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So anons I have a *suggestion* which could prove to be quite a lot of fun. Given that the Ordo Templi Orientis under Bill Breeze has been going around censoring the internet Scientology style it'd be a real shame if this info started popping up everywhere would it not?

Maybe it's just being an oldfag but internet censorship is originally why we went after Scientology to begin with and funny enough LRon performed these rituals with Jack Parsons. If not for that do it because they're silly. They claim to be the Bavarian Illuminati and every other top most-super-secret-cool group that has ever existed in their manifesto Liber LII. They do all this unironically while barely being able to keep members up or pay Temple rent... they're lolcows of the occult world.

Look up De Homunculo Epistola as well as De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus, Agape vel Liber C vel Azoth, De Arte Magica and the Emblems and Modes of Use.
What are they censoring?
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Them threatening legal action and in some cases following up with lawsuits all to try to scrub information which exposes sex magick published for the public back in 1973 by Francis King is ripe for the Streisand Effect. These teachings describe ritualized sex (with or without the woman's knowledge of what the initiate is doing) with the aim of creating a homunculus. Initiates are instructed a fetus gains a spirit after 2 months and can be removed, artificially raised outside and through occult alchemy, and turned into a host for a desired spirit. Wacky shit from 1800s Germany.
shill thread... group so unheard of that you have to explain who they are, yet you ask us to repost their info everywhere cause of "censorship"

however, if proven true it could be fun

if you must post their stuff, don't do it directly - fudge their name or exclude it entirely and avoid linking to their stuff
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They went after The Hermetic Library and a few other sources like the one I have these legal documents for. The attached is page 2 of 3 from one of the legal threats. Essentially anything to do with their sex magick practices is their biggest concern but they're also trying to go after anything because holding Crowley's copyrights is basically the only thing special about them and that earns them cash
Not a spirit, a soul. But in any case, i don't see how this so "out there", let's not forget who the founder of the OTO is, i don't get why sex magic is suddenly a sensitive topic. Pretty sure it was the OTO too where they had this specific ritual for older dying members to pass on their soul or ego into the fetus of a younger female member they had impregnated during the ritual.

As a side note, i've noticed this is the literal plot of the movie "hereditary", an practicing occult group trying to expel the soul out of various kids so they put a demon inside of them.
>Certainly Mr. Crowley did not have access to the sophisticated tools necessary to extract an embryo from the womb.
If their sex magic worked they wouldn't need the lawsuits.
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Hey asshat just because you haven't heard of something doesn't mean it's unheard of to most people who know a thing or two about the occult.

The guy who created Wicca was a part of this and Kenneth Anger, a 9th degree member, is largely responsible for bringing occultism to Hollywood. "Unheard of" directors like Martin Scorsese, David Lynch, and John Waters cite Anger as an inspiration. Twin Peaks has a lot to do with it. 9th degree Jack Parsons helped NASA get to the moon. Anger had in his films doing occult rituals Jimmy Page, Mick n Chris Jagger , Keith Richards, Marianne Faithful and many more. They're often referred to as considered the most influential occult group after the Golden Dawn... and yet they're mostly limp dicked LARPers who can't even pay temple rent or keep female members for longer than a few months
I'm far less concerned about the rituals themselves than the censorship of them and think if they're so embarrassed about it it'd be fun to make it far more public. My gf and I practice sex magick ourselves but not outdated nonsense about creating a homculus, far more about the union of opposites being a living symbol of The Great Work and Divinity. This crap in the OTO is 1800s pseudoscience hiding behind genuine the name of sex maick
>group so unheard of
nigga, come on, the OTO, for real?
Oh they also are going after this FBI document (2 pages of the series attached) showing that one of their past leaders was a German Supremacist, even after having been in a concentration camp due to his involvement with Crowley XD In more modern times Charlottesville keynote speaker Sol Augustus Invictus was an ex member who only got kicked out after making the news for beheading a goat while trying to run for congress. The lulz of the stuff they try and hide under the carpet is never ending. You should see how they coddle and whitewash things to new recruits. The Order act like they're progressive lefties in public when the leaked (by Jim Graeb) election of Bill Breeze shows he says he'll lead as an authoritarian. I have pics of 9th degree James Wasserman with Roger Stone and Milo Yiannopoulous in a folder next to a letter they put out about how they need to project a more feminist and LGBTQ friendly vibe to the media. They're a mess. Hell just commit to something if you're gonna be it... but nah they do anything to keep the money flowing, what little does.
Here's those pics of Wasserman with Roger Stone and Milo. He signed their copy of his Templar book or some shit
They all look sick.
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A:.A:. or O.T.O which one is better as a practice?

From what i know the A:.A:. is a solo practice and not as insane as the O.T.O, but OP seems to be more knowledgeable on the subject so i wanted to ask...

Also provide a full curriculum of study for the order you recommend, wether it be A:.A:. or O.T.O...
>From what i know the A:.A:. is a solo practice and not as insane as the O.T.O,
Other way around, oto is tame until 8th degree

OTO curriculum isn’t much because it’s more so based around the initiations, you get recommended practices around each initiation but unlike the A.A. where it’s solid mystical training for any situation the OTO practices are really are based around the initiations because the initiations are supposed to affect your life and the practices are there to best deal with whatever is going to happen in your life. Not to say there is no point in practicing the practices in the oto curriculum if you are not in the oto, just no point in practicing them in the order they are presented if you aren’t going through these initiations; they are too minimalist to provide a solid working foundation compared to the oto, because they are based solely around overcoming the challenges in your life that the initiations give you. And most of the OTO practices are also part of the A.A. Also you aren’t forced to do any of these practices, you can do nothing and still technically advance until 3rd degree if you wait long enough and get approval to do so, it’s just that your life will be probably shit lol because it’s fucking tough if you do it unprepared. But the point of the oto is to basically change your life, I can say this because it’s on the website but the whole theme of the lower degrees of the oto is literally based around life, once you changed your life into something more according to your True Will can you advance to the higher actually fully magical training degrees. You get basic instructions on how to make the most of each initiations theme and align your life most with each initiation by repeatedly doing these actually quite simple practices (the point is consistency so you are always mentally focused on the theme so your Will aligns with the initiation and you are dragged through like a rollercoaster)
It’s up to you what spiritual practices you take for the oto as well, the point of the oto is the fraternal aspect as well, a bunch of magicians doing very different things coming together to communicate and exchange.

No sex magick until 8th degree, no fucking until 9th, and the modern oto doesn’t give you these degrees probably because of all the dangers concerning sex cults and the sexual harassment scandals in the oto making people wary of making these degrees open and the sort of people it would bring. You can do it yourself once you reach that level if you have a gf. The OTO degrees will probably find one for you if you do them properly lol.

