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It's ok to talk about your feelings. Obviously this is a very traumatic subject for you, but don't worry. This is a safe space.
because it's the true religion, turns out


sorry not sure where that came from
Interesting, tell me more...
And how does that make you feel?
>sorry not sure where that came from
channeling an archon no doubt
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It's legitimately wild how as per the DSM-V, it's not a delusion if you can tie it to an identified culture
It's just boring and not interesting.

There's no cool lore, no interesting references, no real tangible relation to anything fascinating.
because there are people whom think this elbow tactic society is healthy. they've been born to a world where they repeat everything their parents told them because they too repeat everything their parents told, but nobody stops to question if any of it makes any sense, and more importantly who's benefitting from a society where majority are fighting from crumbs, when 0.0002% control 99% of the resources?

damn wish i had saved that monkey experiment picture/meme where group of monkey gradually accepts more stupid shit, until a new monkey is added that gets scrutinized for not accepting weird stuff that the other monkeys were gradually taught to accept
I think it's interesting
Ok, what do you find interesting? It's pretty ironic that for something to be centered around spiritual knowledge, there's not very much of it.
Modern Christians.
Imagine you've been living your whole life unaware that Catholics banned reincarnation from Christianity in AD 553 and believing that the vast majority of humanity deserves to go to hell but that God chose you to be saved but then also not really because each person needs to choose God out of "free will" but then also not really because the church says salvation by works is false so you're stuck in a mental limbo of just not thinking too hard about it all, which would include looking into the origins of your own damn religion.
So when people in your local church who went to a missionary trip come back and share depressing photos of poor people, you make a sad face and blurt out some empathetic remarks but then you go back to unironically believing that those poor people deserve to burn in hell eternally.
Oh, and of course, when you join the army and kill foreign people, you're not sinning because they didn't believe in your God. And if you get killed in combat, you're guaranteed to go to heaven because you got baptized when you were 12 and you pray every once in a while. Whenever you do anything, it's all about you and about your relationship with God, so you have 0 idea that you're a fucking idiot fighting for Israel.
quite dangerously based post
You need a pre packaged belief system that has lots of rules and stories to tell you what to do and how to think, got it.
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At least other systems attempt to explain their world view even if its total bullshit. Gnosticism has nothing. It doesn't have any tangible relation to things. There's just simply nothing remotely interesting about it. "Well you see the material world is just flawed everything is so evil." Ok, so how? What's your basis of belief? Where is the proof?

At least the Egyptians had stars/celestial worship, complex architectural feats, varied lore. Christianity/Judaism have their own vast set of relatable stories and myths, especially in the context of ancientry. Modern deism combines science with religion.

Meanwhile, gnosticism, has not moved from its initial state.
Because Gnosticists are boring.

"Gotta attain spiritual knowledge bro".
"Btw we don't have any actual knowledge, everyone else mogs us."
"But trust us, the material world is simply evil, it's a trap! But of course we have no tangible way to prove it!"
Your problem is that you have no actual understanding of gnosis. You dwell in Irenaeus-tier hylic ignorance, spewing out groundless slander. Sad.
Notice that you have a free opportunity to enlighten me and everyone else who is "ignorant".
But you won't.

Because A) you don't know shit, B) you're boring, C) You operate almost entirely on producing an aura of unique inaccessible spiritual knowledge - and when this aura is broken you have NOTHING to fall back on.
I would say Gnosticism and similar theories are the least boring ideas you can have. As your in a prison created by a demonic beings who sends hordes of their minions to keep you locked up in a never ending loop or incarnation, while living in a state of nonstop devouring, defecation, lies, and pain. You can't even astral project without being fucked with. Its literally the "conspiracy" religion. All other religions have a Gnostic foundation, and you could say that deception was built around them to fool the common man into a fear shame based loop of thinking as they toil away. Fearing more torture after death so they keep themselves tame while they live in a parasitical society of giving taxes so you won't be jailed. I think humans were designed and created for slave labor, we are the only animal on the planet that worships labor like a god as we build our whole lives around labor.
You should actually read Gnostic scripture before you attempt to contribute to the topic. You clearly have no clue even what the doctrine is.
There's plenty of lore and references wtf are you on about. You think the only thing they believe is that there's an evil snake in the sky and nothing else? They've got specific origin stories for the snake, Sophia, the relationship between Adamas and Adam and a very different perspective on the Adam and Eve story that's kind of interesing. And then there's the enormous amount of kabbalistic overlap which is hardcore cosmological lore.
And, back to the same boring infinite gnostic loop.
>you don't know anything about spirituality/gnosticism
>you need to attain gnosis/knowledge
>but I won't actually back up any of my points with said knowledge to help achieve gnosis
>return to point #1
At a religious party, the gnostics are definitely the most boring ones. Most likely silently sitting in a corner seething while everyone shows up in cool outfits and shares cool lore/facts about the universe.

How can all other religions have a gnostic foundation if there were entire civilizations that were thousands of years old before our first recorded history of gnosticism. Again, your entire basis fundamentally lies in that your life sucks and bad things happen to people sometimes, so everything material is flawed or evil. It's a philosophy centered around non-sequitur with no actual tangible proofs or logical deductions from the world.

The minimal lore that exists is just dull/not interesting/bad. Just deal with it, it's not exciting or fun, and doesn't even correlate well with our understanding of the universe. You guys also always seethe at Christians for whatever reason showing your extreme bias when in fact there are thousands of vastly more interesting philosophic viewpoints.
you mean seething pagan revenge porn after they got BTFO'd by Christ?
>the same boring infinite gnostic loop
Because you refuse to engage with the subject, instead only spewing out ignorant nonsense. If you want to engage, cite the verses you disagree with and explain your reasoning. No one is going to do the work for you.
>The minimal lore that exists is just dull/not interesting/bad. Just deal with it,
It being dull and boring is subjective, but the lore isn't minimal. It's enough to fill several books. Maybe not as much lore as the catholic church or something, but that's an enormous amount that only a mainstream(or formerly mainstream) religion would have.
I'm not a gnostic myself and I haven't attacked Christianity once so I'm just gonna ignore the latter half of your response as inapplicable, you seem like you're trolling at this point.
>your entire basis fundamentally lies in that your life sucks and bad things happen to people sometimes, so everything material is flawed or evil.
Your ignorance is showing again. Keep your head down, READ, then come back with your questions. Right now you are only embarrassing yourself.
Dawg either post something to disprove him or stop feeding the troll. He's not gonna read up and he's not gonna concede just because you call him out on it.
It's like you are an NPC stuck in a loop.
>you don't engage with the subject!
>you are spewing out ignorance!
>you are a slanderer against my little philosophy -because reasons-

It's been over 4 posts now and you haven't addressed ANYTHING. There is NO unique spiritual knowledge within the gnostic movement that isn't widely available elsewhere. Other workss cover sacred geometry, numerology, astrology, celestial bodies/astronomy, logical philosophy, simulation hypothesis, even mysticism to a far higher and more sophisticated degree.

Now you can continue to be an NPC stuck on his loop of seethe, or you can actually start to make sense with concrete points.
It's just more made up religious bullshit except even more obnoxious because the followers all claim to be special immortal wizened magical transcendent beings just for accepting its dogma at face value
It's not our job to educate fools. If he had a serious objection he would have put it forward by now. So yes, he is indeed a troll. But spreaders of misinformation should always be checked.
>It's been over 4 posts now and you haven't addressed ANYTHING.
You haven't put forward anything substantive. You are just erupting in rage based on whatever is going on in your personal life.
Source? Smells like projection.
>But spreaders of misinformation should always be checked.
I'm not trying to be a prick, but this argument is cope for people who've been trolled. His argument isn't intense or convincing enough to be worth confronting as misinformation, and continuing to argue with a blatant troll just makes your position look worse.
Yes I have. I have outlined things step by step for you.
>gnostics have no proof or even logical foundation that the material realm is inherently evil/flawed
>gnostics provide no actual knowledge or gnosis to "escape" said world
>gnostics always proclaim high degrees of knowledge but never offer anything, like (You)
>ironically gnostic lore has absolutely no roots in science or any of the relevant fields
>the lore sucks donkey cock and isn't exciting
>the characters are boring

>You are just erupting in rage based on whatever is going on in your personal life.
Nice projection. It's your own line of thought that everything is evil and bad because your life is horrible, lmfao.
Only the bit about Demiurge being evil.

>gnostics provide no actual knowledge or gnosis to "escape" said world
Read about the definition of the word "gnosis". There are multiple words of knowledge but gnosis is specifically something that's based on your experiences.
I don't have a "position". I'm not a "Gnostic", though I do find the Nag Hammadi scriptures quite insightful. I'm always willing to discuss any esoteric topic with someone who has either studied it seriously, or is interested in learning. What the angry poster needs to learn is that if he wants knowledgeable people to effort-post, he is going about it in the wrong way. His current approach only discourages serious engagement.
None of those are verses. You have only listed your own ignorant premises. Do better.
No, you prove that your thought system has any basis in reality. You make up terms like hylic and gnostic and pneumatic to make your followers feel special for believing your bullshit
>Only the bit about Demiurge being evil.
Except he's not. Read the Letter to Flora.
>Read about the definition of the word "gnosis". There are multiple words of knowledge but gnosis is specifically something that's based on your experiences.
Ok, please enlighten us as to what unique transformative gnosis experiences you have had and how they substantially changed your life on a profound spiritual level.

Like I said, it's an entire philosophy mostly rooted in making things up and hoping you can prevent other people from questioning you.

