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I recently came across a YouTube video discussing a theory about dead towns. It piqued my interest as a few weeks ago, on a random road trip, I came across a really strange situation in the middle of nowhere South Dakota.

I stopped to get gas just south of Sioux Falls on I-29. I was headed for the Black Hills, but wanted to do some camping on the Missouri River. Google maps routed me through some back roads. I didn't mind, I'm wasn't in any hurry to get anywhere and I thought it'd be interesting to see the South Dakota countryside.

My first indication there was something strange was the fact that most of the route was almost a straight line, but on the county Highway I kept running into "Road Closed" ahead signed, so I'd have to zigzag miles out of my way to get back on the correct heading. In my experience Google maps is typically aware of road closures, but not a one of the several I encountered were ever marked.

The deeper I drove into the interior, the more desolate it became. The fewer vehicles I would see pass me by. There were farms everywhere, and they all seemed to be maintained, but almost all the farm houses looked to be abandoned. Not only abandoned, but dilapidated and falling apart, like several decades of neglect falling apart. I currently reside in Iowa and drive all over the state, so I'm pretty familiar with Midwest farming. I just have never experienced seeing anything like this before.

I ended up going through a county seat town called Parker, South Dakota. The first indication things are off, as I turn into the town on the 44, I'm greeted with another large "Road Closed Ahead" sign. I really wish I stopped to take pictures.

>To be continued
As I continue down West through the town about a third of the streets all have road closed signs. There are some signs of construction, but most of the streets are closed for no reason as far as I could tell. I ended up driving about 2 miles west outside of town before the road is completely closed off by barricades. There is no sign of construction and I can not, for the life of me see what is causing these constant road closures.

I double back and try to figure out how to get around this menace of road closures. Google maps is of no use, it keeps trying to put me back on the same route.

As I make my way through the tow, I continue to see more and more road closures. At this point I see absolutely no one. No vehicles, no humans, no animals. Maybe a bird here or there. I finally see a guy driving slowly near the courthouse with Colorado tags looking equally as confused as me.

I double back more and zigzag my way onto a dirt road that takes me into some twilight zone area. I eventually make my way back onto the 44 well past the road closures. I drive for 45 minutes without passing another vehicle. Every farmhouse on that route was completely in shambles and abandoned.

Every 5 or 10 miles I'd pass another road closures sign, but this time, the sign was on the opposite side of the road.

>Picrel of the backtracking saved on my maps
Picrel of my last captcha
most interesting thread i have red in a while thank you
Fuck dead towns… wtf happened to dead neighborhoods?? Those threads sure did come and go quick.

TL;DR — some anons claimed that there’s houses in neighborhoods that are completely empty 24x7, despite having cars and shit in the driveway… even going as far as entering this houses and showing vids for a while.
what channel was it / what video? also bump this is the kinda content I wanna see more of
NFuel -;4Chan Conspiracy Theories

Thanks brother. Just thought I'd share. I could just be in my head about the whole thing. It was a Saturday afternoon, so maybe everyone was indoors watching TV. It was a smaller town, according to wikipedia it has a population of 1500. But, just strange I didn't see 1 vehicle, besides the dude from Colorado, for over an hour. Also, all of the road closures? Almost no construction or any construction equipment. No cones anywhere, no orange barrels, just those blockade signs. Kinda strange.
I just remembered one about some town in Alaska, posted about a year ago. Had allot of pics and some linked videos. Then, suddenly, poof. No longer a topic.
Any South Dakota anons can confirm Parker is a real town with real people?
how the roads were closed? just with a sign?
Looked exactly like this, minus the detour sign

>correction, was a Sunday not Saturday
this sounds cool to explore
Archive link?
OP here. Also, on a dirt road marked in picrel, there was a farmhouse that reminded me of Texas chainsaw massacre. Probably had at least 100 abandoned cars on the property all scattered around with rusted out farm equipment. Got really spooked driving past it thinking if I get a flat or breakdown near there I'd be seriously fucked. But yeah, I think it's prime for exploration. I sure the hell won't be going back though.
Did you try to stop and knock at any store door or spy on a house to see if there was activity going on in there?
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iPhone has the road closed on its maps.
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Im exploring some of these towns in google maps and I refuse to believe people live in a town like this.
I remember watching a videos about this. Everyone starting making fun of the idea as if it was normal for a place to be completely devoid of any people despite a supposed population living there. Makes me think someone wants this topic to die like the empty neighborhood idea.

Also similar to the dead internet theory that has its own thread right now. "People" immediately attack the idea even though we are on /x/ for christ sake lol
I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that post-2008 Economics have gutted most rural towns, and reduced property and sales tax revenue means that a lot of roads are essentially no longer maintained. A lot of real estate/agricultural companies have gone in and bought up a lot of farm property and have essentially sat on them which has kept home prices in the area relatively high, pricing out locals who would like to own and develop the property, and with interest rates the way they are right now most of those properties will remain empty until they drop interest rates to near zero again.

One way you could test this theory is to pull up Zillow or trulia or something and look to see if any homes in the area have sold recently or are for sale, and from there you can see which lenders own the properties and
My theory is that these towns have been abandoned long ago and the government is maintaining them to not make it look like the country is failing and these towns died out.
> and from there you can see which lenders own the properties and

And then you can see how long they’ve owned them. I would guess that the town census has probably shown a population and gdp decline since 2008.
Absolutely not.

Sure, 2 weeks later it does, but not at the time I was there.
Usually some of the first things to go are schools since they require a certain amount of attendance and are typically funded by property tax revenue so if you notice a lot of empty or closed schools in those towns then that would indicate that it probably is just getting gutted by economics and essentially a ghost town.

Things like empty factories, farms, and schools would be your biggest tell in this situation.
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I googled this towns wiki, the population is 1,194 and it actually has grown since 2010.
>Also the motto…
It's unfortunately not even the neighborhoods and the backwater towns, etc. It's even in major cities, including yours. Half of these cities are completely empty, yet the lights are still on. Take a day or two off from work during the weekday and just go wanderer into your closest city and just start looking into places from the street-most are devoid of any human life, but the lights are still on. Now ask yourself "this is the middle of the day, aren't these buildings supposed to have some semblance of life?", then try at night and see it's still empty, even where people should be then. Covid was a meme, but there was a noticeable mark of population drop during that time. Maybe it just allowed for what was hidden to slip through the cracks from decades ago...I've seen a few ghost towns where they should be active just like OP is saying.
The population of America is falsely inflated by an unknown magnitude. I’m talking, for every 10-1000 people in a “population, there is actually only 1 person. This is also why there seems to be illegals everywhere even though the numbers say they should just be a small fraction of our population. Cities aren’t even “full of people” I’ve been all around cities in America and they’re dead as fuck, there might be like 5 spots that are actually ‘hopping’ on a Saturday night even in cities that are huge. In smaller cities there is sometimes maybe 1 spot, I’ve been to cities that everyone says “oh go to that bar, it’s the hottest place in town.” And it’s like 12-25 people in there the whole night.

I’ve lived on multiple dead end streets, funnily enough, two times my house was the first on the street at the entrance, so every car coming and going would pass me. There were 58 houses in that neighborhood, and I’d stay up through the morning and watch the cars leave for work in the morning. I would see 4 or 5 cars leave, the same ones, every morning. I knew one family, with kids, and 2 of the cars were there’s. It’s fucked up to think about, because back then I didn’t even notice it, but while riding my bike one time, the lady with the kids asked me, “do you notice how empty it is here.” And I kinda didn’t know wtf she was talking about because there were cars in every driveway. It’s actually giving me chills, because since they lived in the middle of the neighborhood and not the edge, I can only imagine the amount of “noticing” they did compared to me. Like I really only saw the cars and traffic as a sign, but I bet they must have really noticed how dead and quiet it was, or knocked on neighbors doors, as normies do.
Yeah, for sure some entity (BlackCock) owns empty real estate to further control the market…
BAM found em!


