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I've been told by many spiritual teachers that the aura's strength is the ultimate measure of one's spiritual power level. That those with weak auras are subject to the whims of any evil entity that comes their way and those with strong auras are totally unaffected by evil. Clearly seeing this would be the only that matters in spirit development if that were the case.

This theory of the aura sees it as more of a long term thing that is built up over years and possibly lifetimes. An example of a maxed out aura would be the Tibetan Rainbow Body that causes all sorts of paranormal effects when someone with one dies. The opposite would be the aura of a drug addict: totally weak, porous, almost gone, and subject to any possessing evil entity.

While the current color of the aura changes day to day, the strength is built up (or depleted) over time. Although there is an aspect of the color that stays over time and is more complex than most realize. The specific tone of a color is important. Red can mean 12 very different things depending on the tone. This lady (while probably cringe to the 4chan ears) is right on her tones: https://youtu.be/oGE0mN0Cktc?si=SQyQhRNTRa2GiHs9

This is open ended: tell me what you think.
I myself cant see auras but when i started working at the farmers market in nyc i had a customer whos wife would always be pushing the stroller around , anyways they are in line to buy meat from my farm and this lady gets up to me and is in awe. Like jaw dropped. She asks me flat out if she can touch my hand. Then tells me i have a very strong aura . Was somewhat awkward as customers were all standing around witnessing this. Ive had a few others in my life react similarly. (Im a clairvoyant myself but yeah apparently people can see my “aura”)
Tell me about your spiritual practices. Do you meditate every day? Never have resentful thoughts? What's your intuition saying is causing your power level to be so strong?
I can see auras on days that I'm stressed out. For me the feeling is like seeing a person's body surrounded by an envelope of something that doesn't quite feel real. and if the colors make sense, i would call them "hyper-colors", something like seeing a real rainbow in the sky. A lot of the time it's like a clear shimmer
rate my aura
I've heard of that in multiple sources, the "illness-induced psychism." Dion Fortune describes it in her books, Edgar Cayce is said to have only become psychic after being hit in his head by his father, and a friend of mine only became psychic after being hit by a car. I've also experienced it to some degree, but a bit different.
There seems to be illness induced psychic perception and the other one that is active without regard to health. Not sure why, but that seems to be the case.
I've been told mine is intimidating
Sure. Since i was a boy ive kinda floated through life learning about all spiritual endeavors and religions . Never adhered to a single one. Ive always had this great appetite for knowledge. Not sure where it comes from. I meditate everyday yes, occasionally i miss a day but for the most part its everyday if even just 15 minutes. I do breath work constantly as well which i find improves my meditation. I dont believe in regrets or resentment as everything i have done be it judged as right or wrong has brought me exactly to where i am now. My intuition tells me i am a foreigner in this world but im not sure why this aura stuff is applied. Animals always gravitate towards me too..esp cardinals and blue jays
Ive read this as well and come from an extremely physically and mentally abusive childhood.
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I'm French...
>doesn't hate anyone
>remains without bias
>meditates every day
Yea, I'd say you're a foreigner. We hate people here, it's like our thing.
I think it's the meditation that's got you boosted. That's just my opinion. And something I need to do.
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It definitely helps and i really encourage those who want to get into meditation to really practice breath work..you can do it while moving around all day building your lung capacity and such. I always tell folks if you think you have gotten to the slowest amount of breathing , breath even slower
Thanks appreciate the feedback
I had idiots from this website and from kiwi farms and political twitter from the United States and Brazil and elsewhere break into my electronics and harass me and humiliate and shame in 2019 because I was "autistic". I wanted to die when I found out and I felt immense pain I wanted to kill myself and tried. This was in July 2019.
I went to a hospital and they gave me injections and anti psychotics and I suffered a great deal of pain and damage and they left me alone for months until 2020 until they did it again and triple down on the harassment and maybe they tried to be nice because Tucker Carlson and the White House twitter tried to be nice but I really couldn't get rid of this unwanted attention and I already was someone who journaled a lot and this is partially the reason they were interested in me and I talked with them a lot through note pad in my linux machine by the way and I just couldn't get rid of them and I already had an habit of staying on 4chan all day for 3-16 hours everyday because I was struggling to fit in my society and then I already had reinstalled all my software and factory reset everything but it wouldn't work so I needed new electronics and I needed to wait out for months to get new electronics. They harassed me AND STRESSED ME out a lot they threatened to dox me to show my pictures a lot of things. I endured all of that every day against my will and I had my third eye opened in April 2020 and this went on until psychosis and hospitalization in July August 2020 at the peak of COVID lockdown policies worldwide.
I was super stressed out because they got even YouTubers from Brazil involved and I was feeling a lot of pain because of the harassment and because I felt schizophrenic too. When I was hospitalized I actually got kidnapped by an ambulance service staff because the secretary of neurologist I consulted with in appointment I had scheduled for depression from months before called them because I was crying too much and very emotional.
After my 21 day stay at the mental asylum which was horrible because it is a shithole third world country and because of COVID lockdown policies making it extra horrible as I couldn't see anyone form my family I went home and my dad had new electronics for me and I continued to do exactly what I was doing since they rediscovered me and harassed again in April 2020: I continued to journal with pen and paper and I discovered they immediately broke into my new electronics because Glen Greenwald and the Brazilian reddit users were interested, I know this very well because they made Pinterest pictures show up in my desktop that had to do with the things I wrote to them in my notepad but this was months after.