I have given the lot of you so many chances to prove me wrong, but all you can provide in return is pointless bickering.
Again, you're returning to the infinite loop of gnostic "logic". Please state point by point, which aspect I'm wrong on and where I'm misinterpreting gnosticism. You won't, because I'm stating the core points of your belief.
Let me guess, despite there being heaps of evidence for alien Life, including but not limited to paintings, engravings and photos all over the history of mankind, the true god of the multiverse is some earthian jew.
He died in every planet
Here's another logical fallacy that gnostics always love to pull.
If you ever question them -> you are a big bad Christian.

Other religions, mythologies, and philosophies simply don't exist in the Gnostic train of thought. It's either Gnosticism or Christianity. And there is nothing else. Do you see what level of logical flaw and bias you operate on?
>I have given the lot of you so many chances to prove me wrong
The truth is not something you can delegate or outsource to others, especially with the shameful attitude you have displayed throughout this thread. You must yourself engage seriously with the texts if you're curious about gnosis. Screaming about some cartoonish caricature that you picked up from other ignorant people on the internet is not the right move.
I'm not a gnostic . No matter what earthian religion you pick, you're still retarded.
Gnosticism is Christianity, sport.
Also, as far as I know gnosticism is Christian save for a few exceptions like Cainites
But you still haven't stated where I'm wrong or where I'm misinterpreting Gnosticism. You fundamentally have nothing. You have no arguments, you haven't addressed any of my points despite posting >8 times.

That sounds like something an alien would say.
>But you still haven't stated where I'm wrong or where I'm misinterpreting Gnosticism.
Because you never cited a passage of text that you have trouble with. You're just throwing a tantrum and hoping some effort-poster will come along and spoonfeed you the answers to all the questions you can't articulate out of the goodness of his heart. That's not how social interaction works.
>>gnostics have no proof or even logical foundation that the material realm is inherently evil/flawed
It's a religion, none of them have or need materialistic proof, but the claim has some internal logic.
Every living thing that isn't a plant has to kill other living things to stay alive(including plants), this is one of the main instances they base their claims of evil on.
>>gnostics provide no actual knowledge or gnosis to "escape" said world
They provide an outline of practice to find it. It's more vague than say buddhism by a lot, but gnosis is by nature supposed to be personal and therefore the path to it can't be codified.
>>gnostics always proclaim high degrees of knowledge but never offer anything, like (You)
Yeah I agree with this a lot of the gnostics on /x/ are massive faggots who just vaguepost and then call anyone who disagree with them a hylic. Definitely a lot of people just using the ideology to feel smart the same way a lot of the /pol/ christians use Christianity to feel morally superior.
>>ironically gnostic lore has absolutely no roots in science or any of the relevant fields
It's a religion, I don't think that matters.
>>the lore sucks donkey cock and isn't exciting
That's subjective.
>>the characters are boring
That's also subjective.
That's not how any of it works. You don't cite direct passages in the Bible to accurately state it's intended purpose/message about salvation via belief in Jesus, or in-depth explanations of how a photon works to state that Quantum Mechanics is about the behavior of tiny subatomic particles.

I have in fact, accurately stated and reproduced your belief system. You cannot cope with it and thus have almost no arguments in return. Very weak, and fundamentally continues to support my opinion that Gnostics not only do not possess spiritual/esoteric knowledge - but that your philosophy is substantially on the lower end of the knowledge spectrum.
Unironically probably how a healthy human brain should work.
It’s just the word “Gnosticism” that people don’t like, no one even knows what Gnosticism is they just don’t like the sound of it, that’s why I don’t use that word I call it something else
I have never claimed to be a gnostic in the first place. It's irrelevant to the definition of the word. Those who wrote the gnostic works used the word "gnosis" and I merely pointed out that you don't know what the word really means. It cannot be translated into English (unless you use multiple words).
>You don't cite direct passages in the Bible
Yes, you do.
>It's a religion, none of them have or need materialistic proof, but the claim has some internal logic.
That's funny because there's plenty of materialistic proofs when it comes to other schools of thought. Universal constants (phi/pi) present everywhere, platonic solids and their angles, fractals of rivers and other geographic structures, properties and movements of celestial bodies, the human body having certain interesting facts, the properties of math and numbers.
>Every living thing that isn't a plant has to kill other living things to stay alive(including plants), this is one of the main instances they base their claims of evil on.
Strictly speaking this isn't even true. You can consume entirely synthetic food, convert sunlight to energy. I understand that the big bad scary food web scares and frightens emotionally frail woman-like people though, don't worry.
>They provide an outline of practice to find it. It's more vague than say buddhism by a lot, but gnosis is by nature supposed to be personal and therefore the path to it can't be codified.
But yet none of you will state what personal enlightenment you have found that changed your spiritual path and granted you gnosis. Funny, huh? You would think that it would be a very big moment to showcase the potential of gnosis and enlightenment.
>I have in fact, accurately stated and reproduced your belief system.
No, you haven't. This is from the Letter to Flora, a very short piece that anyone can read in a few minutes:

>Some say that [the Law of Moses] is legislation given by God the Father; others, taking the contrary course, maintain stubbornly that it was ordained by the opposite, the Devil who causes destruction, just as they attribute the fashioning of the world to him, saying that he is the Father and maker of this universe. Both are completely in error; they refute each other and neither has reached the truth of the matter.

>For it is evident that the Law was not ordained by the perfect God the Father, for it is secondary, being imperfect and in need of completion by another, containing commandments alien to the nature and thought of such a God.

>On the other hand, one cannot impute the Law to the injustice of the Adversary [Satan], for it is opposed to injustice. Such persons do not comprehend what was said by the Savior. For a house or city divided against itself cannot stand [Matt 12:25], declared our Savior.
That doesn't answer any of my points, and provides barely tangential information on the nature of Israelite lore. Which I frankly don't even care much for since Judaism and Christianity are also merely young trains of thought in the grand picture. It's like you don't even bother reading your own texts.

Gnostics are literally inherently obsessed with Abrahamism.
The bottom line is that no one is going to do the work for you. Good luck.
The bottom line is that you don't know anything, and your entire existence operates on finding gullible people that don't ever question the nature of your so called "gnosis" or "knowledge".

Like, I said, least interesting and least exciting school of thought in this field. Even the Greek pantheon is more exciting at least they have interesting characters.
I think most "gnostics" here at this point are teens that need therapy

These days it's the same woe is me life sucks earth is a prison crap

Already went through that phase abd overcame it with a new lease on life
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>meanwhile, actual gnostic lore:
Because most people want religion to simplify their lives, except ironically for the clerics who deepen it, and Gnosticism demands that people understand the religion very well mainly the origins debates before the dogmas were established.

Just the idea of reading the first 2 Bible books is too much, now to challenge their way of viewing things they are required to be honestly curious on what the origins really were, some see adventures in that, others see a huge headache.
>its another post where gnostic retards believe that everything revolves around the bible and gnosticism
Truly the NPCs of religion and mysticism.
There gnosticism in all religions more or less, not sure what you're about.
Not really. Even if you consider the schools of thought where this isn't the ultimate reality, it's not necessarily stated to be flawed. Also the entities are entirely different.

You're a new school bitch trying to larp as an old type mystic. And your entire basis is about bashing another newfag school called Abrahamism. You have nothing outside of this pitiful interaction.
care to fill up anons' cups if you are so educated on the topic then? just sow some seeds; outside of gnosticism and abrahamic tradition, what do you personally turn to?
Anything from Ancient Egypt, India, or Mesopotamia is thousands of years early on any school of gnostic thought or Christianity. That's entire lines of mystical, occult, and religious thought that serve as fundamental basis for everything that has ever come after. Abrahamism itself is just an amalgamation of history and lore of Mesopotamia.

It's comical that you're thousands of years late to the party but claim to be the OG.
I think it's interesting, clearly degenerate heresy but it's cool to see how people reacted to the Son Of Man.
This same meme gets posted in every thread. Critical of Gnosticism need to get some new material. Also not all Gnosticism is Abrahamic or ascribing to a strict duality of matter and spirit. Just because you have barely bothered looking into it doesn't mean there isn't more depth to it than you give it credit. It sounds like your main gripe is still that it doesn't suffoecoently tell you what to believe and think/there isn't enough dogma to your liking.
>Ancient Egypt, India, or Mesopotamia

All of those had religions, even going thousands of years ago. My point stands regardless.
Of course Gnosticism isn't immune to geography and related culture, so there's their own brand.
Imagine belonging to the biggest group of chomos in the world and calling anything degenerate. I am assuming Catholic cause using terms like heresy. Also classic mistake, Gnosticism has been around long before Christianity, that Jewish/early Christian sects are just the most well known.
Because it's even more boring that the endless Christianity threads. Gnostics are people who are smart enough to realize that Christianity is Hebrew lies but too dumb to break out of their cultural programming. Rather than do the correct thing and completely discard Abrahamic religions, they instead invent this elaborate cope that lets them reject mainstream Christianity while still imagining themselves as good Christians, because that's what their culture tells them they're supposed to be.

As a general rule, the only people whose religions you can respect are those who follow a religion different than whatever is most common in their culture. The majority of European Christians or Arabic Muslims or Indian Hindus are people who are just going along with whatever their culture told them was the "correct" religion when they were impressionable children.

This is why it's so pitiable when people start to make an effort toward rejecting their childhood programming and begin to search for religious truth but only make it so far as a slight variation on that programming. Outright rejection of Christianity is too scary for them so they latch onto this cope that is essentially
>I'm rejecting mainstream Christianity but only because I'm even MORE Christian than those people!
It's complete midwit behavior and because midwits never have anything interesting to say, it's boring.
Archon reporting for duty
Gnosticism leads to disengagement with life by demonizing it in all its physical manifestations.
>As a general rule, the only people whose religions you can respect are those who follow a religion different than whatever is most common in their culture.
One of the most important parts of religion is being in a community with a united culture. Practicing a religion that is different from your culture where you live or that you came from separates you from fulfillment.