OP again. It doesn't show the third of the town have road closures though does it? Just that one section I was trying to get through is showing.
Thanks anon!
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The cause of dead town theory!
Yeah I didn’t read this post before I posted, but I literally just said the same fucking thing about cities. The population numbers have been inflated, and the decline in demographics because of births is much greater than we are told, plus Covid dropped the population even furthur.

You can also do some crazy noticing with tinder and other apps. I know everyone in my area, I’m friends with people from all the towns around me, and we look at tinder, and see thousand and thousands of profiles of people who live in our towns, and we’ve never met or seen any of them. I mean, we know these people can’t be real, they’re not people who moved here, they don’t ever show up at bars, restaurants, gyms, or anywhere that people would go. They also match at a rate much less frequent than “real” girls, and all their photos have the same ‘style’ to them. I actually know one girl who did move here, and comparing her profile to these other ones is like night and day to these other ones. And I’m not talking about ‘bait’ accounts to get people to subscribe to onlyfans, or to trick people into keep using the app, because we see those too and they’re easy to spot.

We also match with these girls sometimes, and the conversation always goes the same, one of us exchanges messages with them, get along pretty well, and then they just stop responding, and the fucked thing is it’s never on a message that you’d think, it’s always like halfway in the middle of something mundane. We’re also not like autistic or ugly or socially retarded or anything, we all have had multiple gfs and high paying jobs and good profiles, to the point that it’s obviously not an “attraction” thing, or like we are female repellant.

To expound on that, we know all the other guys and groups of guys around us too, and none of them are dating these thousands of girls that apparently exist either.
Yeah, just the one you posted evidence of… :) fucked
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When you look at the census data around wwii it shows population was dropping before the war, then tons of people died, and the population in most parts of the country continued to drop, this is during the time of the “baby boom”. It looks like people just moved away from most of the country, into the same areas, making them more dense.
Lol shit like this is why I have though about just finding a nice house and squatting. I mean, if this is real why shouldn't I? Free house fuck you Chinese developer
That is why squatters rights is a thing, our forefathers knew if someone can sit there and live there for a long time, they should have a right to it.

Now Florida and other places are banning squatting, and marketing the push to do so as a “right wing victory against illegal immigrants stealing people’s houses”, and we got all the viral videos we needed to have the illusion of support from people look natural.

My theory is Florida is actually their planned future “police state stronghold for the rich” when things go to shit. It will be like america is now, but more strict and locked down. It’d be really easy to put a wall of forces at the top of the pan handle and seal most of Florida off from the rest of the country. I see them preparing for this in a lot of ways; huge thick camera poles every 2 miles on the highways, police stations in small towns getting fleets and fleets of crazy vehicles, and parking them in the back of the station and never using them, the laws being passed.

I don’t know if that means it will be a bad place to be, it might be spared from a worse fate, or it could be hell on earth, hard to tell yet.
The op in these threads says the free masons are behind this.
I never once said that or thought that. I just thought it was a curious situation.
It’s the grand unifying conspiracy theory, population reduction of white Americans, banks, inflated pricing and debt, the speed limit and drunk driving laws preventing you from buying cheap property away from society and just driving to work every morning.

The thing is, there is still actually a shit ton of people, it’s just not nearly anywhere close to what they say, so the idiotic masses still consume so much shit and prop up the system like good little worker bees.
I just realised that alot of these towns according to state censuses are probably majority white. If the residents don’t exist it’s also possible the percentage of white americans is also inflated.
Woooow and Americans have the balls to say they have no room for immigrants, import some latinos, indians and africans and those towns wont go to waste.
It's fucking South Dakota, nobody lives there. And you're shocked that towns are dead fuggin kek
Israel getting homes nice and empty so their homunculi could inhabit a lot and open another porno theater
All those towns have censuses that say the amount of inhabitants living there and they usually make sense, ranging around 1000 to 4000 and yet they are void of life. You’d at least expect to see someone walking down the street or a store being open but there is no one living there. This means that the US stats for demographics are being inflated by non existent towns.
>colony rd
>houses looks like pods/cells
not suspicious at all guys
no, the census are correct, it's just people don't really go outside anymore. Businesses have all but deserted small towns the nation over, so there really is no point for people to be walking the streets anymore. That and many small towns are geriatric boomers who hardly ever leave the house.
You know whats weirder? The kids there study in “eman school”…
The anon in this thread says how many of these houses are half furnished to seem like there is life inside. Parked cars next to the garage, lights turned on inside, etc yet no one living in them. This isn’t just boomers not wanting to go outside.
i did NOT see that it was a school. im retarded
forgot the link to the thread
Kinda like how if you look up chemtrails you get thousands of articles saying it’s fake, but then if you look up cloud seeding and other things and don’t use the word “chemtrails” you can find tons of photos, interviews, science, and evidence that all admits that chemtrails are real.

The most fucked up thing to accept, is it really is just the jews waging a 2000 year war on white people which started with them destroying our religion and replacing it with worship of Jews (Christianity and Islam), and it won’t end until people can accept this idea, which is impossible for many people because they’ve been actively brainwashed with guilt flooding in public schools.
probably one of bill gates farms
maybe they're "dummy towns" built by the military\SWAT\glowies for testing how different kinds of bombs, weaponry, warfare tech etc would impact the various structures, infrastructure and so on? or for training hostage rescue or targeted assassinations?
No, dummy towns is a different phenomenon, we’ve heard reports of dummy towns and they do share some similarities with OP’s story, but the dead towns theory is much more wide spread.

OP’s does have the closed road, which is akin to the dummy towns, but my guess is that the next town over would be the dummy town, not the town he’s in.
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Now it says a bridge is out…

Also, golf course?? That sends up flags.
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Hol up
Bros… we found it
>demographics 97% white
It's really weird, I life on a one way street with about a hundred houses and leave for work around 7:20, to arrive at work around 7:50, but when I drive to work, even if I leave much earlier, I am the only one driving out of the street, it is incredibly rare to see another car driving on the same road, almost never happens.

Now it’s a “sinkhole”
I don’t know. That sounds like me. I don’t go out much any more since COVID, mainly for the cost but also because I’ve become less consumerist and no longer drink/have a restricted diet for optimal nutrition. I moved to where I live before COVID and didn’t get to know many people before that. Social anxiety from COVID is now stopping me from going out and meeting people.
I’m severely socially retarded so I stop replying to conversations on the apps. It’s mainly because I don’t know what to say or I forget to reply and see the message a few days later and lack the desire to be the one leading the conversation.
Most of what you’ve noticed is just a shift in society to a more insular, screen-driven culture, where no one spends much time outside
This sounds like a real life backrooms, just driving as deep as possible through blocked roads that lead to even emptier towns.
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backstates, maybe?
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We live in a society

Yeah, this is something I started to notice fully in late 2021. Before I had an inkling something was up with the population, but that was it. In 2021 though, idk wth happened, I just suddenly began to feel like I was in a ghosttown, even the neighbor that was greeting us alot around then stopped coming out alot. The closest feeling I can compare it to is being in an empty city Gmod map. Now the houses around me look abandoned and not really active as much. DESU, the whole world is giving off this vibe. All I know is the plandemic really brought it to light.

The only good reason I can think of that explains this is us being in some kind of false world, either a dream, illusion, or simulation. This is the vibes I am catching though at least.