There was nothing I could do.

I kept journaling and trying to figure out an way out and this was months of my life wasted enduring more shame and humiliation and now a post psychosis broken consciousness.

I visited 4chan everyday and I still tried to resume my life in the ways I could like reading Wikipedia and making notes and journaling.

Once I was suffering a lot and feeling my consciousness very broken and I was in pain because I felt very unjustly treated and insane and everything was broken and my existence was broken and I wanted to die and I wrote in my diary a page about things I was reading about epistemology and that I WANTED TO FUCK GOD and I had the most vivid dream I never had in my life that night and I don't think I fucked god(I was expecting to be fucked by a man because I felt like a girl) what actually happened is that I had sex with Freyja and she was in an aura.

I know how she looks. I think of her everyday.
There is no color it just feels.
I felt immense attraction to her and that I was seeing perfection and that I wanted to murder her husband.

This was in 2021 and in 2022 around 15 September Jennifer Psaki came to my town as I am someone who does not get out of the house and I was drugged with LSD and she found me through my
Smartphone. Moments earlier i ignored a prostitute they bought over one that I was seeing the ads since 2018 with really big tits and big ass. Jennifer Psaki has no aura. She is just a bitch.

Once in the middle of all of this I was browsing the internet and browsing porn and I found a swedish webcam model and doubting my relationship with Freyja and I saw the same aura on the swedish webcam model for a few seconds and it went away once I spotted her birthing scars marks.

I might have seen auras like feelings in 2020 before I was hospitalized. I don't know what is going on.

I have immense anger towards Jennifer Psaki and every single cunt that has participated in harassing me.
Keep in mind its not necessarily the aura itself that keeps evil away, rather that the aura and good fortune are both byproducts of one's vibration of consciousness. The aura is an energetic expression of your own inner energetic state. Everything in your reality and your life hinges upon your vibration of innermost consciousness.
Your speech lacks qualitative factors!
You fucking CRETIN, delete your post
I don't really see auras around people, but in my dreams I see what appears to be this misty light that hovers within space, and is responsive to activity involving that space. It seems like a sort of astral energy which is like light, but rather than moving at the speed of light it sort of just hovers within the empty space between objects vibrating at a low frequency which can be perceived as a vibration.
Beep boop i rate like a 2/10 because you are off by 4
You go around posting this stupid shit in all threads don't you?


I was searching trying to learn what this vibriotns is
That's interesting. Is it consistent in your dreams? As in, do many/most of the characters have an aura? I know the dream realm is extremely useful for trying out psychic abilities. If you can do it in waking life: try it out in a dream and it will show you the true nature of what you are trying.
Posting this to Kiwifarms
I can't see auras but I've been told by numerous women that I have a calm, peaceful aura or that they feel comfortable around me. I live a very healthy lifestyle which I'm sure plays a big part.
Lol your post upset some bots, have a bump.
This thread has me convinced that the only people who can see auras are schizos suffering visual hallucinations
I don’t know if they were “auras” but I could see something when my professor’s were standing against their white projection screens. There is this little layer of separation between their body and the background of the screen that looks almost like those heat illusions you see coming off the pavement on a hot day. Similar to how people see mirages in the desert or just what is essentially steam coming off the road.