Don't get bogged down in dogma. No model is always correct, but some are useful.
I feel what you are saying. However as I was trying to point out in the oervious post Gnostic Christianity is but one divergent and admittedly Abrahamic branch of the larger gnostic current. Nag hammadi texts are interesting from a comparative religion standpoint, but of little interest to modern gnostics. That is my take anyhow.
>One of the most important parts of religion is being in a community with a united culture. Practicing a religion that is different from your culture where you live or that you came from separates you from fulfillment..
This is a nice example of the sort of mindset I'm talking about. A lot of the fakers go through the motions of following whatever is the majority religion in their culture because it gives them easy access to socialization. But these people would never be serious anyway, regardless of whether it's their childhood religion or something else. It's telling that virtually every major religion advises against public practice and preaches the virtues of solitude.
My mindset is to always be open to new ideas, to live with curiosity and faith both. I take inspiration from mysticism around the world and have participated in many different types of religious congregations.

I'm just sharing my experience. I go to church with my family because spiritual practice is bigger than religion, and community is an important part of it.
>Nag hammadi texts are interesting from a comparative religion standpoint, but of little interest to modern gnostics.
Huh? Those are the core texts, along with Pistis Sophia and a few others.
>i didn't want to choose the wrong religion so i chose everything lol
Maybe even worse than the people who just go with the default for their culture. At least they have the fortitude to make a choice.
Nor more than any other form of Christianity.
>still thinks there is a right religion
You'll find God some day anon. Trust.

In Christianity Jesus was actually God, and he died and saved everyone from sin. In Gnosticism Jesus simply reached gnosis and shared what he learned by channeling the holy spirit.

This is the source of the distinction I mentioned. According to the Christian view the physical world is the vehicle by which we were saved and should act accordingly in. According to the Gnostic view, the physical world is a distraction from gnosis and must be abandoned to be saved.
>In Christianity Jesus was actually God, and he died and saved everyone from sin. In Gnosticism Jesus simply reached gnosis and shared what he learned by channeling the holy spirit.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Educate yourself.

>According to the Christian view the physical world is the vehicle by which we were saved and should act accordingly in. According to the Gnostic view, the physical world is a distraction from gnosis and must be abandoned to be saved.
Wrong. There is no difference between the Gnostic view of matter and the view expressed in the New Testament.
>still thinks there is a right religion
Glossing over the aggressively incompatible parts of various religions in order to hold some new age
>there's truth in all religions but no religion is the whole truth teehee
nonsense is just pure egotism. You may think you know better than the millennia of religious seekers and theologians who preceded you but I assure you, you don't.
Huh? According to who? "Modern scholars"? Cause they are always right of course. For a religion that rejects all authority threads on gnosticism sure attract a lot of anal retentive bootlickers who love following rules and proselytizing dogma..
I've studied this for a long time. I'm sorry but it seems you disagree with Gnosticism as a whole. There are many interpretations, don't let it get you down too much.

Think of it this way.
Why do scientists gloss over the aggressively incompatible parts of various theories, like relativity and quantum theory?

No model is always correct, but some are useful.
The infinite can never be fully described.
The tao that can be spoken is not the true tao.

Ultimately this comes down to the limitations of logic, of system analysis. A system cannot be fully described by itself. So, we get as close as possible by using seemingly contradictory beliefs. Sometimes a paradox is necessary for a better description of a system.
Gnosticism has its roots in Greek mystery school religions. Gnosis simply means achieving knowledge and spiritual liberation through "the truth" whatever that means. Saying it is inherently Jewish or Christian is fake and gay, and also cultural appropriatin and shieet.
>I've studied this for a long time.
You seem to have confused it with some other belief system.
>no you don't understand, i'm smarter than everyone else who ever lived and only i understand how to pick and choose the correct parts of each religion to arrive at my own personal belief system
>caps this midwit cope with the most pedestrian quotes imaginable
Greeks invented both Gnosticism and judaism.
Which only makes sense if you're an obsessed satanic pedophile who dedicates their every waking moment to spreading this horseshit to promote saturn/demiurge worship.
>jesus is the antichrist
and the obsessed tranny pedophile who typed this is jewish
Because it's so dumb. They have everything upside down or backwards. Good is Evil and Evil is Good Satan is God and God is Satan. It's fuckign annoying. They keep trash talking God all the time lol It triggers me because of the level of stupidity.
this post was typed by an anglo-catholic meth addict by the name of (((Christian))) whose entire goal is to tear down Jesus while building himself and his gay mommy cult up.
glownigger psyop made to discredit jesus in favor of saturnite khazar milker cults and obfuscate the truth of women being the jews of gender
Every idea that rejects the world is bad
So basically every religion except Judaism is bad?
Judaism is sociopathy and bronze age blood magic
I.e., it embraces the material world.
You didn't understand my first post. It does not imply that the opposite is always good
I'm not a papist no
it just doesn't make any sense at all and requires you accept many levels of retardation.
why does Jesus appear on the mountain with Moses and Elijah if they were servants of the demiurge? Why all the references to the old testament throughout the new?
It is gross, to see someone so lost they can't even admit the most pedestrian simple truths to themselves.

I guess all my religious studies professors did too. I'll have to let them know. Thanks!
It's a heresy and may even still influence Christians to this day.
Some seek to escape the world like the gnostics do.
>I guess all my religious studies professors did too. I'll have to let them know.
Please do. Suggest that they read some Gnostic scripture.

You can't be a Christian, or any other modern religion (Judaism aside), if you do not resolutely reject and condemn the world. You cannot serve two masters.
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I mean... you're not wrong sadly
His logic is flawed at some points. I'm too lazy to point them out sadly.
its like saying that you are too dumb to understand it, therefore it doesnt make sense.

>i need pointless made up rituals to he spiritual!
>i need made up idols to worship and pray to!
>what? you dont have cool dramatic paintings and long drawn out myths? pshh, you aint got shit jack

i dont claim to fully understand it, but seriously what do you believe that is so much better? tell me so i can tell you how stupid your beliefs are. is your whole argument what? beauty exists therefore reality cant possibly be a trap? what about posting a picture of a horrible ugly truth? the fact gnostcism hasnt "moved on" is not evidence against it. do u watch sportsball and did u get the vax?

>make me smart, right now damn it!
>you cant? ha, i knew you were stupid.

this is how u sound.
The fuck are you talking about, Gnosticism is heavily influenced by Christianity, its a fuckgin branch of Chrisitanity
You are correct for the most part. I went to an evangelicalethodost school which was distinctly against gnosticism, however even with that, they put a HUGE emphasis of not being of "the world". The world being the false realm of sim ruled by "Satan". Christ was also not of this world, and to embrace his teachings one must reject "the world". Just thought this was worth noting.
then stfu
satanic lies repent
Mainstream Christianity teaches that the Devil is the ruler of this World just the same. It's clear TPTB are evil. All things bad and evil like animals killing each other to survive are because the devil is the ruler of this world. Doesn't sound very much different. The only difference between Gnosticism and Mainstream Christianity in terms of the Earth is that mainstream Christians believe Earth was created by God and corrupted by an evil deity, and Gnostics believe Earth was created by an evil deity. Both believe it is currently evil.
Yeah fucktard, because you aren't the be all end all of fucking eternity, you're just some retard on 4chan, and there was likely someone at some point in time who knew more than you. Shocking huh?
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Just accept the priest class in your institutional religion lied to you through a cleverly constructed narrative called the bible. The truth hurts I know, but it sets you free.

gnosticism operates off hermetic cosmology, which is very deep. gnosticism emerges at a time when egyptian/hermetic philosphy is falling apart because greeks and romans are pouring into the country and learning bastardized misunderstandings of egyptian, and then re-teaching it to other people. hermeticism is the spiritual rock of gnosticism

egyptian priests would meditate and spend lots of time reading few words because the words meant so much. ill read you a passage that ive been on lately. stuff in paranthesis are annotations and not part of the original text:

"Soul is a body-less reality. though it is IN a body, it does not LOSE its own essential principle. this is because it is always moving by nature and self-moved by thought (compare this to Plato: "every soul is immortal. that is because whatever is always in motion is immortal"). it is not moved IN anything or in relation TO anything or FOR anytthing. it is first in power, and what is first does not need what comes after.

by "in something" i mean the things of space, time, and nature. by "in relation TO" something, i mean the things of harmony, shape, and figure. by "FOR something" i mean the body.

time space and nature are made FOR the body. these participate in each other by means of their congential affinity. logically the body requires space--it is impossible for a body to exist without space. without time and natural motion, it cannot undergo natural changes; nor apart from harmony can it attain bodily structure."

this is one of hundreds of snippets of hermetic wisdom, which is what gnostisticm is drawn from. hope this helps inspire you. read hermetic 2 by david litwa
Seethe more, faggot.
Why is OP always a faggot?

I'm not surprised this is their whole attitude and posting style as well, lmao. Nothing of any real substance said, just a lot of faggotry and posturing. The so-called "gnostics" can't even express their beliefs, must be afraid of being mocked for believing such idiot nonsense. They think they've discovered some secret knowledge but they're not even wise enough to express it.

It's really rooted in a satanic inversion of the truth, the same root of the same tree that spawned trannyism, a satanic inversion of the truth. They think the serpent is the good guy because they typically leave of knowledge of evil when mentioning the tree, it's not like the knowledge of evil has profited man at all, but the gnostic fools claim it has, and that it's liberating. Just a bunch of twats.

>All things bad and evil like animals killing each other to survive are because the devil is the ruler of this world.
>Christians believe Earth was created by God and corrupted by an evil deity
That's not in the Bible. You probably deny you've ever done evil or are guilty before a holy God for breaking his moral law.

Spotted the new fedora.
Yawn. Not gonna read your deluded Jew on a stick rambling. Also you are quoting 3 different people retarded nigger.
How does gnosticism solve the problem of evil?