Do any of you anons and OP agree on this beingthe cause for this phenomenon?
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Just wait til the turds have sprayed so much aluminum on everyone that nothing will be able to be grown, its starting to happen in many places. Even the turds won’t be able grow anything to eat!
The aluminum they spray on everyone makes people docile!
I noticed this back around 2010ish. I used to ride Greyhound buses between Northern California and North Carolina. It's a 5 day zig-zag trip through empty cities and empty terminals, with large groups of people who will all enter at once, filling up the bus and never making a sound. As you ride the bus through a city, you can look through the windows of large buildings and see just empty floors and empty floors. Thousands of huge empty offices. But someone pays to maintain the whole system.
I called a bakery in the center of town just now and a woman answered.

If you check Snapchat there are two areas with archived pics/videos. One is at a park where there is a video of a family from 2022, and the other is a Mexican food place, with content from as recently as 8 months ago.

This town is clearly active, has people living in it, and you can easily check by calling local businesses.

Sounds pretty eerie. Simulation vibes.
Yeah, I would chalk something like this up to "just" a government conspiracy, except that I've also had simulation-type experiences. Huge government conspiracies on this level definately exist, but "the world is a simulation" type of things are also true.

If anyone is in doubt of the huge government conspiracy thing, they can just ride a Greyhound for 5 days across the US and 5 days back. I guarantee 100% you will come out a conspiracy nutjob. They don't even really try to hide how weird shit is, because they know no one will believe you.

I have no idea how to prove the weird simulation stuff, though. That shit seems to happen randomly and seems like some kind of glitch.
is "going across the USA" really a thing people do? like, parents taking their kids for sight-seeing, or teens going on an adventure etc? It's not super expensive?
What "meridian" does the bus go along, and can you intersect your bus with other long-range buses?
>im from a small country.
I live in a burough outside Pittsburgh. There is a "store" on a road off a main road. It has a huge white canvas banner, about maybe 2.5x5 ft, that says "OPEN". Aftee three years, its never been open. Sometimes, maybe once a month, a shitty old white van parks there. Ive asked around, locals say it used to be a grocery store. There are some lights that are always on. Next to it across the street is a "bar." It has the signs and everything. Inside it looks like a bar. I have seen someone in there. Its never open, also in three years, its never functioned as an actual bar. You would think three years is a long time to be holding empty commercial real estate, but oh well. Also no for sale sign, pretty sure wasnt listed on zillow. Also theres a bunch of huge churches (i work in one). During sundays they are pretty much empty. I worked for a medium size landlord, who inherited all his properties, and he owns a closed gas station, where he stores all his many things, which he pretty much doesnt even use. He is almost retarded as far as his workmanship. I dont know how he gets money because he is not productive at all (which is why i cant work with him, he just wastes my time going nowhere). Also the main commercial avenue has mostly closed stores, for at least 5 years. They have stuff in the windows, looking like stores that never open. One recently opened as a mexican restaurant (which is cool bc i love mexican food). i wonder why they dont just rent it out, how the fuck you gotta entire blocks of empty stores for 5 years? The resident homes, on the other hand, are all occupied, as far as i can tell.
>That shit seems to happen randomly and seems like some kind of glitch.
Oh, come to think of it, it does seem to hapoen more in certain locations I've traveled to. I had a theory a while back that Pelican Bay State Prison in CA is near the center of something causing the simulation type of stuff. The closer you get, the more it happens.
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It used to be like $300 for a ticket and they would send you in a zig-zag path where you have to change buses like 10 times and they treat you like shit. I've done it a lot because I have family on the East coast and my girlfriend and I moved to the redwoods on the west coast.
Most downtown shops are fronts for money laundering. My town has a bunch of these in prime real-estate and no one ever goes in.
damn i was gonna say that. As a math based thinker, I wondered this for years. How is it that i can travel a distance of lets say 5 miles, in the time where many ppl are going to work, and see so few cars. And even if i am late or early, same thing. Now theres some traffic, sure, but only on the highway or at a busy intersection. Counting the houses and apartments around me, there should be like three to five times as many cars. Btw the buses are empty most of the time too. so....wtf. Assuming most ppl travel to work between 7-8:30, you would think there wud be, i dunno, pretty much everyone, right? banks, barbers, cops, teacher, construction workers, retail, pretty much everyone works around the same time, 9-5. i felt retarded posting this but since you did it first i feel validated. we will go to the loony bin together anon.
Looked it up and now you can get plane tickets for cheaper wtf. Riding Greyhound has been the worst voluntary experience of my life.
well i used to live in another burrough outside pittsburgh where im pretty sure this was the case. A "store" that was "open for business." You go in, theres tables, chairs, some guy sitting. You look at the counter, since theres no menu. The glass counter holds random items, not pawn shop level, just random. I asked the guy behind the counter if he sells papers, he just kinda stares at me and says no. pretty much the weirdest store or place ive been in. no idea wat they do. Normally this intrigues me into openly investigating further and asking questions, but at that time i was too preoccupied with the thought of smoking a joint. But these stores are locked, i checked.
Yeah, that guy probably just has people sell him junk at inflated cost, then buys it from himself with cash from illegal activities. Bars are also great for this because it's normal for them to have huge fluctuations in business, they take cash, and you can just buy booze from yourself at inflated prices. My town has a lot of craft and thrift stores like that. Politicians use book sales for the same thing. Amazon e books are great because you don't even have to print anything.
Oh, also front businesses are good ways to give people legitimate looking jobs when they just get out of prison. They don't have to actually do anything, but might need to be there in case their parole officer shows up.
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Also americans, can you please rate these areas\zones of the USA from most to less spooky -or at least their different types\vibes of spooky-ness-? Mind you, all I know of this is from movies\comcis
>appalachians is always mentioned here as top-spooky
>MT shasta , the "american mt kailash"
>Everglades is where allegedly the Hand of Death cult operated and trained jeffrey dahmer, ottis and lucas, ted bundy, son of sam, etc
>the bayou swamps are always shown having slave-era colonial manors with ghosts, etc like in Blue Brothers 2. also actual Vodoun or Paleria because of descendants of african slaves?
in \x\ I heard many anons say New Mexico is haunted AF... Personally I think Appalachians just have cryptids but are full of Bible-believing Christians, so their "type" of spooky isnt the same as, say, possible satanic stuff in new mexico
>also are EVIL cities like san franscisco and hollywood literally cursed? the Pendulum of AIDs or such Egregores around s.f. maybe?
I knock doors with the local church. The last few weeks, I and my partner might knock 40 houses, literally only 3 or so have people that come to the door. The houses look decorated in the outsides but it's radio silence.
Who keeps the newspapers or bills from piling up?
in my country when someone leaves house for a few weeks, they ask a trusted neighbour to pick up all paperwork left at the door for them, because if papers pile up, thieves know the home is alone and will try to sneak in to rob .
>maybe they dont use paper bills there? Even so who keeps the plants tidy, keeps out all pests and ants\ termites\ spiders etc ??
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it's called correspondence, dillhole
Fuck off, they are full anon.
Certified Amerilard rating:
10/10. There are families there that have been there since at least the first settlers. Unchanged. You can find NA stories on them, the remnant population of the old whites; aided by the mountains herself.
>Mt. Shasta
2/10 lots of dead hikers, lots of dead natives, lots more sulfuric water than reported causing simple deaths.
8/10. Animals that should not be are, People that should not be are. Also has no less than 4 training facilities for international intelligence agencies all disguised as ranger stations.
>Bayou/Louisiana/The sweaty gooch of the US
6/10 in areas without people, swamps are the domain of death after all
10/10 in areas with people. Creole and Cajun people practiced "witchcraft" to survive the unsurvivable, their descendants were sacrificed long before they were born but still "live"
6/10 The desert holds many secrets, sometimes they wake up. Mostly just skinwalkers and totemic shapeshifters. Stay away from natives, don't partake in parties there, don't camp.
All major US cities are built around/on top of the known actual entrances to the underground writing mass populations. The waste generated feeds them and keeps them from venturing upwards. NA cities were there before, for the same purpose. History that this land was unsettled is just a myth. There was a feast before Euro settlers came, eliminating most of the ~1 bil population of the Americas. The new diseases wiped out most of the rest. Hence why despite never being a majority of people on the continent, NA were able to resist, they're whats left of advanced civilizations.
The only sort of supernatural hotspot I have personally experienced is the Pacific Northwest. Whole thing is very spoopy. Constant fog, history of weather manipulation, military experiments, remote prisons, organized crime, Native American stuff. Super isolated. Weird stuff will happen in the sky and a bunch of people will notice, but everyone just shrugs it off because there's nothing you can do about it.