The oto is also designed with the A.A. in mind, which is why it’s so minimalist as well. The curriculum was designed with the idea that the A.A. Already existed to give thelemites the meat and potatoes of the golden dawn style full magical training and gnosis etc. K&C and all that, the oto can fully focus on its them on life, service to others and finally preparing for the whole theme of sex magick which is the big secret the whole time and also the Gnostic Mass which is a massive part of the oto. It’s best if you do both, or the oto with something else, but as I said the oto’s practices are based around the initiations so don’t bother if you aren’t going to be a member
A∴A∴ without a doubt but be careful selecting which one if any. It's a non-temporal Order in the tradition of the Rosicrucians. Any physical manifestation of it is merely symbolic. It can be interacted with alone. I left the OTO after a few years while a 2nd degree and have read all the material for the rest of the degrees. There's some great stuff in there although a lot of it can be found elsewhere under different guises. The O.T.O. offers little in terms of "practice" but the initiations were beautiful, transformative and useful for personal development... shame the final teachings are a dud. For initiations and teachings I'd go with one or a combination of the following: Temple of Thelema, Masonry (S.R.I.A), Memphis Misraim, B.O.T.A. or Apostolic Johannite Church

I left all groups to practice a self modified A∴A∴ curriculum solo (with close friends and lovers) and report to no Teacher besides my HGA. Getting to a point where I can say that and truly mean it took around 15 years... and a lot of ordeals that nearly drove me mad and destroyed my life but has been worth it if only to fully understand that results are not what matter: only the Work matters.

Since Gunther's A∴A∴ took over as the "only one true" lineage the O.T.O. recognizes and I don't trust nor like Gunther I'd advise caution with them but don't believe what I say: follow your instincts.

If you wanna go solo, which I personally think is best, start with Echelman's Mystical and Magical System of the A∴A∴ mixed with Shoemaker's books, DuQuette's books and add to that Israel Regardie's Complete Golden Dawn. Shoemaker and Eschelman are very involved with Temple/College of Thelema and they seem to be simply continuing their lineages under new names. All you'll need and I've spoken of is in here: https://archive.org/details/thetempleofsolomontheking_202006 which contains stuff like https://archive.org/details/selfinitiationin0000cice
Just noting that this post and that post are OP. I wanna say for the record my personal OTO Lodge was awesome and full of wonderful people. It's the leadership and the final degrees that made me leave. My Lodge itself was great... if quite grassroots and doing many initiations in sheds or rented space (longest we had a permanent temple was a few months). I experienced far more magick in my life outside of the O.T.O. than within it but I do miss the fraternal aspect and the ability to talk about the kinda stuff I do on my own with others in an understanding environment. It's really just Wasserman before he passed, Breeze and Gunther that drove me off... well that and Crowley himself. My form of Thelema is not absent of Crowley but it's absolutely post-Crowley and doesn't view him with admiration or much focus. I honestly think he failed Crossing The Abyss and was a Black Brother... but one who paved the way for others to truly do Great Work.
If you are joining the oto with the expectation of crazy sex magick prepared to be disappointed lol, as I said that shit isn’t even available anymore, expect dinners out and drinking in the pub and having feasts while talking about philosophy with other occultists. If you are in the right lodge then maybe you can expect some general random ritual to occur for the fun of it, and the cross quarter rituals, there are also lessons that teach you magick but yeah people forget that the oto was designed to be a social club at least in the lower levels. It’s a load of chilling and hanging out with other members, that’s part of the magick of it, being part of that egregore by socialising with other magicians is supposed to push your life into being magical
People also say that the oto ‘isn’t a teaching order’, a load of controversy surrounding that and what a ‘teaching order’ means. It isn’t at least a teaching order like the Golden Dawn where you are given a strict regimen and expectation of progress, it’s more like an unconventional sort of magical teaching order that’s based off networking and each lodge doing its own thing; at least until the higher degrees, where it really is a teaching order

Basically the oto is a completely different order depending on what triad you are on, different lodges and different people. Man and earth is really separate to lovers, and hermit isn’t a thing anymore
OP: yeh that all checks out from personal experience and my research. If you read the minutes from Breeze's elections you can see Echelman, who really should have been OHO, wanted to introduce more teaching to the degrees. Took decades since the election but when I left they were starting to implement some of his ideas. It's interesting that Graeb wrote that despite voting for Breeze to keep unity with the rest Grady said it should be anyone BUT Breeze. Now we all see why. The links I have above has all the internal documents. Also check out Peter Koenig's website Parareligion The OTO Phenomenon for other primary source materials
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Do you happen to know of any Memphis Misraim documents i could study? They are a quite elusive rite and there is little material on them.

I've had interest in them for a long time but i've had no luck in finding a good curriculum on them. (Yes i already know about the college of rites documents but those aren't very complete).

Also thank you for all the information, you were very informative, due to the lack of lodges in my area and country i prefer the solo aproach, i know the A:.A:. has a clearer curriculum and i already have the Temple of Solomon The King golder and Cicero's Self Initiation, the Temple of Solomon The King folder could've been organized a bit better in my opinion, files are all over the place and you don't really know where to start...
Already checked OTO Phenomenon to, where do you even start with the Temple of Solomon The King Folder, the documents are sort of scattered everywhere, no clear path to follow...
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I'd start here: https://anonymousradioredux.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/a-a-the-mystical-and-magical-system-of-the-aa.pdf

and compare and contrast to the other link I put up about self initiation into the GD. That should keep you busy and using the files from Temple of Solomon The King you can search for keywords and files. Treat it as a library for long term development on your Path. I can't tell you where to begin because personal interests are what drive True Will towards The Work. Mine won't be the same as yours...

That said there's a syllabus for all material for the A∴A∴ in there but if you don't wanna download it the libers in that massive link but also here https://www.astrumargenteum.org/library/

Look at the description area of this link (it has compartmentalized links to a lot of what's in the larger folder): https://archive.org/details/the-golden-dawn-book-compilation/

you'll see things such as:


- https://archive.org/details/israel-regardie-the-complete-golden-dawn-system-of-magic

- https://archive.org/details/israel-regardie-the-golden-dawn-tapes-series

- https://archive.org/details/chic-cicero-the-golden-dawn-journals

- https://archive.org/details/the-golden-dawn-documents-compilation





The following is not in the megafolder but for Masonry use this: https://archive.org/details/masonic_library
Thanks for the info, but on another thread i had another idea to start on memphis misraim freemasonry, do you think this list i made here >>38406396 is any good?
Milo is gay so it adds up that he'd be Mason.
Quite good. Certainly read some John Yarker. I gotta head off at the moment but I'll come back to this thread or comment on your post in a few hours (gotta be out the door in 5 mins)
- (Yarker) https://archive.org/details/YarkerJSecretHighDegreeRitualsOfMemphis

- https://archive.org/details/SanctuaryOfMemphisMarconisEJ/page/n15/mode/2up
- (rites) https://archive.org/details/RitualOfTheAAEgyptianRiteOfMemphisForTheValleyOfCanada
Yarker's Secret High Degree Rituals is included on one of the pdf's, i had to merge it because some rituals were missing.

