal spirits and nature.
I did a ritual once under the wolf moon where I called to the essence of wolves/wolf spirits and I think that benefit me greatly. Giving that plea to join the pack was part of what cleared the fog from this path.
I think studying the animal you want to be is also important, learn the way it move, they way it works with other animals including its own kind, learn what its habitat is. When you can clearly imagine how that animal moves it’s much easier to project and dream in the form of it.
Also bad news about Wordpress, it’s not free. It’s free for the first year but if you don’t pay it deletes everything.

Any other free blogging platforms anyone can suggest?
What does the wild hunt look like to you?

Substack? Medium? Not the best but I'm pretty sure they're both free

The Wild Hunt to me is a led by Odin and the spirits of hunters ranging from humans on horses and hogs to Berserkers and Ulfheðnar as well as some fae like Dullahans. Other beasts are apart of it too. I see it was very wild and loud, accompanied by winter and cold. I have felt the Wild Hunter the winter I got deep into this.
I follow the belief that they slay those that betray the gods and hunt every year around Yule.
Also what about blogger? I know they don’t really take down content considering the blow fly girl still has an account up on there
Interesting, I've been called to it in some way, but returning to the "astral wilds" if you know what I'm talking about is my ideal afterlife.
I really cant imagine an afterlife I would like more than this, just being able to roam as a wolf would be amazing
Yes absolutely, I have a feeling I will be able to go there when The Wild Hunt is not riding in the winter. Or able to interact with the living that can astral project and dreamwalk there.

Most dreamwalks where I am an animal take place in the astral wilds, it appears to me as a deep and thick forest, huge tree trunks. Very much European plant varieties but that might just be because of my Norse focus. There are lakes and rivers around too. In the winter it is cold and sometimes there is snow and thick fog.

I can dreamwalk as other things if I am visiting people and put my mind to being something else, usually the location of those dreams is based on what they were dreaming of.

When I’ve met other beasts in the dreamworld it’s always in that forest.
I'm glad you will be granted leave from this place, no one should ever be bound here against their will.
If I cannot achieve physical immortality here, it is necessary in my own specific case that I make return trips until work is finished.

I would like to be able to ask Wild Hunters like yourself, questions when they come to mind though.
Once again, thank you for writing this out, I deeply appreciate the knowledge you're sharing.

I will say, I don't see anything wrong with using a tumblr if other websites are all too clunky or too costly to work with. I don't see the issue with it anyways, its a little harder to browse but I don't think it is notably so.
I've always felt like we cant fully understand what the wilds actually look like, so we kind of make it look comfortable to us. For me, the wilds takes the form of a North American forest. The times I've been there, and the spirits ive met there made me realize that as a wolf, this is the best possible place for me to go. The wild hunt seems almost ideal, but the wilds is a perfect match for me
Hey, assuming it's you, check ur email when you have a chance
Bump so this thread doesn’t die before I make a blog
Gonna go with tumblr, will post soon
No posts yet, but I will start sharing my rituals and research. I set it so that people can send anon questions if anyone wants to protect their identity. And I also set it so anyone can see it without an account.

Furries mostly lmao (This is coming from a Furfag btw)
aw. Reminds me of my old dog in a way.
Bookmarked it, very interested to see what you share.