>how do aeons so called perfect gods create an imperfect being the demiurge?

>why don't aeons do something about all the evil the demiurge does?

it still fails the logic loop of trying to say there are perfect good gods out there
Videos on Gnosis, its various types (SPG, UPG & VPG) and Gnosticism:

what is your argument?

heres your concept of evil bro:
creation has basic substances (water) and then pleasant, curative, paradisacal substances (curatives). nature doesnt go from 0-100. there are grades. between water and the cure, there is a poison, which is really just a cure, but unfinished/undeveloped/uncooked.

remember Set, god of chaos and instability, is responsible for destroying/taming/spearing Apophis/Tiamat. evil is not "bad" its simply chaos and dissolution which is a reality of nature. you cannot feed a tree without first destroying something (liquefying it) so that the nutrients can be absorbed by the tree. once greek niggers came onto the scene they started judging and qualifying and misunderstanding and simplying (read: changing) things
i can accept that institutions like catholic church lie, as any other organization that tries to maintain power does, but idea that Bible is a "constructted narrative" is just a cope and completely opposite of what the actual evidence says
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>i can accept that institutions like catholic church lie... but idea that Bible is a "constructted narrative" is just a cope and completely opposite of what the actual evidence says
Who do you think wrote, interpolated, edited and canonized the collection of writings you call the bible? If you reject the authority of the catholic church then you also have to treat any texts they use as part of their claim to power with great suspicion. If you consider yourself aligned to the "first century, original christians" like most protestants think, then you have to realise that those people were ALL and without exception "gnostic" esoteric mystery cults and you should treat their corpus of scriptures with atleast a token gesture of respect.
Gnostic Christianity is like gnosticism lite. It helps poor retards who got sucked into the desert cult meme but isn't really necessary to read Jewish texts to receive gnosis. Anything that helps destroy the apocalyptic and messianic mind viruses of Judaism Christianity and Islam is a good thing in my book. This is why threads on gnosticism get targeted by shills obviously working shifts at the glow factory. It threatens the messianic cultists who want to bring about their apocalypse to justify their own pathetic existence.
I just pooped. God has also pooped as Jesus. I shall hereby call him Poopy Butthole god
That's funny that you think he didn't.
at that point anon you might as well say no religion is legit or possible to be legit
That's exactly what I'm saying and DESU you should have figured this out by now. The problem is amplified with dogmatic, monotheistic religions like christianity, islam, judaisim etc but you can apply the same logic to all species of mind virus (e.g modern scientism that tries to establish its own canon of approved doctrines and any inquiry outside of the box labels you a heretic). The old pagan religions were probably just as bad except they were syncretic by nature so allowed you to find truth for yourself by pattern recognition of similar themes and symbols across different cultures and their pantheon of diffierent gods could be integrated into a more accurate mythos which captures all the nuances of the human psyche better than just the God-Satan dichotomy that we got handed down

>t. ex born again christian
It's touchy because the board is full of christcucks, and if there's something a christcuck hates more than syncretization that's esotericism, and gnosticism is often presented through esotericism. Then add to that christcucks and gnostics are sharing the same fundamental religious framework, so the christcucks which are more apeish see it as sacrilegious.

Well, there's also the point about most christcucks and gnostics in this board being literal teenagers, or in their early 20s with tiktok brainrot, it just adds to it being a goddamn lamentable circus.
Deleted this post before I could screencap it but guy said "there is no evidence Jesus ever pooped". That's some funny shit!
gnostic movie edit (OC)
I don't go out ofy way to troll them but it's literally impossible to have a serious discussion of gnostic philosophy or spirituality without raging christcucks coming and shitting everything up. Personally I'm more interested in the esoteric aspects. Modern "scholars" frame the whole subject in terms of Jewish sects and the nag hammadi stuff, which at this point in my life holds no interest to me. Also yeah the posts ranting about how bad the demiurge is don't help much. But as far as beliefs go it's pretty edgy stuff, so that's to be expected. I recommend the book "the forbidden religion" for anyone who wants a good basic primer of gnosticism from a non Christian or Jewish perspective.
Crazy how it sounded like mumbo jumbo bullshit until that last section
>time space and nature are made FOR the body. these participate in each other by means of their congential affinity. logically the body requires space--it is impossible for a body to exist without space. without time and natural motion, it cannot undergo natural changes; nor apart from harmony can it attain bodily structure.
If I'm thinking on this correctly: Soul is moved by thought, to motivate thought a soul needs a body, which requires an environment (space+time, with harmony which seems like the harmony of biology (bones connecting, muscles connecting)) to stimulate thought. Thank you for the book recommendation, is there anything else you can recommend?
Thanks anon, will give it a read. Having been a christcuck in the past I can sympathize with them to some extent, however I can't respect people who refuse to ask important fundamental questions about their belief sets and critically analyze them before self righteously trying to convert all of their neighbors to the same brain rotting worldview as them.
oh, so just here to argue in bad faith. lol
>angry that people don't take them seriously
>so they purposefully act stupid
>angry that people here dont tkae you seriously
That is representative of and affirmation of the continuity of the Jewish tradition in Christianity, not the endorsement of a demiurge. Gnosticism views the material world as inherently flawed, while mainstream christianity sees it as God's creation, fundamentally good but corrupted by sin. Therefore, Jesus' actions and references unify the old and new covenants under one God, not a demiurge.
I don't get why christcucks and gnostics can't get along, the adversary (Satan) that Jesus opposes in mainstream christianity aligns with the demiurge in the gnostic model, both being seen as entities that govern the material realm and keep souls trapped in ignorance. The gnostic take is simply that Jesus was trying to bring the truth about the "benevolent creator" to people and help them escape the prison of Satan, which the gnostics just call demiurge.

Many christians and every gnostic believe jews worship Satan because of this. Where is the discrepancy here?
I don't know how you can read the new testament and see Jesus as anything other than what He is even if you're completely mundane. I can't imagine how you can read the genius on display, showing a mastery of ethics conveyed through incredibly crafted sermons so perfect it transformed even the filthiest barbarians into civilized and cultured empire builders, manifesting centuries of prophecies and conveying so much wisdom two thousand years later we are still learning new things from it, and think it was a forgery. A human composed this? Not just a human, but a duplicitous cabal did so out malice? The western world decided human sacrifice was bad because some greedy urban jews wanted money and power? Get fucking real.

Jesus himself testifies for God as He exists in scripture. Some gnostics claim Christ and just headcanon the incongruities away. The rest just make shit up to fill the gaps, and the shit in the gaps really is shit. It's always stupid fucking toddler syllogisms like "oh if God good why me not happy right now?" or "if God is omnipotent why does my cake go away after I eat it?" and my favorite "can God do [literal nonsense word salad]?" followed by confirmation bias you'd need MK ultra tier conditioning to get them to perceive past.

Gnostics are gnostics because they're allergic to faith. You need faith in truth to believe you're not wrong, yet even this basic of a precept is too hard for them. Gnostics will look you dead in the face and say that A is true because B, and B is true because C, and A proves C isn't true. When your whole spirituality is based on being more intelligent and moral than the God of the universe who created you, your intelligence, and your sense of morality you have no truth value hermeneutics that have anything to do with the arbitrary dividing line you put around "your" "mind".

Absolute reprobates of the spirit, or pniggers as I like to call them.
You're conflating the metaphysical inquiry of gnosticism with arrogance. The same ol' christian story, too scared and too comfortable to ask questions, lashing out on those who do inquire.

The gnostic critique is directed at the material world and its ruler, the demiurge, what you'd call Satan in mainstream christianity. You seem to think they insult God through this critique for some reason, gnostic teachings don't claim superiority over a true divine God, they challenge the nature of the perceived ruler which is the demiurge, a "lesser deity".
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>The same ol' christian story, too scared and too comfortable to ask questions, lashing out on those who do inquire.
You gay retard you can not fucking fathom the shit I explored before I landed in Christ's lap. Not responding to your 'no true gnostic' babbling, "you seem to think they insult God" shut the fuck up nigger I watch them do it every day.
But wouldn't Judaism not mean shit in the Gnostic tradition, just Jesus??
every gnostic I've seen on this dump is incredibly arrogant. I mean this thread alone is filled with holier than thou(lol) shit calling everyone who doesn't follow this shit non-human garbage retards, like every fuckign thread about this shit
Well you don't seem to know what gnosticism is, so how do you even know what they're talking about? I'll educate you if you ask, or you can go sulk in the corner and be ignorant.