I only had seen the french version of Marconis' Sanctuary of Memphis so, cool to see it in English.

As for reading more yarker, i have read quite a lot of him in fact, but he goes to the 33rd degree mostly, but the secret high degree rituals of memphis compensate for that.

If you start with Marconis' 3 degrees, then go onto Yarker's 4th to 33rd with this:


then finish with Yarker's Secret High Degree Rituals i believe you have the entire rituals covered which is pretty cool :D

I have an interest in the Memphis rite due to it's Egyptian themes, since i was very young i was really interested in the whole ideas, history, customs and aesthetics of Ancient Egypt, and i feel like it's a rite that calls to me.

I know the Memphis Misraim Rite has connections with the O.T.O which is why i participated in this thread in the first place, not only to learn more about the O.T.O but Memphis Misraim as well, i was already semi familiar with the A:. A:. but i had not learned much about the O.T.O until now, so once again thank you for all the good information.
I mean to each their own but this stuff is pretty entertaining imo. Weird people doing weird things having weird drama. Fun stuff.
> shill thread... group so unheard of that you have to explain who they are, yet you ask us to repost their info everywhere cause of "censorship
“Group so unheard of” lmao come on man. You already got dogpiled for this, but I think this is yet another example of why people on /x/ need more knowledge. Reading books and articles and watching documentaries and shit. Too many people half-ass it with YouTube videos and random blogs online or whatever, if even that. It’s the O.T.O. It’s Aleister Crowley’s group. Crowley, the guy who shows up as one of the most influential figures of 20th-century occultism, as well as in many conspiracy theories and accusations from those more suspicious of occultism, or at least of Crowley’s influence. The guy who’s also had a crazy semi-underground (if even that) influence in Hollywood and the music industry, from Jimmy Page to Jay-Z name-dropping or following his ideology or Jay-Z with the “Do What Thou Wilt” logo on an outfit. At least an idea of who or what this all is is basically “baby’s first interest in the occult and paranormal and conspiracy theories”-tier stuff.
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You probably know of more potent and in general better techniques but this feels appropriate to post here.
Signatures doesn’t touch the stamp. No joinder.
aww ya got me :P
>>38413610 >>38412571
So i updated my Complete Memphis Misraim library, in case any anon here wants to get it they can download it from this post here >>38417621 it's 1,06GB.

It essentially covers everything from the 1stº to the 97thº, it's a complete library on the Rite, includes all of Yarker's material and much more.

>group so unheard of
who is top left?
Tyler The Creator
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>unheard of
Bait or actual retardation?
When they want to impede communication they will post as 10 different anons who don't get it and call you schizo to keep the illusion the average commenter has no idea about XYZ conspiracy or paranormal group like the OTO.
any more of these?
Jewish tricks
Checked. Lol yes our Saturnine friends never quite learned how to arm a herd for battle, and now they can barely manage a herd. I believe the word is 'seethe.'
This is very sensible advice. I wasn't aware of what the OTO was, or is. Never read much into Crowley personally or cared to. The people busting your balls for this are very suspect when excluding the groups name makes perfectly reasonable sense.

If you have information share it freely. There is no need to link it specifically to a single group. Nothing new under the sun type of thing. One should be above credit/casting blame. Simply share knowledge if you have it. Otherwise you're a disingenious kike with ulterior motives. You'll still piss off whoever you're trying to. Unless there is something else you're trying to do?
To my knowledge no more than that one was made.
>if you must post their stuff, don't do it directly - fudge their name or exclude it entirely and avoid linking to their stuff

Asks for censorship while trying to discredit. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
You are so transparent in your attempts it borders on parody
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>Everyone who doesn't act the way I say they should is a jew

A lot of the things Crowley talks about in the book of the law are things I've seen without reading any coveted initiation texts. I haven't had any initiations, complete pleb who doesn't know any of this stuff, I don't think I need to. It's still worth learning to me but as I understand it, literally all you need is your voice and intention. They must stop barring information from the general public we all have a universal right to true ascension.
We don't know the El-ites true motives regarding information, maybe there is a very good reason as why many are barred, what if there is a truth nobody can handle? They aren't stupid, they've held their grip for thousands of years for a reason...
Yes. Was there an actual counter argument?
The pendulum swings, ∇ down down down. No, there is absolutely no reason for it, people who seek it for the reasons Crowley did will be burned and end up eating goat shit in hell regardless. It should be available to everyone, and it will be.
Everything kept from the public is only done so to keep them enslaved. It doesn't protect anyone but themselves. The more you lie and subvert truth, the more light comes through to us. You know this, shill.
Shill? Let's go with your propsal and theoretically give all knowledge to humanity, do you think everyone can handle it and be trusted with it? Now every criminal has greater capacity to hurt others and the mentally weak just went insane due to the sheer cosmic scale of archonic gnosis and the facts we may be just sheep for the slaughter in the great face of cosmic indifference and multi dimensional entities... Is that the future you want?

The El-ites are clearly trying to play god now with genetic sciences and transhumanism, do you think man was meant to know that? Why should they know that, to make their bondage stronger? Why do you think most spiritual systems teach to live a humble life?
Esoterica meets late-stage capitalism and IP rights. Oy vey.

Now i do agree some knowledge must be taught to the public, such as the great mysteries of Nature the Uni-verse and basic Sciences such as the Liberal Arts, preserved by the ancient Platonic/Pythagorean schools of antiquity and the Library of Alexandria (Now in the Vatican).

But knowledge that fundamentally alters reality and things beyond our material place, things that man was truly not meant to know (until the right time), should not be toyed with
I remember some flyer going around about one of the OTO temples here. It was requiring proof of vaccination. I use to be fascinated in OTO golden dawn but after seeing them go vaxtard I decided to take my occult intests in other directions.
Those fuckers will turn even occult hedonistic debauchery, into corporate brand bullshit.
>INB4 we will get pedo rings suing people for piracy of their snuff performance "art"
In many jurisdictions, if you don't strive to protect your intellectual property claims, you lose them. That might be one of the reasons they are doing it.
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>It was requiring proof of vaccination.
>anon surprised that Luciferian shills desire mark of the beast
And it's truly sad yes, an era where everything is commercialized it seems all mystery and tradition has been lost or extremely corrupted.