I'm talking like 6 hours north of San Francisco, especially the Crescent City area.

Any other good videos and resources about Dead Towns and cities? This is a weirdly interesting topic.
News papers haven't been popular in 20 years anon, and mail can simply not be delivered, it takes nothing to let the local USPS know not to deliver to an address, and if the local USPS is abandoned/fake too, then there's no one to deliver in the first place. To your second point nature doesn't always reclaim, but even if it does sending a crew out every couple of weeks is easy. Stagger the crews and they won't even question why they're not seeing anyone.
sounds like Silent Hill
hmmm. If they can lie about the true population of a country, makes you wonder what else about your "reality" that you take for granted is actually completely false.

Are you a JW?
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Maybe federal prisons are loosh farms, being the living hell they are?
specially pelican bay or ADX which have 24\7\365 isolation cells
maybe a localized glitch in the simulation?
Let's just say, if the SCP Foundation were real, Pelican Bay State Prison would definately, 100% be a Foundation site.
I can answer the roadwork aspect of the OP. Highway funds are planned in advance and "use it or lose it" so you get roads connecting towns with no one left in them getting repaved and shit.
the dead internet is certainly slowly becoming true
on X (formerly twitter) and /pol/ for example there is a 50/50 chance at this point that youre talking to some kind of LLM AI model and sometimes you only notice it after a hand full of posts or when they immediately bug out
its not really a problem on boards like /x/ yet but i wouldnt be surprised if were getting there in 10 years
people have been calling each other bots on 4chan and other websites for ages but since chatGPT that shit is actually possible and happening
How much of it is CERN shit?
Dude just Google “Parker South Dakota Road Closures”, I know we all want it to be something spooky but it’s not. There are multiple articles about road closures in that area published a few weeks ago.
Well I can check Appalachians and New Mexico off my list. Yes there are some strange things out there, the energy is different. Haven't been to the others yet.
Cities? I just avoid those in general.

Bro, 4chan is basically one big bot, lol!!! Trueanons are very rare.

I think CERN is a scapegoat for the simulation glitches, but idk, maybe they made this simulation or something. They did have a hand in the internet, so it slightly tracks.
In my experience, at least on /pol/ infiltrators are currently even more common than bots. They have completely neutralized that board. Really fucking sad.
The first time I experienced any kind of timeline fuckery was around 1996. As8de from glitches which seem to happen more often in certain geographic lications, the timeline I experience does change based on things which happen to me. For example, I have died at least a couple of times, but I hop timelines to where it didn't happen, so that I narrowly avoid fatal injury. It's like the shittiest video game ever.
Why not just ignore the signs and keep going?
How did that work out for your marriage?
thx for explaining, that makes sense. i thought it was just a front for accounting money laundering (cooking the books), but the act of actually buying junk from himself makes sense.
One of his friends (street dealers) probably bought a guitar at a thrift store. He then bought it from that guy as an authentic Mel Gibson guitar, with a signature and everything for $2,000. Then on paper he sells it to someone else (his family member) for $4k (they actually just gave it to his nephew).
What bothers me the most is how Detroit lost like 300,000 people over the course of 20 years that weren’t counted as dead, and even worse didn’t move.
A shitload of people have just vanished.
At my last count Detroit lost 50,000 people a year. Not to moving, not counted in death certificates, just gone.
This looks like worker accommodation on a mine site or similar
When the mill opened up in my town, they built houses like this. But that was like 70 years ago. I lived in one of them about 10 years ago. Neighborhood is full of niggers now.
Do you think it's the C.H.U.D.s?
Chicago Housing and Urban Development
the farm thing reminds me, A few years back when I was still in high school one summer I attend a conservation program where I went up with a crew to do various ecological projects on public land.
the last place the crew stayed(we camped the whole time) was an old abandoned farm, we set up in the feild but I guess it was fish and game owned the farm itself was largely run down an old(seemily unused) farm house, a barn with a bunch of tools and shit that hadn't been touched in at least a decade. and a more modern tractor shed. I saw only one fish and game truck the whole time I was there picked up a sign or something.
Although all of this seems fairly mundian the whole place felt off. just something about the state it was in, its a peice of government property(likely reposed or the estate of someone with no children.) but its just in disrepair, its like frozen in time, just deeply uncanny.
My god, what are THEY doing eating people in Detroit, Michigan?
The lead in the water makes the humans taste sweeter.
Wait... Chicago has lead in their water, too.
Fuck off nazi schizo
Different Anon here
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interesting read. keep in mind those missing people are counted voters too.
Didn't even think of that angle. Guess it's fucked.
can agree
from what i can tell being a cop in florida is the bees knees compared to the rest of the country
even texas and cali are worse
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Henlo, friendo
Eurofag here
Population numbers are definitely inaccurate, but I think the empty neighborhood/town phenomenon is specifically American. I'm thinking partly due to (((BlackRock))) buying out property. They often buy whole neighborhoods/ blocks, essentially hoarding housing to artificially inflate prices. Another factor is boomers often owning more than one property and keeping it just to go there for vacation or something.
I can tell you anons from experience, living and traveling all over Europe, there is definitely way less of the empty town/neighborhood phenomena here. Throughout my life I lived both in cities and suburbs, even the countryside. When you go for a walk in any neighborhood you'll see mothers with strollers, teens and elderly people any time of day. Every suburb has people gardening and taking walks/biking almost every evening. I like to go on long walks and recently started to pay special attention to how many people I see. Whenever I walk around the suburbs there are some places that I know have been recently built/put on the market that are empty, but almost all houses have kids playing outside, people grilling in the summer, cars that come and go etc. If you go to the countryside you can be sure all houses are lived in cause everybody knows someone who knows who lives in any house. Cities are extremely lively at night, with bars packed to the brim to the point where if you go to one of the more popular places you won't be able to secure a table past 7pm.

It is possible empty towns/neighborhoods do exist and I just haven't encountered them. This would make a lot of sense because investors in Europe definitelty try to inflate home prices by creating false shortages too. But considering how much I travel around, I can confidently say there's definitely not many of them since I would've encountered some by now if the phenomenon was common here.

I guess they might be more common here, but I definitely heard of this in other countries. I think it might be common I Russia too.
With the (((BlackRock))) thing I was of course mostly referring to the empty neighborhoods, I can't see a rural town in bumfuck nowhere being a good investment or even help to inflate housing prices much. For those places I see no good explanation except maybe some had an incident like water or soil pollution happen to them and people were moved, but are still coming over every once in a while to keep the houses in good condition while they wait for pollution to go down and to move in again. That's definitely a small percentage of these towns though and reporting on such incidents would probably be easily searchable. It would also in no way explain cars in the driveway and lights on

I read some pretty compelling, if true, accounts of military towns, which are made as a front for training soldiers in these specific conditions. It's an interesting theory, and there definitely are places like these as you can find what looks like towns on google maps with zero searchable info about their name or population.