In gnosticism Jesus is seen as bringing the true knowledge (gnosis) that transcends and corrects the flaws of the material world and the demiurge's creation. Judaism holds significance as the context in which Jesus appears but gnostics interpret jewish teachings as corrupted by the demiurge, since the god of the old testament is considered to be the demiurge or christian Satan for them, and the real transcendent God is introduced by Jesus in the new testament. Jesus' role is to reveal the higher, hidden truths beyond the jewish framework.
I mean to be fair gnostics seem to think everything except Jesus(except when Jesus is evil too apparently) is corrupted by the demiurge, so that's hardly significant anon
>every gnostic I've seen on this dump is incredibly arrogant.
This seems really irrelevant, and it also seem to be your whole point.
also that really doesn't make sense in context of what christ was about, he was throwing down the old covenant, but still specifically worshiping the same God, he was seen as someone corrupting Jewish teachings, for fuck sake he WAS jewish. to say he was talkign abotu some other God makes no sense when he was teach specifically about BEING Gods son and a sacrifice for the first sin in the garden.
thanks for proving my point I guess.
I mean, gnostics believe Jesus' true teachings reveal the path to spiritual liberation, so it makes his role uniquely significant, the light bringer, Lucifer, the title Jesus takes for himself in Revelations. Last iteration of that role is given in Genesis through the serpent, which betrayed the demiurge to bring knowledge (gnosis) to the human souls.
Well you see now you're just conflating lucifer with Jesus, and you have trouble understanding why people cant take you seriously?
I don't know what were you expecting, want me to tell you every arrogant-presenting person is wrong because they come off as "rude"? This is why i said your point seemed irrelevant, i've been dodging christians in this thread throwing niggers and faggots around, and it doesn't bother me, i just look at what they're trying to say and move on.
Lucifer is a title that Jesus bestows upon himself in the Bible, it simply means the bringer of light, aka bringer of knowledge or enlightenment. I'm not conflating Jesus with anyone.
I mean doubling down on it is kind of stupid
you know damn well what you're doing to snake
If you're going to discuss the gnostic or mainstream christian frameworks you need to position yourself in them first, otherwise you're just a fool who shouldn't even speak up if it's not to ask questions.
Quick gestalt.
This is how to feel the ki of a person.
1. Search for a tree to train your ki feeling ability.
2. Look at the tree, choose mentally it, and listen to It with your consciousness.
There, you're feeling it.
Practice your new skill for a bit.
Now, when you're confident, try feeling a christcuck, a corpse and a visualization of a person in hell.
Notice something?
Point and laugh.
it's a retarded larp that doesn't differ from true Christianity philosopically, which also emphasizes detatchment from the world. It's just a bunch of retarded misinterpretations from that lead to this retarded theology, such the midwit conception of "the problem of evil". If you actually wanted to reject the world you wouldn't follow a revived heresy with a new age larp.
>calling mainstream christianity true christianity
>calling gnosticism new age
You use the word retarded an awful lot considering you're the most retarded person i've read today.
Why does your energy feel dead and condemned?
my retard, gnostics are no different from anyone else who has ever lived, they just recognize the subversiveness of creation more precisely than your average npc and in modern times have a reputation for it that's more overt than other "religions". gnosticism is new age because it's a manmade religion based on perceived conflicts with true (not mainstream) christian theology that don't exist. this is why false new age cults have existed all throughout history, obviously there are still philosophical differences but they stem from perceived differences that aren't there.
If Satan means Adversary or Opponent, and the Jews are my Opponent, by God's grace I will be their Satan and destroy them.
Glowfag is back on his shift. Easy to spot cause of excessive and faggy use of green text. Works every thread on gnosticism excessively spewing diarrhea. Fuck off shill.
You're dead however
explain how, what about me shitting on your meme religion makes me dead?
Gnosticism isn't "new age", it predates mainstream christianity and offers a critique of conventional beliefs. Calling it a "manmade religion" when all religions, including christianity, are shaped by human interpretation is very hilarious of you, and ironic. Also You dismissing gnostic insights as mere "perceived conflicts" shows your ignorance of theological history and philosophy. Maybe read a bit more before spouting oversimplified nonsense, i know posting here is free but try to keep your retardation in check.
there are no "gnostic insights". it's just using the same insights as other philosophies to form a larp group based on misconceptions.
Well, I can feel ki, and yours is same as the dead.
can you provide more insight? i'd like to know if there's anything i'm doing outside of bashing your religion that makes me spiritually dead.
When have you spoken of weird vampiric religions?

In any case, I know anyone can feel ki and compare to those of the dead, if several volunteers from different traditions appear, I will teach them, maybe you'll get more insight from those readings
Gnosticism completes Christianity. Catholics are all about authority, surrender to God etc. Gnostics are all about rebellion against the demiurge authority.

Like hot or cold, either extreme is uncomfortable and we're best off somewhere in the middle.
what spiritual path do you follow?
Predatory spirituality, tantric vampirism
in which sense, left or right hand?
Claiming there are no "gnostic insights" is like saying there are no insights in philosophy at all. Again, empty head, no thoughts, only worried about sticking the middle finger to something you don't understand. Gnosticism has plenty of unique contributions to the philosophical and theological scene of its time, the very concept of gnosis and the radical dualism between the material and spiritual realms being some of the major ones.

Gnosticism has shaped philosophical and theological discourse. Reducing it to a "larp group" based on misconceptions and ignorance is just lazy and baseless, like everything you've been saying.
Left, it's predatory, we take energies and fluids from people to become more than human.
>Gnosticism has shaped philosophical and theological discourse
that doesn't mean it's original. radical dualism didn't come from gnosticism. gnostics utilized already existing insights and applied them to something they knew little about. just like everything else. the only reason gnostics are unique is because the insights they adopted made them stand out, since they're true. that doesn't make their theology not distorted, which is my point.
You're obsessed with this originality issue, the originality or uniqueness of gnosticism comes from the synthesis and application of existing insights to form a distinct worldview, this is what every model does, ideas aren't born original from "thin air" they're synthesized. This is something that shouldn't need to be explained.

Radical dualism while not originating with gnosticism, is uniquely expressed in its cosmology/soteriology. It's not the insights they took, but what they did with them that granted them popularity, and when insights are presented through a specific model and represented by it along with the dynamics of said model, then you attribute those insights to the model, in this case gnostic insights.
they weren't the first to synthesize them, idiot. that's what i've been saying. there's nothing unique in the way gnostics synethesized the insights they adopted, just in the way they applied it to christianity.
Oh i see, you're just trying to stall in circles to waste my time. Tell me which model/s were plagiarized by gnostic cosmology and let's advance this shit show please. Try to be specific and to the point.
Egoism is a necessity and prosperity comes with it.
think about it and you'll get the answer, i find it funny that i'm wasting your time.
Oh, the only funny thing here is you not giving an answer, it's funny cause i expected it.
keep thinking more and you'll get it. once you do, you can finally one-up me by refuting my argument.
You have already been refuted to the point of not being able to provide an answer, because there is no answer to what i asked. You just wanted to stick the middle finger to gnosticism for free, not really having any idea about gnosticism, and now you're paying the price, which is looking like a retard in public.

Ok next.
i don't really care about gnosticism, i just think it's stupid to give it credit for certain insights that can be attributed to other sources. i made my first post to troll people but i'm bored of it now. you can still keep thinking though.
>Well you don't seem to know what gnosticism is, so how do you even know what they're talking about?
Reading words with my eyes.

>I'll educate you if you ask, or you can go sulk in the corner and be ignorant.
No I do not want your personal headcanon.
Exactly. Glad someone else sees through their veil of bullshit as well.
Look at this thread where gnostics have an opportunity to actually provide either special esoteric spiritual knowledge or personal examples of gnosis. They never actually provide ANYTHING tangible of value.

It's the same NPC-like loop on repeat. No new information is provided.

First of, let's start with objective knowledge. There is nothing in gnosticism that cannot be accessed elsewhere. In fact there is just absolutely nothing even remotely interesting. If you want to study sacred geometry, you could study platonic solids, the Giza site, geodesic/geographic properties, fractals, special triangles etc. You can go study Astrology at least that has an actual basis where everything is laid out clearly despite being a "pseudoscience". Opening up a single astronomy book will also yield superior technical results. Or basic science, chemistry, physics, optics. There is absolutely NO unique knowledge being provided by Gnosticism.

How can something centered around supposed enlightenment knowledge fail to provide anything interesting? What are they even basing their views of the material world on? Well their line of thought is basically -> "bad things happen sometimes to some people, war and shit, and some animals are placed lower on the food chain and carnivores eat them". It's absolutely PATHETIC logical reasoning, and mostly highlights the fact that most gnostics are losers that don't even experience any positive soul-driven emotions throughout their life.

And now let's ignore that gnosticism has no actual objective special knowledge (and is in fact, on the bottom tier when compared to more structured and interesting religions that do reference a lot of objective things). Has anyone in this thread ever provided their personal so called "gnostic enlightenment"?. They will not mention it in any way, they'll just continue doubling down on their loop saying "YOU DONT KNOW GNOSTICISM".
yeah basically theres Thought from God, which gets foggy because I think here it's referring to Thought from the Thinking-God (2 entities I think; the Mother, Barbelo/Ennoia, is the Thought, and the Thinker is the Father called Nous), which is separated from the All-God (the Unnamed Hidden One), who created the first emanation so itself could be perceived. something like that.

So it's Divine Thought which is pre-existant; this moves the Souls. Soul is experienced somehow by the body though Reason (human thought). Body needs to exist for Reason to occur. There's another good seciton that talks about how Fate controls bodies, but Providence controls Souls. It sounds like mumbo jumbo and then sometimes it just clicks.

Yeah, harmony is what we consider the harmony of biology (fibonacci, crystal structure, etc).

Hermetica 2 by Litwa is great so far... Hermetica 1 by Copenhaver seems to be a definitive compilation these days (Litwa's "#2" is tacking on to Copenhaver's "#1"). I watch some of Gnostic Informant on YT (https://youtu.be/sky6u0ntu24?si=sqtZlHzLK1cxy6D2) although he mostly just deals with Gnosticism and comparative religion. I recommend reading the Nag Hammadi texts too, but remember a chunk of those lean closer to Hellenized Gnosticism

From what I can tell, Gnosticism is a deriviative of Hermeticism, which is Ancient Egyptian. Gnosticism is emerging at a time when really the Ancient Egyptian ways are kinda in peril and falling apart, and so that's how we see Gnosticism as somewhat "pre-christian", because those Hellenistic derivations are bleeding into Alexandria and Memphis and changing the language. Remember that Plato and Pythagoras and all the big great Hellenistic thinkers were traveling to Egypt and they were bringing back Hermetic ideas, and they were using Greek to promulgate them. thats where we get Platonism, Atomism, and more. so in that vein, Copenhaver's Hermetica 1 is also a worthwhile read
basically between Litwas Hermetica 2 and Copenhavers Hermetica 1 i feel like there's enough there to chew on for a while
The primary issue with gnosticism as a belief system is that it's completely dependent on rabbinical writing.
People are studying the opinions of others who've developed these opinions, and much like Jews do, they take those opinions as gospel.
It's anathema to the driving force behind gnosticism, which is to seek knowledge and wisdom for yourself, by yourself, by stepping away from what everyone else has already written and spoken about.
Seeking truth in unexplored realms is the goal. Even the occult would be erroneous to study in the quest for gnosis, because the occult is readily known and recorded.
Gnostics proactively stepped away from all of that and found learning.