Anyway, most of my professors had this layer when backed against a projection screen and they tended to be variations of blue or red. And no, I don’t think their clothes were changing the colors it went all the way around the perimeter of their body.
What an odd thing to say with no reference and flags
Most people who see auras do so just before/during migraines.
youre a fucking faggot
even if youre just joking that post alone can cause immense damage on a mentally unstable person as evident by that anons post
maybe you should kys instead of that anon
You do sound like a total schizo with that incoherent rant so perhaps it really is time for meds?
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I have developed auric sight, but I only see a colorless inch long field, how does one cultivate the ability to see the colors?
take more shrooms
I do get migraines, that would make sense
Fuck TrannyFarms, that shitty website killed the Sneed meme after adopting it, filled with zoomers who follow braindead youtube drama 24/7
Idk who the fuck are you but never let these fucks dictate your mindset, just ignore and move on, go as far as deleting all media and starting with a new moniker, these gayass fags forget in a week because sam hyde bossman and other fat fucks are worth their time
I've been through the same. Flash your bios, do a fresh install, get rid of anything that' secondhand like hard drives, update your modem firmware.
stop staring at your penis
To see auras one needs to shut down the organs of the human body so only the Eyes of the Spirit are active and not interrupted by contigency. Sense the energy then with vivid imagination create the form of the aura.
Auras are fucking unholy though. Featherbags air distortion from strength. Eyes reference visionfielding. Rapid movments compensation.
Semen retention makes your aura stronger and bigger. A few months of that shit literally and I mean literally no LARP... gives me celebrity status by doing nothing. That's why this world wants you to be docile and empty in your balls
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This is now a jojos thread
Two polarised extremes of the same answer.
I see auras.
But they don't have color to me. Can't see them in color. To my eyes they either look like light refracting over hot pavement around their outline or a thin solid glow. Both with varing degrees of shade to it.

One thing I have noticed is that people that are dead or dying look to me they have grey smoke coming off of them.
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Not me, i met an not so old woman that told me she could see auras (im pretty sure it was bs)... she told me i have a beautiful white aura.
When i enter a zone some evil people start behaving and things get somehow right (somehow), but id get lot of bs.
Evil people hates me easily.
Thoughts on the aura of someone that enjoys and thrives on stimulants?
Its consistent between dreams, but I don't really see it associated with people or beings. I've seen it appear as rainbow colored light imbedded within rain and clouds, falling to the earth, as I astral projected into a rainstorm once.
I see it in dreams under certain circumstances. I've seen it very directly coming down from the sun and I pulled it into the palm of my hand and it was like a warm soothing etheric liquid, had dynamics similar to that of a tornado.
I've seen it also concentrated by rocks on the earth, and when I tried to astral project to an Atlantean temple for the sun goddess I saw it in the structure of the temple as if the geometry there was meant to direct it and concentrate it to achieve the initiation of awareness to it.
I met some druid guy who said this was telluric geomantic energy, he had some really awesome powers.
I think the sky energy and earth energy is the same, in different manifestations.
I believe this is what the emerald tablets of Thoth were referring to here.

"The Sun is its father, the moon its mother, the wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth is its nurse. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth. Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry. It ascends from the earth to the heaven and again it descends to the earth and receives the force of things superior and inferior."

I see colors, many, blues, greens, and oranges are most common. Followed by yellows, and purples. Occasionally people will have one color around their head and another coming from their body. I see this a lot with professional people, like doctors and managerial types. For example have an orange hue around the body and a green or light blue around the head.

The black smoke I’ve seen as well, but I’m inclined to believe that these individuals are not entirely human or at least are heavily compromised by dark forces.