When the brains of an order die or leave the order is taken over by the Greedy and commercialized into garbage...
The OTO used to be full of Thelemites, but now it's full of liberals.
What was pre Crowley O.T.O like? With Reuss.
100% true. Knowledge should be free, and made available for all regardless of how any one person feels about it, or what it causes to occur. This is necessary for utmost/unprecedented happiness for all.

>Me, as a fellow human, who inherently is not perfect.
>Knows better than a fellow human, who is also inherently imperfect.
>Will purposefully withhold the truth from others not because I am ignorantly evil, or outright malicious.
>No, it's because I, a human being who again is inherently flawed knows better than other human beings
>Even though I'm totally, and completely cognitively dissonant to the fact I am withholding the truth, and how that is wholly evil on all levels, and there is no justification ever to warrant lying to a fellow human being.
>No, this is actually for the best!
There are those who will ignore knowledge when it is right in front of them,or have no desire to seek it out/use it. So be it. YOU have no right to withhold knowledge from anyone that is actively searching for it. THAT is 100% evil on all levels, and there is no way to spin it where it somehow magically makes the world a better place for having done so.
Lol, yes you do have a choice and you can act responsibly on it. But can you count on your fellow humans to do the same? What if they choose to use the knowledge to give you an agonizing day, do you still sit there and respect their choice?

Don't withhold the truth then, let's see what people do with it, there is a reason the bible talked about casting pearls before swine, because most people act like swine when presented with the truth, through action or reaction to said truth.
>Lol, yes you do have a choice
Never said you didn't have a choice. Only that one would be not working towards the greater good objectively by withholding the truth from others.
>and you can act responsibly on it
You are deluding yourself if you think you are acting responsibly by actively hiding the truth from others. You are only propagating misery in your own life, then by proxy to everyone else.
>But can you count on your fellow humans to do the same?
I can't count on anyone to do anything besides myself. Only I can fully control myself, and that's a monumental task in of itself. No fellow human being can ever fully control another human being without full consent, but people can get damn near close to it by tipping the odds into their favor/without consent. Mostly, by hiding knowledge from someone else, and using it for themselves, or against another human.
>What if they choose to use the knowledge to give you an agonizing day
There are plenty of ways to combat negative energy being sent one's way. Invoking the "I am" principle is the strongest, and most straight forward way of doing so. Having a good degree of alchemical mastery helps by being able to transmute energy that is negative into something positive. That information is available to all.
>do you still sit there and respect their choice?
What does respect have to do with anything? I would rather live in a world where anyone could potentially kill me, and we're all on the same level field, than have certain groups be far more potent, and "enlightened" to things over others. Although I may lose my potential advantage over other's I do not wish to have any over anyone else. To do so, or desire as such is pure evil. Plain and simple.
>Don't withhold the truth then, let's see what people do with it, there is a reason the bible talked about casting pearls before swine
Taking this out of context. This does NOT apply to those actively seeking the truth. Only that some won't do anything with it.
>Only that one would be not working towards the greater good objectively by withholding the truth from others.
define the greater good, also if the truth were to be to catastrophic would that still ultimately benefit this "greater good"? Would a chaos caused by truth be better than an order caused by selective lies?

You are deluding yourself if you think you are acting responsibly by actively hiding the truth from others.
If the truth hurts them more than helps them, then yes, however that would raise another question of wether they would get to said truth on their own even when not told...

>Mostly, by hiding knowledge from someone else, and using it for themselves, or against another human.
Manipulation is more than just occulting information, it's mostly psychology, the real question is wether this truth would help or not within this psychological framework you intend to implement.

>There are plenty of ways to combat negative energy being sent one's way.
Why be in combat and constant worry when the problem could've been prevented in the first place.

> I would rather live in a world where anyone could potentially kill me, and we're all on the same level field, than have certain groups be far more potent, and "enlightened" to things over others.
But eventually that same level field will tip in the ballance of one greedy soul and the cycle repeats again, even if everyone is equal an "alpha/leader" will emerge out of the power vaccum.

> This does NOT apply to those actively seeking the truth.
How can you be so sure of that, do you know what they will do with said truth? can they use it responsibly? or do they seek truth for personal gain?
>define the greater good
Striving for unity, and equality amongst all fellow human beings, in conjunction with working alongside nature and it's laws, not against it/them. Working towards this reality should be considered the greater good as one serves others through this, and becomes closer to god. God is good. Etc.
>also if the truth were to be to catastrophic would that still ultimately benefit this "greater good"?
Yes. Death is part of life, and offers a chance for renewal. Death is not the end, and should not be considered a bad thing.
>Would a chaos caused by truth be better than an order caused by selective lies?
Yes, always. Because even the "chaos" you talk about still has an "order" to it. It's just not in favor of any one group over others.
>If the truth hurts them more than helps them, then yes,
Truth only hurts because the powers that be have strung along so many for so long that it would now be a psychologically torturous thing for some to deal with. That is on them, and will continue only to get worse, and worse as they use it as a means to reinforce their positions.
>however that would raise another question of wether they would get to said truth on their own
This is essentially impossible for most if not all due to powers that are hiding, and obfuscating esoteric knowledge. We are existing in the "kali yuga" for a reason. Humans just have the capability to work together to flip it.
>Manipulation is more than just occulting information, it's mostly psychology, the real question is wether this truth would help or not within this psychological framework you intend to implement.
Hiding valuable information from someone is never a "good" thing. Whether you "know" better or not. You don't know. You NEVER know someone else fully. Hence the WHOLE IDEA of hiding knowledge from someone else is BAD/EVIL WHOLLY.
>Why be in combat and constant worry when the problem could've been prevented in the first place.
If you're arguing that allowing individuals to know the truth will force them to be under "attack" then if every single person knew the truth, and were under attack, they'd also have the capabilities to fight back. The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself. I fear no body/nobody. Neither should anyone else.
>But eventually that same level field will tip in the ballance of one greedy soul and the cycle repeats again
Evil will always exist, this is true. There will always be negative thoughts, feelings, etc. It is on every one of us how we choose to deal with those things, and we will all ultimately answer to ourselves. Do you want to have to try to explain why you thought it was a good idea not to raise your fellow humans up? Not a position I'd want to be in.
>How can you be so sure of that
Because every single esoteric literature that has ever been written have always stated if someone is genuinely asking for help/the answer you SHOULD go out of your way to help them. You're NOT supposed to decide yes or no. Just help. Golden rule. Treat others how you would want to be treated. Would you want someone to lie to you, and withhold valuable information from you? Of course not. Deep down you know this to be true, even if your psyche tries to wrestle against it. Nothing good comes from not helping those who ask for it, and respect you/your time.
>do you know what they will do with said truth?
Not until they actively start using it, and even then not 100%. We can't control other's fully, so therefor we can never full predict with 100% accuracy what may happen next. Only what is most likely.
>can they use it responsibly?
>or do they seek truth for personal gain?
I think this is something all humans inherently strive for. It's just most important to align this with the perspective of helping your fellow human will help you most.
>Striving for Unity
Unity is beyond good and evil, beyond dichotomies, equality and unity are not that different, nature's and it's laws are anything but unity, define good.