In itself, there's nothing inherently wrong with reading that material and feeling it out.
But to rely on it and treat it as absolute gospel, like a dogma that can't be perturbed and must be treated in this one specific hardcoded way? You might as well call yourself a Catholic. You're nothing but a follower if you do this.

Unfortunately, most gnostics today just copypaste what someone else wrote 50-2000 years ago.
Asking God for themselves? It'd be heretical if His door wasn't open, and they don't see it.
I personally don't care about people taking dogmatic views on things.
If you want to be a zealot, that's fine to me.

But you better provide good, interesting, and concrete arguments. You need to provide something tangible as to why your viewpoint should be considered valid. Particularly if you're pretending to be an esoteric mystery school, you better have unique interesting things to back your views.

It's yawn inducing and I'm bored. It's sort of like reading Harry Potter, it's a story at best with nothing relating it to the reality.
There is no fundamental in mainstream christianity that cannot be accessed elsewhere, there is no fundamental in taoism that cannot be accessed elsewhere, there is no fundamental in hinduism that cannot be accessed elsewhere, i think this is enough to make this point clear, trying to use it against gnosticism is lazy and ignorant.

>there is just absolutely nothing even remotely interesting.
Luckily for everyone there is no consensus based on your personal metrics for what's interesting and what's not.

>What are they even basing their views of the material world on? Well their line of thought is basically -> "bad things happen sometimes to some people, war and shit, and some animals are placed lower on the food chain and carnivores eat them"
You sound like a five year old talking about philosophy. Gnosticism's critique of the material world is not just based on "bad things happen" but on a deeper philosophical and metaphysical inquiry into the nature of existence, suffering, and the human condition, you know, the same shit as pretty much every other religion. Gnostics argue that the material world produces inherent suffering and it's impermanent, so it reflects a fundamental flaw, which they trace back to the demiurge, a concept that explains the dissonance between the imperfect material realm and the divine perfect source.

>And now let's ignore that gnosticism has no actual objective special knowledge
Gnosticism emphasizes personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) gained through introspection and mystical experiences. This is not something quantifiable or demonstrable in a debate, and again, this shit is the same in every other religion, so i still don't really get your point.

Ad hominem here, ad hominem there, reading your shit has been a torture.
Again, you're not providing any new actual objective points and just looping back over and over.

>Gnosticism emphasizes personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) gained through introspection and mystical experiences.
Which gnostic mystical experiences and introspection have you had that led you to profound personal spiritual gnostic growth? How are you attaining these mystical experiences, what is the basis here. Are you looking at stars, are you having dreams, are you noticing synchronicity. Nobody knows! It's just "mystic secret personal spiritual knowledge, trust me bro".

>This is not something quantifiable or demonstrable in a debate
>this shit is the same in every other religion, so i still don't really get your point.
The difference is the pathing taken. For example in something like Christianity it makes it clear that salvation is the result of faith in Jesus and repentance of sin. Nobody actually knows what Gnosticism entails. Even astrology and tarots have a basis - what is yours? Oh right you have nothing.

Please get out of your depressive 14 year old phase.
Oh, you're the dunning kruger kid that always tries to bomb buddhist and taoist threads with their baseless narrative loops, goddamnn you're recognizable. Funny you'd accuse me of doing what you're doing though, i have simply addressed your various points.

I am not a gnostic, so asking me for my "gnostic routine" is pointless. As for the rest, it seems like your expectations are betraying you. While christianity emphasizes faith in Jesus and repentance, gnosticism focuses on personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) and an experiential understanding of the divine. I don't understand your point, both have clear approaches and goals, i don't know why you think christianity is doing it "more clearly".

I'm starting to see your patterns and its roots though. Gnosticism uses practices like meditation, asceticism, and the study of esoteric texts, it is less dogmatic than some of the mainstream religions that have been watered down through exotericism. So it's clicking, why buddhism, taoism and now gnosticism have become your targets, you just don't know how to engage with esotericism or how to derive value from subjective experience.

You've been wasting your time trying to get people in this board to give you the impossible, an objective transference of subjective experience. And mind you, before you say something stupid, subjectivity doesn't equate to fabrication.
>Oh, you're the dunning kruger kid that always tries to bomb buddhist and taoist threads with their baseless narrative loops, goddamnn you're recognizable.
And, you start off your post with being wrong, accusing me of being some random other person you have a grudge against. Statistically low chance accusations just make your logical reasoning skills seem very weak to other people.

>I am not a gnostic, so asking me for my "gnostic routine" is pointless.
So you don't actually have any personal gnostic experiences but you deeply defend gnosticism on a level that requires you to do so. It's a very strange position to take. With the way you were shilling personal mystic enlightenment, one would actually expect you to have profound experience. But that's fine, I'm asking for ANY gnostics to share their "experiences". Notice how none can nor have done so ITT ;).

>While christianity emphasizes faith in Jesus and repentance, gnosticism focuses on personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) and an experiential understanding of the divine.
Right. Faith in Jesus is simple. It's been over 200 posts and not a single gnostic has explained what personal knowledge entails. They bounce away from any objective knowledge of divinity that we can derive from the physical. And they refuse to touch upon any possible spiritual experiences. How are you failing to grasp the difference here?

>Gnosticism uses practices like meditation, asceticism, and the study of esoteric texts, it is less dogmatic than some of the mainstream religions that have been watered down through exotericism.
At least meditation and asceticism are clear practices. So what are the major points of the secret gnostic esoteric texts, which you still haven't provided with over 200 posts? What are the actual points of enlightenment because I'm not seeing any.

>So it's clicking, why buddhism, taoism and now gnosticism have become your targets
Weak sad frail victim mentality. I don't even discuss buddhism/taoism.
You can pretend it's not you, i don't really care, but since we have argued several times i recognize your writing patterns, greentext usage and narrative drive, but it's ok.

>you don't actually have any personal gnostic experiences but you deeply defend gnosticism on a level that requires you to do so. It's a very strange position to take. With the way you were shilling personal mystic enlightenment
How is personal experience being a gnostic necessary to correct someone's basic misunderstandings on gnosticism? And how am i "shilling" anything if all i'm doing is correcting your points, which are pretty much an amalgam of fallacies baseless personal opinions?

>It's been over 200 posts and not a single gnostic has explained what personal knowledge entails.
Open a thread asking gnostics about their personal mystical experiences. I haven't been here for the 200 posts but i can clearly see this thread has been focused on establishing what gnosticism is and isn't because everyone and their mother have been throwing baseless assumptions about gnosticism around and expecting them to fly.

>So what are the major points of the secret gnostic esoteric texts, which you still haven't provided with over 200 posts?
the gospel of thomas
the gospel of philip
the gospel of truth
the apocryphon of john
the gospel of mary
the pistis sophia
the book of thomas the contender
the tripartite tractate
the hypostasis of the archons
the thunder, perfect mind

Plenty of places online where you can read these short texts for free. I don't know how many times you have asked but i suspect people don't feel like synthesizing the whole gnostic esoteric body for you in a 4chan post.
>You can pretend it's not you, i don't really care, but since we have argued several times i recognize your writing patterns, greentext usage and narrative drive, but it's ok.
You understand of course, that you look silly and ridiculous when claiming "samefag" to someone that is entirely unrelated to your personal grudges from remote unvisited threads? All this does is highlight your inherent victimization status which is not a good look for establishing competence. But it's definitely not surprising considering Gnostics are the eternal victims, very similar to Christians in that sense where they always whine and cry about persecution, victimization, etc. You guys are so boring lol.

>How is personal experience being a gnostic necessary to correct someone's basic misunderstandings on gnosticism?
Everyone understands gnosticism perfectly fine. You keep trying to misdirect legitimate questions and criticisms like petulant children. It's the midwit moment of a grade schooler trying to tell people that are well-versed on a multitude of actual physical objective topics relating to divinity that "they simply don't get it". You never actually address the points, never provide either objective esoteric knowledge nor share the gnostic mystical experiences. Verdict: you have nothing.

>I don't know how many times you have asked but i suspect people don't feel like synthesizing the whole gnostic esoteric body for you in a 4chan post.
Because you don't actually have anything tangible nor interesting. Just like you won't get shit from reading Lord of The Rings or Harry Potter. My initial point still stands: you're boring.
>You keep trying to misdirect legitimate questions and criticisms like petulant children.
Your questions have been addressed and for the moment your criticism has been based on ignorance on the subject you're criticizing. There has been no misdirection at all for my part.

Your point now seems to be that i have nothing to back up gnosticism i think? You're confusing, what are you exactly trying to get out of these texts, magic formula or something? Do you even know how esoteric texts are used in this context?

>Because you don't actually have anything tangible nor interesting.
The texts are tangible, do you tell christians they have nothing when they present a case based on the insights they have derived from reading the Bible? And again, no one cares about what you find interesting, you're being extremely retarded and tiring, as per usual.

You have the texts there, if you give two fucks about gnosticism and have a minimum of interest you can go read them, otherwise you're just being a pest for sport, sometimes i wonder if you're pretending to not understand what people are telling you.
209 posts ITT now, still zero (0) tangible examples of esoteric knowledge unique to gnosticism, or personal mystical experiences.