I don't think the government would create potyomkin villages just to make it look like the population is higher than in reality. Most people are too lazy to question the official numbers regardless of how many people they see in their day to day, and for the people who are already suspicious, an empty town is just further proof something is not adding up with the official narrative. There has to be some use for them other than just lying about the population
Russia definitely has the same thing as America. Never been there, but I do speak russian and visit 2ch to brush up on my skills. There is a ton of threads on empty towns and blocks of flats, with users even doing tests to prove they have maybe two neighbors in their entire building. Some anons even go further and argue that many people and especially cars they see are holograms/NPCs. Supposedly there's a ton of traffic in some smaller towns during work hours, when most residents would be at work, especially considering most of them work out of town and the roads aren't any major roads where traffic from outside of town would happen much. There's also reports of people encountering the same people in the same spots doing the exact same thing at random days and times of day as if they were just there all day every day.


I thought that was Japan's thing.

But yeah, I had a Russian dude on Deadit tell me similar stuff including the NPC stuff. Do you remember when these type of posts became common on there?

I just find seeing this Matrixy stuff in other countries interesting, ig because it proves this is a global thing, and not just an isolated issue or individual thing.
Can’t be assed to find the anon to reply to, but the dead neighborhood meme is retarded, he likely lives in a state with a snowbird population, I used to live in these central Florida towns called lake placid and also Sebring, and that felt like being in purgatory. basically all the boomers would have vacation houses that were empty for 9 months out of the year, they have cars for that state that sit in driveways and they leave lights on so people don’t break in while they’re gone.
Also, why are you retards so spooked by a bumfuck nowhere town in south Dakota being empty, shit gets abandoned all the time, when the money dries up and people stop visiting there’s no reason to stay.
Take a look at Route 66, all they had to do was build a new highway next to the old one to kill all those business, it seems silly but if you’ve ever driven the western stretch of 66 you know it’s a pain in the ass to actually get onto that road.
there are companies you can hire that will go to your house every so often to make it look like it is occupied, I know of 4 houses in my neighborhood that does this
Yea this
It’s really fucking shameful how many of you are just ignorant to basic things, when you should be more worried about the real stuff
Yeah 2ch has been sort of taken over by Russian users

I started learning Russian in 2018 and posts about empty towns and stuff like that weren't as common then. There were some, but the theory and even what I'd say is sort of a community around it started forming in 2022/ late 2021

>2022/ late 2021

Funny, because I started noticing this around the same timeframe.
Detroit has massive salt caves underneath the city.
I went to a Jesuit school and there was an old cave that ran underneath the school from under the priests wing. I wanted to explore it but it was actively monitored by the priests and I was not interested in being a rape slave.
I believe that the human population, at least in 1st world countries, is vastly overestimated. The closest city to me has 1.3 million people living in it, apparently, yet logistically it makes zero sense. Firstly the roads would be 100% gridlocked for weeks straight. Then there's also the question of how those 1.3mil people would even live. There's like 5 hospitals with around 100 beds each (I am being generous), so presumably at any given time, there are < 500 people seriously ill/injured, out of the 1.3mil?
I've brought this up to friends and they always say something along the lines of "oh well you wouldn't believe the damn traffic!" As a sort of half joke. But I don't think they understand that if there were really 1.3mil people the traffic would be intolerable to the point nobody would drive at all.
Then outside of the city it feels like I'm from fucking I Am Legend.
the government could be using them to siphon social security funds, too
But you do know that people have different schedules? Then there is kids and teenagers that never drive, then there are bike fags, then there are ppl who go by public transportation, then there are people working from home almost all the time since covid, then there are elderly not leaving the house of driving anymore, stay at home wifes etc.

I don't know the real statistics about hospitalized folks but I would assume that most are not severely injured and stay in hospital for prolonged times occupying beds. They just leave after ambulant treatment.

Still, a million is redic.

How many people do you think are in your area? Worldwide? Not counting the NPCs
That is true that only a fraction of people would be driving at any one time, but the population estimates still just seem very sinister and weird the more you think of your real life experiences (at least in my case). Similar to other anons in this thread I've gone to popular venues on a Saturday and seen like 20 people, or gone to THE main shopping center right in the middle of the city and there's maybe a total of 200 people at peak shopping time during the weekend.
Another weird thing I experienced- during covid I went to a walk-in clinic thing for a moderate problem, and despite the news saying healthcare was collapsing due to massive demand there was literally one other person in this fairly large clinic aside from me, that being the receptionist. There were no doctors working at the time(?) so she had to call in someone who took 15 mins to drive there and help me. This one really weirded me out, like am I supposed to believe that nobody else had a health problem in the surrounding towns, and that doctors don't work there?? This was at noon during a workday btw
Well for 'people' I think 150,000 would be my highest estimate. Then maybe 5% of those actually have the capacity to think / are conscious
>>38423725 (me)
The 150k is my estimate for my area including the city and surrounding towns. Worldwide I am not sure, like you see those vids from India and China where it's absolutely packed, but who knows if they are actually 100% true and not just more 'global warming' fear porn.
I'm not trying to debunk your theory, I actually find it really interesting. But as a European I have to agree with >>38420989.
I never encountered anything like this before but to be fair the sheer size of the United States is immense. You guys have national parks that are larger than the county I live in. Then there is all the missing people in rural areas. It's indeed possible that the population is less than publicly stated. I don't know why maybe because the picture of the world power has to be kept alive.

One of the most interesting threads I read on /x/ since a while.

It happens in other countries too, especially Russia and China(they have an official dead city I am pretty sure), idk about the rest of Europe though.
Hey OP mind sharing any of those videos you watched? (If they're worth watching)

This also ties into the whole dead internet theory.
To add to this

I have had these experiences or a while, but most prominently when i was little.

I'd go outside to find creatures, turning over rocks, etc.

and there would be days where there was literally just nothing? No birds chirping, no insects hiding under rocks, nothing.

The whole world felt like it was still and artificial. This suffocating feeling in the air also.

Sometimes the world just "works" differently when you're alone vs when with a larger group of people.

I'm not proposing that reality is a simulation, but that things aren't exactly like what they say. There is a whole extra layer to our reality then we're being told.

When I go places, people immediately show up about the same time. When I want to be left alone, people flock to my location.

Maybe humans or living things have a sort of subconscience harmony. Idk
The UK has a min of 250k empty house but we always need to build more. There's whole areas where everything is bordered up and surprisingly a few people do live in these places. My grandparents road i think at least half the homes are maintained but people don't live in them, just brought for investment purposes and that's an affluent area. Around my way 20 years ago there was a load of abandoned homes but nearly all of them have been knocked down and filled up with immigrants to create scarcity, money has to then go into welfare and jobs in these areas while other parts of the country receive very little investment and slowly rot
Anon there are genuinely 200+ medical facilities in my city, and any major hospital has several hundred beds. These assertions are simply not true.
Im south of London. The population for a tiny area overall is 15k within a few square miles. There's one pub 2 mins from the train station and last night there was about 10 people. It's not that bad of a place, at the end of the night chatting to the owner about it. This place was built easily for 50 or more. I find it bizarre that so little people are not going out when the weather is ok and it's hot for a nation of drinkers
Hey hey hey, cool it with the antisemitism bro
The people producing this tech are fucking evil. Literally nobody wanted to live in a world devoid of real conversation. Everyone prefers interacting with real people to interacting with AI. Except, what, .01% of the population, who are rich as fuck, and also miserable, who are afraid of everyone else? Fucking LLMs. Nobody wants this future. Nobody benefits from this.