>Death is part of life, and offers a chance for renewal.
Depends, solve et coagula is what you mean, but there isn't always a coagula, many times it's just solve.

>Because even the "chaos" you talk about still has an "order" to it.
The order of chaos is fractal in nature which is unkowable and useless to our current 3 dimensional state of being so i'm not really sure if i would call the order an order really.
From a 3 dimensional perspective that order isn't really beneficial, 3 dimensional space and matter is limited and built on limitation, i believe an order would suit it's limited nature better rather than some multi dimensional chaos.

>Truth only hurts because the powers that be have strung along so many for so long that it would now be a psychologically torturous thing for some to deal with.
It wasn't the El-ite who strung along many, from what i know we strung along ourselves, as we consented to incarnating into this plane of existance, and upon incarnation we apparenty forgot about our divinity, and once we realize that again it comes as such a shock that many can't handle it.

>This is essentially impossible for most if not all due to powers that are hiding, and obfuscating esoteric knowledge.
Incorrect, in order to absolve themselves of karmic debt the El-ites hide knowledge in plain sight so they can later argue that "you can't say we didn't tell you", it's called predictive programming, one just needs to learn the signs and he can decipher all.
Cont. 1
>Hiding valuable information from someone is never a "good" thing. Whether you "know" better or not.
If you had a family member and told them a valuable piece of information that would cause a lifetime of irreversible intense suffering would that be better than them living in happy blissful ignorance? Could they really get over that valuable information? What has been seen can never be unseen.

>If you're arguing that allowing individuals to know the truth will force them to be under "attack" then if every single person knew the truth, and were under attack, they'd also have the capabilities to fight back.
But why get into the fighting in the first place, and how can you be so sure thry will be able to fight back?

>Evil will always exist, this is true.
This is why we should transcend dichotomies.
>Do you want to have to try to explain why you thought it was a good idea not to raise your fellow humans up? Not a position I'd want to be in.
Then you don't have the courage to tell the truth, people nowadays have a terrible tendency to sugarcoat everything, i wouldn't mind telling people to their face the hard bitter facts as to why they don't deserve the truth, it's something that has to be earned and one must prove his worth to wield it, it's why secret societies have so many rites of passage, why should i entrust swine with pearls?

>Because every single esoteric literature that has ever been written have always stated if someone is genuinely asking for help/the answer you SHOULD go out of your way to help them. You're NOT supposed to decide yes or no. Just help. Golden rule. Treat others how you would want to be treated.
Yes, but once they get a taste of it, power corrupts, every single time, no matter how genuine of a seeker they were before, so in order to prevent the eventually inevitable, one just does not share.
>Unity is beyond good and evil
>equality and unity are not that different,
>nature's and it's laws are anything but unity
Not true at all. Everything is interconnected, and play's its role. To the point where if you tip it to hard one way everything gets out of balance, and causes serious issues/death. In order to "rebalance".
>define good
I'm not interested in defining things for you. Just look it up. If you don't know what "good" is, and that's why you're asking that should be evidence enough that you do not know what is best for others. It's self evident.
>Depends, solve et coagula is what you mean, but there isn't always a coagula, many times it's just solve.
Not true due to laws of cause and effect. For every door that closes. A new one opens. It just might not be perceived to be as new "life" at the time.
>It wasn't the El-ite who strung along many, from what i know we strung along ourselves
It's a bit of both, but anyone actively trying to take advantage of fellow humans are only hurting themselves in the long run, and hindering the evolution of human consciousness. I don't think blaming the victims is the take away from this, or is a "good" mind set. Let's instead solve the problem at it's source because then that solves all.
>as we consented to incarnating into this plane of existance,
>and upon incarnation we apparenty forgot about our divinity,
Seems to be true.
>and once we realize that again it comes as such a shock that many can't handle it.
People either will, or won't. That's not for us to weigh on. We should simply allow it freely for the utmost benefit of all.
>Incorrect, in order to absolve themselves of karmic debt the El-ites hide
See that keyword at the end. "Hide". That's the issue. They ARE hiding things. Plain, and simple. They are not absolving themselves from anything, and only working to generate more suffering by subjecting others to their will.
Cont. 2
>Would you want someone to lie to you, and withhold valuable information from you? Of course not. Deep down you know this to be true, even if your psyche tries to wrestle against it. Nothing good comes from not helping those who ask for it, and respect you/your time.
If i was proven to be unfit for the knowledge then i would just embrace the facts and go on with my life, nobody would want to be lied to, but life doesn't give you a choice now does it, you don't always get what you want...

>Not until they actively start using it, and even then not 100%
So you would rather let the problem happen first and fix it later rather than preventing it? As for fully controlling others, science has already gone far enough to reaching that point... Same goes for prediciting what may happen next.

You don't know that.

