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Around three, probably four nights ago, I couldn't sleep. Just kept trying my best to fall asleep, put on a music Playlist that I had downloaded, and went the whole forty minutes unable to sleep.

At some point I got a ton of flashes and presences, figured it was just some delirium from not being able to sleep, kept ignoring it and tossing and turning like im playing fucking twister until I swear I felt something soft randomly hold my hand.

Some more time after that and similar 'friendly' feelings, I'm over here wide awake drawing this fucking thing and I got several flashes of like, tarot cards, all involving this skull headed fucker. The High Priestess, The Moon, The Hermit, and I think maybe The Sun and or The Star.

Searches say it's a wendigo, all I can think of is that's just how it chooses to present itself. Live near lots of forests. Feel more creatively focused but now it's just towards whatever this muse wants drawn involving it.

Also want the AC turned all the way up so my rooms cold all the time. But that just might be me.

Advice? Have I fucked up somewhere?
Go out in the woods at 3 am tonight and find out. I am not liable if this is a wendigo trap but congrats if you are able to bag the legendary wendussy
They don't wear skull heads, probably another kind of spirit like the old spirit of a deer angry as shit for some reason

Deer have been angry as fuck lately with these things, and I'm not sure why. But that's not a windy, you'll know if it's a windy whenever you start hearing voices in the wind talk to you.
Well, angry and wanting to have sexo with humans. It is more possible though at least to have sex with these spirits than an actual windy though.

So go ahead and bag the spirit OP.
somehow I knew one of you would type this.

This does change how I feel about that trip to the mountain cabin sometime in December though...
So, what did I piss off a deer or did it just find me?

There hasn't really been a lot of deer that I've seen. This only happened after I left the states and then came back.

Please don't tell me to fuck the ghost
What the hell? Why would a deer want to fuck a human? I've heard of deer-women before but this just sounds like too much.

OP, have you tried anything spiritual at all? Literally anything that might have invited this thing outside of giving in and drawing it? Outside of that, anything to maybe gauge how much of a presence this thing has physically? Its probably in your home already.
I lit a candle, just felt like it. Thing waved at me like crazy and burned really bright but not very hot. Kept my hand in it for like two seconds.

Also note that it seemed to burn really fast and oddly quick

I haven't done anything like that. Maybe just a few thoughts here about how much more I'd like it if it was colder and winter already. Was really pissed when I took a rocket on fourth of July and had my hand get fucked.
Pull some cards in the waking world anon. And show them to me.
Don't own any cards anymore sadly. Lost em forever ago when I was younger. Can only tell you what this thing wants me to pull.
For the curious who can actually give me some answers other than "I'll kill it"

The Moon. The Hermit (Physically made artwork for these two.)

The High Priestess, The Star, The Sun, The Fool (Strong Flashes)

Weaker flashes and visions include cards like The Wheel Of Fortune, Ace of Cups, Seven of Cups, Ace of Staves.
Are you RVing a tarot draw…

Anon, do you have a deck on hand?
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anon I.. I don't know how to explain to you that I physically don't own a tarot deck anymore, I had one for myself personally and attuned, but it's gone, destroyed.

As for if I'm remote viewing a tarot draw? Doubtful. Feels more like I'm being forcefed a concept and translating it to something I do understand, and it takes center stage as the subject such as Pic related.

This one's upside down. Too tired to flip it properly.

It's one of those nights where I can't sleep again. Thing probably wants me to draw again.
Lol, ok, weird… thing.. just.. happened…

Tell me what the last section of cards means to you, I know what the first two things are about.

The High Priestess is a personal new, I've never actually drawn her in my deck. But it's the most vivid in my mind tonight. Most I can think of is it wants me to self reflect? Almost everything boils down to self reflection in some way, the inner self. That's how it seems, and that's how it feels. Childhood memories feel like they're just yesterday. It's kind of screwing with me.

The Wheel Of Fortune I have no idea. Same with cups, except maybe abundance? Abundance through or because of self reflection and inner growth? Moving past things? Ace of staves is new, no personal connection, so an outside opinion is uh, appreciated.
Well, he is having you draw cards and asking questions, of which you may be unaware, but I think I know the first two questions. That’s why I’m asking about the third one.

The first two questions are it asking about what threatens it. And what weapons or allies the one who threatens him uses against him.

The third question, probably how can it escape the threat against it.
Can you show me the art of your high priestess card?

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