This is/was a waste of my time, I'm better off going back to studying things that you can actually derive valuable insight from. Bye.
Never seen a clown use a smoke bomb.
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Certified nigger moment
Are you seriously this blind? Take a look at that picture you posted and imagine you yourself are there, in that beautiful forest. Do you know how many animals would want to devour you or just kill you? Do you know how at this very moment your immune system is fighting off millions of tiny organisms that are literally trying to eat you alive? Do you not see how every "evil" human trait has appeared as a result of necessity because of the way this universe works? Rape, murder, torture, exploitation, they all served some purpose, but not necessarily just for those who used them. They also served the "greater" purpose of perpetuating this evil. Take a more thoughtful look at the world and then tell me again you don't see how it's evil...
honestly it is no dumber than tulpas. I just hate seeing the same thing spammed day in day out even if the board has endured worse meme ideologies.
because it's just a schizo bastardization of Christianity. The Christ is our savior, not our knowledge. So no man may boast. Idk why everyone is shilling it.
>mfw gnostic schizos can't understand the fall applied to all of creation, not just humans.
read Genesis you larping nerd
lmao jesus christ have you ever left your fucking basement?
lmao always glow fags when you fucko have no argument, get a fuckign life loser
you got me, i'm a bit annoyed at not getting my point across so i need to respond. gnosticism is repackaged neoplatonism without the conception of the demiurge tending towards "goodness", which is really just a semantic difference. yes, gnosticism is more associated with detatchment but so is neoplatonism, just with maybe less emphasis. like i said before, i don't "stick the middle finger" to gnosticism, i just don't really care for it and think it's a larp. i probably won't respond so you can "refute" me all you want, this is just how it appears to me.
Gospel of Thomas + Thunder Perfect Mind are two of my favorites.
last post. i compared gnosticism to original christianity to show how they misinterpret other belief systems, showing their fallibility as a "theological authority".
>the church
You're getting the same answer you've been getting, it's not that you're not getting your point across, you're just not understanding the answer to it. Every model is a repackaged something, and the reason models are able to differentiate themselves from others is by synthesizing a set of elements in order to create their unique "brand" stamps and presentation. The fundamental difference in the nature and role of the demiurge, as well as the purpose and means of salvation, distinguishes gnosticism from neoplatonism and gives gnosticism its unique theological perspective.

What is your point here? Trying to discredit gnosticism because it has similarities with something else? Am i getting my point across, do you understand how retarded that is?
i already addressed this so many times retard
It's all you're saying with these two messages i've quoted from you, is there a hidden message in the initials of each word or some shit i'm missing anon? Are you suggesting i'm getting lost in the three lines of text that compose your point?
for the last time, i understand your point. and mine is that they're both synthesized in the same way except for one semantic difference. that's not a unique synthesis, it's almost a copy.
But you're wrong, even if they share philosophical roots, the core theological differences are significant. Gnosticism emphasizes radical dualism, views the material world as inherently flawed and salvation as escape through secret knowledge. Neoplatonism, however, sees the material world as a good emanation from the One, with the demiurge as a benevolent creator. This divergence in the perception of the material world and the path to salvation goes beyond semantics, clearly.
>Neoplatonism, however, sees the material world as a good emanation from the One
i've never heard this coming from neoplatonism. how is the material world being flawed not a core tenant of it? it doesn't view emanations as something to embrace, but to perfect.
Neoplatonism views the material world as an imperfect but fundamentally good emanation from the One, not inherently flawed, the goal is to return to the perfection of the One through philosophical contemplation and virtuous living. Gnosticism sees the material world as a corrupt creation of a lesser, malevolent demiurge, fundamentally flawed and to be escaped. There is your brand difference.
i remember hearing that the neoplatonic definition of "evil" is something that's incomplete. am i missing something?
Yeah, in neoplatonism "evil" is seen as a privation of good, an incomplete state rather than an inherent presence of malevolence. The material world is not evil but imperfect and the goal is to transcend its limitations to achieve unity with the One. In gnosticism the material world is seen as possessing malevolence behind its process of creation.
My church has been talking about Gnosticism lately and the gnostics were horrible degenerates. That's the reason gnosticism was left behind. They were hypocrites
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I just read the bible and think it's right. I may have seen veggie tales at a friends house once, but other than that my parents never pushed anything on me, they never even went to church.
Jesus is obviously king.
There is a level of resentment that they all seem to have that has turned me off from it. The core idea is probably true, but I think in order to have next level knowledge that is distinguishable in any meaningful way from delusions, you need to attain a higher level of awareness which does not include resentment.
yes and you post fuckign soijacks too, the fuck is your point retard?
and you never will, because there isn't any
Have you? I can tell you haven't experienced the brutality of nature. But sure, keep LARPing about how the world is this wonderful place from your comfy home where you have easy access to food, safety and shelter.
so no ok. lol
>also that really doesn't make sense in context of what christ was about, he was throwing down the old covenant, but still specifically worshiping the same God, he was seen as someone corrupting Jewish teachings, for fuck sake he WAS jewish. to say he was talkign abotu some other God makes no sense when he was teach specifically about BEING Gods son and a sacrifice for the first sin in the garden.

Jesus says in Matthew 7: Or what man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Compare the above to the Old Testament Yahweh. There is definitely tension here. The literal meaning of the words is quite clear, and very much in conflict.

Numbers 21:5-6: And the people spoke against God and against Moses: “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and our soul loathes this worthless bread.” So the Lord [Yahweh] sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and many of the people of Israel died.

Consider this perspective: It's comparable to a modern day critical thinker challenging the established beliefs of religious orthodoxy. Picture Jesus addressing the rabbis of his era with similar sentiments. Despite his mastery of the Old Testament Scriptures, the sole Bible at the time, as the New Testament hadn't been written yet, Jesus is seen rejecting the God being revered. Ironically, Christians assert that Jesus came to advocate for worshiping this very God he is casting down. Jesus associates God with malevolence and thus the impact of his words makes one question the merit of worship.
The gnosis that can be spoken is not the true gnosis.

This is the problem with orthodox/mainstream Christians. They privilege tradition and rote learning of propositional knowledge (ie memorising bible verses and church doctrine) over any personally derived insights into our ontological reality (gnosis) and then expect you to be able to explain to them in a list of disambiguate propositional truth claims exactly what it is you "know" that they they don't. Gnosis is a personal journey of liberating oneself in the highest sense possible basically through experiential realisation that you are essentially a.) an immortal spirit and b.) a fractal instance of The All.

These concepts are central to all religions throughout the ages but what tends to happen is that the core teachings start off as esoteric teachings to a small, spiritually discerning inner circle and by the time they reach the masses they get corrupted. Modern Christianity is a perfect example of this and to be honest there is no excuse in 2024 with all the resources we have at our fingertips to have not figured out that its a psyop and you need to repent of your ignorance for believing any of its truth claims. Good thing is we havn't got long to go before the new Aion does away with it and replaces it with something new.
>everyone I don't like is a mainstream Christian / brand of Christian I don't like
Gnosticists confirmed to be actually collectively braindead. It's like an entire group of NPC units that cannot comprehend that there are more beliefs in existence than Gnosticism and Christianity. Everything around Gnosticism is built on being obsessed with Abrahamism and Christian belief in particular. They cannot comprehend that things existed long before before the Catholic Church, Gnosticism, Jesus, Christianity, and even Judaism.

We need to see if you can pass the Turing test. Because as far as I'm concerned you're literal AI.
nta but the whole thread follows the christian/gnostic narrative, can't expect to include every fucking religion in every point made.
It's only "following" the christian/gnostic narrative because gnostics can't get Christian cock out of their mouth. Notice that all mentions of Christianity come from primarily gnostic posters, and it's filled with seethe and obsession. Everyone normal has read the bible and moved on to other vastly more interesting esoteric things, you guys are the only ones still obsessing over a mid-era religious branch because you are so blind you see nothing else.
I'm not a gnostic, and why are you surprised gnostics engage with christianity more easily? They're fucking christians. You just seem salty for no reason, get your head out of your ass.
Rofl please stop coping no one is buying this when your entire existence revolves around obsessing over mainstream/organized Christianity like it's some evil monster raping everyone to death (hint: it's not, everyone can do whatever they want).

The post count is now 246.
Still zero evidence of unique esoteric gnostic knowledge.
0 accounts of personal mystical experiences.
And filled with obsessing over another religion which barely covers 25% of our known history because its that new.

So boring.
Oh you're the retard from before, you could've read most of the gnostic esoteric body since you last ran away some hours ago, guess you've been studying more useful shit instead, like fallacy usage. You really don't learn.
What happened bro. You were soooooo good at "spotting samefags" based on text analysis alone! I guess you just aren't as smart or competent as you think you are.
You're easily recognizable when you're doing your usual thing, is that important though? You've been refuted and corrected a thousand different ways and you're still here humming the same retarded tune like you didn't process anything at all. Same shit you do in buddhist and taoist threads, just relentlessly swinging around your retarded narrative and ignoring everyone's input, there is nothing to gain from you, not even entertainment at this point, and you refuse to gain anything from anyone.

So why are you still here? Surely you don't expect people to give you what you want, since it's been clearly established already that's impossible. So the only conclusion is you're bored, school summer vacations i assume.
Uh, oh, exposed again as a hack, and now he's doubling down again on his victimization and retarded assumptions. Unfortunately for you, I don't go to either Buddhist or Taoists threads, EVER, and my eastern philosophy study is presently limited to an entirely other scope.

>So why are you still here?
I've decided to check this thread occasionally until it archives to see whether the gnostic NPC can break out of its cycle and post something of substance. Funny how you can spend all that time obsessing over the "faux dogmas of Christian leadership" and not actually post anything of value.

Which ChatGPT model am I talking to by the way?
they wanna be worshiped so badddd
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I think Gnosticism and Taoism are talking about the same stuff. Why don't you talk shit about Taoism?