>It's just most important to align this with the perspective of helping your fellow human will help you most.
What makes you think they will think about their fellow humans once they get what they seek?
> they can later argue that "you can't say we didn't tell you"
They aren't because as you said they are hiding it. To obfuscate the truth on any level is evil, and going againt Unity/the betterment of all. Simple as.
>If you had a family member and told them a valuable piece of information that would cause a lifetime of irreversible intense suffering would that be better than them living in happy blissful ignorance?
Yes, absolutely. To forgo suffering is to forgo growth potentially. Who are YOU to decide whether it should be or shouldn't be? Because I know better I know it shouldn't be up to me to prevent someone from knowing better. It's on them. So I should not engage in any behavior that would obstruct them from said truth.
>Could they really get over that valuable information?
That is for them to come to terms with. I will help if they ask to the best of my ability, but it is up to them, as it should be.
>What has been seen can never be unseen.
True, and that's fine.
>But why get into the fighting in the first place
You're the one stating it will cause conflict. If it's against the oppressor's? That's perfectly reasonable. The truth will set you free. I want everyone to be free.
>and how can you be so sure they will be able to fight back?
Because the whole reason those that "hide" this knowledge is driven by fear, and fear is one of, if not THE lowest form of consciousness, and any decision made from fear will end in ruin/destruction for anyone involved with it.
>This is why we should transcend dichotomies.
I agree. I try to use negative, and positive versus good/evil. Old habits die hard, and those words have their uses.
>Then you don't have the courage to tell the truth
I absolutely do.
>i wouldn't mind telling people to their face the hard bitter facts as to why they don't deserve the truth
You are wrong because a fellow human being shouldn't make that call for someone else, just like you would not want that done to you.
>Not true at all. Everything is interconnected
Interconnected and unified are not the same, humans have a connection to cows with similarities in DNA yet we butcher and eat them.
Unity would be to be one with them in harmony.

>Just look it up. If you don't know what "good" is
This "Good" is inherently based on a system of morality which is man made, a system designed to generate a slave mentality.

> If you don't know what "Good" is, and that's why you're asking that should be evidence enough that you do not know what is best for others. It's self evident.
Everyone has their own definition of Good, hence why i'm asking, i know what "Good" is.

>Not true due to laws of cause and effect. For every door that closes. A new one opens.
And most time the door that opens is the door to solve.

>It's a bit of both, but anyone actively trying to take advantage of fellow humans are only hurting themselves in the long run, and hindering the evolution of human consciousness.
Tell that to all the ontologically evil billionaires that died unpunished, and human consciousness is selectively hindered so it's controlled more easily, Planned obsolescence basically.

>We should simply allow it freely for the utmost benefit of all.
Freedom in excess kills, and i doubt there will be more benefit than detriment.

>They are not absolving themselves from anything
But they are making an arguable loophole around the "cosmic judge/karma" and considering how they keep doing it, something must be working
Cont again.
>it's something that has to be earned and one must prove his worth to wield it, it's why secret societies have so many rites of passage, why should i entrust swine with pearls?
Because evil people have subverted these groups in order to prevent the majority of people from understanding/knowing these truths that they then use against other humans. That's why. Look at what it has brought us? Everyone is enslaved to varying extents, and people are more unconscious than ever before. I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that esoteric knowledge has been hidden from the larger populace.. Mmmm nope, No sir, not at all.. Gimme a fucking break..
>Yes, but once they get a taste of it, power corrupts, every single time, no matter how genuine of a seeker they were before, so in order to prevent the eventually inevitable, one just does not share.
Ah yes, the ones who are so NOT corrupt who have found these answers should also not share with the rest of the class. Because.. Well.. They just can't! Okay! These fellow humans are PIGS, and I am above them! I am not corrupt! *he screams at his computer monitor*. Yeahhhhh...
>You don't know that.
Of course I know that. They COULD absolutely use it responsibly. There are figures throughout history who have!
>What makes you think they will think about their fellow humans once they get what they seek?
Because human inherently strive for their desires, and that happens to be happiness. The best way to obtain ultimate happiness? Serve your fellow human. (Not as a slave, you know what I mean). Having a greater means to do so = More happiness.
>They aren't because as you said they are hiding it. To obfuscate the truth on any level is evil, and going againt Unity/the betterment of all. Simple as.
But they aren't hiding it fully, they give you the keys to find it, yet most of society at large is to dumb to use them and is filtered...

> To forgo suffering is to forgo growth potentially.
Potentially, if not the oh well, guess you suffer for life now, at least you know the truth :D

>That is for them to come to terms with.
But what if they don't come to terms with it...

>The truth will set you free
Freedom is for slaves, free from what?

>You're the one stating it will cause conflict.
Naturally it always does.

>Because the whole reason those that "hide" this knowledge is driven by fear
They don't fear you, if they wanted they could delete half the world with nukes already as they said they wanted to do in the Georgia Guidestones, they do it because they loathe you.

>negative, and positive versus good/evil
Same thing, and i have that same issue, societal indoctrination did a number on us all, yet most will never break out of it.

>because a fellow human being shouldn't make that call for someone else
Okay, then let them make the call themselves and when they fall face down trying do a little emote dance on them saying you warned them.
>Interconnected and unified are not the same
>humans have a connection to cows
We do it to each other in different ways.
>Humans raise cows, and protect them.
>Humans use cows for resources, and if decent humans will offer them a good quality of life.
>Cows need resources for life so they consume as well. To live is to consume.
>When a human dies, and rots in the ground he becomes food for plants that then feed the cows.
>Just because cows don't have tools to directly consume humans doesn't mean they don't consume us in their own way.
That's literally how nature is. We all consume one another in various ways. Factory farming is no good, but if someone is willing to put in the work to take care of, and raise a cow there's no problem consuming them. They will do the same to us in their own way. It's mutual.
>Unity would be to be one with them in harmony.
What I described above fits harmony just fine. Both co-exist just fine.
>Tell that to all the ontologically evil billionaires that died unpunished
Unpunished how? By never knowing/feeling the happiness of true love? By being paranoid all the time because someone could backstab you like they would to others? By living in solitude with little outside engagement because of fear? Hell, the only reason they live as long as they do is due to the happiness money can provide for currently. Otherwise they would of offed themselves long ago. We all answer to ourselves, we just aren't always present to see another's sentence. Don't agree? go live your life as such, and get back to me..
>Freedom in excess kills
What difference does that make? Death is a certainty.
>i doubt there will be more benefit than detriment.
You are wrong especially when we consider how the world is today.
>But they are making an arguable loophole
They are unironically trying to cope with the atrocities they are actively committing as a last ditch effort to deal with their own actions. It is not a "loophole".
unironically at this point they might as well be obscure as fuck
>Because evil people have subverted these groups in order to prevent the majority of people from understanding/knowing these truths that they then use against other humans.
Nothing was subverted, those societies were evil from their very inception due to the fact they placed simple natural truths within systems of convoluted symbolism when it's all so simple that a child can understand it.

>Everyone is enslaved to varying extents, and people are more unconscious than ever before.
That's their choice, people now are more materialistic than spiritual, the nearing of the age of aquarius was meant to be like that, you need drive to dive into the spiritual these days, most only want money and do not care, as i've said, pearls before swine.