But yeah I hear about stuff like empty town… Milwaukee and Seattle are packed full of real ass niggaz. Don’t know about anywhere else. But those two places are definitely not dead.
OP here. First of all, WOW, this thread blew up way beyond anything I was expecting. Very interesting to see others take on the situation. I'm glad someone was able to track down the cause of the main road I was traveling along being shutdown, the sinkhole. Which, to be fair, a month prior, that area was affected by heavy rain. Still not sure why a majority of the towns roads were closed though, but it's an answer none the less. Definitely didn't want to start anything by questioning my weird experience. But, here we are.

To answer your question anon, I had answered it previously, but it definitely got lost in the comments, so here you go:

"NFuel" is the channel, the video is titled "4Chan Conspiracy Theories"
can't relate
living in a german city with ~230k goys, over 1000 cars pass by my shitholes window every single workday.
I have come to thinking this is the only answer for the continuous out of control unexplainable happenings and mysteries in my life
It feels like its all being simulated or dreamt in real time. We are literally living gods dream or something like that. It is the final answer
think of it this way
have you ever seen your neighbour come back with shopping bags?
Just means that the same disinfo agent have been trying to seed this schizo narrative across the internet at the same time.
>When I go places, people immediately show up about the same time. When I want to be left alone, people flock to my location.
It seems procedurally generated, nothing is rendered if it doesn't need to, like in the Sims 2, when you need to visit a lot in Downtown, it needs to load, and it loads empty, people arrive after you unless they were supposed to be there attending the place.
This is due to technology limitations, but it was imitating life as best as it could, and it's weird how life imitates that behavior, you may be the first client in a restaurant, half an hour later all seats are occupied, but you arrived at a random time.
I looked at that mexican food restaurant. The slop looks good, but the decorum is horrid. My guess its just cheap stuff they can find.
Literally happened to me last night about 11PM when it's typically quiet. Showed up at QT to get a drink, suddenly heavy traffic in the area (normally empty this time at night), parking lot is full. 2 semi tractor trailers competing to get in to the lot. WTF is going o80gvdn
Argentine here, I was thinking the exact same. I traveled quite a bit down here and never encountered any "dead" or "ghost" town, there's always people. There's traffic in bigger places, open shops, people drinking coffee in little coffee shops, gas stations with several employees (we don't pump our own gas here), etc. In smaller places there's the siesta time (between 1pm and 4pm approximately) where people are all sleeping and shops are closed, but the rest of the day I've always seen people, cars, children, stray dogs.
Real estate down here is more about construction still (think big skyscrapers, malls, apartment complexes etc), most family houses are owned by the actual people who live in them.
Argentina is big as fuck tho, so the "oh but European countries are small" thing doesn't apply here, yet I've never experienced the whole ghost town stuff. Seems like a very American concept desu.
sup Santi

What? No, it means something was really going on around that time as I had similar stuff go on around then
America is a giant vacant lot, but 100% owned, paid for and with running services. I really don't understand what's the big idea behind so much idle infrastructure and land.

Russia and China have it too.
this is just the midwest being the midwest
The lovecraftian horror of the Corn Belt
Yes they do, turkey does as well. But its no real surprise in countries with hefty corruption where whole cities get build just so your bro makes billions of dollars in revenue from tax money. Siberia is also a whole different story, an area so vast and full of /x/ stuff that empty houses is least of their concerns.
Oh yes, a common theme here is going places at night, there's not a single car going around somewhere.
Then on the next intersection cars appear all of a sudden and create a lockup, from behind, from the front, for the left, and the right, there's just not enough space and it creates a jam and they struggle to go their way with some having to go in reverse to let others pass and stuff.
And after they solve it and go, it's again just like before, no car in the vicinity.
>WTF is going o
Oh, I was hoping you would tell me.
I always knew that there was infinite land on "earth".
Look into the executive orders related to FEMA, you might be interested by some of them. Like designating areas to be abandoned or whatever phrase they used in the EO.
Very good thread
> least 100 abandoned cars on the property all scattered around with rusted out farm equipment.
Most like native Americans. They never throw away or scrap any car
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> would have vacation houses that were empty for 9 months out of the year, they have cars for that state that sit in driveways and they leave lights on so people don’t break in while they’re gone
Yeah this.
Reminder the *average* home buyer is buying thier 4th house.
Unpack that for a bit. That means the average house is *at most* used 1/4th the year, most likely much less if not thier main house,
Most people are not aware of the historical goverment intervention in housing. Originally single family ownership was pushed around the 1920s to get people out of the tenements Becuase it felt it would make them less commie (people are not really aware of the random red protests we had that were put down with machine guns here and there across the country.)
The threat of nuke war continued the policy, Becuase it let the population be more spread out.
That era is over. It’s too inefficient to have everyone spread out. As the government policy is now to conserve oil/gas and create less pollution, they are building those huge big tenement style apartments again, again, (of course they don’t call them tenements).
If you live in any 120,000 plus city you will have seen these 4 story complexes going up on lots where their used to be a church and one small business.
not that guy but ive made posts about it in the past, intuitively it just makes no sense that there are as many people as they say. Humans are terrible at understanding numbers over like 15 people so it wouldnt be as hard to hide as you think.
>Reminder the *average* home buyer is buying thier 4th house.
There are some rational explanations for some of it, like vacation homes.

But I also keep seeing corporations and richfags buy massive chunks of land for next to nothing after supposed forest fires or disasters.

and reminder that the stated official population is an overestimate, we have supposed 100+ year individuals being found dead rotting for years.

IMO I'd conservatively estimate that the worlds population does not exceed 3/4billion.

Maybe I am grossly underestimating just how much the numbers are being inflated...
Having done census work, I want to say that the numbers of homeless shown in this pic are probably at most 5% of what they are in real life. That probably won't seem controversial just as a matter-of-fact to anyone living in a major U.S. metro area, but most people would be shocked at how unreliable all of this kind of information is when you see how it's actually collected. The problem if anything skews in the opposite direction to dead neighborhoods, though. I would not be surprised if there were 50,000,000 living in the United States' various underworlds who have only tenuous connections to "the system", if any.
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This thread reminds me of the painting Nighthawks.
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ITT: Urbanites realize that rural towns are, in fact, quite rural.
Look at the population density of Turner county, its 14 people per square mile. Spread across 618 miles. There's next to nothing going on beyond a county fair. The reality for many small towns is:
>Local businesses get mogged by big businesses in urban centers
>Economic growth dies down, entertainment opportunities decline
>Kids grow up bored as shit with no career opportunities
>Brain drain occurs: smart kids leave for the city and prosper, failures stay home to continue the decline
>Rinse and repeat
In Parker's case, they're actually growing and are on track to reach their prior population peak in 1910. This isn't paranormal; you've just never left a city.
> Reminder the *average* home buyer is buying thier 4th house.
It’s not bullshit, it’s an easily googled stat.
The rich get richer. Once you are above 10 million buying another house isn’t really a big deal, especially since they plan to make money on it selling it later in life.
Very interesting; I wonder if this location is like a fake town used as a cover, the constant blocked road signs would help deter people moving through and you are left with just a name on a map.
Just like the easily Googled stat of all these bustling towns that people know are actually dead? And if anything, the only ones on their 4th vacation home are Blackrock via Zillow, et al.
It's bullshit.
stop questioning the smo nazi fag

> see thousand and thousands of profiles of people who live in our towns, and we’ve never met or seen any of them. I mean, we know these people can’t be real, they’re not people who moved here, they don’t ever show up at bars, restaurants, gyms, or anywhere that people would go.

