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>Everything in the universe is made of:
>Fire, Earth, Water and Air

Okay... What is maths made of?


You misunderstand, the math creates those 4. They are 1 and the same
Pluto wants to clear its neighbors.
Pluto wants to know where the barycenter is!
Where is that dark spot where Charon want 2go?
logic, which is the fifth element, though only atheists enlightened by their own intelligence are able to wield it
There are 5 Elements, not 4! Pneuma, or Spirit is the 5th.
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actually 5 elements to Feng Shui
Is the math in the room with you right now?
Math is not made. It is discovered. I'd argue it is at least a subset of God.
math isn't real
In philosophy and specifically metaphysics, the theory of Forms, theory of Ideas, Platonic idealism, or Platonic realism is a theory widely credited to the Classical Greek philosopher Plato. The theory suggests that the physical world is not as real or true as "Forms". According to this theory, Forms—conventionally capitalized and also commonly translated as "Ideas"—are the non-physical, timeless, absolute, and unchangeable essences of all things, of which objects and matter in the physical world are merely imitations. Plato speaks of these entities only through the characters (primarily Socrates) in his dialogues who sometimes suggest that these Forms are the only objects of study that can provide knowledge.

Scriptures from Pythagoras suggest that he developed a similar theory earlier than Plato, with Pythagoras's theory specifically proposing that the world is entirely composed of numbers. The early Greek concept of form precedes attested philosophical usage and is represented by a number of words mainly having to do with vision, sight, and appearance. Plato uses these aspects of sight and appearance from the early Greek concept in his dialogues to explain his Forms, including the Form of the Good. The theory itself is contested by characters within Plato's dialogues, and it remains a general point of controversy in philosophy. Nonetheless, it is considered to be a classical solution to the problem of universals
All you need to know is that information is also subject to entropy.
Take a piece of paper.
Draw a small line.
The number one also represents a line.
Now draw a circle around that line.
That circle also represents the number one, as it is just like the line except curved.

Now then, just observe this line and circle. Or two lines. Or two 1's. You'll realize there's no difference and neither are incorrect.

Now as you stare at these little drawings you've just done, imagine yourself to be a 1 dimensional being, observing this line and circle.

Then a 2nd dimensional being, and then where we are now as a 3rd.

Then imagine a 4th, and a 5th and a 6th.. or as much as you can imagine, then realize this anons. That these drawings exist in multiple dimensions and appear in multiple dimensions, as in that line and circle may be a 2D drawing for us, but for a 5th dimensional being it is a highly active communication or interactable holographic device. I shit you not.
We live in the kaleidoscope of kaleidoscopes, but we were blessed with physical dimensions and a 3rd dimensional realm for exploration, because this is a small fragment compared to the rest of the cosmos being mostly.. space dusty.

We are 3D beings locked into a 3D perspective, trying to understand multi-dimensional realities which are the majority of 'life' out there. We are blessed that we are given physical space and dimension to exist within.
Pee and a picture of Mohammed fucking a goat hydra.
Those are just elements of earth. Not everything in the universe
You have an exoteric view of this when the elemental view has always been presented esoterically for the most part. For example, fire isn't just plasma, it's also active, positive, masculine, angry, hot, transformative...etcetcetc.

The elements are the building blocks in all layers of experience, not only the physical and objective but also the mental and subjective. They merge together to create complex forms or conglomerates, the elemental model is just that, a model of categorization, ancient, but effective.
what a fucking idiot
Air. Includes all forms of information.
This, and i'd also say the structured nature of math aligns with the order and stability of earth and the dynamic principles reflect the transformative aspects of fire. But air will always be the main body of everything that has to do mainly with intellect, logic and abstract thought.
Mathematics is made up of the interaction of elements, just as in materialism.

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