>I'm sure it has NOTHING to do with the fact that esoteric knowledge has been hidden from the larger populace.. Mmmm nope, No sir, not at all.. Gimme a fucking break..
Yes, say theoretically all possible aracnums leaked into the public and everyone had the choice to know, do you think they would take their faces out of their phones or wallets to read that knowledge? What incentive woud they have, in a vapid materialist world that's dependant on money do you think they would be inclined to learn?

>Ah yes, the ones who are so NOT corrupt who have found these answers should also not share with the rest of the class. Because.. Well.. They just can't! Okay! These fellow humans are PIGS, and I am above them! I am not corrupt! *he screams at his computer monitor*. Yeahhhhh...
Those who are NOT corrupt will always remain NOT corrupt. Because... THEY JUST WILL OKAY! human psychology isn't that fragile RIGHT?!?!?

>There are figures throughout history who have!
And how do you know they are like those figures.

>Because human inherently strive for their desires, and that happens to be happiness.
What if their happiness is the sadistic torture of other fellow humans?
the irony of this post after shit like >>38420958
and >>38421000
is delicious
>But they aren't hiding it fully
Cope. To obfuscate the truth in any way is a negative action with a negative effect. Plain, and simple. It's not what they would want done to them yet they do unto others. Shame on them.
No, it is the way it is. Suffering is the catalyst for growth. Not all use it as such, that's on them. Not saying everyone has the resilience outright, but they can get everything they need absolutely.
>But what if they don't come to terms with it...
Then they don't until they do. Obviously.
>Freedom is for slaves, free from what?
Free from having to defend your home from the IRS/Police who try to rob you from your home because you don't constantly pay them money? Because people when enlightened will know they have no right to do that, they are wholly evil, and actively revolt together against these evil individuals? The average person unironically thinks police are out to help them. They are brainwashed, due to the "El-ites".
>Naturally it always does.
Conflict is fine, and is a constant. Again, when people who wish to force their will on others through obfuscating valuable knowledge from them conflict is inevitable. Understandibly.
>They don't fear you
Oh yes they fucking do. They are fucking TERRIFIED of us. Are you kidding me? Lmao they have armed escorts, hide their names, and bury important information under a mountain of bullshit. They are CONSTANTLY in fear. Their actions betray them at every step. They are humans completely driven by fear, and fear alone. Fear of losing what they have. Fear of losing their power.
>if they wanted they could delete half the world with nukes already as they said they wanted to do in the Georgia Guidestones, they do it because they loathe you
Ah yes, they hate us because..
>Checks notes
They have hidden knowledge that they actively use against us, and now..
>Checks notes again
Hold it against us that we have not been able to know what it is they've kept hidden from us.. Yeah...
Nice to know this just devolved into scizo ranting, this shit never turns into anything here anymore, old ass documents well after the fact to obsess over and nothing more.
>Nothing was subverted, those societies were evil from their very inception
That's not true for every single group that has come to be. It's just groups can be powerful, and power draws those who wish to use it for themselves. As you said before. Just the way it goes. Which is why it's SO IMPORTANT for EVERYONE to be on the SAME page.. So these negative people have no way to use it against others unknowingly.
>That's their choice
Sure, but not without consequence that they themselves enforce. That's on them.
>Yes, say theoretically all possible aracnums leaked into the public and everyone had the choice to know, do you think they would take their faces out of their phones or wallets to read that knowledge?
Some would. Some wouldn't. Either way it's not for me to decide or you if one is worthy. We should simply be vessels that share such knowledge freely, and willingly to all.
>What incentive woud they have, in a vapid materialist world that's dependant on money do you think they would be inclined to learn?
Ah yes, a system in which who has orchestrated/facilitated to come into being? Oh, hah.. yeah... The El-ites...
>Those who are NOT corrupt will always remain NOT corrupt. Because... THEY JUST WILL OKAY!
That's not what I'm saying, and you're being intellectually dishonest.
>And how do you know they are like those figures.
Not for me or you to decide.
>What if their happiness is the sadistic torture of other fellow humans?
Then they should inflict it upon willing participants, if not they need to re-evaluate/change their mind. Deriving happiness from torturing fellow humans is not going to bring about a world that facilitates true happiness. Even a 5 year old child would know better.. Anyone can change what they derive enjoyment from. Put in the work, no excuses.
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Cont 1.
>Humans raise cows, and protect them.
Until they violently gut them, eat them and crap them the next day.

>When a human dies, and rots in the ground he becomes food for plants that then feed the cows.
The difference being one is 90% of the time violently killed while the other has a more peaceful death in contrast.

>Just because cows don't have tools to directly consume humans doesn't mean they don't consume us in their own way.
You should what happens when a spanish coursing of bulls goes wrong.

>That's literally how nature is. We all consume one another in various ways.
But one has more choice over the other and has essentially abused his postion in the food chain.

>They will do the same to us in their own way. It's mutual.
Not really.

>What I described above fits harmony just fine. Both co-exist just fine.
Not really.

>Unpunished how?
By leaving a legacy that grows ever more richer by the day and consolidates more power by the hour, as for love, read pic rel, most of them are part of masonic orders which teach Platonism, the same Platonism that sees Love as a Disease, they don't need love and they don't want love.

>By being paranoid all the time because someone could backstab you like they would to others?
Their systems have become self sustaining at this point, they no longer need to worry about that.

>By living in solitude with little outside engagement because of fear?
When the outside engagement consits of violence, vapidity and danger why not? They usually own gigantic private properties with personal forrests and stuff, one can have a pretty cozy and full peacful life in that type of isolation...

>Hell, the only reason they live as long as they do is due to the happiness money can provide for currently.
They live long because of reasons that are to long to list within this post.

>Otherwise they would of offed themselves long ago.
That's a waste of life and everyone knows that.
Cont 2.
>Don't agree? go live your life as such, and get back to me..
Already do.

>What difference does that make? Death is a certainty.
Your legacy is not.

>You are wrong especially when we consider how the world is today.
What do you know about the world of today?

>They are unironically trying to cope with the atrocities they are actively committing as a last ditch effort to deal with their own actions. It is not a "loophole".
They don't need to cope with the atrocities, they are genuinely indifferent towards them, but they do need that karmic help... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzOvgu3GPwY
Cont 1.
>Cope. To obfuscate the truth in any way is a negative action with a negative effect.
Is it really obfuscation when they give you the keys? Obfuscation is meant to hide something permanently, or for as long as the victim can be confused before finding out.

>Suffering is the catalyst for growth.
If it doesn't kill you first.

>Then they don't until they do. Obviously.
But what if they DON'T.