I live in switzerland, in my village there are 7k people... in switzerland you will have a village every 5-10min drive with a car going 60mph....

I never used the public transportation during peak h like 7-9am & 4-7pm.... but when i did... i have seen hot women i have never seen before or people i had no clue they are living in my village but i have seen them in the city on the street or clubs (i never forget a face i have senn)

Biggest city in Switzerland has 400k and "lifestyle zones" are all like in the center of it. So if you go out all weekends, you will see people over and over again if you can actually remember faces you just looked at when you walked by (i screen my surroundings automaticaly and all faces are like blurred in my brain lol)
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You were not supposed to go that way, so you met up with obstacles to cover the spinning up the simulation on oft idle state.
>cityfag OP visits a small town for the first time.rtf
Economy's fucked, small towns are mostly home to old people and people who commute a long way to work and back. Roadwork and closures are less likely to be reported to shit like google for the same reason google streetview rarely ever does any more than the main road, and doesn't bother updating streetview for upwards of a decade.
People are "encouraged"/forced to fuck off to cities for diplomas and work lest they choose to do low paying farm work or retail work at local general stores, bars, etc. these days. Same people tend to have older vehicles because they still work, aren't wealthy, and haven't incentive to buy new shit. A lot of houses are left vacant for the prior reasons and the fact that even they are considered "worth" retarded amounts of money. Hell, a foreclosed actual dump that's falling apart in my town is listed for sale just shy of $100k.
A lot of houses are run down and poor looking for the same reasons, plus there aren't dystopian HOAs with suspicious amounts of legal power fining people for waiting an hour too long to mow the fucking lawn.
>trusts the switchboard
Your life must be great in its ignorance.

Trips du truth.
>Bluepill me harder daddy.
>The UK has a min of 250k empty house but we always need to build more.
Don't forget the new ones might as well be made of cardboard and glass. No quality, space, or privacy.
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>The only good reason I can think of that explains this is us being in some kind of false world
>Do any of you anons and OP agree

Possibly, but the empty houses/towns are clearly remnants of something.... The fact so many are empty yet "owned" just proves to me more how much "private entities" are sucking up all the resources....
Brazilian here, I definitely have never seen this before unless it's a big holiday and people went to the beach. I've lived in 7 towns already, both large and small.
The more I read about this the more it seems to be a problem exclusive to the US
Kek, the matrix is shutting down and doesn’t have RAM space to populate NPCs.
>If anyone is in doubt of the huge government conspiracy thing, they can just ride a Greyhound for 5 days across the US and 5 days back.
I went through Alabama on the Greyhound and I can confirm the cities feel empty as fuck

All of them?
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>The more I read about this the more it seems to be a problem exclusive to the US
Anyone who grew up in an American suburb knows the creepy feeling of seeing all these houses that are apparently owned, but never seeing anyone enter or exit them.

When I was about 12, me and my friends broke into one because we thought it was haunted. But apparently it was just owned by someone's relative who died and they wanted to keep the property.

I can't say I believe the dead neighborhood theory. But I definitely remember "bad vibes" coming from certain houses & certain parts of the neighborhood as a kid. Like all of us kids agreed not to play in the back of the neighborhood because we all sensed there was something creepy or bad about it. And that one house everyone believed was owned by a pedo, just really bad vibes
No. But Birmingham and Tuscaloosa feel very empty. The greyhound goes right into the centers of both cities and there are high rises everywhere, but everything just looks empty, maybe 2-3 dudes are smoking cigs on the street corner or leaning up against a wall. Outside of the greyhound customers, almost nobody is there at all despite this being downtown. Very strange
Why is everything starting to reference Alabama? Stay out of my shithole state, it's (not)full enough.

Yes, Shitingham and Shitcaloosa are void of people, hope, or future-but try to buy a place that's full of mutant rats in the outskirts and you'll be out of billions for a place that's not seen upkeep since 75 even though all those new buildings are next to it to hide the bodies of crackheads in the foundations.
Huntsville is a shithole, but it's full of "muh military and tech" and crackheads...
So I don't know.
Just ask yourself if a place like bama can actually have 5 million people when its biggest cities are obvious ghost towns
Whereabouts do you live? I live in Southern California and it’s impossible to get that vibe here based on the number of cars on the freeways. I think it’s more likely that the advent of food/groceries delivery apps, streaming services, etc. have made people bigger homebodies than ever, maybe that’s what you’re experiencing?
any other instances of seeing places that look occupied, but aren't?
what is the wider "Dead world hypothesis"...
Say no more senpai
Sounds more like an American phenomena. I live in a rather smaller city in Bavaria and everything seems ordinary.

Any German/EU anons who have experienced something similar to OP's?

How long ago was this trip?

In South Georgia(USA). It is a ruralish area, but I never got a ghosttown vibe until then.
Anyone else feel like the world reacts and responds to your thoughts?

As if thinking certain things is "forbidden"
Don't live there, but seems to be a common thing in china, japan and russia
So world super powers? I bet india does also.

Maybe it is a ruse to inflate the populations of super power nations to maintain control.
Yo can you say a bit more about the people outside of the system? What are some of the more interesting types of the "underworlds" and lifestyles there you've seen or are aware of?
Not afraid of unoccupied areas, I love urban exploration and nature. I actively dislike the presence of people.

I will say that some place, just have an "off" feeling to them, and other feel artificial.

world doesn't work right when alone

Matrix shiz.
At the height of the scamdemic I went to A+E, what you call the ER, there was literally no one there, zero wait time and a third of the hospital was totally empty. As of last week that same hospital now has a 12 hour wait to be seen (average time before was 1 to 3 hours) and the hospital is so full it can't accept one more patient. Bodies are being wheeled to the morgue several times hourly where before it was maybe daily,

Shit is completely fucked and totally unrelated to what people are being told, no one was going to hospital in the scamdemic because they were too scared but also because no one was really sick while now, at Midsummer, the hospital is at the point of collapse. There is a mass die off of white people and the country is being flooded with niggers and pajeets to cover it up
Yeah its a thing. I used to hitchhike the country when i was younger, theres a fuckload of stuff to see and do in murica and we have all different types of climates. Theres enough wild spaces between the towns so its pretty easy to travel along and set up a camp as you go
Same. Ill be happy when greyhound finally dies. Going thru atlanta made me a neo nazi
Meh this sounds pretty typical
>Fulltime Topeka, Kansas resident.
>Have to travel sometimes.
>Gotta go through ghost towns past Junction City because that's the last major city until Denver other than the small sized ones on I-70.
>Some goober started freaking his shit about stupid amounts of road closure signs in the Midwest near ghost towns.

It's normal for the Midwest you inbred goober, now if you want to talk about funky shit, look at the South West, or the Texas/Oklahoma Panhandle, and SW, Kansas, thats where you start getting the good shit.
In same area its heavy feeling around savannah feels like its dying around it and surrounding areas you can see tge decay.
SD fag here, Parker is a real place
Many similar towns across the state, especially on the eastern side
looks like a hutterite colony to me, nothing out of the ordinary for sd/nd
its a hutterite colony, not a fema camp lmao

Similar to the amish, although they are more receptive to technology and using other conventional amenities
Working well so far?
Couple years ago
This faggot again
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Have you ever looked at an aerial shot of Pelican Bay?
This post is never funny. Stop.
>drunk driving laws
how does the illegality of drunk driving prevent someone from driving to work or have any relevance to the rest of what you wrote
are you an alcohol?
Alexander Paramonov says the real population of Earth is below 1 billion.

apparently the A.I. the cabal uses to help 'steer' humanity cannot function at over 1 billion souls.