Anyways I can try to answer some questions if anyone has any.
Me too, anyone willing to help a few anons on the Path?
Gosh, you are one interesting fella! I wish I could get acquainted.
Why have you avoided self realization?
You described two different layers of reality, both are true. Aura is visible and effective on the energetic level, core vibrations don't appear on it but causes the aura to exist. The closer you look the more you see how we dream it all.
Interesting. One time my new coworker looked at me and said to another coworker “something’s there”. And he got all uneasy but the other coworker calmed him down. What do you think he saw on me? A demon or angel?
I do not see auras, but I think I know how to see colour.
Colours are basically associative representation of particular feelings. I would not be surprised if it turns out that people who see coloured auras have synesthesia. Thus, if you want to start see colours you need to collect yourself an "associative dictionary". Probably, the best way would be listening to music with closed eyes and see with an inner eye what colours start to appear. Maybe it is better to listen to instrumental music because lyrics can affect color perception.
Only had a small taste of it, induced with Hemi-Sync. You really can just detect people through walls and just know their proximity at the weakest sensory levels. I'm pretty sure that those who are well-practiced can just know exactly where their target individual is since that aura looks an awful lot like a fingerprint, but even more "unique" so to speak. Omnipresence (or rather omniobservance?) is an introductory capability.

Don't have it anywhere near that anymore. I coomed it away. The capability, among other things, tries to return on its own regardless so I think it just naturally accumulates once you hit a point of no return. I still notice approximate proximities of people and a "distortion" around them. Their presence causes subtle influences to imprint upon and change the surroundings around them.

>"illness-induced psychism."
>became psychic after being hit by a car
So the closer to death you are, the weaker the bonds of life become and that's where one of the boundaries of ESP and the gifts of the souled come from. A healthier way to induce this state is exhaustive physical activity, since it's designed to push you to your limits in a controlled manner, or at least it should.

>the only people who can see auras are schizos suffering visual hallucinations
Observation of aura is not solely visual, although it's the most documented type. It's easy to "comprehend" because it's attached to a sense that nearly everyone has. It's relatable.

I know there is a type of aura observation that can piece apart the telemetric information of an aura. It involves a compartmentalized mental space where outside interferences are excluded, and your observation of it is based off of a sense of "understanding." There is no word for the concept beyond extrasensory. That's not helpful either.
kf is faggots. They make a low effort to lie to people that they are doing it for some betterment of society, but are just retarded and hateful closeted pedos.
>Me too, anyone willing to help a few anons on the Path?
Might sound weird, worked for me. I sought out odd jobs while in altered mental state in Hemi-Sync. I had no particular interest or goals going in and it worked out somehow. Just explore, meet beings, have some leisure and work, and just find ways of preparing to move on for this lifetime. Doesn't mean that I was aimless though. Far from it actually, my first experience with Hemi-Sync was being surrounded by a crowd of vaguely familiar beings that seemed extremely thrilled that I somehow found my way there. I digress.

Closest thing to a personal interest was to burn off excess accumulation of unrefined vitality. A massage therapy service was proffered for those who were fatigued. In dreaming, it appeared like a pulsing golden light radiating from hands. In waking life, it makes my hands persistently warm, but never sweaty. Reason why I offered it was because my fingertips and palms peel badly if I don't have a way to release that "energy." I also have years of massage therapy experience as well so that helps. One of the main goals was to achieve and sustain a high generative and overall throughput of vitality utilizing the surrounding environment.

Also, there is a precipice where your material self and your spirit self delineate clearly. Unlike the material world where practice leads to mastery, intention replaces mastery and attainment replaces practice. Once you have it, you have it. It is yours to wield. That is my reality check, maybe might work for you.
If I ask you to help me to get into lucid dream state while you are in the altered mental state, would you able to do that?
Nope. I have no idea how to force someone into lucidity, let alone track someone's soul fingerprint from a post. I know it's possible, having observed it.