>Free from having to defend your home from the IRS/Police who try to rob you from your home because you don't constantly pay them money?
It is true they steal the money and misuse it but at the same time part of that money is what keeps the infrastructures of said nation alive, if you were to delete the Police everything would collapse very quickly, no border control entails possible enemy nation invasions and much, much more...
What exactly would be a better alternative to the current society we have in your opinion...

>Conflict is fine, and is a constant.
It shouldn't be tho.

>Again, when people who wish to force their will on others through obfuscating valuable knowledge from them conflict is inevitable. Understandibly.
Obfuscating certain knowledge can lead to a corruption with power going to their heads, but they don't always impose their will on others, certain societies were made to gatekeep the knowledge from others without using it themsleves, just so it wouldn't be destroyed.
>Oh yes they fucking do. They are fucking TERRIFIED of us. Are you kidding me? Lmao they have armed escorts, hide their names, and bury important information under a mountain of bullshit. They are CONSTANTLY in fear. Their actions betray them at every step. They are humans completely driven by fear, and fear alone. Fear of losing what they have. Fear of losing their power.
You clearly don't understand the El-ites in the slightest, real elites don't show off with escorts and they look like your daily Joe down the street and you woud never suspect them, they have diplomatic passports that aren't even registered, and the moment idiots act up they just rev up a new pandemic or war and while they're distracted with that the status quo returns to "normalcy". Their power bases are self sustaining due to milleniums of refinement and their sheer coldness makes me doubt their humanity on a genetic level, and considering those Gilgamesh FOIA requests i might see how...

>Ah yes, they hate us because..
You are goyim to them, esau.

>They have hidden knowledge that they actively use against us, and now Hold it against us that we have not been able to know what it is they've kept hidden from us.. Yeah...
But we do know what it is now...

Also it's like really late for me rn and i gotta go, do you want to continue the arguments tomorrow (if the thread doesn't die)? I can try to keep up now in case you don't want tomorrow.
>Until they violently gut them, eat them and crap them the next day.
You mean how cows rip apart grass, and other vegetation, and shit it out the next day? That's just how nature is, it can be brutal.
>The difference being one is 90% of the time violently killed while the other has a more peaceful death in contrast.
Humans die violently all the time. In fact that is the most common way for humans to die in the first place.
>You should what happens when a spanish coursing of bulls goes wrong.
Dairy cows are not the same as show bulls that spainards use for entertainment.. Swing and a miss.
>But one has more choice over the other and has essentially abused his position in the food chain.
A cow can leave whenever it desires. In fact, if you grew up on a farm you would know they get out actually pretty frequently. They just don't last very long in the wilderness because they aren't adapted to it, and will typically die a violent death in agony over hours of getting attacked/mauled by predators. Versus a swift butchering by an experienced individual. There isn't a nice way to kill something, and we have to devour things in order to live. Unless those darn El-ites have the secret to some photosynthesis techniques, but even then how could you do that to the poor light rays!
>Not really.
It is 100% just how we treat them. They eat the plants that we sustain from our deaths/rot. It's just not a direct line. Hell, some barn animals do eat humans if you want to branch away from cows..
>Not really.
It does, you just have trouble coping with it.

I'm not really interested in doing this back and forth anymore honestly. If you are of the mind set that the "El-ites" should be hiding things from others you are not actively working towards a future where true happiness can be achieved. Bottom line. It's a negative action with negative results. We are seeing in real time how detrimentally it's effecting the world around us. These people live in fear, as they should.
>You mean how cows rip apart grass, and other vegetation, and shit it out the next day? That's just how nature is, it can be brutal.
Vegetation scream yes, but it doesn't have the same biological complexity as the cow nor can it really feel the same level of agony as a cow.

>Humans die violently all the time. In fact that is the most common way for humans to die in the first place.
Compared to how animals suffer and die that's nothing.

>Dairy cows are not the same as show bulls that spainards use for entertainment.. Swing and a miss.
You clearly have never lived the village life and see what cows do on mating season.

>Versus a swift butchering by an experienced individual
There is no such thing as a humane killing.

>and we have to devour things in order to live.
Count St. Germain would disagree.
>Unless those darn El-ites have the secret to some photosynthesis techniques
beat me to it
>how could you do that to the poor light rays!
Light rays don't have nerves.

>They eat the plants that we sustain from our deaths/rot
That isn't really the factor of what makes a soil fertile, but it does help with fertilization.

>It does, you just have trouble coping with it.
lmao no.

>I'm not really interested in doing this back and forth anymore honestly. If you are of the mind set that the "El-ites" should be hiding things from others you are not actively working towards a future where true happiness can be achieved.
Happiness is subjective, someone's happiness is someone else's suffering, bottom line is swine don't deserve pearls and that's how the chosen families have retained power and order for millenia. With negative results only on their subjects.

We are seeing in real time that nothing has changed in the past thousand years and these people are more relaxed than ever due to the sophistication of the people's chackles.
OP here. Not a bad point. Their current copyright siege is just another symptom of their continual downfall. Membership has been shrinking. It does suck none the less since they're trying to erase some pretty interesting and entertaining history but yeh regardless of their past "prestige" they have less influence these days than most YouTubers
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miss me yet¨?
Thelma and GD continue to be well known on simply due to being two of the largest "modern" occult groups that have recently or otherwise existed, everything else might as well not for the effect that theyve had on the cultural zeitgeist
>group so unheard of that you have to explain who they are
I realize you've already been shit on for this quite a bit ITT, but no amount of shaming could ever be enough for this. Hopefully by now you've been made to feel as stupid and uninformed as you are, as nothing can change if you don't see there's a problem here.
Why though? I thought Ape had permission to post all of this stuff
very interesting find
wasserman and stone live only a few minutes from one another in fort lauderdale
i think milo spends a lot of time in miami
now add in stone and his wife's interest in swinging/sex club stuff
Here comes another mountain of horseshit.
Don't they make you get vaxxed to join? Doesn't that go against Liber OZ?
I bet Crowley would disband the current order and start over.
I got bored of this thread

Why don’t you put all the content on an ENS domain/blockchain/IPFS ?

for example: buy “mydomain.eth”

2. put your static content in a github project

3. use fleek.xyz to publish your github project (web root) to ipfs

3. update the “other” records for “mydomain.eth” and change ipfs content hash to the content hash provided by fleek

4. Mirror the content hash on 4everland so it’s on more hosts

it’ll end up on 40 or so different systems world wide and be censor proof

You can register your ens domain for 50-100+ years

and access it via mydomain.eth.limo or mydomain.eth.link

I did this with a couple of pages people kept trying to take down.

I’ve lost the etherium keys and unfortunately couldn’t take any of them down if I wanted to
Hjorts become horses.
Big bump

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