>The Tao gives birth to the One. (God the father)
>The One gives birth to the Two. (God and Satan)
>The Two give birth to the Three. (The demiurge)
>The Three give birth to the ten thousand things. (The world created by the demiurge)
Gnosticism is super based. It's like you. You look like a cutie. Wanna come to my place and squirt a little? Do some Jager bombs?
>"Well you see the material world is just flawed everything is so evil." Ok, so how? What's your basis of belief? Where is the proof?

What are your thoughts on mass extinctions, anon?
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You don't really understand what is meant by flawed. It doesn't mean HELL, it just means "not perfect."
The material world is flawed in the same way any physical object is flawed.

I like to think of it sort of like a platonic ideal. The platonic ideal of a chair is perfect: it is comfortable, never breaks, never has wobbly legs. But to create that chair in the material world creates imperfections because you must use the imperfect materials from within the material world. If the chair is made of wood it will rot and break, if it's metal it will rust, if the ground is uneven it will wobble.

The perfect chair exists outside of the material world as an ideal. That is God the father. Perfect but outside the material world.

The demiurge isn't evil, and didn't create this world to make us suffer. (Although the world DOES make us suffer by it's imperfect nature)
The demiurge tried it's best to create the material world in the image of God. Like a craftsmen making a chair from a blueprint of a perfect chair.

There is much more to it, in that their are further explanations about why the material world isn't perfect(It's a mix of God and Satan, which is unfortunately required for material things, because material things are the domain of Satan.) That's why Satan HAD to be a part of creation.

I don't what your religious background is, but that explanation for why Satan has to exist is awesome. It makes perfect sense and it wrecks all those atheist nerds who say dumb shit like: "Why did God make Satan if he knew Satan would betray him!?"
Gnosticism is a umbrella term, OP. It is like paganism, you don't know what kind of ramification someone is into, so anything is possible.
The difference between the two is that pagans have sex, gnostics have not. So pagans are part of some society, some "tribe" so to speak, whereas gnostics are excluded from social interaction.
Being compromised by sex, pagans have to adhere to their tribe, and so should follow history and science, according to what the tribe have in consensus. The gnostic, being excluded, ends up deying history, science and eventually humanity itself.
Btw, I'm gnostic. I have sex with demons.
YHWH is the Elohim of Israel. Elohim means divine plurality of being.
YHWH Elohim is father , son and holy spirit.
Jesus Christ is YHWH , Elohim, God in a flesh suit. A Beth lechem.
Jesus is YHWH in a real human body.
Gnosticism has shit theology, and their Jesus just spouts hermetic riddles. Jesus is YHWH.
One king , one high priest, one shepherd, one Messiah , one God. The gnostic Jesus is like the Islamic Jesus.
No lamb, no cross, no blood , no atonement, no point.

It's יהוהor the Highway brother.
Gnostic Christians came before the "normal" ones so I think you're just mad your bullshit is man made. There are more Gnostic gospels than there are non-gnostic.
>Gnosticism has shit theology
No shit, because it's trying to figure out reality instead of just being some nice poems designed to psy-op you into compliance, written by gay roman converts.
>Gnosticism has shit theology
We don't need it.
We just need metaphysics.
We can live without the concept of God. It is possible to have gnosis and absence of God at the same time.
The fact you can sense other modes of existence does not mean there is a omniscient God. In fact, this is a fantasy you christians like to indulge in order to cope with the savage reality we live in.
It's not triggering, just retarded
>t. <<<triggered>>>
Be happy, it'll be smashing in a century's time. The most retarded religions are always the most successful.
The world as we know it won't exist in a century's time.
no kidding ... any other insightful data?
>What are your thoughts on mass extinctions, anon?
They don't bother me at all. From a physics standpoint everything is of the same matter and energy as existed in the singularity. And then you get to the point of soul/consciousness, which is almost universally believed to be eternal or cyclical. Chaotic and unforeseen things occurring in this world is just part of the fun - you need to let go of the hypothetical bad/evil/flawed scenarios and simply make the most of your finite time here. Unless you have a particularly strong fear of death, but that's more on you to explore for yourself.

There's just no indication that the physical universe had to be made by a flawed/malicious/inferior entity though. A perfect entity can make a "flawed" universe for specific reasons. The fact that we have so many clues of intelligent design and little puzzles/hidden truths left behind is an indication that whoever/whatever designed our universe meant it to be known, seen, studied, and possibly even solved. The main difference I think is the level of emphasis that Gnostics place on suffering/"evil" of the material universe, moreso than its theoretical "imperfect" design.

>There is much more to it, in that their are further explanations about why the material world isn't perfect(It's a mix of God and Satan, which is unfortunately required for material things, because material things are the domain of Satan.) That's why Satan HAD to be a part of creation.
Strictly speaking, this is sacrilegious to Christianity, in particular, Genesis 1. I understand that you may be explaining your thought process, but that simply isn't why Satan exists nor did he play any part in creation.

>I don't what your religious background is
Deism with a touch of science and finding unique knowledge that you won't find in mainstream religious text. It's actually my main problem with gnosticism claiming to be esoteric-knowledge pilled but providing nothing unique.
I have seen this word for years and still haven't heard anyone explain wtf they believe in that's different from normal christianity?
There is no incognoscible God, because being a God, it would already be cognoscible.
The incognoscible can't be a God. So although I'm a gnostic, I would argue that sabiduria hiperborea is wrong about this point.
The incognoscible can't be the omniversal Axis as well, as this one implies the existence of other planes, and in this way it is cognoscible, through speculation.
The incognoscible is the acausal, in the sense you can't apply meaning to it. So it is always negative, in the sense you will never know after that point you reached. And this goes ad infinitum. Non-existence nullifies itself as it is filled with its opposite, so does the incognoscible, when new knowledge arrives and brings new frontiers to it.
Not a sign of mental illness, thus no need for treatment
Not a sign of mental illness, thus no need for treatment
>multiple felonious interstate thefts of women’s clothes from airports
>ok, he’s mentally ill and needs to be kept out of jail

Imagine if we treated all the old mental illnesses how many people could be kept out of jail?
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Forgot, referring to pic related, unstylish POS
I will attempt to answer your critique of gnosticism. Please know that if I ever call you a retarded nigger, it is a term of endearment and I have nothing against you personally.

>It's actually my main problem with gnosticism claiming to be esoteric-knowledge pilled but providing nothing unique.

Gnosticism doesn't exist as a coherent set of beliefs like you might think, unless you specifically refer to ancient sects such as Valentinians or Sethians. Their lore and mythos was wild, but I doubt even they themselves took their stories as literal as this was one of their refutations of orthodox christianity. So their mythologies were allegorical for psychical and metaphysical realities. This is where the modern "gnostic" steps in, as they recognize the essential form of the gnostics was a unique worldview that saw themselves as aliens in a false reality and felt a strong desire to be, ontologically speaking, in the state of being outside of this one. So in the modern sense, anyone who entertains Simulation Theory or Soul Trap Theory or Reset Theory or even to an extent hardcore Buddhists who reject duality and desire Liberation are tapping into the same ingrained sense of unease with the world that the gnostics were.

I personally think the best explanation of our circumstances is that we are in a programmed, fictional narrative based construct or simulation. This is based on a reasoned and intuitive discernment of the fundamental flaw in this reality which is that at its base, the mode of what we call "living" is based on an economy of exploiting and murdering weaker "lives" to harvest their energy in order to breed with a vagina that in one form looks like a budding rose and in another looks like a venemous driping viper's mouth. The Ouroboros/Cosmic wheel is tricking us using our sense perception into giving our spiritual energy into perpetuating this ecology of death and having us continuously reincarnate back here generation after generation.
>I personally think the best explanation of our circumstances is that we are in a programmed, fictional narrative based construct or simulation.
Right, and I absolutely agree with you here. It's clearly an artificial setup with concrete rules and constants. I'm not sure you can call it purely simulated in the same sense that we think in a computer program, but the general gist of it is indeed a world that has intelligent design.

>This is based on a reasoned and intuitive discernment of the fundamental flaw in this reality which is that at its base, the mode of what we call "living" is based on an economy of exploiting and murdering weaker "lives" to harvest their energy in order to breed with a vagina that in one form looks like a budding rose and in another looks like a venemous driping viper's mouth.
I don't agree here at all. First of all you have a high degree of free will. You don't actually have to breed with anyone. There are no "winning conditions via reproduction", you are intentionally basing your life views on primitive tendencies like you don't believe in the concept of a soul or higher spirit. Secondly you can't quantify weak or strong when it comes to "evolutionary mechanics". Technically a Lion is an objectively a superior predator, but a rat or bacteria can use quantity and ultimately have superior survival mechanisms and abilities to pass on their genes. Furthermore under actual functional systems you are effectively forced to cooperate to some degree, and when someone gets out of line and starts being a selfish prick they usually suffer the consequences down the line to some degree. There is a large and complex food web chain that relies on everyone playing their part while also being given a chance at life. This is the part of gnosticism that fails to account for the actual complexity and reality of things and only looks at it from a soulless base perspective.

Will address rest of post later because of post word limit.
Have some preparation H for all that butthurt anon
Satan's ploy for people to abandon our God-given position as the fellow Son of God for a "spark."

Abandoning the Living bread for literal breadcrumbs.

They want to trick you into thinking that having kinda-divinity is better than to be nigh-omnipotent with Christ as brothers.

It's the most self-destructive religion out there, something Gnostics - quite ironically - call Christians.
lmao see you tomorrow
this board wont ever evolve if we dont get IDs. impossible to have a discussion here across posts
gnostictards spam and derail interesting threads just like christcucks do
Do not reply to wojak posters. Do not engage with wojak posters. Do not try to make sense to wojak posters, they are not interested in anything but cultivating ignorance and hatred. Everything they do is vile and immature.
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Npc cattle hate the truth
Gnosticism also has Jesus Christ
Most gnostics worship Christ.

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