Best I can do is point you towards an exercise.
>hover finger over brow center
>close eyes
>visualize radiant light emanating from brow center
>relax deeply as radiant light washes over your mental self
Took about 2-3 weeks of sustained practice for me, with many naps each day. You'll likely go asleep most times but other times you'll probably get a deep resting state.
Will do that, thanks!
Do you have discord though? :O
Return point being.
I am sorry, I did not catch that. What did you mean?
Posting THIS to the farms as well
>I’ve been told by many spiritual teachers that the aura's strength is the ultimate measure
No you haven’t. No one said that to you. Stopped reading there,
The way i see auras is like a clear, colourless, wobbling (like hot air on asphalt) second silhouette with some slight glow that changes shape and size every now and then. From what i see here in this thread, auras apparently also have colours, but i cannot see them at all.
Hey there, I'm the original Anon you replied to, thanks so much for your insight. I played with hemisync but ultimately began on self initiation into an order, I'll definitely revisit hemisync when I'm permitted to do so, thank you again for sharing and for your insight.
I've actually read that very same conclusion. That's actually fantastic advice, thank you.
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I believe I can sense something, I am not sure if its auras but it seems more like "lifeforce". I dont see anything visually, some people glow like they have too much light for their body and some people are the opposite where they are dull where they dont reflect or exude anything, they seem to suck the life around them I guess. But Its not a visual thing but rather like a "vibe". If anyone is the same can you tell me about it.
are you able to study the aura of someone remotely?
my aura is pretttttttttttyyyyyyy skbidi gyat
>Do you have discord though? :O
No. This is the closest I get to communications on the internet. Saw the rot early and decided I didn't want to be a part of it.
Can you explain aura colours and what do they mean?
I remember an exercise where you look at your hand and eventually see your aura. But i don't believe it would be that easy.

Mine was orange.
aww, shucks(
Is there another way to find ye?
>thank you again for sharing and for your insight
I've been reeeeeing into the void for a decade by now.

>Is there another way to find ye?
Probably not. This stuff is introductory so once you get the hang of it, you won't need any additional counsel from me anyways. You'll meet other frens who can help you along.
But I just find you interesting (at least from what I gathered here) and wanted to know you more!
To yourself (if you happen back here), or anyone else who might think, 'wow, literally me' when they read your posts, as I can very well relate myself: First, thanks for being here, and sorry for all you've forgotten if it's not your first time. Second, you, anon, in particular, seem very humble and naturally continue to work on yourself, so you'll likely be alright, but still, remember this, "there is always greater", an absolutely critical spiritual truth.
I don't have exact details, but those of us whose spiritual capacities are not destined to atrophy are likely to start crossing thresholds mid 30s (or mid-late 20s for females). If younger, the source of your insatiable curiosity is mostly from your future and/or past folding in on your current state. Later, I pray, your curiosity will be fueled by faith in what you SEE and HEAR. Otherwise, without proper humility, the same phenomenon will see your curiosity nipped in the bud, you will be led astray, woefully determined to die on some spiritual ant-hill.
There is always greater. You are either growing or dead.
One time a kind homeless woman said my pink purse was a beautiful orange and when she said it I saw an orange dot of light on it. What does orange mean?
There will be more interesting individuals, so long as you make measured, attainable actions to persist in learning how to achieve lucidity and OBE state, as well as embracing the new realities that come with it.

It will be the inevitable continuation of your life as your time here in the mortal world comes to a close.
It is not about lucidity or OBE though. But okay, I will not push it.
Good luck, mate!
> But they don't have color to me. Can't see them in color. To my eyes they either look like light refracting over hot pavement around their outline or a thin solid glow. Both with varing degrees of shade to it.
> One thing I have noticed is that people that are dead or dying look to me they have grey smoke coming off of them.
When my mom died, i didnt rly see grey smoke coming off. I just saw how her glow disappeared, her „aura“ slightly getting bigger and melting with the bed she was laying on. Interestingly enough, neither her grave, nor her coffin or the bed she was laying on have any aura today
Well I don’t really know for sure. It’s mostly gut impressions, intuition, and commonalities that I have noticed between people who have the same color.

Green seems emotionally intense and a little immature/self centered, but good hearted at the core, they also are very affected by the emotions of those around it seems even if they are not aware of it.

Light blue definitely like to talk and gossip, I’m not sure why they are very chattery. They are devout in a way as well, and have a high moral opinion of themselves even if they aren’t overtly religious. I’ve seen catholic priests with very vibrant light blue.

Light yellow are charming and usually crowd pleasers. They either know how to schmooze people or are genuine it’s hard to tell. I’ve noticed that they are smart as well. Quick witted, can be pranksters or at least have a good sense of humor and prefer to see life as a comedy vs a drama. They like to talk about themselves or share their stories.

Purples are more intense, and can be dreamy withdrawn. They have very strong feelings and inner lives that they mask and show to only a very select few if at all. They can be very serious. I get the impression that they are skilled at manifesting their desires and have very strong wills.
Orange people are very vital I have noticed and have strong healthy bodies usually even if they are fat, and have a stability and dependability about them. Most of the oranges I have seen are workaholic types.