I've heard that after tumblr went SFW, talk about drug use is kinda in a grey area, knew someone who got banned for mentioning shrooms so watch out.
>Also women aren't interested in me and they fuck dogs so being a werewolf would give me a better chance with women.
Know that feel brother, know that feel. For me at this point most days I can't even get off without looking at r34 of Tifa Lockhart getting railed by werewolves or dogs and self-inserting as the dog.
File deleted.
Gooners are so lame
i know you are but what am i
I think I’m going to try to post without tagging anything, hopefully I can just share the link here for the people it’s meant for and not attract attention from mods or therians that are going to shit their pants over “””p-shifting”””
If I end up sharing a lot of posts or guides I’ll probably make a pinned directory post
I’m very curious about your methods for physical immortality if you’re willing to share.
If I knew of any methods I would share them, but I really don't know anything.
If I do learn one day, I'll probably come back to this board and notify the anons here.
I'm certain there's a path to it somewhere out there.
No tags is probably the best way to do it, interested to see what you have about p-shifting
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Jannies are so slow, why did it take so long for them to remove this?
It's a desire to let loose, go wild, be free from the limitations imposed upon us by morality and give into lower urges. Spring break anyone? Stories about werewolves are metaphors to make people aware of the bestial nature within themselves and to control it. There's a moral to the original stories of werewolves. The werewolf was used as a teaching device for children much like a vampire is to describe a form of maladaptive behavior anyone can slip into and let get the better of them. In some of the stories a werewolf only becomes a werewolf on a full moon, which is to say not very often. Before people started taking the stories literally to mean a man who undergoes a metamorphosis when seeing the moon, it was representative of a man who became as a beast periodically and wreaks destruction upon his village or surrounding villages, only to wake up not remembering what he had done, much like a black out drunk. Painting the town red would be a modern reference to this ancient myth. What do you do when you paint the town red? You go wild, you scream, you party, you get into trouble.
Modern day werewolves have been romanticized into sex symbols or the idealized lone Übermensch, largely because wolves have become mythical creatures themselves (rather than a nuisance and a terrifying predator which is what they were to pre-industrial societies), but originally it was a warning not to let your beast off the leash lest you be hunted and killed by the village. In the olden days a werewolf would be akin to serial killers, serial rapists, gluttons, people who were unkempt etc. The modern werewolf is much more somebody with a hairy chest, somebody who's a little edgy, somebody who is sly, rough or uncouth. The meaning changed post industrial revolution when people no longer had to deal with wolves ransacking their chicken coops and started to view them as a beautiful sacred creature rather than a dangerous despicable beast.
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>In the olden days a werewolf would be akin to serial killers, serial rapists, gluttons, people who were unkempt etc. The modern werewolf is much more somebody with a hairy chest, somebody who's a little edgy, somebody who is sly, rough or uncouth.
By this interpretation the modern werewolf is in fact the incel, the NEET, the person who finds himself outside the entire civilized political spectrum, the person who doesn't pay his taxes, the person who doesn't conform to social norms, etc. Which is literally me already, so if only I could also turn into a mythical beast-creature and fuck some bitches I'd be the ultimate werewolf.
They're into it
You ever gonna post the p shifting guide?
Working on an astral shifting guide, berserker ritual I posted here is the most reliable “p-shifting” guide I know of besides the skinwalker ritual
You seem like you would know, where would I get a wolf pelt in the most ethical way possible?
Why would you want that?
Either get it from someone second hand who already got it, or from an antique collector/seller. Remember to cleanse it, bless it and ask the spirit that it belongs to for blessing and thank it.
>who are these pwople ans why they judging unfairly??1
As twilight and other gas station literature for women prove, they get bitches.
Plus being a mutant is cool too, I guess.
Werewolves are actually real
Thread saving bump
Wolves are sexy
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Hell yeah
Any of you ever watch Wolfs Rain?
Yes, it was a good show
Wut manga
I am what people sometimes derisively call "an Eagle scout."
I live an extremely ordered, peaceable, domestic existence. I am known by my community as a respectable person. I am a good dad. I've never even smoked a cigarette. I don't mind it. I'm happy with who I am. My life is free of chaos.

But if once a month I could transform into a powerful anonymous monster and give in to my hunger, sex drive, and animal rage, then revert to my normal self? Yeah 1000% please sign me the fuck up for that.
>Why do some people want to become werewovles?
The irony. I was born a werewolf and all I want to do is be normal.
If I was a werewolf I'd probably just stay in the wolf form forever

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