So this is a simulation?
So far this is the best thread about the topic at hand that I have come across. I have commented on a few of these and have been studying this phenomenon for about 20 years. While I think some aspects of the Empty Towns/Neighborhoods mystery can be explained by non-metaphysical factors, there is a paranormal aspect to this in that most people are inexplicably not aware of what is happening around them. The fact is that up until the 1970’s, Americans were truly more self-sufficient and willingly spread themselves throughout the continent far and wide. Just look at Google maps and check out any random towns you see. Many will only have populations of about 1000. Unless you are willing to live without many of the conveniences afforded to metropolitan life, you are not going to want to live in these little towns. The real question is how could so much of the country be settled and built up (by supposedly a much smaller population) only for it to be abandoned in less than 60 years. That doesn’t make sense when most of these places preceded industrialization but were somehow unable to survive the effects of it.
As for why everything these days seems empty (cities, towns, neighborhoods, shopping centers, parks, etc) this is where we get into /x/ territory. As some anons posted here, places like Seattle, Milwaukie, Portland, etc don’t have this problem. These places look and feel full. But there are many, many other places that have witnessed a dramatic shift just in the last 10-15 years. Are people moving away? Are they not being replaced by natural reproduction? Are people migrating in undocumented ways? Are people not going outside anymore? Is this just the boomers dying off? What ever this is we better start getting a grip on it because there are unseen opportunities developing for the people willing to put in the work. . . and this might be the reason that this topic gets derailed every time it is brought up.
The last thing I will add is that YOU have to ability to turn this around to an extent. Go out and start talking to people. Be friendly with people that appear to share your values. Try to lead conversations into directions where the idea of “empty towns” can be mentioned. Gather intel. Think of it this way. If we really are in some sort of reset and people have disappeared or otherwise, enormous regions of the country are now like 4chan was in 2008. You should be able to spot unique individuals such as those reading this much easier than if there were 1000’s of NPC’s running around. They have shit up 4chan to the point the world has become 4chan (most don’t know it yet). Go out and explore, and start looking for your brothers.
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I had a think during the days of the Vax and whether or not it was a population control device or if it would cause mass deaths and whatnot. at some point the right of "how many people would it take to die in your town for you to actually notice something was different" and I really haven't felt comfortable since then. everywhere I've lived I know basically the people to the left or right of me but after that it gets fuzzy.
since 2020 I haven't had to wait in line at a grocery store for longer than one or two people even in places like Walmart. which, I know with the adventof delivery and pickup services, fewer people overall are shopping in person, but I can't imagine that it's that much.
the best anecdote I had was when i was living with roommates, for almost an entire summer, the routine with one of them was to get off of work around 5 and drink on the front porch until 10 or so and go inside to eat. during literal months of doing this I think I saw my direct neighbors bringing in groceries once, 2 or 3 houses down. never. with some of the houses never having anyone come or go, assuming that they just worked night shift or something but even then. some cars just never ever moved that I could tell despite getting their inspections up to date. always the same distance from the curb, same location based on the lines in the concrete sidewalk. it always kinda bothered me, but I never put too much stock in it
I rusheart all well poisoners
You add nothing to this conversation. Go dilate, you niggerfaggot.
Lucky endue unchangeable rules alike myself not dying ever. Luck selfreinvents. Its just relevancy difusion.
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Was this the place Anon...?
That's appears to be the place

Uncanny vibes a bit.
Honestly I think this is a remnant of the cold war.
Both America and Russia had to keep up the appearance of their system/country being superior. Like with the space race.
So like that you have to fake economic growth. But there's a limit to how much you can claim it's due to an increase in productivity before people start questioning the narrative -- so just fake your population numbers as well. A bunch of western ""economists"" -- and I use quotation marks because I think economist is an title as credible as bone shaman, maybe even less -- quite often claim China has fudged their population figures and in reality their population is much lower; it's obvious that America is capable and most likely has done the same.
Looks like a nice place to live desu
Can you link any of the "videos" the guy had of the interiors? I was in these threads at the time and I never saw any proof of the anon going inside

Link that >>38415574
>>38414678 in that thread. The thread is way too long to expect people to find that, plus archive is annoying af with attachments
And the claim becomes more serious
>a bunch of google maps screenshots
>no images of the dilapidated houses or closed off roads
There's a brick house in my neighborhood that sits at the top of a hill, and it's always vacant. What's weird though is around 2am every morning, a black car always parks right in front of it, and sits there until the sun rises. One of these days I'm gonna muster up the courage to knock on the car's window and ask what the fuck they're doing.
There's a town like called Elba in Alabama. Very eerie place with a bunch of straight up collapsed buildings and nobody in the town except passersby on the way to the beach, but if you drive through it in the off season some of the stores will be closed with no signs of having been opened for months. The people there are also deeply religious not trusting of outsiders and won't talk to you unless you're from around there, and all the farm houses are collapsed but the farms maintained with no signs of heavy equipment anywhere. My friends were freaked out when we drove through it to get to Panama City Beach in 2021.
The whole thing is fake and held up by the military, the petrodollar and fiat currency I mean. They literally get their value from the barrel of a gun. The American economy collapsed either in the 1970's or 2008 and we've been living in a simulated economy ever since.
I can make one but it'll be a few months, I can do it on location in a few I know of.
Canada, reporting in. Where I am located, this seems to be an issue I am noticing with the houses. Population should be estimated around ~60,000 yet the houses, which are quite sizeable are more or less vacant. No "for sale" sign, cars in the drive-way, it's very eerie. I go for walks frequently, at all times of the day and notice the houses remain unchanged day-to-day. Extremely, extremely odd.
Yeah it's like that here, a black girl I met on tinder recently referred to it as a sundown town, which I didn't even know the meaning of until they told me, but it made sense.
Wh-what? Are you sure either of you know what a sundown town is?
The subreddit for Birmingham Alabama has almost 100k people and got pissed off as FUCK when I called them out on that obviously fake number
I mean yeah it's where blacks get assaulted if they're out after dark, but it also has another meaning in that the town will completely shutdown after dark with nothing open
>hey guys I'm in a rural area and there are few people here, it's gotta be paranormal
The only paranormality here is the lack of wrinkles on your fucking brain. Fucking city fags, I swear.
So nogs don't steal
everyone ignores the actual answer to their questions zozzle
Holy shit look that pig with mantits, poor horse.
If you ever need to dissappear

Go hide in the midwest/west usa or go to Canada

You could probably find a place no one will find you.
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Imagine being afraid of towns being dead rather than them coming to life

When did you start to notice it?
Debunked, Ive driven through numerous cities in the southwest, traffic existed in everyone, saw thousands of people in downtown areas, saw hundreds of people at protests, sales, stores, malls, etc.

In fact even when i was younger on the east coast, i saw many people. Sounds like yall live in dogshit cities and also the internet exists, gaming, streaming, covid is still around and maybe, most importantly, IT IS EXPENSIVE TO DO ANYTHING.

Think more, post less.
Mallard Road Holland Pennsylvania has many of these, Theres a house that always has a white van there but it never moves. Many such cases but this one I remeber the most. Hurricane Sandy when no one had power some houses either mysteriously did, or never had lights to begin with at any time.
Weird how PA is loaded with this stuff outside of the main roads

How was the damage compared to normal households? Did anyone come out of the lighted ones?
while not a dead town, there's a weird house in my small town that looks normal until you realise it has no windows. I don't want to dox them but will take a pic tommorrow
What a waste of a post.

Tincans are a waste of space, I agree.

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