But again these are my personal feelings and observations.
I am a purple!
Does this resonate with you? My best friend is a true deep beautiful purple color.
Unfortunately no sorry it is something I am able to see in person only.
No, actually not.
But I have had many dreams for 3 years since I have taken mushrooms and I have had dreams with a type of dream guide that associates itself with purple and is withdrawn and creative...
but I always suspected it was about me
Do you see the color on yourself, or is something someone else told you?
My spirit guide is also purple. They come to me as a purple orb.
>I know how she looks. I think of her everyday.
>There is no color it just feels.
>I felt immense attraction to her and that I was seeing perfection and that I wanted to murder her husband
All of that + superwhore energy
No colors just feelings

Bc I wrote a horrible essay about anal sex and how it is meant for you to cum inside and FUCK BAREBACK and I did 4 pages front and back of it with poetic lines of how the cum is absorbed by the intestines and goes to the bloodstreams in your veins and I wrote in purple ink and my dream friend must have thought that was hilarious as in rolling on the floor hilarious because since that day I have had these dreams of this dream character obsessed with anal sex and it was funny at times
But many times I have seen very creative things.

For example, once I was having 3 whey protein shakes
And the dream was about me having "eggs made by the purple" as in "Purple's egg" as if Purple was a proper noun. I woke up and prepared a strawberry protein shake and for the first time in hundreds of times I have done that a little bit of the powder was not mixed well and when a drop of water went over it became purple. That thing they put in food to add color..

Plus other references mostly because of my pen ink in my diary and I always assumed it was about me because apparently the dream guide is very shy but it is actually me who is very shy.Apparently purple is the receptive anal sex color in the lgbt flag...

Mine is a fucking :) that can communicate other emotions. It appears in a black background and communicate ls shyness and withdrawn with darkness. Emotions are Like :( and others. But I am not sure what I have gotten out of it exactly in terms of wisdom. I am mostly bullied by this retard and it comes from the mushrooms or Freyja trolling me especially because of the horrible things I have written about anal sex.

Oh and it also uses leet/hacker language and simulation theory analogies to provoke me
I was in a short relationship with a girl who was much older than I and had experiences with some elites and such. Hollywood type people. Anyway, she claimed that I had an “indigo aura” and I was “too pure for her.” Thoughts?
Do you have a cocaine habit? She must have been looking for someone who has a cocaine habit.
She actually did haha. Pornstar too, but she didn’t tell me that till the first date. I think she’s back on the stuff quite honestly after we stopped talking. I hope she finds peace. As for me, I’m straight-edged.
I hope both of you die.
I’m sorry you feel that way
Good and inspiring post, thanks.
I'm trying to learn auric sight, although all I get is this very faint radiation around "things". What is interesting is relaxing and letting your "second sight/imagination" interpret this auric sight. You have to be careful to not fall for delusions. As yet, I don't understand what I see.
Close the browser and go home
Why the hostility?
>orange aura story
It's simple: I don't like you.
Alright man. Take it easy.
you might be mistaking like a woman's scent on gusts of wind for an aura, sometimes you can practically see it.

another option is being so intensely focused on, say, some woman you like that you can't really focus on much else. Then they may appear to glow or something. She had a nissan 2.5 something or another, I think it was blue and her nails were painted beautifully red.
Close the web browser.
And go home.
Damn nigger, are you currently wearing a sponge helmet?
what about evil aura, an aura that drives people off
does it exist?
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First of all you never see the colors up front. You have to wait a bit for the color to settle in. Most people have very, for the lack of a better term, "see through" lights around them. Again, you need to wait for the color to become visible otherwise it looks like a Rohrschach test. Except Christians, they're opaque and somewhat blinding. Not all though. Those who talk about "once saved always saved" look like everybody else. No joke, other than the color when they stand still most people look the same.
There's also the, for lack of a better term, stuffy air about MAGA followers. I get it, they're despairing and otherwise sympathetic people, but the air is there.
I really like how bells look like when they sound their tone.

i have that. I don't remember the name but it's just your eyes getting tired and burning in the image you are seeing. When it happens try to move your eyes fast to another flat color surface, the negative of your professor will be there.
You can even do it with a piece of plastic so it's not autas
how to achieve ssj aura?
Eyes don't work like that

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